Doomsday Begins with a Nightmare

Vol 2 Chapter 892: big fight

Lin Mo is giving thumbs up with both hands at the moment, giving a thumbs up to Sister Yue.

Then he looked at the scepter on the ground.

This thing must be a good thing.

Just now, the bald head used this thing to pretend to force, not to mention, under the light, the other party really has the momentum and flavor of a god.

It's just that the scepter at this time seems to have been eroded by Sister Yue's dark realm. Even so, it's just a little weaker, but it's still shining.

Pretty stubborn.

I picked it up and looked at it. The weight is quite heavy, and it is quite handy to wave.

Of course these are just the surface of this scepter.

What was really powerful was the lightsaber field just now. Lin Mo saw it clearly. It was really powerful. It was because Lin Mo was far away at that time, otherwise it would have been affected.

If a critical moment comes, any enemy will have to kneel.

Since it is a good thing, of course it has to be put away.

But Lin Mo had nowhere to put it, so he ran to the corner, found his cardboard box, and put the glowing scepter in it.

Fortunately, there are cardboard boxes, otherwise there will be no place to collect good things later.

Sister Yue sensed something at this time and turned to look to the side.

There, the ground was tumbling with flesh and blood, and then Grandma Meng pulled Doudou out of it.

Seeing Doudou, Sister Yue knew it was her own, and didn't say much, but Grandma Meng floated over at this moment and looked at Sister Yue from left to right.

"Amazing, amazing, I can't think of it, it's actually become a god, come, measure how much the g value is."

After speaking, I don't know where to take out a thermometer and stuff it into Sister Yue's mouth.

Sister Yue glanced at Lin Mo over there and nodded, so she didn't resist at all.

Lin Mo came over.

"Godmother, do you still have the thermometer? I want to test it too."

Grandma Meng glanced at Lin Mo: "What kind of thermometer? That's something to measure the g value, and you are a living person, why are you here to join in the fun?"

Lin Mo was not convinced: "Does the living person have no g-value?"

"Yes, a living person has no g-value." Grandma Meng was very sure.

"I don't care, I just want to test." Lin Mo came up stubbornly.

Lin Mo is also a master at entanglement.

Grandma Meng was obviously annoyed by being entangled.

"Why are you so annoying? I really want to slap you to death."

I couldn't help but curse.

Even in order to keep herself quiet for a while, Grandma Meng took out another thermometer-like thing and threw it to Lin Mo.

"No, this is the last one, take the test, and remember to give it back to me." Grandma Meng turned around and walked away a few steps, she didn't want to see Lin Mo now.

I felt upset when I saw it, and I was afraid that I couldn't help but shoot the other party to death.

Lin Mo got the things here, and now he happily stepped aside.

If you look closely, the thing in his hand really resembles a thermometer.

All the same size.

It's just that the scale above is not a temperature, but a numerical value.

At the beginning, a short section, about less than one-tenth of the position, was marked with 3000.

Lin Mo understood that the value of 3000g is the lowest threshold for becoming a god. If this number cannot be reached, then the thermometer will not even fluctuate.

That said, this is not for ordinary people and nightmares.

No wonder Grandma Meng would say that it is useless for a living person to use this, and that nothing can be detected.

The principle is also very simple.

Because the strength of a living person cannot reach the level of a top nightmare.

Living people cannot carry resentment, malice and hatred like real nightmares, cannot rely on devouring other nightmares to enhance their strength, and cannot absorb the dark power in the nightmare world.

Therefore, the g value of a living person is absolutely impossible to exceed 3000.

This is the law.

Of course, it was not researched by Grandma Meng. Nine times out of ten, it was the conclusion drawn by the Redemption Society after countless trials.

The conclusions drawn from many trials are naturally credible.

That's why Grandma Meng told Lin Mo not to waste this time.

Lin Mo also understood.

But he desperately wanted this thermometer. In fact, he wanted to keep one in his hand, so that he could test Xiaoyu and Xiwenjun.

Not just them.

Old Bai, and the neighbors in the Green Garden Community can also take a test.

The strength of this nightmare is clear at a glance.

