Doomsday Begins with a Nightmare

Vol 2 Chapter 907: It's so secretive

When he heard the red palace gate, Lin Mo immediately became interested.

He immediately reached out to take the photo and looked at it carefully.

In the photo, 416 took a selfie with a smile and pouted lips. Although the environment is a little gloomy, it is undeniable that this girl is really good looking.

It doesn't need beauty, but it has the effect of taking other beautiful women's beauty.

Of course, the key is not the small 6 on the photo, but the background.

Behind her on the edge, there was a blood-red palace gate.

Even in a dimly lit environment, that touch of red is still a bit dazzling.

"Where was it taken?"

Lin Mo asked immediately.

416 said that she hadn't noticed it before, but only found it after looking through the film.

The next two people found the location where the photo was taken based on the background of the photo, and looked at the corresponding angle, but did not see the blood-red palace gate.


Lin Mo thought for a while, contacted Zhong Kui and Lin Nan through the communicator, and asked them to look in the same location.

Next, Lin Mo took Xiao 6's mobile phone and adjusted the angle towards the photo.

Finally found something.

He saw the red palace gate.

really have.

But it's not real, and you can't see it if you move your position a little bit, like floating in the air.

Lin Mo walked over there, and the blood-red palace gate was gone again, but this time Lin Mo didn't hesitate, he wrote down the position of the floating red gate just now.

Go over, reach out and touch.

It was found that there was something unusual on the wall over there.

"A mirror?"

Lin Mo was a little surprised.

This mirror is embedded on the wall, about two meters high, and can only be touched by raising your hand.

Lin Mo asked Xiao 6 to come over.

"Can you handle me?"

"no problem."

Xiao 6's physical fitness has almost reached the limit of human beings, let alone carrying one Lin Mo, he can lift another one.

So Xiao 6 held it up below, and Lin Mo watched from a height.

There was indeed a problem with the palm-sized wall, but it was not the glass that Lin Mo thought about at the beginning, but a polished crystal that was very similar to the wall.

The surface of this crystal obviously has a special craftsmanship, which is very high-end. To put it simply, the actual effect is seen. This is the polishing technology of the 'mirror' that can only be seen from a certain angle and distance. From other angles and distances , which is a rough wall.

tomato novel

After researching it clearly, Lin Mo was full of admiration for the craftsmanship of the past craftsmen.

It is indeed a cow.

This stuff feels lost now.

Moreover, Lin Mo also found that the 'mirror' effect at this special angle and distance is a reflection, and this reflection effect can only take effect at night.

In other words, come here during the day and find nothing.

That is to say, this night tour of Qianlong Palace is at the right time.

"Then, the blood red door I saw before was actually projected through reflection."

Lin Mo began to look around.

Soon he made some discoveries. On the top of this crystal wall, about three feet away, was the upper edge of the wall, and there were many tiles.

These tiles are stacked on top of each other and remain intact even over hundreds of years.

One of the tiles is very special. When I touched it, the texture was the same as that of the crystal wall. It was a tile polished with special crystal.

Hidden among the many tiles and pressed underneath, it can be said that it is extremely difficult to find.

And the position and angle of this tile are just diagonal to the line, facing the palm-sized crystal wall.

Lin Mo understood.

This is the second node of reflection, and according to this angle, as long as the angle of the tile facing the wall is calculated and the angle of the other side is calculated, a ray can be obtained.

Along this line, you can find the true location of the Scarlet Palace Gate.

This design is fantastic.

I just don't know why it's designed this way.

Obviously, there is a huge secret hidden in it, otherwise who would spend so much effort on this?

If you want to find the opposite end position of that ray, this does not require a particularly precise calculation. As long as you can roughly see the direction and look in that direction, you will definitely gain something.

At this moment, Lin Mo has experience. He roughly estimated the position, and then let Xiao Lu let him down, and immediately walked towards the position he calculated.

Not far away, there is a bunker carrying a stone tablet. Likes to carry weights, and the beasts under the monument are often seen in gardens).

Lin Mo went over to take a look. One of the eyes of this man was polished with crystal.

Delicate enough.

Also sophisticated enough.

But how to find the angle next is not easy, looking at the look of Penggu's eyes, there must be something in it, you can't see it with your eyes.

