Doomsday Begins with a Nightmare

Vol 2 Chapter 909: Don't let them know

To be honest, Lin Mo had already prepared everything when he started.

Even if the palace maid resisted frantically for a while, Lin Mo was not afraid at all.

Just kidding, there are so many people on his side, he can't hold back a little palace maid?

So in his eyes, it was definitely a sure thing.

In fact, it did surprise Lin Mo.

Because the other party did not resist at all.

Not only did she not resist, but after being pushed down by herself, the palace maid was so frightened that her whole body was soft, her eyes were full of tears, and she was full of fear.

Lin Mo had never imagined this situation.

In other words, he has never seen such a delicate female ghost.

It felt like she was really a powerless woman who was being bullied by a strong and strong man.

Although my heart is full of doubts, I still need to ask.

At this time, Lin Mo told the other party, don't resist, don't shout, and honestly ask you what to answer, so you are good, I am good, everyone.

"Blink if you agree." After Lin Mo finished speaking, the palace maid blinked frantically.

Quite cooperative.

This made the cruel words and torture that Lin Mo had planned and prepared to become decorations.


Cooperation is definitely better than not cooperation.

"How many people are in your house now?"

Lin Mo asked.

He wanted to go into the house for trial.

After speaking, Lin Mo let go of the other party's mouth, but his hand was still pinching the other party's neck. As long as the palace maid dared to play tricks, he would immediately squeeze hard.


In an instant, the fragrance disappears and jade perishes.

Both cruel and brutal.

The palace maid did not scream, but shivered, answering Lin Mo's question with a trembling voice.

Said there was a palace maid in the house.

Only two?


If they are caught, they can cross-examine each other, and they are not afraid of the other party making up nonsense to deceive themselves.

So Lin Mo grabbed the palace maid and entered the house, and restrained the other palace maid in the same way.

The two palace maids were as frightened as quails at the moment, knelt down and kowtowed in the house, begging Lin Mo not to kill them and leave them a way out.

Lin Mot wanted to say that you idiots are too useless.

Think about it or forget it.

You've already scared people to their knees, so don't sprinkle salt on the wound.

Next, Lin Mo took the people to the inner rooms to ask questions, and they basically asked the same questions.

The result of the interrogation made Lin Mo a little uncomfortable.

What these two palace maids know is extremely limited.

Basically, what they know is similar to what Lin Mo knows.

First of all, here is the Qianlong Palace, where the emperor lives, the queen lives, and the emperor's three palaces and six courtyards. There were eunuchs, palace maids, and the imperial guards guarding the palace.

There is the Ministry of Internal Affairs, there is the Taiyuan Hospital, and she said everything she knew anyway.

But these Lin Mo also know.

Just ask them something else.

Otherwise, they don't know.

At first, Lin Mo thought that the two female ghosts were acting with him, so he used some means, but the other party was about to faint from fright and still couldn't say anything else.

Lin Mo could see that either these two palace maids were world-class actors with perfect acting skills, or they really didn't know anything.

At present, the latter possibility is more likely.

But this is impossible.

Lin Mo wanted to say something to them.

Because he also discovered one thing, the two palace maids didn't seem to know that there was something wrong with the Qianlong Palace, and even Lin Mo guessed that they didn't know they were ghosts at all.

No longer alive.

Lin Mo intends to remind them well.

As a result, at this time, an accident happened.

dong dong dong!

Someone knocked on the door outside.

Lin Mo and Xiao Lu were both stunned.

"Did the other palace maids come back?"

Lin Mo asked the two palace maids, and the two palace maids said they didn't know, and said they probably wouldn't.

Since someone knocked on the door, he must go out and open the door.

Otherwise, it would be bad to attract suspicion and trouble.

"Come out, both of you, and open the door."

Lin Mo immediately thought of a countermeasure.

He definitely couldn't open the palace maid's place; although Xiao Lu was a woman, she was a foreigner who was more likely to be exposed, so it was better for these two palace maids to open the door.

Lin Mo has secretly used the noose of spiritual power to wrap the necks of the two palace maids. If they mess up, then he will mess up too.

The two palace maids shivered and followed Lin Mo and Xiao Lu outside.

Lin Mo and Xiao Lu hid behind the door on both sides and asked the palace maid to open the door.

During this period, there were constant knocks on the door, and there would be two knocks every once in a while.