This is much more accurate than estimating the Nightmare level.

To be honest, Lin Mo felt that the General Administration followed the previous international practice, and the classification of nightmares was not accurate.

According to the current g value, if it can barely reach the value of 3000, Lin Mo estimates that it is at least an A-level nightmare, or even a stronger A+ level.

Of course, some ordinary A-levels may not reach the threshold of 3000.

I don't want so much anymore.

Lin Mo plans to test himself first.

Although according to what Grandma Meng said, it is impossible for him to reach the minimum threshold of 3000g, but he will not lose a piece of meat if he gives it a try. Besides, what if it can be achieved?

Lin Mo felt that he was not an ordinary person. Although the fights mainly depended on female ghosts and brothers, he also had a few brushes, curse sequences, paper man skills, and spiritual power.

Pull out any one of these, and that can be on its own.

Therefore, what Lin Mo hopes more is to measure a high value of g value, so that Grandma Meng of Zhenyizhen.

Who made him look down on himself.

Of course, it is also possible that he really can't reach 3000, that's okay, anyway, he was low-key enough before, and he didn't say anything big, and no one laughed at him if he couldn't reach it.

Thinking of this, I told Lin Mo to open his mouth and put that thermometer-like thing in his mouth.

Pretty cool.

Almost like an ice lolly.

I don't know how long it will last, so I have to ask. Lin Mo glanced at Grandma Meng inquiringly. The latter frowned, with a look of disgust, and waved his hand to signal Lin Mo not to go there.

"A minute or two is enough."

That line.

Lin Mo just waited quietly. Sister Yue over there took out the measuring gauge from her mouth and looked at it, but there was no expression on her face.

Grandma Meng immediately floated over to look.

"13,000, sure enough, I knew it would be 10,000."

Grandma Meng exclaimed.

Lin Mo also counted with his fingers. According to Grandma Meng's previous statement, even if 3000 is the threshold of being a **** of redemption, it is absolutely rare to reach 10,000, at least at the level of Grandma Meng.

Having said that, Lin Mot wondered what the g-value of this cheap godmother was.

He took a few steps and asked with the gauge in his mouth.


Grandma Meng smiled and then stretched out two fingers.

Lin Mo understood.

This means definitely not 2000, if it is 2000, then even the threshold of the gods is not enough, so there is only one possibility.


This g value is very scary.

But it also makes sense.

After all, Grandma Meng is an old-fashioned **** here, and her strength cannot be too weak.

In this way, with Sister Yue, Lin Mo has two masters with a g value of over 10,000.

At this moment, Lin Mo felt that his measurement time was almost up, and then he took out the measuring meter from his mouth with anticipation and looked at it.

Then he trembled with excitement.

"Haha, it's broken 3000, it's broken 3000, godmother, look at it, look at it, is it broken?"

Grandma Meng was taken aback by this Lin Mo's surprise, and she leaned over to take a look.

"It barely reached 3,000. What are you talking about? I thought you broke 30,000. What are you proud of at 3,000?"

Lin Mo just said that godmother, you are wrong. You are saying that I can't even reach 3000, but I have reached the actual situation. This is a breakthrough.

Since it is a breakthrough, be happy and excited, isn't it normal?

Grandma Meng couldn't help thinking about strangling Lin Mo, but in the end she was stopped by Doudou.

At this time, a head appeared from Lin Mo's clothes.

It was Xiaoyu, she ignored the others, but stretched a little lazily, then reached out and took the measuring gauge from Lin Mo's hand, and stuffed it into her own mouth.

Grandma Meng glanced at Xiao Yu at the moment, her eyes lit up.

"Another good seedling."

At this time, Lin Mo said Xiaoyu, if you don't come out, I will ask you to come out for a test.

After that, he whispered in her ear secretly.

"After the measurement is over, hide this meter, and remember, you won't give it to anyone who asks for it, including me."

Xiaoyu glanced at Lin Mo with big eyes and nodded.

A minute later, Xiaoyu took out the measuring meter and looked at it.

Lin Mo hurried over.

"8600, amazing, it's very close to ten thousand."

Lin Mo was really shocked.

