Doomsday Begins with a Nightmare

Vol 2 Chapter 978: Why don't you listen to my story

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In the Senluo Hall, the black mist at the foot is like a sea, rolling and flowing, giving people the illusion of being in a black river;

Or, it is more like a different dimension, giving people a strong sense of unease, as if they will be trapped in this place at any time.

So when Lin Mo came in, he secretly put a mirror outside the door.

This is just in case.

If the gate of the ghost palace suddenly shuts its mouth, the ball will be over if they can't get out.

Leave a bronze mirror, leave a retreat.

However, it seems that the shift talisman given by my brother can also be used, but Lin Mo is still accustomed to using his own method.

At this moment, my brother took a few steps to see the huge figure who was suspected to be the deity of Hades, but after seeing it, his face changed wildly and retreated.

Lin Mo was very curious and wanted to go over to see it. After walking a few steps to the front, Lin Mo also saw it clearly, but was slightly disappointed.

This is not Hades.

Just a statue of Hades.

Because of the fog, it is difficult to tell whether it is true or false from a distance.

Although it is a statue, the facial features are lifelike.

Quite majestic.

It was not as ferocious and terrifying as the King of Yan imagined by Lin Mo, but instead had the elegance of a literati.

It just feels a little familiar, as if I've seen it somewhere.

After staring for a while, Lin Mo patted his thigh.

"I remember, isn't this Mr. Chunfeng?"

Lin Yuan was also stunned when he heard it, and asked Lin Mo, have you seen Mr. Chunfeng?

"I saw him in the memory of a certain tree."

Lin Mo had to find time to talk to his brother about the head tree.

Brother said at this time, do you know why he was so surprised just now.

Lin Mo said it was because this Hades statue looked like Mr. Chunfeng?

"It's not like it. I suspect that this statue is left by Mr. Chunfeng. I know him too well. He is my master, but he is also a mortal enemy."

These words startled Lin Mo.

How did you become a mortal enemy?

In Lin Mo's impression, this Mr. Chunfeng has high skills, extensive knowledge, and incredible talent. The impression is good, and it can even be said that he is an idol in Lin Mo's heart.

But if it's my brother's enemy, then I'm sorry, and the idol is also correct.

Who let this old man provoke the old brother.

"Brother, hurry up and tell me what's going on." Lin Mo was very curious now.

Lin Yuan looked at Zhong Kui and Black and White Impermanence over there, and Lin Mo understood.

What the brothers are going to say next is a whisper, which cannot be heard by others.

When the two walked aside, Lin Yuan began to speak in a low voice.

"Xiao Mo, if you meet Mr. Chunfeng in the future, remember to be cautious. This man is insidious and cunning, and he can do anything."

Lin Mo said that based on what he knew so far, Mr. Chunfeng didn't feel like that kind of person.

"Knowing the person, knowing the face, but not the heart, I didn't know at first, this is not because he was tricked by him and almost lost his life, and then I saw him clearly."

Next, my brother said, would you like to hear his story?

Lin Mo said to listen.

Anyway, they are taking refuge now, and there is no way to get out of hiding here. They have nothing to do, which is suitable for storytelling.

"When we were young, we were actually contaminated by nightmares, but I was protecting you at that time, you didn't know that." Lin Yuan said at the moment, his eyes were also empty, as if he was caught in memory.

Although they were born at the same time, Lin Yuan is the elder brother, so he is more mature than Lin Mo.

He is different from Lin Mo.

There are memories in the womb.

After finding out that he shared the same body with his younger brother, Lin Yuan also thought about whether to strangle his younger brother to death, and then he would dominate the body and become a complete person.

But in the end he couldn't let it go.

At first, he thought of resignation.

In a body, two consciousnesses must have a primary and secondary distinction.

He wanted to know who was the master and who was the second.

He is the elder brother, and it is more likely that he is the Lord, so there is no need to strangle the younger brother.

It was so at first.

When the younger brother's consciousness was extremely weak, he controlled the body, but as the days passed, the situation changed.

