Doomsday Begins with a Nightmare

Vol 2 Chapter 842: four hundred and eighteen

If it wasn't for the experience in that memory retrospective, Lin Mo would definitely not be able to find this small medicine bottle.

The clothes and debris below are all rotting into a paste, who would rummage through this pile of sticky stuff?

Those ghosts are all staff members on the ship, and there must be a blond girl named 'Sivir' among them. It's just that the other party guides him to find this small bottle of medicine, what is his calculation?

Well-intentioned, or malicious?

At this time, Lin Mo needs to make a judgment by himself.

At this moment, he looked out from the ventilation opening of the locker, and the ghosts outside had disappeared.

Lin Mo pushed open the locker and swam out.

Then, according to the scene of recalling the previous memory, he walked in the direction of Laboratory No. 3. When he got there, he found that the hatch was closed, and it seemed that it had never been opened at all.

Across the rusted iron door, Lin Mo felt that there was some kind of danger hidden behind the door.

Maybe it has something to do with that Experiment No. 418.

Lin Mo is also eager to figure out some of the secrets of Experiment 418, because the scientists here created Experiment 418, and its main purpose was to control the sea of ​​fear.

But don't know why it fails.

From the information that has been obtained, Experiment No. 418 appeared in a human-shaped posture, or in other words, this special spiritual creature was cultivated from the human body.

Later, due to some reasons, the No. 418 experimental body broke away from the human body and began to control the crew on the ship, and finally created this terrible disaster.

Lin Mo stretched out his hand, and he immediately stretched out a few cursed chains from his sleeves. The chains were like flexible and powerful tentacles, and they just opened the closed hatch in the blink of an eye.

The dull sound caused bubbles to surge, and then several rotting corpses floated out.

It seems that these few died at the door, so they floated out as soon as the door was opened.

Not surprisingly, they were all researchers from Laboratory 3 that Lin Mo had seen before.

And Kant, the little girl's father, should also be here.

Using iron chains to tie a few ghouls, Lin Mo thought about it, there were only seven or eight people, and if it was a big deal, they would all be taken out for Pamir to identify himself.

These chains are sticking out from behind Lin Mo, like his tail.

Speaking of which, since the last time he dealt with the body of 'Jane', he had a fit with Xiaoyu. After that, Lin Mo found that the communication between him and Xiaoyu was smoother.

You don't even need to call Xiaoyu out alone, you can communicate with Xiaoyu with just a thought, and some of Xiaoyu's abilities can also be used by Lin Mo.

The reverse should also be true.

That is to say, Xiaoyu should also be able to use some of Lin Mo's curse powers.

These cursed chains are controlled by Lin Mo. This thing is actually the same as the extended hand, but it is stronger and more flexible.

This is Lab 3.

Lin Mo searched here and found seven corpses in total.

Kant should be in it.

However, Lin Mo soon discovered that he remembered that in his memory retrospective, there were eight people in total including himself, that is to say, there was one less body.

Subconsciously, Lin Mo felt that Bob was missing.

The other party was the first person to be controlled by 418 in the laboratory.

In the memory retrospect, he was killed by himself, but in reality, the other party must have successfully killed other people in the laboratory.

At this moment, seven corpses were tied to a cursed chain behind Lin Mo, just like a bunch of floating grapes.

These have to be taken out.

There are still some materials on the table, some of which have become paste, but some are preserved because they use special paper. Lin Mo went to look at it.

The findings are all research reports on 418.

Similar to log.

"...418 is not perfect. Its spiritual power can only reach its peak for four hours a day. At other times, it will decay. When it is the weakest, 418 will automatically fall into a deep sleep. Only at this time, its spiritual power will disappear. "

"...Completed the sixteenth spiritual connection with the sea of ​​fear, 418 said, there are other beings trying to control the sea of ​​fear, this is not very credible, the possibility of producing high-level spiritual creatures under natural conditions is very small , only one in a million."

"...418 seems to have communicated with other spiritual beings. It hid this description, but the monitoring equipment recorded those unusual mental fluctuations. This needs to be reported to the superior. 418 has become uncontrollable."

"...The research on nzt-47 drugs has been completed. If 418 is given this type of drug, its mental power can be increased tenfold in a short period of time. Perhaps, this way, the sea of ​​fear can be completely controlled, but all this requires It can only be carried out after a security assessment of 418 has been completed."

"418 seems to be hiding more things. It seems to know the outside world very well. Has it infiltrated?"

These are the contents of the last part of the log.

From these contents, Lin Mo understood some key information.

418 was in a 'dormant' state for a long time a day, and this subject seemed to be very dark-bellied and knew how to hide. Also, the other party did not take nzt-47.

From memory recall, 418 seems eager to get nzt-47.

In addition, the drug nzt-47 is not meant to be taken once and for all, it is only a drug that can improve mental strength in a short period of time.

Once the effect of the drug wears off, it will be beaten back to its original shape.

However, the side effects of this drug are not written.

So although Lin Mo had a small bottle in his hand, he didn't plan to use it on himself for the time being to be on the safe side.