Sister Yue's g-value can break 10,000, that's because she replaced the victims and accepted the worship and fear sacrifices of many believers in this church.

Moreover, the small circle of the old **** is also secretly helping, sending a large amount of fear power, which will allow Sister Yue to break through into a moon **** in a short time, and her strength will skyrocket.

Xiaoyu has not received these energies, and can have a g value close to tens of thousands, which is really surprising.

In other words, Xiao Yu's full combat power is already very close to the so-called **** level in the Redemption Society.

Lin Mo suddenly felt that his waist was a lot harder.

After Xiao Yu finished measuring, he opened his mouth and swallowed the measuring gauge, and then swooped back into Lin Mo's body.

"Hey, my measuring meter!" Grandma Meng shouted.

Lin Mo hurriedly stopped the other party: "Godmother, don't worry, I'm here to ask for it, this little rain is real, you can't just take other people's things when they look good."

After speaking, he muttered for a while, and asked Xiaoyu to return the measuring gauge.

Because Lin Mo specially explained it before, no matter what he said, Xiao Yu would not come out.

Lin Mo looked embarrassed and embarrassed.

"Godmother, look at this, blame me, blame me, I'm not educated, so, give me some time, I'll find a chance to talk about her, it's too outrageous."

Seeing Lin Mo's acting skills, Grandma Meng's eyes twitched in anger.

But it doesn't work well either.

Most importantly, now is not the time to pursue this matter.

The 'Light Squad' of the Redemption Society has just been destroyed. Among the four gods, two have reached the **** level, and their g-values ​​have exceeded 10,000. Especially the Holy Word, it is said that the g-value has reached an astonishing 25,000.

Even if Grandma Meng fights with each other in person, there is no chance of winning.

Mainly because the ability of the Holy Word is too terrifying.

As long as the other party says a word, it can produce unimaginable lethality, and it is almost impossible for others to resist his holy words.

But just now, the other party was too arrogant, and Sister Yue belonged to the kind of person who didn't talk much and would kill her if she did it.

As a result, after taking the first attack and covering the opponent's mouth all of a sudden, the situation reversed in an instant.

Kill the Holy Word first, and the combat power of the opposing team will be directly lost by more than half.

In the subsequent attacks, Sister Yue was still fierce and fierce, without the slightest bit of nonsense and procrastination.

Redemption will lose four powerful gods at once, and it is impossible to let it go. At this moment, it is estimated that you have already figured out how to deal with it. Next, you must have a head-to-head collision with Redemption.

In the past, grandma Meng would never get involved in this kind of thing, and she would protect herself first.

In any case, Redemption will also be afraid of it, forming a strategic balance with each other.

But this time, the loss is too great, and redemption will inevitably lead to revenge; in the same way, Grandma Meng also saw an opportunity. As long as she joins forces with this new moon god, she may not be able to fight.

And it seems to be more than that when it discovers the strength of its cheap son.

"Come here, come here, let's discuss the next tactics."

Lin Mo beckoned, and Sister Yue and Doudou naturally immediately surrounded her. Grandma Meng thought about it and floated over. She wanted to see what tactics Lin Mo could come up with.

"Right now, we and the Redemption Society have already torn apart our faces, so there is no need to hide it. As far as I know, the gods in the entire eleventh district are divided into two factions, the new gods and the old gods. The new gods belong to the high-level of the Redemption Society. They Using special means to become a so-called god. And the old **** they used to test and be a guinea pig naturally became a hindrance, anyway, if it is me, sooner or later all the old gods will have to be eliminated."

Grandma Meng agrees with this.

"However, the old gods are not stupid. Some of them have already united with each other and are ready to fight back against the new gods of the Redemption Society. We can unite this part of the old gods, and we don't have to choose a date. It's better to hit the sun today. Fight back against the Redemption."

At this moment, Lin Mo is like a general who strategizes and dispatches troops.

There is light and confidence in the eyes.

"But you can't be reckless, you must pay attention to methods and methods. This month, sister Yue understands that when you beat snakes and seven inches, persimmons have to be soft and soft. I feel that their weakness lies in that weird community, so let's go directly to that community. "

"How exactly?" Grandma Meng asked.

