105Chapter:Helicopter! (4/5 for self-booking!)

The moment Chu Tian acted, these needle insects also found Chu Tian.



The vibration in the air, endless.

Brush! Brush! Brush!

Countless fluff, turned into the sharpest weapons, towards Chu Tian sprinted over.

Once these hairs are hardened, the very tip will be like the tip of a needle.

Moreover, in such a dense space, coupled with such a number of indiscriminate attacks, the power can be imagined!

Even the iron armor that can resist armor-piercing bullets, in front of such an attack, also vulnerable.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Millions of needle points, indiscriminately scattered in all directions, the walls on both sides of the passage, instantly pierced one after another big hole, the ground also “nine seven three” produced countless dents.

However, these things, in no way can cause harm to Chu Tian and Coconut Mongaard.

Coconut Mongaard needless to say, her hardened scale armor, even able to resist the destructive power of intercontinental missiles, and at this time her body size, but only 30 or 40 centimeters, only a small part, can hit her.


After the system scanned the results, he was prepared.

In the moment these stinging needle insects attacked, directly in front of the glacier rift sword, the arm turned up at high speed.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Countless needles stuck in the glacier rift sword, but can not cause a trace of damage.

After all, the raw material for this weapon is the strongest object in the frost dragon’s body, plus the equally strong steel feathers forged from the body of Kidola.

However, Tian Tian’s arms turn faster, but also can not completely block these sharp needles.

However, with the four genetic locks he broke free, plus the increase brought by Coconut Mangald and Kidola, these sharp needles, bring him very little damage.

Occasionally a few shots of sharp needles can pierce Chu Tian’s skin, but also in the powerful life recovery effect, quickly heal up.

Soon, Chu Tian rushed to the front of this group of stinging needle insects.


God took a breath,

Chu Tian directly swung his sword and cut down.

Brush! Brush!

Several Stinging Needle Insects were directly chopped into two pieces.

After all, this creature is only the equivalent of a once-mutated creature, and still with a powerful ability like the stinging needle, pulling up the strength.

Body strength, and ordinary Earth today insects, not much difference, a pinch will break.

And the coconut Mongaard side, more then the horror.

When she shuttled to the nearest stinging needle insect, her tail swept directly to the ground with a light sweep, knocking the stinging needle insect to the ground.

The rest of the stinging needle insects, naturally, did not end up well.

Soon, this batch of insects, all by Chu Tian and Liu Mengga De clean up.


Coconut Mongaard climbed back up onto Chu Tian’s shoulders.

“Well done.

Chu Tian nodded slightly, squatted down, and probed the earnings,

A moment later, disappointed shook his head: “actually not even a crystal nucleus …away, right, coconut Menggaade!”

Stand up and continue to walk deeper into the road.

As for the bodies all over the ground, they were directly discarded.

After all, it is the lowest level of insects, these bodies contain evolutionary energy, and I’m afraid that the sum is not as much as a zombie’s head.

The other side.

Outside the factory base.

Boom! Boom!

On the heavenly palace, there suddenly appeared several black shadows.

The survivors in the factory, immediately like a great enemy, instantly full of despair alert up.

However, when the sky dome of the black shadow approaching, the eyes of these survivors, instantly from despair, turned to excitement!

Those were four helicopters!

The survivors on the ground, suddenly cried with joy.

“It’s a helicopter! Great!”

“The army, the army is coming to save us!”

“Finally saved, finally saved!!!”

On the ground, the survivors were so excited they couldn’t help themselves and consciously gave way to the helicopter.

Four helicopters slowly landed.

From the front of the helicopter, three or four young people came down.

The bright and shiny clothes contrasted with the survivors on the ground who were dressed in rags. …..

And the helicopter behind, it came down dozens of middle-aged men holding firearms.

-Down the helicopter, several young people coincidentally frowned, bracketing the nose.

“Huang Shao, here actually has a small base prototype send!”

A young man in green clothes, looking at the scene around, suddenly spurted to say: “The people who established this place, or have a few skills.”

“Waste of time!”

In front of the youth in green, is a young man full of arrogance: “Have this time, might as well think about how to improve themselves.

The young man in green immediately laughed: “Who can compare with your Huang An Huang Shao ah, and so your brother obtained the “divine Eagle” approval, become the Royal Giver, then your Huang family is certainly the first of the four families of the base city, the White family also have to give way, Liu Xinyue, that is your sister-in-law!”

Hearing the words of the youth in green, the youth known as Huang An, the face of the arrogant look even more.

Everyone knows that Liu Xinyue is the base city, the most gifted people, and arrogant, if they really become their sister-in-law, then the word is out, it is also very dignified!

“How did I hear that Liu Xinyue had a boyfriend before the mutation opened?” Another young man next to him muttered: “It seems that it is not a virgin…”

Hearing that, Huang An’s face suddenly a cold, coldly said: “should not say, do not say!

The youth next to him was1.8 stiff.

On the other hand,

Survivors around the city a bunch, looking at this group of people, do not know how to do.

A woman with a few faces, seeing the group of young people, her eyes suddenly flickered.

This group of young people, it seems to have a very low status….

Her own face is still very confident, at least in the factory, considered a factory flower, after the end of the world, it became Zhang Xing’s ban on balance.

A moment of hesitation,

The woman took a deep breath and peeled her clothes to her chest, revealing a great spring,

Then, directly to the group of young people, rather, is the leader of the Huang An in front of, smiling: “This…”

PS: The fourth shift is coming, there is still one more, please set yourself!

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