Doomsday Begins with a Nightmare

Vol 2 Chapter 908: Another Qianlong Palace

This time, Xiao 6 led the way, and Lin Mo followed,

Little 6's speed is very fast, and it's getting faster and faster. Lin Mo told her to walk slowly, don't accidentally step on any trap or something.

"Something is coming."

Xiao Lu suddenly said something, and the next moment he pulled Lin Mo and ran forward.

It was obvious that she was a little nervous at this time.

She was nervous, and Lin Mo was also a little bit.

At this time, Lin Mo also sensed that a spiritual force was rapidly attacking.

It came very suddenly.

It's like a battery car that suddenly rushes out from the side when you cross an intersection.

Lin Mo's ability to perceive spiritual power far exceeds that of ordinary people. Similarly, Xiao 6 and Xiao 8 have stronger perception ability to spiritual body.

So Xiao 6 found the problem first, and then pulled Lin Mo to run quickly.

Vaguely, they heard a strange sound.

As if someone was singing.

The female voice has a very sharp voice, and has a unique tone that can only be found in operas.

Can't understand.

But very weird.

And the sound was unique and weird, like a needle piercing the eardrum, Lin Mo's head buzzed, his eyes flashed, and he almost fell to the ground.

The situation of Xiao 6 is not very good, and the same staggers.

The sound of the play was harsh and his eyes hurt. Lin Mo could only hold his head and close his eyes. After a while, he opened his eyes again when the situation improved a little.

It's hell!

Lin Mo found himself in a dream.

Little 6 was right in front, also a little stunned.

As an old driver in the nightmare world, Lin Mo's judgment on whether he has fallen into a dream is absolutely authoritative. After all, he is wearing different clothes now, and he has all kinds of nightmare equipment, which is not available in the real world.

Don't ask, it must be that weird singing voice.

"Little 6, I said just now that you can turn off your mobile phone. Look, this is the way of others." As Lin Mo said, he took out the escape beans and handed it to Xiao 6. He ate one himself. .

Now is not the time to fall into a dream, who knows what ghosts are in the Netherworld, first make sure that there is no danger.

But when he chewed the beans and swallowed them, he didn't escape from the nightmare world.

Xiao 6 said that we were attacked by the spiritual body hidden in the Nether Dao.

"Also, when you told me to shut down, I already shut down." Xiao Lu looked aggrieved.

When Lin Mo heard it, he knew that this time was a bit interesting.

The voices of women singing opera are not from the mobile phone, it can only be the mental body that affects their hearing.

Affecting himself, this is nothing, after all, Lin Mo knows that he is still an ordinary person in the real world after all, and he has no specialties.

But the small 6 is not ordinary.

She herself is a powerful spiritual body, and being able to influence her also means that the other party is not simple.

Not to mention the small 8.

When the woman was singing before, Xiao 8 didn't say a word. Lin Mo guessed that he was either blocked or suppressed.

At this time, I contacted Xiao 8, but there was still no response.

Looks like something happened.

Now they can't wake up, it must be because of the mysterious spiritual body outside.

But it's no use worrying, it's useless.

Might as well keep exploring.

The projection in the nightmare world will be slightly different from the real world, but under normal circumstances, the difference is not large.

As a result, after walking for a while, they found a large natural cave with nothing else.

After Lin Mo found out about this situation, he scolded and said that it was so mysterious, who knew it was nothing, nonsense.

Apart from scolding, Lin Mo has no other way.

Now I can't wake up again, I can only go back the same way.

In this way, at least they can meet Zhong Kui, Veteran and Lin Nan.

The communicator was still working, and Lin Mo informed Zhong Kui and the others about the situation and asked them to wait for them under the dry pond stone bridge in the cold palace.

The other party said no problem, they are here now.

That's it.

Lin Mo took Xiao 6 back and forth.

It's naturally faster to go back than to come, after all, the routes are already familiar.

There were no dangers or accidents on the way. At the exit, Lin Mo pushed open the stone door, squeezed out first, and Xiao Lu then got out.

As a result, there was no one outside.