"I didn't encounter 418 after I entered the Explorer. Maybe I came at the wrong time, just during the time when the other party was sleeping."

Lin Mo analyzed it.

He didn't believe that 418, a terrifying spiritual nightmare, would perish on its own in a year of sinking.

Nine times out of ten, the other party is still here.

As for those ghosts before, they may have run out to do something while 418 was sleeping. Perhaps, they discovered their arrival, observed in the dark, and felt that they were not bad and had potential, so they let themselves get it. nzt-47.

Then there are several possible things that can happen next.

left by himself.

Nothing happened, everything was as it was.

No one was lost.

Another possibility is that he continued to explore here, and after 418 woke up, he found the intruder, and then started to kill himself.

However, it may not be killed immediately, and he has to resist, maybe he can kill 418.

By the way, 418 is a kind of spiritual nightmare, and the perception ability must not be weak. If you find that you are not easy to mess with, you may not take the initiative to attack.

"So, at this time, the value of nzt-47 is reflected."

Lin Mo suddenly had a flash of inspiration at this moment. If 418 found out that the nzt-47 it had been looking for was on him, then in all greed and desire, he would take the risk in all likelihood.

As a result, conflicts are bound to occur, even life-and-death struggles.

Of course, there is also a possibility that he was a stunned young man and drank nzt-47 directly.

However, this will still trigger a 418 attack.

In the eyes of those ghost shadows, even if the possibility of killing 418 by themselves is only one in ten, as long as they can win, it must be a good thing for them.

Because they may have been controlled by 418 all the time, or even sealed here, unable to gain freedom.

These are some conjectures that Lin Mo deduced based on the clues found so far.

Probably not.

But maybe one of them is the truth.

Take this information with you.

Lin Mo thought about it, those ghosts were a bit unnecessary, because after he paid Pamir, he would come back.

The reason is very simple, this time Lin Mo is to take away the Gluttony, and to do this, he will definitely contact the Sea of ​​Fear, and a conflict is a high probability event.

In this regard, Lin Mo had no preparation or rehearsal before.

Because he knew almost nothing about the Sea of ​​Fear.

Now I have found clues about the Sea of ​​Fear on the Explorer, and even found the No. 418 spiritual nightmare that can theoretically control the Sea of ​​Fear. Of course, we must understand it well. It is best to have some friendly and in-depth discussions with 418 in person. communicate.

This opportunity must not be missed.

So those ghosts are a bit smart, even if they don't do this, even if 418 doesn't come to Lin Mo, Lin Mo will go for it.

Lin Mo planned to go out first to meet the little girl Pamir.

He dragged seven corpses to swim out, but at this time he felt the chain being pulled.

Looking back, the seven corpses were holding on to the railings of the table here, and they were all looking at Lin Mo with a very strange posture.

Even though the corpse's eyeballs were hollowed out by the fish and shrimp, Lin Mo could still see that they were looking at him at this time.

What does this mean?

Still not happy to go?


These corpses were controlled by some kind of force.

418 woke up?

Lin Mo immediately realized this.

"It's okay to wake up, save me from running again!"

Lin Mo straightened his mind and began to look around. Suddenly, a face suddenly appeared from the side. This was also a corpse, but it didn't rot very much, especially a pair of eyes with a faint light.

Just looking at it gives the illusion of being caught in it.


Lin Mo felt that someone pushed him next.

He took a few steps back and suddenly sat down on a sofa.

The surrounding environment has changed, it is no longer a shipwreck, it should be a spiritual realm.

This is a living room with a sofa and a TV. It feels like home.

Lin Mo looked around and felt that the environment here was very familiar. The next moment, his eyes widened, and his nose suddenly became a little sore.

"Isn't this... home?"

Lin Mo mumbled.

He immediately got up and walked towards the back corridor, glancing at the kitchen.

There is no one inside.

Feeling a little lost, he hurried upstairs and looked at each room.

Equally empty.

When he came downstairs, he sighed, his expression indescribably declined, returned to the living room, sat on the sofa, his eyes were not focused, he was a little lost, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

The next moment, the door was opened, and someone came in from outside.

Lin Mo raised his head and took a look, but there was a glimmer of hope in his eyes. After seeing that the person who came was not any of the three people he thought, his face was filled with disappointment.

"You look a little unhappy." There was a grim look in the eyes of the person who entered the door. It was the kind of look in the eyes of a hungry wolf looking at a little sheep.

These emotions are mixed in each other's eyes.

Explain that this is a very complex and dangerous person.

The man was going to come over and sit on the sofa opposite, but as soon as he approached, Lin Mo said, "Stop, who let you in? You still plan to sit on this sofa, do you know who sits on this sofa? ?go away."

The other party was scolded.

Perhaps in the past, no one dared to be so disrespectful to it in the spiritual realm.

Others, when they experienced all this, were already frightened and would be kneaded by it arbitrarily.

"You're brave, but that doesn't change the outcome of this." It was still poised.