The younger brother is clearly dominant.

As long as his brother wanted to, he couldn't control his body.

The distinction between primary and secondary is already clear.

However, Lin Yuan still gave up the idea of ​​strangling his younger brother.

Humans are creatures with emotions, so is Lin Yuan. He grew up with his younger brother. From learning language to toddler, no one knows his younger brother better than him, and no one can understand him like his younger brother.

The sunny days when he was young are also what Lin Yuan misses the most. He and his younger brother lie on the tops of the willow trees, enjoying the feeling of the sun shining on their faces from the gaps between the leaves, enjoying the breeze, and listening to other children's voices. The sound of making noise, the smoke from cooking in the distance, and the scent of the food of each family in the air.

This is what Lin Yuan thinks is the most beautiful and most missed time.

At that time, he discussed with his younger brother who would lead in the morning and who would lead in the afternoon. Sometimes, he would quarrel and quarrel because he was rushing to play with the beautiful little girl in the neighbor.

Later, they were infected with nightmares.

Lin Yuan didn't tell Lin Mo about this.

At that time, he was only seven years old.

But I already know that everything protects my brother.

Lin Yuan remembered very clearly what happened that night when he was contaminated by nightmares.

In the afternoon, Lin Yuan dominated the body, he played downstairs, the sky was gloomy that day, it was the kind of weather that was about to rain, but not yet.

The pressured person can't breathe.

But Lin Yuan didn't think that he liked this kind of weather instead.

The sun was too big, and he felt uncomfortable.

A strange woman stood at the intersection ahead, staring at Lin Yuan for a long time.

A child, no matter how mature, is not as intelligent and vigilant as an adult.

Therefore, when Lin Yuan discovered this abnormal woman, the other party had already approached.

"Are you xxx's son?"

the woman asked.

The voice was cold.

Without emotions, it's like a machine without emotions.

Even small children can sense something is wrong.

Lin Yuan nodded. The other party said his mother's name. Although his mother had passed away, both he and Lin Mo remembered the name very clearly.

The woman was silent for a while after that.

He just stared at Lin Yuan with unblinking eyes.

To be honest, this woman is not ugly, but she is weird. Not only is there no blood on her face, but her clothes are also sloppy, dirty, wrinkled, and have not been washed for a long time.

Mud on the feet.

But it hasn't rained yet, where did the mud come from?

It's a bit like a homeless homeless woman, but it doesn't feel like it in temperament.

Especially the eyes of the other party, not only do they not blink at all, but also have the rigidity and lack of spirit of a dead fish.

This obviously made Lin Yuan feel uncomfortable, and he immediately wanted to leave.

Suddenly, the woman reached out and grabbed his finish.

She was so strong that Lin Yuan couldn't break free, and her wrist was particularly painful.

The woman stuffed Lin Yuan with a ball of paper, then leaned over and said something in his ear.

"I'll come to see you tonight."

After speaking, he let go of his hand and turned to leave.

Go fast.

And no footsteps could be heard.

As a child, even if he was very mature, Lin Yuan was taken aback at that time.

He wanted to find Daddy, but Daddy hasn't come home yet.

I went to my neighbor's aunt. After listening to it, the neighbor's aunt only thought it was a prank by a child, because they had never seen the weird woman Lin Yuan described.

And after looking at the paper ball in Lin Yuan's hand, after unfolding it, it was empty.

Nothing is written.

It's like kneading a piece of paper.

This was directly regarded as a prank for children.

At that time, Lin Yuan also thought that this was a spoof of some neurotic woman.

He threw the paper **** in the trash at home and ate the leftovers from the lunch table.

Then watch cartoons.

At this time, my younger brother Lin Mo woke up, and the two of them watched it together, and then you talked about the story of the discussion.

When it is time to go to bed at night, the two brothers will chat for a long time, then say good night to each other and go to sleep.

But something was amiss today.

As soon as he fell asleep, Lin Yuan opened his eyes.

He found himself lying on the bed, but there was another person lying beside him.

is the younger brother.

