Doomsday Begins with a Nightmare

Vol 2 Chapter 840: Are you Pamir's dad?

Lin Mo has no prejudice against scientists themselves.

Instead, he admires scientists from all walks of life.

Without the continuous research of these scientists, society would not develop, the times would not progress, and people would not be able to enjoy the convenience brought by so many technological innovations.

However, Lin Mo has reservations about the scientist who developed the 'God Plan'.

Mainly because they are too stubborn.

It's no wonder that the words "top secret" are engraved on the surface book of the Tianshen plan. I guess they are too embarrassed to let others see these contents.

Knowing the seriousness of the Nightmare Invasion, and knowing that doing so would create a very destructive nightmare in the Nightmare World, they did it anyway.

This is not some distortion of human nature and moral decline, it is purely for profit.

Because someone paid a lot of money to make them do it.

This Explorer has the official background of the White Eagle Nation, as well as the capital of major consortiums. It can be said that from the beginning, it has served the upper class.

Lin Mo only found out after reading some top-secret documents.

There are at least hundreds of 'scientific research' institutions like the Explorer in the White Eagle Country, some on land and some at sea.

Lin Mo remembered that he had seen some international nightmare archives in the archives of the General Administration.

There are some nightmare codes, which are exactly the same as the artificial nightmares in this "God Project".

So, this is called shooting yourself in the foot.

There is a lot of content in the Tianshen plan, and Lin Mo only read a small part of it roughly. Lin Mo put away all the documents and prepared to take them back.

It is also a great achievement to hand this thing over to the General Administration.

In addition to the Tianshen plan, there are some other files in the safe. They are also made of special, extremely wear-resistant and corrosion-resistant paper materials. Even after being soaked in sea water for so long, the paper is still flexible and the writing on it is still the same. clear.

"No. 418, a mental nightmare, an experimental subject, can have a certain resonance with the sea of ​​fear, and is studying and trying to control the sea of ​​fear through experimental subject No. 418."

Lin Mo turned to a file.

The above records are all about the 418th subject.

Very detailed.

There are even tables for daily records.

The front was filled with unnutritious things, and Lin Mo turned to the end, which read: The subject has had strong mental fluctuations in the last 30 hours, and suspected the connection with the sea of ​​fear.

And then gone.

The record is so far, there is no follow-up.

Then it can be understood that after this record, a huge accident happened to the Explorer, and the ship was destroyed, so of course there was no record after that.

This is a harvest for Lin Mo.

He knew the cause of the Explorer's accident, which may have something to do with this No. 418 experimental body.

Lin Mo has always had a big brain. He can speculate some facts that are based on facts, and he can still imagine some things that have no basis.

For example, Lin Mo was thinking at this moment, child Pamela, could it be this experiment number 418?

Think again, rejected.

Not only because there is no evidence, but also because Pamela is a top obsession, not some kind of special spiritual nightmare, Lin Mo can still tell the difference between the two.

That is, Pamela is Pamela, and 418 is 418.

Two things.

Lin Mo has other discoveries.

Personnel who record Subject 418 will sign and date the record sheet after each recording.

The person in charge of recording Subject 418 is called Kant.

Isn't this Pamela's father?

Sure enough, the little girl's father was a pivotal person on the Explorer, at least the director of the researchers. And here is the research cabin, so the possibility of finding the opponent's skeleton here is relatively high.

"But I can't recognize it. I really can't. I can only call Pamela down and let her find it in this dead person."

Lin Mo was muttering when he suddenly felt that the temperature of the surrounding seawater seemed to be colder than before.

Just like when you are swimming, someone adds ice cubes into the pool, not one by one, but pouring in a lot of ice cubes at once, so that it will have this degree of coldness.

Feeling for a moment, this cold seems to come from behind.

Lin Mo turned around and found a ghost floating behind him.

This is not surprising.

There are not many ghosts in the eerie shipwreck. Open the door in other shipwrecks and you can rush out a large group. This ship has only come out now, and it is very conservative.

At this moment, the ghost looked at Lin Mo, and under the fluttering golden hair were a pair of empty eyes.

It looks like the eyes of a dead fish on a chopping board in a seafood market.

Lin Mo wasn't quite sure about the ghost's intention.

The other party doesn't attack, just floats over there and stares at you.

Lin Mo is not the kind of person who has nothing to do and play with ghosts.

He has no spare time.

If the other party has something to talk about, if it's okay, then he doesn't have time to accompany him.

Lin Mo chose to ignore the other party.

Keep rummaging.

This ghost wants to do it, and Lin Mo will accompany it. If you want to watch it, let it watch it. The river doesn't make the well water, so you and I are fine.

The ghost was really looking at Lin Mo without moving.

Lin Mo's archives of this place are all packed, including Pamela's doll he found, and take them out together.

Where the ghost is located is the door to this room.

If Lin Mo wants to go out, he has to pass through it.

As someone else, he must be worried at this time, and Lin Mo is not worried at all.

He swam over to push him away, and swam out the door.

When I got outside, I felt even more gloomy and cold, and the reason was very simple, because the corridor that was empty just now was actually filled with 'ghost images' at this moment.

