Doomsday Begins with a Nightmare

Vol 2 Chapter 841: Medicines that can make you feel better

Kant is the head of the laboratory.

He is also Pamir's father.

At this moment, he looked at the researcher Sivir in his laboratory, and it felt like he knew each other for the first time.

"Are you deaf? Why am I asking you something!" Lin Mo roared.

He has to hurry.

Who knows how long this memory recall will last.

So you have to hurry up and do what you need to do.

"I'm Pamir's father, but you know about this." The person in charge said something, a little aggrieved and puzzled.

Sure enough it was him.

Lin Mo looked at the other party before, very much like the person in the photo with Pamir, and asked for confirmation.

"I knew it was you, tell me quickly, where did you die? I'll find your skeleton after I go back." Lin Mo had to ask clearly, otherwise so many corpses in the sunken ship would be eaten by fish, shrimp and sea worms. The remaining bones are either soaked beyond recognition and cannot be recognized at all.

So if the deceased can identify himself where he died, that would be the best.

But the other party was obviously confused.

He faltered not knowing what to say.

At this moment, someone over there screamed.

The reason is that Bob, whose head was smashed by Lin Mo just now, stood up again.

Those who have no horror experience will definitely be frightened by this scene.

Lin Mo looked back.

He could feel that this bob had been controlled by some special force.

Mental strength.

In the research of the Academy of Sciences of the General Administration, it was found that mental power has no concept of space and dimension, that is to say, in theory, mental power can travel back and forth between the real world and the nightmare world.

Reflected in a specific example, it is the weirdness in the nightmare world. If there is a very powerful and special mental force, it can penetrate the barriers between the world and the world, and in the nightmare world, people who control the real world.

Or, affect things in the real world.

Obviously, something similar happened here. It may be that the No. 418 experimental body used mental power to penetrate the barrier from nightmare to reality through some means, and controlled the people on board.

According to this set of theories, the people on this boat either committed suicide or were killed by those who controlled them. What Lin Mo observed while swimming along the way was also in line with this inference.

But no matter how strong the mental strength is, it is still limited. If he controls people, the other party is still human. Even though Bob is so scary now, the other party is still human.

It is impossible to increase the strength several times, at most it is resistant to beating.

Lin Mo didn't wait for Bob to do anything, he pulled out a monitor and put it on the other side's head.

Bob fell to the ground again.

Lin Mo turned around and shrugged at Kant.

"Where did he die? Tell me?"

After all, Kant was the head of a laboratory, so he calmed down at this time.

I saw him looking up and down at Lin Mo, which was Sivir in his eyes.

"You're not Sivir, are you?"

Lin Mo nodded.

Anyway, this is just a small memory, it doesn't matter if you admit it.

"You're not 418 either."

"Isn't that nonsense!" Lin Mo sneered and pointed to Bob with a monitor over his head.

Does that mean I hit myself?

Kant looked at Lin Mo and suddenly became excited.

"I understand!"

This time, Lin Mo was stunned.

What does this guy understand?

"You, you are some kind of unknown existence, occupying Sivir's body." Kant also had a point, so Lin Mo nodded, as approval.

"You know the future fate of this ship, and our fate." Kant was right this time.

Lin Mo did know their fate.

The ship sank and people died.

That's it!

So he nodded again.

"So we're going to die, right?" Kant asked.

Lin Mo wanted to tell them that you are already dead, and you are just a retrospective in a memory.

But it kind of hurts to say that.

But this is the truth.

So Lin Mo nodded.

"There is no one alive in the whole ship."

As soon as these words came out, researchers including Kant turned pale.

normal reaction.

Anyone who heard the news of their own death would not be happy.

Kant remembered something at this time, and quickly asked: "You asked me just now if I was Pamir's father, then my daughter is also..."

Lin Mo said in his heart that this guy can't understand words?

It was said that there was no one alive in the whole ship, so why asked.

But thinking that this is the last glimmer of hope in a father's heart, I understand.

