Doomsday Begins with a Nightmare

Vol 2 Chapter 891: Rise of the Moon God

Grandma Meng was right.

As soon as it finished speaking, a light flashed outside the church.

The intensity of the light was so dazzling that even through the painted glass, people who were still bright could not open their eyes.

"Wake up!"

With a voice, the believers in the church were enveloped in light one by one, and then they were pushed out of the nightmare world.

It is a forced wake-up.

The dark church that was originally full was immediately empty.

Only Sister Yue on the front stage, Lin Mo below, and Grandma Meng holding Doudou.

The latter saw the light outside, and pulled Doudou back two steps. The next moment, he fell into a mass of flesh and blood on the ground and disappeared without a trace.


not at all.

Lin Mo knew that the other party was just hiding.

It is estimated that he does not want to conflict with the redemption immediately.

At this time, the church door was opened, and a large swathe of light from the outside came in, dispelling a lot of darkness.

Then a few figures came in from outside.

The bright light is dazzling, and only the outline can be seen.

A total of four people.

The last man was tall, with a bald head, wearing a robe, and holding a scepter-like thing in his hand. The dazzling light was emitted from the top of the scepter.

Lin Mo frowned.

He hates glare dogs the most.

And what kind of pretence is it? It's okay to fool ordinary people. Whoever is a good scumbag at the scene, come here to pretend to be X, and I will kill you in a while.

Lin Mo had already taken out the sickle and hid it behind him.

Not only the sickle, but also cursed chains constantly stick out from Lin Mo's sleeves, like black poisonous snakes, staring at the enemy in the dark and ready to pounce on them.


The four formed a four-cornered formation and entered the church.

The man in the lead was blond, pale, and well-dressed, his black gown embroidered with gold trim on the cuffs and collar, and his body exuded blood and darkness.

Lin Mo felt that the breath was very familiar.

Like a vampire curse.


This member of the Redemption Society must have made up a story of a vampire **** for himself, and through technical means, planted the seeds of fear in the hearts of some mortals.

Wait until the time is right.

Suicide, and then borrow those fears to be reborn in the nightmare world as the vampire **** of that horror story.

This was Lin Mo's wild guess.

But the estimate is not much different from the actual situation.

As long as you are familiar with these routines of the Redemption Society, you can roughly guess how they do it.

Of course, becoming a **** with a G value of over 10,000 and becoming a low-level nightmare are definitely different in technology and actual operation, but the principle is the same.

At this moment, this vampire **** looked confident and calm, first glanced at Lin Mo who was sitting on the chair next to him, and then looked at Sister Yue in front.

"Ma'am, you have come to the wrong place. This is the site of the Redemption Society, and you have done unforgivable things. Now tell me, where are the victims?"

Very arrogant.

Lin Mo could think of how Sister Yue would answer.



Sister Yue, who was standing in the dark on the stage, responded with this word.

Guessed right.

Lin Mo gave Sister Yue a compliment at the moment.

Vampire gods are not angry.

Or just pretend to be polite.

"It's not wise for you to do this, ma'am, you are not our opponent, any one of the four of us can kill you, just say the one on my left, the Holy Word, he can kill with just one word. kill you."

"Who?" Sister Yue asked.

The man on the opposite side called the Holy Word came out with a confident smile on his face.

As if to say, it is down!

But the next moment, there was a sudden darkness behind him, and the hands of the puppets stretched out from the darkness like flowers that suddenly bloomed. the mouth of a holy speaker.

The other side was terrified and wanted to speak, but it was a step too late.

Mouth was covered.

At a critical time, the one step behind is death.

At this moment, Sister Yue fully explained what it means to be strong first, what is meant by sneak attack, and what is meant by blitzkrieg.

More hands grabbed the Holy Word, holding each other's head, twisting left and right.

A click.

The neck of the Holy Prophet was broken, and that's not enough. The left side was twisted, and then the right side was twisted 180 degrees. The steel bar couldn't hold it. Not only that, the hands of the puppets were extremely powerful. They grabbed each other's limbs, swayed left and right, and had two legs, clack clack, and the sound of the fracture was almost like setting off firecrackers for a while.

Guess the bone marrow is mushy.

Sister Yue's attack came very suddenly, and Lin Mo had never seen this move before.