Lin Mo really didn't understand where these guys came from.

It's almost like magic.

It feels like you are walking around somewhere and want to go to the toilet. The outside is empty and there is no one in the toilet.

Suddenly, a person appeared in the toilet.

You are not afraid.

Lifting your pants and walking out, as soon as you get out of the toilet, you find that there was no one on the road. At this moment, there are people standing there, all looking at you gloomily.

Just ask if you are afraid.

If this place is not the bottom of the sea, Lin Mo really wants to ask, are you planning to fight in groups or one-on-one?

I don't know if there is Pamela's father in these ghosts.

At this time, Lin Mo suddenly stretched out his hands when he saw these ghosts.

"Want to start?"

Lin Mo also drew out the sickle.

But he soon discovered that the ghosts didn't rush up, they were just pointing in one direction, as if they wanted to attract Lin Mo's attention.

Lin Mo looked in the direction their fingers pointed.

That's a row of lockers.

It has long been covered with a layer of algae creatures on the seabed, which look fluffy and elegant.

Lin Mo didn't quite understand the meaning of these ghosts.

Of course, Lin Mo didn't feel any threat or maliciousness from these ghosts. If there were, Xiaoyu would have already warned.

Lin Mo gestured to these ghosts and asked them what they wanted to do, but they didn't move, so they pointed directly at the locker.

"Okay, I'll go take a look."

Lin Mo guessed that there was something hidden there?

So go check it out.

Several cabinets have been deformed by the pressure of the seabed, but there are also normal ones. When you open them, there is nothing but a few scared seabed crabs.

Just when Lin Mo wanted to ask again, a pair of hands suddenly pushed Lin Mo.

Lin Mo was pushed directly into the locker.

What is this for?

Turning around in the cupboard, he found that the locker door had been closed.

Several ghosts gestured at Lin Mo at the door.

So far, none of these ghosts have any malice towards Lin Mo. On the contrary, they seem to want to express some kind of intention.

But because there is no way to speak, or there are other concerns and restrictions, it can only be expressed in this way.

Collimer really didn't know what they were expressing.

"Xiaoyu, you said you didn't stop it, they pushed me to the locker, and you just watched like that?" Lin Mo grumbled, bubbling in his mouth, he couldn't hear the words himself, don't Say it's raining.

But soon, Lin Mo found interesting clues.

On the left and right sides of the locker, there are words written on it.

Foreign alphabetic text seems to be attached to some kind of resentment, so the text is clearly visible.

Lin Mo took a closer look.

No, this word not only has resentment, but also extremely powerful spiritual power.

The moment he saw these words, Lin Mo felt that he was being dragged by a huge force. It felt like a chair where you were sitting and resting, and suddenly it turned into a racing car with full horsepower. Rapid acceleration to 13.3 seconds.

This feeling does not only happen in the body, but also in the senses, sight, hearing.

When Lin Mo reacted, everything in front of him had changed.

He was still in the locker, but there was no water around, nor that dark and rotten feeling. Looking out from the locker's vent, he could see the bright corridor, and the occasional passerby.

"Have you crossed?" Lin Mo was a little stunned for a while.

His first reaction was to be blinded by a ghost.

In other words, what I see now is an illusion.

It hurts to pinch myself.

Not quite like a hallucination.

More like some kind of 'memory replay'.

Lin Mo remembered something. He glanced at the inner wall of the locker room, which was full of words. It was empty at the moment.

"It should be some kind of memory replay."

It must be those words that triggered the reappearance of this memory.

Those ghosts also wanted to let themselves experience this, so they pushed themselves forward.

Lin Mo is already an experienced person. After roughly figuring out the current situation, he saw the opportunity. Taking advantage of no one outside, he opened the locker and got out of it.

This should still be the Explorer, but at a time node before it sank.

At this time, Lin Mo reached out and touched his body and then his chest. Good guy, she's actually a big-breasted girl; look at her hair, she's blond.

That's the blonde with big breasts.

This can be!

In other words, he has entered the memory of a foreign girl.

His body is still in the locker of the sunken ship.

It's just because of those weird words, he can use a certain person's identity to experience a certain event again.

Obviously, those ghosts are asking for help, they can't speak, they can only use this method.

That blond girl with **** is also very powerful, she can write that kind of special text and drag herself in.

As for what to do now, Lin Mo doesn't know.

He reopened the locker and rummaged through the contents.

There is a uniform inside, like that of the White Eagle Navy, and some documents.

When it comes to documents, Lin Mo found that he now had a work card hanging on his chest.

And the document is a person.

A blond girl named 'Sivir', thirty-one years old, a scientific researcher with two degrees.

Sivir in the photo still has a little freckles.

Keep rummaging.

Lin Mo pulled out a small bottle of blue liquid in a clothes pocket in the locker.

I feel like this should be unusual.

Because the fingers of this body twitched a few times at the moment, this should be a conditioned reflex, and there will be a reaction when you see something more critical.

Lin Mo controlled his fingers, suppressed the shaking, and then put the small bottle of blue liquid into his pocket.