Fortunately, Lin Mo had an idea, he used his mobile phone to turn on the spotlight at the tile position, and shone it into Pixie's eyes. As a result, a magical scene happened.

The beams of light actually converged and projected onto the dry pond next to them.

The pond has run out of water.

It is estimated that even in ancient times, no one took care of it, and it was also a decoration without water.

Lin Mo and Xiao 6 looked at each other.

"I'll go down and have a look." After Xiao 6 finished speaking, he jumped in and followed the light to find a seemingly ordinary stone below.

Don't ask, that stone is another crystal, which is also polished with a special process and will only reflect light in a specific direction and distance.

And this stone is under a stone bridge.

This stone bridge is very ordinary, there is no craftsmanship, it is just a whole piece of huge stone placed on it, the top is slightly raised, and some carvings are made.

According to Lin Mo's request, Xiao 6 started to look around, and the next moment, she seemed to feel something, and looked up, and now it is for Lin Mo to look over.

Lin Mo knew she must have found something.

At the moment, he also ran down, got under the short stone bridge, huddled with 416, looked up, Lin Mo's pupils shrank.

"Damn it, this is the Scarlet Palace Gate?"

Lin Mo said something.

There is no surprise in the voice, only inexplicable and incredible.

"It should be, look, how good this painting is!"

Little 6 stretched out his finger.

At this moment, under the stone bridge, there is a palm-sized blood-colored palace gate. The painting is not bad, but this thing is more like a kind of boring graffiti.

Obviously, this thing can't get in.

Lin Mo reached out and touched it.

I don't know what kind of paint was used to paint it. I don't know how many years have passed, but there is no bleak at all, and the blood red color is still so bright.

What Xiao Liu took before is actually the projection of this thing on the wall through layers of reflection.

rely on.

White was happy.

But Lin Mo thought again, that's not right, if you just engage in such a performance art, there is no need to be so concerned, and the ancient craftsmen would not be so bored.

Besides, Lao Qi said that the previous disappearance incident really happened, which means that there are things that he doesn't know about.

So Lin Mo began to grope.

The Scarlet Palace Gate is here, so the problem must be around here.

Not to mention, Lin Mo found a crack under the stone bridge, and when he reached in, he actually touched a metal handle.

There are doors.

Twist first, don't twist.

Pull again.

With a click, it was pulled, and a muffled sound was heard, and a slate on the side under the stone bridge twisted, revealing a gap.

Just enough for a person to squat and get in.

It's already time for this, and of course you have to drill.

But before the drill, Lin Mo and the General Bureau informed him, and by the way, he also talked to Zhong Kui and the others in the nightmare world.

Ask them to look in the same location to see if they find something.

Next, Lin Mo and Xiao 6 walked in through the narrow entrance.

As a result, there is nothing in it.

A few meters down, it suddenly became clear, and a passage appeared.

The passage is dark and can accommodate one person. If you stretch your arms to the left and right, and you can't straighten them, it's probably a little more than one meter wide.

Anyway, Lin Mo stood up straight and did not push his head to the top. Of course, if a taller person came, he would definitely have to hit the Using the flashlight function of the mobile phone, he could see a few meters ahead, but because of this passage It's not straight forward, there are bends and bumps, so you can't see too far.

At this time, Xiao 6 reached out and grabbed Lin Mo's hand.

"There are other spirits here!"

After Xiao 6 finished speaking, he motioned for her to walk in front, and Lin Mo hid behind her.

Not only Little 6, but almost at the same time, Lin Mo also got a warning from Little 8.

As a result, at this time, Xiao 6's mobile phone suddenly rang by itself.

Or the weird lecturer from before.

"The place where you are, is called the 'Netherworld Road'. This place has a lot of history. It was the tunnel built secretly by the first batch of craftsmen who built the Qianlong Palace, and no one knows where this Netherworld Road leads, because all the people who enter No one in the Nether Dao can go out alive. It is said that there is a terrifying devil suppressed at the end of the Nether Dao, and there are rumors that this place leads to hell..."

Lin Mo laughed when he heard this.

"It's good to go to hell. I'm very familiar with hell!"

------off topic-----

The first chapter was released in the early morning, and I continued to ask for monthly tickets. There are only more than 750 votes away from breaking through 2,000 votes, and there are still four days left. I feel that it is not enough!

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