102Chapter:Underground cave? (1/x for self-order!)

Soon, under the leadership of a group of Huang Gong,

Chu Tian arrived at the so-called base.

It is also a factory,

But this factory, compared to the Fulcrum factory, there is a layer of fence around the periphery, and wire-like objects on the side.

It is thought that these wires, before the beginning of the end times, are electrified, together with the walls, in order to allow the survivors inside, surviving until enough to produce evolved people.

At the entrance of the factory, there are several survivors guarding the place.

Seeing the inch-headed youth and bald head, immediately accompanied by a smile: “Huang is back?”

The inch-headed young man nodded slightly, turned to Chu Tian and bowed, letting Chu Tian go in first.

The two brothers of the yellow service yellow door, usually very high status in this factory, so that they are such an attitude of people, naturally attracted the attention of these people.

Soon, someone informed Zhang Xing.

Inside an office.

Zhang Xing, wearing glasses, silently sighed: “Alas, you are still dead, but I do not drive you away, with your character, our brothers are bound to mutilate…”

“Originally I thought that you broke free of an alien lock, have some self-preservation, and I let you know that it is no big deal, you be careful, should be able to live…”

“Unfortunately, the news sent back by this psychic ability is still too slow…”

“But if I find out who killed you, I will avenge you, for sure!”

Knock Knock-

Outside the office, there was a sudden knock on the door.

Zhang Xing instantly organized the emotions, full of cold color: “Come in!”


I saw that a person hurriedly pushed open the door and came in,

Came up to Zhang Xing, bowed and said: “Boss Zhang, just now….

He said, he told Chu Tian what had just happened once.

“The people brought back by the yellow service? The attitude is still very respectful,”?”

Zhang Xing frowned slightly, after a moment to stretch: “It seems that should be encountered evolutionary …,we go out to see!”

The other side.

Big brother”, that’s our boss, Zhang Xing! Hey, he is also a person with the same ability as you!”

Huang, who was talking with Chu Tian, pointed to a young man with glasses who came out and explained to Chu Tian.

Chu Tian raised his head and looked at the young man wearing glasses.

In my heart, I said, “System, scan!

The virtual panel soon appears.


Level:Break free from the three genetic locks

Ability: blood recording, evaluation: c

Introduction: The evolved person who breaks free from the three locks of supernatural ability, with C-level supernatural ability attached to his gene.

Blood record: detecting ability, can be their own blood on the target, if the target dies, after a certain period of time, the user will get the information before the death of the target.

Because it is the reason of essence blood, this ability can be effective for three targets at the same time, and the use of one, their own strength will be reduced a little.

“C-level psychic ability?”

Chu Tian shook his head slightly and did not take it to heart.

The system does not give a high evaluation, and is only a detection system of the ability.

However, this person should not be the base city people, can break free from the three genetic locks, very good.

While Chu Tian was scanning Zhang Xing, Zhang Xing was also poking around Chu Tian.

“This should also be an evolved person …etc. ….”

Suddenly, Zhang Xing’s chest cavity, came some kind of strange feeling.

The next moment, his face suddenly changed, look to Chu Tian’s expression, can not help but odd up.

In the eyes, a flash of hatred passed.

“That’s him, he killed Li Si!”

Zhang Xing’s heart almost roared out in anger, but on the surface, but still a calm look.

Directly towards Chu Tian, reached out and said: “Zhang Xing.

” Chu Tian.

Chu Tian did not bother to talk, directly to the point: “What is the situation of that underground cave?”

“This… does not eye Chu brothers, I’m not quite sure…

Zhang Xing hesitated for a moment and made a gesture to the people around him,

In addition to the inch-headed young man, all of them directly back, only three people left around.

Zhang Xing then continued: “However, I can be sure, is that this inside, absolutely gathered a large number of mutated creatures, the last time I just arrived at the entrance, I encountered a few at least twice mutated creatures.

Chu Tian’s eyes lit up: “Take me there.”

Zhang Xing nodded, led directly to the introduction, walking in a direction.

Soon, a small bag of dirt, appeared in front of Chu Tian’s eyes.

On a very ordinary a small bag of earth, there is a hole, estimated that people go in are very reluctant.

“This is the underground cave you were talking about?

Zhang Xing nodded slightly: “This cave, which suddenly appeared three days ago…”

“Three days ago? That should be when the Frost Dragon came out.

Chu Tian’s heart was slightly moved, and he hurriedly said to the system: “System, can you scan this thing?”

“Ding! Scanning in progress…

The system’s voice came, and Chu Tian’s eyes flashed with a brilliant light.

Generally speaking, the system appears this sound, and not immediately scan out the answer, it proves that this thing, it is not simple.

Just as Chu Tian’s attention was focused on the small clay bag,

Zhang Xing also made a look at the yellow service, the latter immediately and Zhang Xing took a few steps back.

“Boss Zhang!” Service Huang whispered.

Zhang Xing asked, “Did he ever show his strength? How was it?”

Yellow service thought, whispered: “boss, he should also be the same as you, but the strength is not as strong as you, it takes two swords to cut the necrosis neck.


Zhang Xing nodded slightly, the heart (No. Zhao good) secretly moved: “now outside the zombie, should be most of the mutant zombies, this person two sword cut, the strength should be similar to me, breaking free of the three genetic locks, if I sneak attack, he should not have the opportunity to dodge.

Thinking of this, Zhang Xing’s eyes, the fierce color unreservedly displayed.

A few moments later.

“Brother Chu!”

Zhang Xing picked up the long knife next to the hand was behind, directly towards Tian Chu walked over and asked: “See what?”

Chu Tian looked at him, shook his head, and turned his attention back to the small mound of dirt.

Now the system has not yet scanned the results of ,..inflation,

At this moment, the sweat on Chu Tian’s body suddenly stood up!


The next moment, behind the knife flash.

ps: fei lu collapse, blame the author, there are four more..

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