Doomsday Begins with a Nightmare

Vol 2 Chapter 976: We can turn defeat into victory

The pavilion, the night, the pavilion, the beautiful woman's armchair, the moon looking at the deep clouds, and the carp sighing at the water.

Lin Mo had been to this gloomy pavilion before.

when playing games.

At that time, he used the prisoner's skin, took Zhou Li, and reached this strange garden by accident.

There is a crying female ghost in this gazebo.


At that time, this female ghost fell in love with Zhou Li, and if she didn't let him go, she was very fierce. At that time, Lin Mo persuaded Zhou Li to obey the other party, so that you are good to me and everyone is good.

It can be considered to have found a good home for him.

At that time, the female ghost also sent a sachet to Lin Mo, relying on this sachet, at least it was unobstructed in this strange garden.

At least Lin Mo felt that he still had some friendship with this female ghost.

In any case, he also helped the other party to find a good husband.

So Lin Mo thought about hiding in the female ghost for a while.

At this time, Zhong Kui held Lin Mo. He told Lin Mo that this was the Garden of Hundred Ghosts.

A garden in the underworld is mostly a place where the family members of the underworld officials like to come.

"I've been here before, but there are many female relatives here. The one in the front pavilion is Lao Cui's sister. Her temper and temper are not very good, so be careful."

Lin Mo was also shocked when he heard it.

It's actually Lao Cui's sister.

No wonder it's so beefy.

But if that's the case, then she's not too young. Zhou Li follows her, and it's a small tender grass that meets an old cow, only to be chewed.

For Zhou Li, this is also a kind of punishment.

Who made this guy a perverted killer.

What you sow will bear fruit.

It's all life.

Lin Mo told Zhong Kui that it was all right*, saying that he had friendship with Lao Cui's sister.

Zhong Kui asked what kind of friendship.


Lin Mo smiled and walked over.

He had already seen the figure of the female ghost in the gazebo.

The other party still had his back to this side, and his figure was still graceful, but he didn't see Zhou Li.

Where has this guy gone?

Lin Mo went up to say hello.

The female ghost gloomily asked who.

I didn't recognize Lin Mo.

This is also normal.

The last time Lin Mo was in the game scene, he used the jailer's skin to contact the opponent. This time, he came here. It was different twice, so it was normal that he couldn't recognize it.

"Girl. It's me. Do you remember the jailer who gave Zhou Li to you last time? You even gave me a sachet."

Lin Mo even said with gestures.

Zhong Kui frowned when he heard this.


What kind of **** are you kidding? This girl is older than me, and there are no one hundred or eighty men who harm me. Lin Mo is a real cow, and this can be called out.

The female ghost took a step forward at this time, her body didn't move, her head twisted a hundred and eighty to look at Lin Mo.

Then froze.

Take another step forward and look again.


"It's you? You, what are you doing? I have already told you about my brother's situation. What are you doing here?"

This time, Lin Mo was surprised.

Apparently, the ghost girl was mistaken.

Treat yourself as someone else.

But there's a big problem here.

Lin Mo suspects that the female ghost regards herself as a brother.

After thinking about it carefully, Lin Mo didn't deny it, but asked the female ghost when she came to ask the last time. …. .

! The female ghost said, not long ago.

"Go, don't bother me."

It can be seen that the female ghost is quite annoyed by the elder brother, no, it should be said that she is a little bit afraid or even afraid, and after speaking, her figure flashes and disappears.

Lin Mo chased after the pavilion, but did not find the figure of the female ghost, but saw some clues in the murals on the pavilion.

On the fresco, there is a graceful woman who seems to be dancing, surrounded by men who need to praise her, and the fresco outlines it vividly.

Among them was a man, Lin Mo looked familiar.

That's not Zhou Li.

Zhou Li got caught in this mural?

When Lin Mo looked at the mural, the eyes of the people in the mural, including the woman and all the men, seemed to be looking at him in an instant.

This scene is very strange.

But Lin Mo was already immune to it.

Everyone else had a vicious and vicious look on their faces, but Zhou Li was the only one with helplessness, pleading and a face that life is better than death.

"My wife is pretty, what else are you not satisfied with. Just smile."

Lin Mo said something to Zhou Li on the mural.

Then leave the gazebo.

Brother Zhong Kui is right, it's best not to provoke this female ghost.

Lin Mo felt that he was not bad looking. If this female ghost took a fancy to him, it would be troublesome.

So hide as far as you can.

As for Zhou Li, there is not much difference between suffering in a ghost prison and suffering here.

Or rather, it's even better here.

At least have a wife.

Withdrawing from the gazebo, Lin Mo thought about what the female ghost said just now. Sure enough, my brother was in the underworld, and he had just found him not long ago.

Then maybe, my brother is also in this garden.

Just thinking about it, Zhong Kui noticed something, he grabbed Lin Mo and jumped into the pond next to him.

Below are the human-faced fish.

But Zhong Kui is not afraid of these things*, he gestured to Lin Mo, saying don't move.

Then sink into the water.

Lin Mo nodded, and then he sank as he followed suit.

There must be a reason for Zhong Kui to do this suddenly.

Sure enough, after a while, I saw a large number of Yin soldiers coming from outside. In addition, all the ghosts in the underworld were also dispatched, and they were searching wildly.

Search what?

Lin Mo and Zhong Kui estimated that nine out of ten they were looking for them.

When the soldiers outside left, Zhong Kui and Lin Mo probed out of the water.

"This is a strange thing, Lao Cui, that person, sent someone to arrest you, this is not strange, but why do you feel like they are arresting me, what is the reason? I don't understand, it's unlikely that Lao Cui would do it. such a thing."

Lin Mo didn't know Lao Cui, so he didn't feel anything.

But Zhong Kui knew Lao Cui very well, and the other party still enforced the law fairly impartially, so he kept staring at Lin Mo.

But it's not normal to catch him.

Zhong Kui told Lin Mo that he felt that something was going to happen to this underworld.

Now there are underworld police looking for them everywhere, so Zhong Kui said, let's not go out first, let's stay in this pond for a while, this place is very yin and there are a lot of ghosts hidden, usually even yin soldiers I don’t want to go into the water, at most I just glance at it casually.

Good for hiding.

Lin Mo said yes.

At this moment, when they heard movement outside, the two hurriedly hid back into the water.

But obviously, this is not a long-term solution. Sooner or later, the other party will find the pond, and then there will be nowhere to hide.

But this time it wasn't the Yin soldier who walked over from the pond, but another person.

The appearance is exactly the same as Lin Mo. Except for the different clothes, everything else is completely carved out of the same mold.

Seeing this person, Lin Mo's eyes widened, and he immediately emerged from the pond.

He called out bro.

Lin Yuan, who had already walked several steps, heard the voice and turned his head in disbelief.

"Xiao Mo, are you really here?"

------off topic-----

Chapter 1 in the morning, ask for a monthly ticket!

. .

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