Doomsday Begins with a Nightmare

Vol 2 Chapter 893: Jiang Fang found the clue

The sound of the two tank main artillery sounds at close range was almost the same as thunder, and the ears of the surrounding people immediately buzzed, and they couldn't hear anything.

Dizzy, some fell directly to the ground.

After the flames and smoke, it was smashed into flesh and blood.

The artillery cross-fired at the same spot, and that terrifying force instantly tore everyone within ten meters into pieces. This is not to mention, the impact after the explosion and the flying shrapnel brought even more terrifying damage.

The commander and the higher-ups of the Redemption Society were directly thrown into the nightmare world.

There was no backbone at the scene, but the literacy of these soldiers was indeed not mentioned. After a short period of panic and panic, they immediately launched a counterattack.

Start dodging and shooting tanks.

But as the king of land warfare, this kind of tank general weapon is impossible to cause any damage.

Boom, boom!

Two more artillery bombardments.

Someone was directly bombed to the sky.

The next moment, some more soldiers were controlled by 418, turned their guns directly, and started shooting at their companions.

This is a complete chaotic massacre, and even the strongest will collapse at this time.

Someone started shooting like crazy.

Because in their opinion, there is no one to trust here.

except themselves.

The result is more casualties, and people who go mad are instantly shot by others.

Two hundred soldiers lost more than 90% in less than two minutes.

The few remaining were also seriously injured, lying on the ground with lost eyes, or they were stimulated to the limit. Everything just now was more terrifying than a nightmare.

Why do comrades who trust each other end up killing each other?

They didn't know what happened until they died.

Of course, after death, you can enter the nightmare world and ask each other, why do you want to shoot me.

But no one cares about this.

The crisis in the real world can be lifted, and the other 416 and 418 will not be concerned at all.

They also knew they couldn't stay here anymore.

You have to transfer Lin Mo's body immediately.

The next redemption meeting may not send ground troops over, maybe direct long-range bombardment, or even precision guided weapons.

A single missile could raze the building to the ground.

No one can stand it by then.

So hurry up and go.

418 controlled two tanks to drive in two directions, and there were several other controlled soldiers guarding around, while Lin Mo was carried by one person and moved quickly.

As for where to move, no one knows.

This city is so big, you can't go anywhere you want.

Redemption will want to find them here, and it is extremely difficult.

Unless it is to destroy the city, otherwise, trying to catch Lin Mo in this city in the real world is similar to finding a needle in a haystack, and even more difficult.

Because Lin Mo has two spiritual bodies, 416 and 418.

Before falling into the dream, Lin Mo had already paved the way for himself.

That's why he can be reckless and redemption in the nightmare world, and even take the initiative to trigger this decisive battle.

Inside a weird community.

Jiang Fang did not know that the situation outside was already tense, and the storm was about to come.

He followed Lin Mo's request and observed calmly within the community.

For most of the day, he would be outside observing.

Mainly, of course, to observe his family.

Why do you say this is a weird community.

Because he found that in his home here, in addition to his original wife and children, he actually has another self.

When he saw this scene, Jiang Fang was going crazy.

He almost couldn't hold back, and wanted to grab the other person's collar and loudly ask who he was.

Fortunately he held back.

Lin Mo told him that although it looks the same as the past community, it is not. Someone has recreated everything here with special means.

Even Jiang Fang remembered clearly, Lin Mo muttered to himself at the time, saying that the level here is much more powerful than the junk lane.

In addition, Lin Mo secretly confessed something to him.

Said to let him find out if there are people in this community who are different from other residents.

Maybe a stranger.

Maybe an acquaintance.

In short, this person must be different from the residents here in some respects.

To be honest, Jiang Fang didn't understand what Lin Mo meant.

He asked later, and Lin Mo hesitated for a while without explaining.

Jiang Fang did not know why the other party did not explain.

Of course he didn't know, Lin Mo was afraid to scare him.

Because at that time, Lin Mo suddenly thought of a possibility that the person who created this weird community might be in the community.

Can you tell Jiang Fang this?

Having said that, with the psychological quality of this amateur, 100% will be seen immediately and then killed.

So even to protect Jiang Fang, Lin Mo decided to hide this matter.

So Jiang Fang, who didn't know anything about it, observed it secretly according to Lin Mo's request.

He has lived here, and the situation here is all his neighbors. Some of them are very familiar, and some of them are not familiar, but they have met and greeted each other.

Because of this, when he comes to observe here, he can often discover things that others cannot, and notice details that ordinary people tend to ignore.

In the distance, Jiang Fang looked at the children who were playing at the door, and he wanted to go there several times.

But he held back.

When this time passes, it must be revealed.

Because there is another him in the house.

Jiang Fang felt that if anyone here is different from others, the first to bear the brunt is this other 'self'.

He has recorded this.

Of course, in addition to this other "self", there are some unusual ones.

Their neighbor 'Aunt Park'.

Not behaving normally.

Jiang Fang remembered very clearly that every time this Aunt Park went out, there would be a detail that few people knew about.

The other party never wears a green scarf.

Not that the other party didn't.

The other party has.

But don't.

It was Jiang Fang's wife who told him that Aunt Park didn't like her daughter-in-law, and that the green scarf was given by her daughter-in-law, so she never used it.

But this time, when Jiang Fang saw Aunt Park, he saw that she was wearing a green scarf.

This is clearly abnormal.

After a long period of observation, more abnormal things were discovered by Jiang Fang.

For example, the children in the neighborhood who like to do graffiti on the road stop doing graffiti and play with other things. Another example is a couple walking a dog. They never used a dog leash before, but now they do; , middle-aged couples who quarrel and even fight all day long, but at this moment are extremely loving.

These details will only be discovered by those familiar with the community.

Outsiders can't see it at all.

In the eyes of people who are not familiar with this place, everything in this community is peaceful, simple, and nothing special.

But in Jiang Fang's eyes, the strangeness here made him sweat white.

That level of terror is no less than seeing a demon directly.

Even more terrifying than that.

In addition, he also discovered another very unusual and strange thing.

He knows all the neighbors in the community to some extent, or at least he knows them well, so that if there are people he doesn't know, he can immediately tell them apart.

As a result, he found someone he didn't know.

If this is the case, forget it, passers-by, tenants, these are all possible, and it is not a particularly uncommon thing.

But the problem is, this person he doesn't know, the rest of the community does.

It feels like The other party seems to be a neighbor here too.

This is clearly not right.

Jiang Fang is very familiar with this place. If he is talking about people who are known to other neighbors, he cannot fail to know them.

So there is something wrong with this person.

He secretly followed the other party and recorded the other party's residence.

It was originally the residence of Granny Jiang, an old man who lived alone, but the other party lived in it and had an unusual relationship with Granny Jiang, who looked like a mother and son.

But the problem is that Jiang Fang knew that Granny Jiang's son had died twenty years ago.

------off topic-----

Chapter 1 in the morning, ask for a monthly ticket!


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