At this time, a palace maid took courage and asked who.

Someone outside replied: "The Chief of Internal Affairs has sent me to round the room, so hurry up and open the door."

When the palace maid heard this, she glanced at Lin Mo, saw the latter nodded, and then opened the door.

The next moment, a pair of hands reached out like lightning from the outside, stuck something on each of the two palace maids' heads at a speed that ordinary people couldn't react to, and then dodged in.

The other party was wearing the clothes of a eunuch, but his skills were extremely agile.

After entering, he immediately looked at Lin Mo and Xiao 6.

It seems that they have long known that they are hiding here.

Lin Mo was about to stop the opponent, but he didn't expect this **** to be very simple, raising his hand would be a sword.

Not a normal sword.

It's the money sword.

Lin Mo had seen this thing before, and Shen He had used it.

Thinking of Shen He, Lin Mo also kept reminiscing.

Those who can use the money sword, in all likelihood, belong to the hidden family, at least they are unlikely to be nightmares or ghosts.

"Little 6, come back."

Seeing that the other party was not chasing him, Lin Mo seemed to look up and down, and Lin Mo knew that the other party was unusual. The haste is to call back the little 6 who is ready to do it.

The next two people, you look at me, I look at you, you look at me, I look at you.

Lin Mo's reaction was still very fast. He made a greeting gift from the hidden family.

"What's your name?"

The man on the other side was also taken aback for a moment, and also responded with a return salute from the Hidden Sect.

"Zhu Yun Daoist, unexpectedly met a fellow person."

Lin Mo also introduced himself at this time.

Of course, it was the incision made by his Lin family. As a result, Daoist Zhu Yun looked confused and said that he had never heard of it.

"Or I've been here for too long, so I don't know the current situation of the hidden door, which is normal." Daoist Zhu Yun sighed, and then moved his nose, saying that there is a living breath on the two of you, otherwise he will not be able to. Anomalies are found and tracked here.

This Taoist Zhu Yun is a relatively normal person that Lin Mo met here.

You can ask for more advice.

It just so happened that Taoist Zhu Yun also said that he had something to talk about with Lin Mo. Naturally, they hit it off and the two entered the room. As for the two palace maids, they had not moved since just now.

Only later did Lin Mo see clearly that there were two talismans pasted on the foreheads of the two palace maids.

Lin Mo didn't know why the talisman was pasted.

Lin Mo didn't understand why it didn't move after sticking the talisman.

Lin Mo was curious about this, so he simply asked first.

"This is the soul-fixing talisman, you can't see it? Are you a hidden person?" Daoist Zhu Yun was slightly contemptuous, and Lin Mo looked embarrassed, saying that my Lin family made medicine, not practice, no It is normal to understand.

Daoist Zhu Yun obviously did not pursue this matter further.

As he said himself, he's been in this place for too long, so the outside has changed a lot, and he doesn't know it's normal.

Continuing the topic just now.

Lin Mo asked why the two palace maids didn't move after sticking the soul-fixing talisman.

"Isn't that obvious? They are ghosts, and they were restrained by the talisman, of course they couldn't move."

Lin Mo could also think of the answer.

That's not the point.

The point is that Daoist Zhu Yun's talisman seems to be very effective.

Lin Mo asked another question, that is, does Daoist Zhu Yun know the situation of this place.

The latter nodded.

"I've been trapped here for a long time, how can I not know, and thanks to my ability, I can stabilize my sanity, otherwise, like them, I will eventually become a puppet of evil spirits at the mercy of this imperial city. "

Obviously, Daoist Zhu Yun knows a lot of things.

This gave Lin Mo a feeling that he had found the right person.

The secrets here should be revealed one by one.

Lin Mo is looking forward to it.

"By the way, what did you say to these two palace maids just now?"

Daoist Zhu Yun asked a question, and UU seemed to be very concerned about this issue when he looked at him.

"What did you say? Just ask them some questions." Lin Mo answered honestly.

"That's all? Did you tell them that they are... ghosts?"

"That's not true. I don't think it's necessary to say this, right?"


Daoist Zhu Yun made a sigh of relief, then approached, and spoke to Lin Mo word by word, and said in a low voice.

"You must never let them know that they are dead, otherwise, there will be a big mess!"

------off topic-----

In the early morning, I asked for a monthly ticket. There are still more than 600 tickets before 2000. Come on!


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