The two of them looked exactly the same, and they couldn't even tell the difference in the shape of their hair.

The younger brother also woke up, and asked his elder brother in a daze, why he couldn't sleep.

Then Lin Mo saw the old man beside the bed.

Immediately stunned.

They had never met before because they were in one body.

Lin Yuan used to say that you are dreaming now.

"Lie down and count the sheep."

"Don't you count sheep when you can't sleep?"

"If you want to count, you can count, hurry up."

"Okay brother, then I counted, one sheep, two sheep, three sheep..."

At that time, Lin Mo was very obedient and could do whatever he wanted.

Never ask why.

To appease his younger brother, Lin Yuan looked around. It's at home, but it's very strange, you can only see the area around two meters, and the rest seems to be covered by a layer of black cloth.

Although he was young, Lin Yuan obviously felt bad.

He asked his younger brother to lie on his back and count the sheep with his eyes closed to protect each other.

Under normal circumstances, he knew that it was impossible for him and his brother to see each other.

unless it's a dream.

So, it should be a dream now.

Since it is a dream, it is still afraid of a ball.

Thinking of this, Lin Yuan's fearful heart also calmed down.

He went down and looked around.

Then suddenly I heard the door open.

His first reaction was that Dad came back, because Dad often came back in the middle of the night.

But he didn't hear footsteps.

There was no other sound, which was obviously abnormal, and the light on the other side of the door was pitch black, except for the creaking sound when the door was slowly opened, there was no other sound.

Soon, the sound of opening the door was gone.

There was silence all around.

Because I was away from the bed, I couldn't hear my brother counting sheep.

Lin Yuan was a little scared.

But something even scarier happened.

In front, a figure climbed over.

The visual impact at that moment was like pouring a basin of water with ice **** on the head, and the whole person was directly stiff.

It was the strange woman I met in the afternoon.

She really came!

When talking about this, Lin Yuan paused for a while. He said that he seemed to be talking a little too long ago. Lin Mo said that it will not be long, so hurry up, I just want to listen to this paragraph.

"Okay, there's nothing else to do now anyway."

Lin Yuan smiled.

Then continue to tell Lin Mo this memory.

When he found out that the strange woman was crawling over, Lin Yuan said that he was not afraid that it was fake, so he subconsciously ran back.

But in the end it didn't move.

Why didn't you move?

Because at that moment, Lin Yuan really thought that this was a terrifying female ghost. If the female ghost wanted to kill someone, it would be enough to kill him, and he could not implicate my brother.

If you run back, you will definitely let the female ghost find her brother.

So at that time, he really held back and didn't move.

It is equivalent to waiting to die.

But he thought wrong, that strange woman soldier did not intend to kill.

Although she looked terrifying, like a bloodthirsty perverted murderer, she did not do anything.

At least not on the spot.

Instead, he asked Lin Yuan about the note.

It was the blank paper ball she gave during the day.

Lin Yuan turned to look at the trash can at the door, the woman pulled him over and took out an item from it.

That paper ball.

But on the blank piece of paper, words were now written.

But what was written, Lin Yuan couldn't see clearly.

Next, the woman wanted to take him away, but Lin Yuan did not resist.

He was afraid that his brother would be discovered by a woman.

The woman is a little surprised.

It is estimated that I have never seen a child who can be so calm after seeing her.

During the process of going downstairs, Lin Yuan found that there were no other doors on each floor, all were bare walls, but in fact, he remembered that there were neighbors here.

And there was mildew everywhere, it was rotten, and there was a layer of dust in the air.

After exiting the corridor, Lin Yuan ran away without saying a word.

He is not stupid.

He was scared.

I was upstairs just now because I was afraid that this woman would find my brother. Now that I'm outside, I have to think about how to escape.

The best way a child can think of is to run.

The woman didn't react. She was very cooperative before, but she went downstairs and ran away. This move was really unexpected.

Then she showed a cruel smile, let out a strange and frightening laugh, stared at her, and stepped up to catch up.

------off topic-----

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