Lin Mo repeated it.

"Unfortunately, there is not a single survivor in the whole ship."

"No, no, Pamir is only five years old, no, no." Kant was anxious at this time.

He grabbed Lin Mo's hand and begged Lin Mo to save his daughter.

"You save her, I can do anything."

Lin Mo said I couldn't save her. If you have this skill, why don't you tell me where you died so that I can find you.

"Please, save her, I shouldn't have brought her on board, I have no other requirements, you save her, I will give you a psychoactive medicine, which is a great tonic for you, this medicine 418 has always wanted , but I didn't give it, I gave it to you, as long as you save my daughter Pamir."

Saying that, Kant took out a small box from his pocket.

"This is nzt-47, a special psychoactive drug that can greatly enhance your mental power. Although it has a little side effect, it is not worth mentioning at all for your existence. No. 418 is drooling over this drug. , but I didn't take it, you just help me and I'll give it to you."

Lin Mo didn't expect to trigger the 'hidden plot'.

Pamir's father is still a drug dealer?

Lin Mo didn't know the origin of the medicine in the other party's hand, but looking at Kant like this, he felt very precious and valuable.

Lin Mo took it and looked at it, and found that he had seen it before.

This medicine has one in his pocket.

The little blue pill bottle I found in the locker earlier.

A small box can hold two vials.

It looks like this is the standard package.

However, Lin Mo only found one bottle in the locker. Is it only one bottle, or there were originally two bottles, but one of them was taken away.

Or drink it.

If the latter, who drank it?

There was only one person Lin Mo could think of.


This is the very open blond babes that I control now.

Why did he enter into this Sivir's memory?

Clearly, there was something different about the other side.

At present, the biggest possibility is that this Sivir is not only very open in his private life, but also has problems with his own professional ethics.

She probably stole a copy of nzt-47 by some means.

Then drink a bottle.

This led to a huge change in her mental strength.

Having said that, this girl is so courageous that she dares to drink this kind of medicine that sounds like a nightmare?

The reason why Lin Mo reasoned is because of one of the manifestations, that is, her mental power can record a certain memory, and then transform it into a scene, and this mental power is trapped in the locker, to be precise, in those words.

So after touching those words, he was pulled into this memory by the other party's mental power.

This explanation is very reasonable.

Since it is just a memory, what will happen here is already doomed.

Even if the ending is changed in this memory, it can't actually affect what has happened.

So, to save people is to do nothing.

But then again, since that's the case, it's not impossible to save and satisfy Kant's little wish.

Thinking of this, Lin Mo finally nodded.

"Okay, I'm going to save her, but I can't guarantee that I can really save people. I can only say that I will try my best."

Seeing that Lin Mo agreed, Kant seemed very happy.

Lin Mo thought again now.

Since they have chosen to save people, it is better to send the Buddha to the West.

Take this Kant with you too.

The actual situation is that the two fathers and daughters did not meet until they died, which is quite miserable. Since this is the case, in this memory, it is better to satisfy their wishes.

"Follow me." Lin Mo figured it out, so he couldn't delay.

After all, in this situation, how long he can stay here is unknown.

Just when Lin Mo pushed open the door of the laboratory and walked out, he found several people with guns standing outside the door, each with a strange expression.

From the twisted and ferocious facial features, it can be seen that they are all ordinary people controlled by 418.

The next moment they fired.

Everything around him shattered in an instant.

Lin Mo only felt like a fast-moving car suddenly braked and stopped. Looking at it again, he returned to the locker in the submarine cabin.

Obviously, the previous memory recall was directly interrupted after the Sivir in the memory was swept into a sieve.

However, Lin Mo probably already knew that the ghosts had led him here.

Lin Mo reached out and felt in the locker, and finally found a small medicine bottle from the sticky pocket of the tattered clothes underneath.

It is the kind of psychiatric medicine that Kant said, it will make you more nervous when you drink it.


------off topic-----

Chapter 1 in the morning, ask for a monthly ticket!


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