Doomsday Begins with a Nightmare

Vol 2 Chapter 1002: he is dead

The trees in the cemetery are also tall and straight, even the projections in the nightmare world are the same as in the real world, just like guards with high arrogance, guarding this sacred place.

It was also the first time for Lin Mo.

The old soldier was the same as when he saw it before, wearing a blue dress, although it was worn out, but it was very clean, and it was very refreshing to wear it on him.

It's not as quiet as Lin Mo thought.

In many places, there are some people chatting.

very young.

There are very few soldiers of that age.

There are also some children, dressed in extremely plain clothes, like children in the mountains, and some are still barefoot.

Lin Mo likes children. Because of Doudou, he always brings some candy with him.

When you meet them, give some to these children.

But what Lin Mo never expected was that the veteran was very embarrassed. A child came over to eat candy and glanced at the veteran.

"Shuanzi, what are you doing blindly?"


Lin Mo glanced at the veteran and thought that this was the nickname of the veteran?

But this little kid is a little rude. How can he be called an adult like that? It's more than enough for a veteran to be his uncle.

As a result, the veteran shouted at the child very respectfully: "Brother Kuaizi, I'll bring a friend for a walk."

"Your friend? It's pretty good."

This brother Kuaizi, who seemed to be only ten years old at most, nodded and ran away again.

The veteran didn't explain.

Lin Mo didn't ask.

But he already had a guess in his mind.

This child is also a YL. It is estimated that he was so old when he sacrificed. Maybe the actual age of the veteran is younger than the other party, so he is called that.

All of a sudden, Lin Mo was a little respected.

It can be seen that although the child is a heroic spirit, his aura is very weak, it is just a remnant, not even a ghost.

But it happens that the veterans respect him very much.

It can be seen from the tone, actions and eyes.

Obviously, the people I met along the way just now were YLs in this large cemetery. Some greeted the veterans, while others, as if they couldn't see them, were still doing their own thing.


There are those who send telegrams, and they concentrate on them; there are also those who take the soles of shoes, and they are equally distracted. Others walked around, as if on patrol.

The veteran took Lin Mo and Lin Yuan to a tall monument.

There are many names engraved on it.

Densely packed.

"It's unrealistic to build a monument for one person, so let's do it together. At that time, everyone likes to be lively. Do it together, and you're not alone." The veteran said at this time.

Then he looked for it, and then pointed to a name on it to Lin Mo.

Liu Feng.

The birthday is written next to it.

And this name is just one of the many names above.

The veteran said that there are still names and surnames, and there are also monuments of unsung heroes over there, those with no names and no surnames, and more.

Lin Mo nodded. At first, he and his brother thought that there were quite a lot of heroic spirits here, but now, I am afraid that even 1% of these names are not enough.

More people have completely dissipated.

"When a person dies, his soul is gone, but his spirit is immortal and immortal!"

The veteran went over to wipe the stone tablet, and there was a light in his eyes.

Lin Mo and Lin Yuan also went to pay their respects.

The veteran asked them to sit on the stone steps next to them, and from a bag they were carrying, they took out two bottles of wine and a few wine glasses, and poured two glasses, one toast and one for self-drinking.

Then, slowly start talking about what happened back then.

"That day, I should have gone to pick him up, but there were traitors among us, and I was ambushed as soon as I went out. Although I tried to escape in the end, I was seriously injured and couldn't go to pick up Liu Feng, even at that time. I can't even explain this matter to others, and let others do it for me. I have been unable to let go of this matter. I didn't expect Liu Feng to let it go, and I didn't expect him to be persistent for a hundred years. He is more than me. It's a lot more bitter. It's my fault, it's my fault for him."

Veterans drink cup by cup.

And more and more excited.

Seeing this, Lin Mo naturally had to persuade him, saying that no one wanted to do such a thing, it was just that the enemy was too cunning and too cruel. The elder brother next to him was also helping, saying that Liu Feng was indeed a good man.

"So I thank you all for helping him get rid of this obsession, so that he can be freed, and it also helped me get rid of the boulder that was pressing on my heart."

The veteran also poured a cup for Lin Mo and Lin Yuan, and the two of them hurriedly picked it up and drank it.

All three of them were drunk that day.

I don't know where the old soldier got the two bottles of wine, they are very good.