What about the good person?

Lin Mo guessed that something went wrong temporarily?

But if something else happened, it's unlikely that Zhong Kui and the others wouldn't tell them.

Contact with a communicator.

can still be contacted.

Lin Mo was not angry, so he asked you people? After agreeing to wait for the meeting here, why did they run away first? Even if there is something wrong, they should say hello in advance.

Zhong Kui in the communicator was silent for a while, saying that we were waiting under the stone bridge, and we didn't move or see you coming out.

This time, Lin Mo was stunned.

He was also silent for a while.

"Let's talk about a place, Leng Palace, there is a big tree at the door, and there is a dilapidated yard in the yard."

"It's a place, we've all confirmed it before, we can't be wrong."

"Then why can't I see you?"

"I'm surprised too, wait a minute, are you sure you entered the nightmare world?"

These words stabilized Lin Mo.

He was quite sure before.

After all, he has all the equipment, and Xiaoyu's pencil and Yuejie doll are also there.

Isn't this a nightmare where can the world be?

But Zhong Kui and the others are indeed not here.

Just thinking about something, Lin Mo suddenly heard a burst of crying.

Terrible, and a little bit of resentment.

Lin Mo asked Zhong Kui if they heard a woman crying.

"No, we are very quiet here."

"Understood, I'll contact you later."

Lin Mo turned off the communicator.

He was basically sure that he and Xiao 6 did not enter the nightmare world, but another place.

It's like a second-level dream.

Obviously, the entry condition for this place is to first find the hidden ghostly path under the stone bridge from the real world, go in, and then be stunned by the sound of the opera, forced to fall into a dream, and then return from the original path.

The place that came out like this is this weird special scene.

It probably means that.

Although what happened now has completely exceeded Lin Mo's previous expectations and was outside the plan, there is no way to do it.

As the saying goes, come and go.

It's no use worrying.

"Little 6, go, let's go over and see who's crying."


Small 6 is very unambiguous.

The two climbed up from the pond and followed the mournful cry.

The sound came from the Lenggong room. It was long and short. Because the surrounding was very quiet, it made the sound more gloomy.

Anyway, it is very uncomfortable to hear in the ear, a little upset.

It's like being nervous in a weird place, but next to him, there's a guy with short eyes who keeps mumbling 'there's a ghost'.

Could this be annoying.

The two slowly approached the house in the dark.

The door was ajar, and it was easy to get in.

This is obviously not the same as the cold palace in the real world.

There is furniture here.

The room outside was large, empty, and empty.

The cry came from the bedroom inside.

And there was a faint light penetrating from the door.

It's candlelight.

Looking at the light reflected on the wall, there is a figure, because the candle is jumping, so the figure is up and down.

At this distance, the cry of the woman inside can be clearly heard.

Lin Mo thought to himself, what kind of trouble did he encounter?

As for crying so sad.

And not only crying, but also singing now.

It is the kind of singing while crying, and the tone of singing is also a play.

Lin Mo was surprised, why do ghosts in this place like to sing so much? The voice that had dragged them into this place before was singing.

At this moment, the crying female ghost who upset herself was also singing.

Rolling up his sleeves, Lin Mo was about to rush in to shut up the other party.

But when I listened carefully, I could actually understand the other party's rap, and after a short pause, to the effect that she was very hard, she entered the palace at the age of thirteen, and finally became a concubine. Into this cold palace.

Life is worse than death, not only eating leftovers, but also being bullied, beaten and scolded by former minions.

Life is miserable.

Not to mention, Lin Mo felt that this man was indeed a little bit bitter.

But instead of complaining and crying and singing nonsense, why not do something practical.

Or, resist.

Lin Mo was going to go in and give him some psychological guidance.

As a result, at this moment, the sound of the door opening and the sound of heavy footsteps came from outside.

Someone came in.

Lin Mo and Xiao Lu looked at each other, and immediately hid behind a screen in the room outside.

This screen is in a good position, it can completely block the two of them, and it can also see some scenes in the house and the inner room.

