Doomsday Begins with a Nightmare

Vol 2 Chapter 977: Dare to go to the palace of the king of hell

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Dilapidated houses and rotten tiles, rotten wood and dirty walls.

In this small yard, Lin Mo looked at the elder brother across from him, a little unconvinced.

"Brother, you can't talk nonsense. In the underworld, where can there be no Hades?"

Earlier, the elder brother Lin Yuan said that there was no Hades here, so Lin Mo naturally had to talk to the elder brother.

"Xiao Mo, there really is no Hades here."

Lin Yuan insisted on his point of view.

Lin Mo said it was wrong.

Then he pointed to the black and white impermanence over there.

"Look, brother, this is the underworld, right? It's the same as people know. Look at these buildings, and then look at the seventh and eighth masters."

The seventh master is white impermanence, and the eighth master is black impermanence.

"They exist. There are also bull-headed horse-faced, ghost soldiers, and four judges. There are all these. Of course, there is the King of Hell. You haven't seen it, so it doesn't mean it doesn't exist."

Lin Yuan is obviously familiar with Lin Mo's more genuine character.

"Little Mo, you can ask the Seventh Master and the Eighth Master, or the Holy Monarch. Each of them has been here longer than us. You can ask them if they have seen the King of Hell."

Lin Mo turned his head to look over.

The three shook their heads and said they had never seen each other.

"What your brother suspected, we have already suspected it, but no one has mentioned it." Zhong Kui said a word, thought about it, and then said: "After so many years, everyone has changed from doubt to doubt. It has become an affirmation, it exists in name, but it doesn't actually exist, perhaps because of this, that's why Lao Lu is so unscrupulous, because he knows that as long as he is in charge of the judge's seal, he is in charge of the underworld, and no one can restrain him."

After hearing what Zhong Kui said, Lin Mo didn't know what to say.

Listening to this, the King of Hell does not exist at all?

But there are legends about Hades.

The underworld is a place created by the fears of the ancients when the ancient nightmares invaded. If these ghosts and monsters can be created, why can't they create the King of Hell?

Could it be that fear is not enough?

Not to mention, it's really possible.

After all, the King of Hell is not ordinary. He is much more powerful than the judge. Maybe it was because of lack of fear, so it was not created at that time.

Of course, this is just a guess, and whether it is specific or not needs to be verified.

At this time, there was some movement outside.

Apparently it was the underworld soldiers who were searching.

Fortunately, he didn't come in, he just walked around outside and left.

But this also shows that it is no longer safe here.

Maybe next time, there will be Yin soldiers breaking in.

"I can't stay here anymore."

Lin Yuan got up and said something.

He was able to hide in the underworld for so long by being cautious, but some of his hiding places were discovered before, and he didn't know where to go at this time.

Over there, Lin Mo suddenly asked, is there a palace of the king of **** in the underworld?

"Yes!" Zhong Kui replied, "But it's a forbidden area, and no one is allowed to step into it."

Lin Mo said that there is no way to prove whether there is a King of Hell, so he can't help it.

"That's what I planned. Anyway, we don't have a place to hide now. I just want to confirm whether there is a king of hell. Do you dare to go to the palace of the king of **** with me?"

As soon as these words came out, Lin Yuan said that there was no problem.

However, Zhong Kui and Black and White Impermanence were a little confused.

After all, the rules of the underworld were deeply ingrained in their hearts, so they hesitated for a while.

Lin Mo spoke a few more words.

Zhong Kui slapped his thigh and left as soon as he said it.

Black and white impermanence is no way.

only go.

Especially black impermanence, it won't come if it doesn't go.

Lin Mo released a few ghosts to explore the way. After confirming that there were no ghost soldiers around, he opened the door with everyone.

He doesn't know the way.

But Zhong Kui and Black and White Impermanence know each other.

So the three led the way, and the brothers Lin Mo and Lin Yuan followed behind.

Along the way, the two of them chatted endlessly.

They are talking about their current situation.

Lin Mo is more curious about what my brother has been doing all these years.

He said it felt rather mysterious.

"There's nothing mysterious. After you really understand it, you know it's just like that."

Lin Yuan smiled and said that he was infected with nightmares earlier. At that time, he didn't understand anything, ran around, and encountered many strange things.

"Thinking about it now, I was lucky at that time. Otherwise, if I had a little bit of bad luck, I might not be who I am now."