Especially stamina.

Lin Mo forgot how they got back.

But there is no doubt that after drinking with the veterans, the relationship between them has been upgraded from former friends to iron ones.

After doing the math, Lin Mo has a very good relationship with the three special experts. Needless to say, Lin Nan, Zhong Kui also had a friendship in the underworld together. What's more, now Lin Mo is still Zhong Kui's superior in the underworld.

Now, the veteran also has a very good relationship with Lin Mo because of Liu Feng's affairs. Basically, if he needs the help of these three, it is definitely on call.

It is said that even the director is extremely envious of this.

Sometimes, the other three are out of time, and they have to find Lin Mo to coordinate.

The next few days were quiet.

As a special expert, you can't run around all day and ask for leave all day.

In addition, everything at home was basically done, so during this time, Lin Mo went to work on time at the General Administration. He even participated in several meetings that he didn't like very much, and held two trainings and lectures.

If there are some emergencies that cannot be dealt with by the normal expert group, Lin Mo will also be asked to help.

Basically, in the eyes of others, the extremely dangerous dream demon can be easily solved in a few minutes when it is in Lin Mo's hands.

To be honest, this day is a bit boring, but fortunately, I have my elder brother to accompany me, so it is not too difficult to live.

When it was all right, Lin Mo complained to his brother, saying that the future life should not be like this.

"Isn't it good, it's in line with my mother's heart, and it's safe and sound. It's great."

"It's true. It's just a few days after this good day, and I'm talking nonsense. Mom is actually right. It's better to be safe."

"Yes, in the future, if you marry another daughter-in-law and have a child, it will be called starting a family and starting a business, and it will be more stable."

"Hey, that's not right, brother, you are my brother. Even if you want to get married, you have to be in front of me. Our Lin family is also very traditional, and the rules can't be broken."

"Don't do this, kid, I don't even have a body, so what kind of family is I."

"You can't say that. Whoever said you don't have a body, what you have, my body, is your body."

"Co-authoring your kid means that you will use this body to marry two wives in the future?"


"I beat you!"

The two brothers often bickered and then quarreled, just like when they were young. Of course, every time, the old brother let Lin Mo.

Pingdan's days have passed for more than half a month.

problem occurs.

Qianlong Martyrs Cemetery, Lin Mo had just been there before, something happened here.

When this happened, Lin Mo was not present.

The veteran is here.

Because that's his home.

What shocked the General Administration was that the veterans were severely injured. It is said that if the veterans themselves were not very strong, they would not be able to survive this time.

After Lin Mo got the news, he rushed over immediately.

The General Administration has closed the scene.

But Lin Mo wants to go in, who can stop him?

No one dared to stop.

Seeing the bloodstain on the veteran's body, his breath was less than a quarter of his normal breath, Lin Mo's brows were furrowed.

"Expert Lin, the veteran won't say anything. The situation here is tragic, and many heroic spirits have disappeared."

No need for others to say, Lin Mo can see it.

It used to be quite a lively place, but at this time there are a lot fewer people.

Many chatting people are gone, and there are many fewer children.

Lin Mo didn't see that Kuaizi brother either.

Lin Mo took a deep breath, walked to the veteran's side, and squatted down.

The two looked at each other.

"what happened?"

Lin Mo asked.

"There was a dream demon who came here, and it was very powerful. When someone asked me, I didn't say anything, because I knew that if someone else killed that dream demon, it would be useless, and if they couldn't beat it, there would be great losses."

The old soldier's implication is that he is willing to tell Lin Mo because he knows that Lin Mo can help him.

have this qualification and strength.

"Do you know where it is?" Lin Mo didn't talk nonsense.

"I left something on that guy to catch up."


Lin Mo picked up the veteran without saying a word.

Then run wildly Brother Kuaizi, dead! "

The veteran said something on Lin Mo's back.

Lin Mo narrowed his eyes.

"Can you stand it?" Lin Mo asked quickly.

He knew the relationship between that Kuaizi brother and the veteran.

It is equivalent to the relationship between my brother and myself.

If someone kills my brother, Lin Mo can't imagine if he can bear it.

"Can stand it, that dream demon, he is dead." The old soldier's voice had a vibrato, full of killing intent.

"I think so too." Lin Mo nodded in agreement.

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