In the inner room, a woman could be seen crying in front of a bronze mirror, with a candle burning beside it.

The footsteps outside were approaching fast.

Listen to the voice, more than one person.

With a bang, the door was violently kicked open.

A gloomy and evil spirit poured in from outside.

If there are ghosts outside, it is definitely a very ferocious kind, and the suffocating and evil spirits pouring in from the outside are suffocating.

"Liu Guiren!"

An eerie voice sounded.

That shrill voice, obviously a man's voice, has a strange femininity in it.



That's what the **** said.

This is also normal. In Qianlong Palace, you can encounter either palace maids or eunuchs on weekdays.

With this gloomy voice, the crying in the room stopped abruptly.

"The Empress made a decree, saying that I don't want to hear anything about Liu Guiren in the future. As slaves, of course we have to share our master's worries."

The eunuch's voice was gloomy.

As a result, a woman's voice came from the room immediately.

"That **** will be punished sooner or later. I curse her to die."

"Bold, insulting the queen is a big sin."

Immediately after a reprimand, two vague figures rushed in.

It can be seen that both figures are holding a long staff.

Lin Mo and Xiao Lu were both very good at hiding, and they concealed their aura, so the other party didn't notice.

After the two figures rushed in, they heard the sound of sticks hitting their bodies, followed by the woman's screams.

The scream was penetrating, sharp and desperate.

After two calls, there was no sound.

With the sound of a few more sticks hitting something, after a while, two figures walked out dragging a corpse with a smashed head.

The scarlet blood dragged out from the ground and tasted a bloodstain, which was startling.

At this time, Lin Mo could see clearly from the gap in the screen. The two figures were terrifying, but they could be seen dressed as eunuchs.

The stick in his hand was as thick as an arm, and his whole body was blood red.

It's like being stained with blood.

Lin Mo remembered the voice of the tour guide on the phone before.

It is said that there is a special wooden staff in the palace for killing people. The so-called random sticks are used for killing people. After a long time, the wooden staff is stained with blood and resentment. When a normal person sees this stick, they will be scared on the spot. Down.

Stick to death.

This kind of death is quite tragic, as can be seen from the tragic state of the corpse that was dragged away.

And the two eunuchs who dragged the corpse out were full of suffocation, and they were extremely fierce.

Outside, the two murdering eunuchs asked for instructions on how to dispose of the body. The **** chief who spoke before said, just find a place to bury it.

"I'm still teaching you this. It's a waste. By the way, fill in the soil a little, so that no one can see it."

After speaking, the footsteps outside walked away.

Looks to be gone.

The whole process of witnessing the murder, let alone, is quite exciting, and the one who killed was not a human being, but a female ghost who was full of resentment.

It means that in this place, even if you are a Specter, you have to be careful, otherwise you will be finished.

It looks like this place is weirder and more dangerous than expected.

At present, what Lin Mo can't understand is what this place is. Obviously, it can't be the Qianlong Palace in the real world, nor is it the Qianlong Palace in the nightmare world.

If it is a second-level dream, then how can there be so many 'people' in this Qianlong Palace.

Where did it come from?

Also the decree of the Empress.


However, Lin Mo estimates that the super-high G value detected by Professor Xie of the Academy of Sciences and the others is probably related to this place.

Xiao 6 said she wanted to go out and see how to bury people.

Lin Mo said that there is nothing to see in that thing. Besides, if you go out now, it is easy to be discovered by the two little eunuchs.

"By the way, I just wondered how that person spoke in such a manner, so weird, and what is a eunuch?" Little 6 has a strong thirst for knowledge.

Lin Mo pondered for a long time, but it was not easy to explain. At first, he said that he was a servant, serving the servants of the ancient royal family.

Xiao 6 said that the servants spoke in such a tone, which is not scientific at all.

"Next time you go back, you can check it yourself online."

Lin Mo didn't want to explain.

When Xiao 6 heard it, his temper also came up.

"If you don't say pull it down, I will arrest a **** and ask him myself."

There was no movement outside.

Lin Mo and Xiao Lu came out and saw that the blood on the ground had disappeared at the gate of the outer courtyard.