Lin Yuan guessed that he was remembering something in the past, and there was an indescribable emotion on his face.

He told Lin Mo that if he talked about it, he wouldn't be able to finish it in three days and three nights.

Now is clearly not the time.

Lin Mo said that when this matter is resolved, let's go back and talk about him for three days and three nights.

"Okay, it's up to you."

Lin Yuan nodded.

Lin Mo said that the Yin Demon.

"Where, do you want to say hello to it?"

"Forget it, this guy probably thought of me as you before, and yelled at a brother, and then I felt something was wrong."

"There is no way, the underworld is too strong, and there is no way to implement the plan without the yin demon. As for me, I was also forced to do nothing, but fortunately, the yin demon is easier to control, and I regard it as a friend."

"Understood, brother, you are all for me."

"I can't say that either. By the way, is Dad okay? I heard that he was in the junk lane before, but I didn't dare to see him because I didn't know what to say. Later, I heard that he was at your place."

"Yes, I live in a big house now, and I live comfortably. Besides, my father and I have already found my mother."

"Mom? She, she didn't..."

"Hey, I can tell you about this one day and one night."

"Then you remember and tell me."

The two brothers were chatting as they did in the past. As for how to go on the road, it was completely left to the person who led the way.

This palace gate is like the face of a huge evil ghost, with a wide mouth and interlaced teeth.

And that sharp tooth is the door.

To get in, the fangs have to be opened.

I have to say that this design is not bad, it is very compelling, and it is very in line with the status of Yama Temple.

It feels like only the ultimate boss is qualified to live in such a place.

There are no guards here.

Black and white impermanence said that there used to be here, but they were transferred away.

Don't ask, it must be that Judge Lu had not enough manpower in order to arrest people, so he also transferred all the Yin soldiers guards here.

Obviously, in Judge Lu's heart, he didn't think that the King of Hell existed.

If he thinks that the King of Hell is there, how dare he do such a treacherous thing.

But on the other hand, if there is really the King of Hell, just talking to the King of Hell about the things he did, he would have to let Judge Lu go around.

"How do I get in?" Lin Mo asked.

Zhong Kui pointed to a black Hundred Ghost Pillar over there and said it was turning counterclockwise.

Let's all work hard together.

Not to mention, this thing is really heavy, fortunately, there is no weak person present, and with concerted efforts, this thick and heavy Hundred Ghost Pillar is twisted.

Hearing a burst of sound, the gloomy gate of the ghost palace opened.

In other words, open the sharp teeth.

A cloud of yin that can be seen to the naked eye overflowed from it and rolled on the ground. It looked like a black cloud shrouded in mist, like a black carpet that could move and twist on its own.

Seeing Lin Mo and Lin Yuan walking in, Zhong Kui said What if there is really a King of Hell?

"It's easy to handle, it's true, we're going to sue Judge Lu for doing something wrong." Lin Mo was righteous at this moment.

"If not, then hide in it temporarily, and Judge Lu would not dare to search here casually, so it is relatively safe."

Obviously, no matter what, Lin Mo and Lin Yuan have already figured out how to deal with it.

Zhong Kui no longer hesitated to step in.

Black and white impermanence followed.

At this moment, the Hundred Ghost Pillars began to slowly turn around, and the gate of the evil ghosts that had been opened was slowly closing at this moment.

At this moment, a few ghosts in the distance secretly saw this scene.

After discussing with each other at the moment, they ran back to report to the current Judge Lu.

Inside the Hall of Hell.

There was still a black mist under the feet, and there were ghost fires surging on both sides.

used for lighting.

But I couldn't see the ground clearly, and I didn't know if the black mist was empty.

Walk forward for a while.

suddenly see the light.

This is a much larger palace than the Inquisitor's Hall.

There is a huge table in the distance, and behind it, there is a vaguely huge and unbelievable figure.

The figure seems to be sitting on the table, with the palm on the head, as if taking a nap.

Just seeing such a figure, before you can see it clearly, has already given people a huge pressure that is unbearable.

Zhong Kui and Black and White Impermanence immediately determined that it was the King of Hell, and they knelt down and saluted.

Lin Mo turned his head and glanced at my brother, and asked if we would like to kneel as well?

Lin Yuan waved his hand, he actually took a few steps forward under huge pressure, and his face changed greatly after seeing it clearly.

------off topic-----

Chapter one in the early morning, ask for a monthly pass on the last day of August!


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