"Sivir, come here!"

At this time, someone shouted from behind.

Lin Mo glanced at it, it was another person in a white coat, a middle-aged man, a little bald.

Lin Mo didn't know what the other party was called.

But still agreed, closed the locker and walked over.

"Something happened, the boss told everyone to go to the No. 3 laboratory immediately." After the middle-aged bald man said, he looked at Lin Mo with tenderness in his eyes.

"I see that your face is not very good, are you uncomfortable?"

Relying on it, he actually picked up on it.

The problem is that Lin Mo doesn't know if his current 'identity' has had any relationship with the other party, so he doesn't know how to accept it for a while.

"It's a little uncomfortable." He responded quickly and admitted it happily.

"Then, come to my cabin at night, and I'll rub it for you." The middle-aged bald man whispered, and this sentence almost didn't make Lin Mo happy.

It actually has legs.

Or it is said that the relationship between people abroad is chaotic. It seems that they are colleagues, but in fact, there may be some kind of intimate relationship.

Of course, it's also possible that the family itself is a couple.

"Okay, I'll be there!" Lin Mo agreed.

Anyway, he didn't lose anything. There should be only a small amount of memory in this period. Lin Mo just treated it as playing games and over the plot. In that case, why hurt the feelings of an idiot.

After all, everyone on this boat has already hung up.

At least give each other a little hope and thought.

Lin Mo felt that he was a really good person.

Lin Mo didn't know where the No. 3 laboratory was. Fortunately, a middle-aged bald man led the way.

The two moved forward, turned twice, passed through two hatches, and entered a large test cabin.

There are already many people inside.

At this time, when a fat man passed by, the other party secretly hooked Lin Mo's hand with his fingers. Lin Mo looked at him, and the other party fluttered affectionately.

What does this mean?

Lin Mo felt that the other party also seemed to have an affair with Sivir.

"I didn't expect this girl to be so open."

Lin Mo murmured in his heart.

But that has nothing to do with him.

In order to show Sivir's fraternity, Lin Mo also blinked from the fat man.

Soon, several more researchers came in, all in a hurry, and even the expressions of others became serious.

A man came out and started talking.

It seems that this is the person in charge of the laboratory.

"We screwed up, Subject 418 lied to us."

The first sentence is pretty cool.

But there is no beginning and no end. Lin Mo, an outsider, doesn't know the cause and effect.

However, Lin Mo's response was to listen first, then ask.

Others in the lab showed some panic at this time, obviously they knew the specific situation.

"Then we kill it?" a researcher asked at this time.

"It's too late, it's already infiltrated, but it's been hidden all the time. We don't know anything about it. What's now locked in the isolation room is just a useless body." The person in charge looked like an old man. At ten years old, the vicissitudes of life are incredible.

As soon as this sentence was said, others were really scared.

There was no need to say that kind of fear, it was all written on his face.

"No, we have to return, we have to go back immediately, it's too dangerous to stay here." Another black girl shouted.

As soon as she finished speaking, she heard the sound of gunshots coming from the upper floor.

Then came the sound of gunshots.

The faces of the people in the laboratory were pale.

"I'm afraid it's too late." The person in charge trembled, his face full of despair at the moment.

At this time, someone smiled.

The person next to the person in charge was a little annoyed, and shouted at the colleague who was laughing: "Bob, is there something wrong with your brain? You can still laugh at this time."

Bob is a young man who doesn't seem to have a high status in the lab.

But Bob was still smiling.

And the laughter gradually tends to be weird.

From the beginning of hehehe, to the later giggle, and finally became Jie Jie Jie.

This idiot knows something is wrong.

The next moment, Bob suddenly raised his head, with a strange smile on his face, his eyes were round and round, as if he was wearing pure black contact lenses.

Then this guy's mouth started to babble but it was a whisper, very fast, no one knew what he was saying.

Someone bleeds from the seven holes on the spot and fell to the ground, and another person trembled, then quickly picked up a paper cutter next to him, and wiped his own neck neatly.

The laboratory was also in chaos.

"It's it, Subject 418."

"Run, run!"

Crying, shouting, gasping, endless.

Someone was about to pull Lin Mo to run, but Lin Mo kicked him aside.

Then he grabbed a phone on the table, went up and smashed it on Bob's head.

Bob fell to the ground.

That's not all, Lin Mo picked up another computer host and slammed it on Bob's face.

This time, the world is quiet.

People who were about to run but hadn't run out yet, or who fell to the ground because of their weak legs were all looking at Lin Mo at the moment.


Quiet is quiet, but Lin Mo didn't stop.

He picked up another printer, held it high, and slammed it down.

This time, everyone looked at them with fear in their eyes.

It is estimated that this product must have been picked up by 418.

its not right.

If the upper body is on, it should be with Bob, why do you want to kill each other.

Everyone's brains are messed up.

At this time, Lin Mo took off his white coat, fluttered his blond hair, and then glanced at the laboratory leader who was leaning against the corner of the corner who was talking just now.

He walked over and asked, "Are you Pamir's father?"

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