What is this called?

Thousands of broken hands flower?


Lin Mo glared at him, the corners of his mouth slightly curled up, and gave Sister Yue a compliment again.

"damn it."

Only at this time did the other three gods of the Redemption Society react.

It's not their fault.

The main reason is that Sister Yue's attack was too sudden, and they really didn't expect that, according to the current situation, there would be four of them, one for the other, and Lin Mo, two.

They are the dominant party, the other party is weak, how dare they take the initiative to attack?

But Miss Yue did just that.

That is called a neat, decisive killing.

And a little bit crazy.

Blood mist erupted from the vampire god's body, wings grew on his back, and his body began to turn into a monster. Behind him, the bald-headed strong man holding a luminous scepter was even more radiant.

At the same time, from the body of the dead Holy Word, a woman's hand suddenly stretched out from her stomach and grabbed the vampire god's neck.

It came down very suddenly.

The latter was attacked, but not afraid.

"I am the **** of blood ancestors, I am immortal, you can't do anything about me..."

Before he finished speaking, he pouted and was turned into a vampire doll.

Then the hands of a few puppets reached out and tore the doll to pieces.

The cotton wool flutters in the sky.

Just like scattered white cherry blossoms, it is gorgeous and has a miserable beauty.

From killing the Holy Word to turning the God of Blood Ancestor into a doll and tearing it apart, the whole process took less than five seconds.

Probably not even four seconds.

Sister Yue's attack was fierce and dashing.

Then the darkness surged, and Sister Yue appeared in front of the other two gods, tilting her head and staring at each other with scarlet and fierce eyes.

The bald head was trembling, and the roaring roar holding the luminous scepter, beams of light shot around like sharp swords, rumbling, loud noises, and everything within a dozen meters of him was smashed by the lightsaber. chopped.

"God of Light, don't mess with the square inch...Fuck..."

The other **** standing next to the bald head screamed and wanted to stop the other party, but the bald head with a frightened face had already ignored it in fear.

That's right.

He is the new God of Redemption.

With the incomparably powerful strength and ability in his hands, the scepter of light in his hand can break out a terrifying indiscriminate attack, and almost no one can survive this kind of attack.

It is true that he can kill the enemy, but equally, if one is not careful, he will also hurt his own people.

Just now the Holy Word and the God of Blood Ancestor were killed in seconds, which directly stimulated this bald head. Don't look at this bald head is very fierce, but in fact it takes more than half a year to become a new god.

He still can't keep up mentally, and he still has a problem, that is, he is easily agitated in an emergency.

With this excitement, the mind will go blank and do something without considering the consequences.

That's it right now.

Feeling extreme danger and seeing two of his companions killed again, fear climbed into his heart. Under the horror, he subconsciously launched his strongest attack.

Purification of Light.

With him as the center, everything within a dozen meters will be instantly killed by the lightsaber.

Not to mention whether he killed Sister Yue, anyway, the companion beside him was the first to This new **** has not introduced himself, and even Lin Mo has not seen this clearly. His appearance was now shrouded in terrifying and dazzling lightsabers.

When the lightsabers dissipated, in addition to the traces of countless sharps being cut open, there was also a pool of minced meat.

Not surprisingly, this is the new God.

Even a god, if he is not immortal, is hit by a powerful attack, he must die.

Only bald remains.

Sister Yue stepped out of the darkness.

Her long legs and belly had scars cut by lightsabers. Fortunately, it wasn't serious, but it was enough to arouse Sister Yue's anger and killing intent.

The bald head on the opposite side, the light of the scepter in his hand has weakened a lot.

His big move is great.

Indiscriminate attack, and lethality is terrifying.

But like all ults, this thing has a cooldown, just like a cannon.

The power of the cannon is great, but after firing one cannon, it has to be loaded before the second can be fired.

This is the cooling off period.

When the bald head is in the cooling period, it is a chicken.

Sister Yue had clearly understood this weakness of the other party, so when darkness enveloped the frightened bald head, his fate could already be imagined.

After the darkness devoured the bald head, it slowly retracted into Sister Yue's body, and there was still a dark field within two or three meters around her body.

At this moment, Sister Yue raised her hand and waved, and a scepter with a soft glow fell to Lin Mo's feet.

"Give it to you, do you like it?"

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