It is estimated that it was rolled up on the grass mat.

The place where the people were buried is definitely not here, it may be in a corner of the back mountain.

It may also be outside the Qianlong Palace.

After walking out of the cold palace, he turned around and reached an avenue.

They had walked this road in the real world, and they didn't think much of it at the time, but in this place, it looked a little different.

The fog is filled with air and cannot be seen clearly, while the fog is fluttering, sometimes thick and sometimes clear.

Lin Mo stared at the mist floating in front of him.

He always felt that there was something dangerous inside.

So when the fog drifted over, Lin Mo took Xiao Liu and hid in a nearby yard.

These mists are also strange, and they don't penetrate into the yard, as if there is some kind of self-awareness.

Lin Mo observed through the crack of the door.

He made an astonishing discovery.

There seemed to be someone in the drifting mist.

Not just one, but a group of people.

Also holding a long gun.

Kind of like an ancient army.


Qianlong Palace is an imperial palace, and only the Imperial Army can walk and patrol in the palace.

Whether it is or not, since it is dangerous, just avoid it, there is no need for conflict.

Looking at the current situation here, Lin Mo found that this is another Qianlong Palace, and there are 'residents' here.

The **** and the slain Liu Guiren in the cold palace, Lin Mo, saw it, and just now saw the forbidden army in the strange fog. Does this mean that there are other characters in the palace too.

The **** said that it was under the decree of the queen.

Explain that there is a queen here.

If there is a queen, there must be an emperor.

Lin Mo deduced step by step.

He felt that it was too inefficient to find out where this place was, and to wander around to find out.

Might as well just click and find the 'Emperor' here.

Lin Mo thought about it, let's find it first.

If you can get in touch, Lin Mo doesn't reject it. It's best for everyone to sit down and have a good chat. If you have any questions, ask them directly and answer them on the spot. How fast is this.

I feel like this is the quickest way to get to know this place.

Of course, if there is no emperor, go to the queen.

In short, it is definitely right to use the concept of catching the thief first to capture the king to solve the current mystery.

Fortunately, they had already visited Qianlong Palace before, and they also knew the functional distribution of this place through the tour guide on the APP.

Where the emperor lives, they know.

Go straight to the goal.

But soon Lin Mo discovered a problem.

Before, they were able to stroll around in the Qianlong Palace, and no one stopped them. That's because there was no one in the Qianlong Palace in the real world. Arranged out.

So they naturally want to go wherever they want to go, and no one can stop them.

But it's different now.

Not only are the ghosts of the Imperial Army floating around, but also the palace maids and eunuchs, who are hiding in XZ, and will not be able to get anywhere in another day.

Lin Mo didn't have that much time.

He knew very well that in the Nether Road, he and Xiao 6 were attacked by the strange sound of drama and were directly thrown into this layer of nightmare world.

I don't know how my body is now.

Especially Xiao 8 can't get in touch.

This clearly went wrong.

Although the General Administration has been notified, Lin Mo always feels that there is a problem. Even if the General Administration finds the Netherworld Dao and sends someone in, what if he also gets a Dao?

So don't waste time, be as fast as possible.

But the actual difficulty is right in front of you. This place is definitely not something that can be explored in a short time.

Unless, in a very special way.

For example, a direct showdown and a hard break.

Whoever stops me, I destroy whoever.

This method is good, but there is no room for it. If you can beat it, it's okay, but if you can't beat it, then it's over.

If only those eunuchs were fine, the Guiwu of the Imperial Army would be difficult to deal with.

Lin Mo wasn't sure either.

"No, no, I'm too extreme on this issue. Why do I have to push hard, just grab a soft persimmon and try it out?"

With a pat on the thigh, Lin Mo's mortuary opened.

Palace maids, eunuchs, aren't they just soft persimmons?

Coincidentally, at this time, the door of the courtyard was pushed open, and a gloomy palace maid walked in. Without saying a word, Lin Mo went up to cover the other party's mouth, and directly pressed the palace maid to the ground.


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