Lin Mo thought for a while and said that the community was burned once in the real world, so he planned to burn it once in the nightmare world. In short, he wanted to completely destroy that seemingly peaceful community.

Grandma Meng felt her eyelids twitching wildly.

He said in his heart that his godson was really cruel. If he did this, he would definitely drive the people of the Redemption Society crazy, and he would definitely be immortal.

But it has already been torn apart, who would care about this.

"Okay, just do it."

Grandma Meng also nodded.

At this time, Grandma Meng seemed to think of something, and she hesitated to speak. Lin Mo saw it and asked. Grandma Meng shook her head, but she didn't say anything.

What it thinks is that redemption must also be done in the real world.

In the nightmare world, they have strength and redemption and will break their arms, but in the real world, it is estimated that this is not the case.

But it's useless to say that.

Instead, it will distract Lin Mo.

So don't talk about it.

What's more, Grandma Meng always felt that it was wisest for Lin Mo to give up his body in the real world.

In this matter, Grandma Meng obviously looked down on Lin Mo.

It can think of it, how can Lin Mo not think of it.

In the real world, regions are shortcomings, but Lin Mo is not without means.

416 and 418 are his cards in the real world.

In fact, just now, the Redemption Society has already started in the real world.

Lin Mo only found out about this after the fact.

His body was still in the confession room, and 416 was next to her. She didn't fall asleep, but stared at the situation around her with 418.

Not long after Lin Mo fell into a dream, a group of armed policemen from neighboring countries came.

Although they are all police, the police in this place have already been controlled by the Redemption Society.

A total of twelve, all with guys, still approached Lin Mo's confession room by means of a tactical team.

As a result, in the next second, most of these guys were controlled by 418, and the remaining half were not controlled, and their companions wiped their necks cleanly with daggers.

Once the killing has a beginning, it will not end well.

There is a backup from the Redemption Society outside, and I found that the people who went in had not moved at all for a long time, nor did they respond to their calls, so I knew something was wrong.

Then they sent a second wave, more people, more than 20.

That's live ammunition.

But in the face of a bug-level spiritual body like 418, it is still just a gift.

This time the gun was fired.

But it stopped abruptly after only a few beeps.

Then there was no movement.

From the outside, the entrance to the hall of the indictment room was pitch-dark, like a terrifying monster with a big mouth. Anyone who entered would be swallowed by this monster without leaving any bones.

People outside naturally dare not send people in, and even if an order is issued, no police officers will send them in.

You know it's a gift, but you still rush in there?

Whoever dares to give such an order, the remaining police officers will definitely give the order to the person first.

How to do?

Call for reinforcements.

The Redemption Society clearly attached great importance to this matter, and within twenty minutes, a large number of regular troops arrived at the scene.

In addition to two hundred soldiers, there were two armored vehicles.

Who knows the lethality of this thing, street fighting in the city, this thing is definitely the number one killer.

This time the commander is obviously smarter.

The other party did not know what was inside.

But it doesn't matter.

He decided to take the safest tactic, that is, to give up the penetration probe and go directly to the storm.

Even the commander had already decided to fire a few shells in first to blow up the building, and the people inside were either buried alive or had to escape in embarrassment.

Then they just need to harvest.

But the order was not followed.

A bishop of the Redeemer Society at the scene disagreed, saying that this building belongs to the Redeemer Society, has a history of 70 years, and has very important value, so it cannot be bombed.

What can the commander say?

Now they don't listen to the president's and can only listen to the redemption meeting. Although they are a little unwilling and even a little disgusted, what can they do?

If he does not agree, he will be dismissed immediately and on the spot.

The commander then gave up the artillery and opened the way.

In fact, they didn't know that just now was the only time when they could win. If they came and bombarded the crime room, they still had a chance of winning.

Now, gone.

Just as the commander was formulating the tactics, the soldiers in the two armored tanks were trembling for a while, and the next moment, with a gloomy expression, they began to control the barrel and slowly moved to the position where the commander and the senior management of the Redemption Society were.

By the time people realized something was wrong, it was obviously too late.

Boom, boom!


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