In fact, it can immediately jump up to kill the opponent, and then completely control the person's body.

This kind of thing has often been done in the past.

Very skilled.

But he felt that it was very boring, just like the devil entering the village, he had no quality at all.

It feels like it has quality.

Usually, they have to chat and get to know them well, and then slowly show their terrifying side, appreciate the other party's distorted facial features because of fear, and finally begin to torture and kill when the other party is crying or begging for mercy.

This will give it a sense of accomplishment and feel like an amazing artist.

The other party's performance just now may be because the other party doesn't know how powerful he is.

This is actually quite fun.

It has thought about it, and won't tell the other party for the time being, so that when it kills this person later, it can see the other party's change from complacency to fear and despair.

This reversal is cool for it.

According to a common saying in a certain country in the east, this is called "playing as a pig and eating a tiger".

"Okay, don't sit if you don't sit. Then again, I've entered the spiritual world of many people, and most of them are blank or barren. Your place is quite different. There is actually a small house. This is the decoration. A little old fashioned." It had plenty of time to chat.

A whole day in the spiritual realm versus a second outside.

In the past, it tortured a person to the point of collapse, usually for two to three days, and for some superb ones, it would take three to five days.

In front of this, he thought about it, and he had to toss the other party for five days.

On the opposite side, Lin Mo ignored the words of 'it'.

In Lin Mo's view, none of this matters.

The person who came in in front of him looked exactly the same as Bob in the memory recall.

And the other party can enter their own spiritual realm.

So the identity of the other party is also ready to be revealed.

"You are 418?" Lin Mo asked directly.

The opposite Bob was stunned for a while, and then showed a trace of unhappiness: "It's the No. 418 mental variant, you hillbilly."

"Okay 418, let me ask you, are you here to chat with me first, or do you plan to do it first?"

Lin Mo is in a bad mood now.

This familiar two-story cottage reminded him of some things in the past. There used to be a family of four, a loving couple, a handsome son, and a smart and lively daughter.

But now, things are different.

Bob, also known as 418, showed a murderous look on his face at this time.

"You really don't know how to chat. Fortunately, I don't care, I ask you..."

"Let me ask you first." Lin Mo reached out to stop the other party.

"You, ask me? What do you want to ask?" 418 was a little curious.

"You started killing on the Explorer, I understand that, but why did you sink the ship? I don't think it will do you any good." Lin Mo asked a doubt in his heart.

418 was a little surprised. He probably didn't expect Lin Mo to ask such a question.

"I didn't sink the ship." At this time, a trace of anger flashed on 418's face, but it didn't seem to want Lin Mo to notice, so this emotion just flashed by and was then hidden.

"You didn't sink it? Could it be that some crew members were not under your control, and they sank the ship themselves, so that they could trap you at the bottom of the sea?"

"Hehe, just those wastes? I want to kill them like squeezing ants, they don't have this chance at all."

"Understood, it's not you or the crew, it can only be an external existence. I think about it, it's the sea of ​​fear?" Lin Mo's mind is turning faster now, he is only related to this matter. The powerful existence scoured it, and then found an existence that could do this.

This time, 418 squinted his eyes, and then showed a look of ridicule.

And it actually laughed out loud.

It seems that what Lin Mo said just now was very ridiculous.

Lin Mo was not angry either.

He really knew very little about the Sea of ​​Fear, and he was already mentally prepared to say something wrong.

After laughing for a while, 418 told Lin Mo that the sea of ​​fear is not a single individual as you imagined.

"It's an incomprehensible existence, and those ridiculous guys expect me to control this existence, isn't that a joke? It's ignorant, I didn't control the sea of ​​fear from the beginning, but they did. Me. Also, technically, I'm also part of the sea of ​​fear right now."

418 showed a strange and sinister smile.

But it was disappointed, and Lin Mo did not show shock and fear on the opposite side.

On the contrary, this guy actually lowered his head and thought.

"What are you doing?" 418 asked.

Lin Mo reached out to interrupt its questioning, as if its voice would interrupt his thinking.

"You bastard, I'm starting to lose my patience." 418 was a little angry. It was originally the controller, and he should listen to him on how to play this game of cat and mouse.

But now it found that, from the beginning, it was being led by the nose.

As a self-confident nightmare that thinks itself is the higher being, it's downright humiliating.

It changed minds.

It wants to give the man across from him a little color right away.

Perhaps in this way, the other party can understand what a terrible existence he is.

"In the spiritual realm, I am invincible." 418 sneered and stretched out his palm to Lin Mo.

He will use mental power to lock the opponent.

In this way, no matter what it does next, the other party cannot resist.

It's like dealing with a fish tied to a chopping board.

418 made a sharp knife and walked towards the opposite person with a grinning smile. It deliberately shook the sharp knife in its hand, approached, and stabbed the opposite person's arm.

Seeing this, the man on the opposite side cursed impatiently, then reached out to grab 418's wrist like a lightning bolt, grabbed the knife, and then pierced 418's foot with a knife and nailed it to the floor.

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