Doomsday Begins with a Nightmare

Vol 2 Chapter 1003: Being recognized is a very happy thing

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The veteran was badly wounded.

He couldn't even walk by himself.

The wound could not be healed, and there was a very strange resentment attached.

This kind of resentment is rare. Like parasites, it can't be thrown away after sticking, and it is extremely difficult to get rid of.

like a special virus.

Viruses that can make nightmares sick.

Constantly corroded, debilitated, and accompanied by pain, the combat effectiveness of the veterans in this situation may have been lost, but the veterans still said that the opponent's nightmare was dead.

He's not talking big or bragging.

But because he pinned his hopes on Lin Mo.

To put it more simply and bluntly, the veteran agreed with Lin Mo very much, admitting that his strength surpassed himself, and even among the four special experts of the General Administration, he was the strongest.

It is a very happy thing to be recognized by others, and besides the veterans, he is the only one of the special experts in Qianlong City, so if he doesn't do this kind of thing, who will do it?

The veteran did the right thing.

He didn't tell the other members of the expert group about the situation, because even the veterans were injured like this, which showed that the enemy was extremely powerful.

This is a special time that can only be handled by special experts.

At the entrance of the cemetery, my brother was already waiting there.

Seeing Lin Mo come out with the veteran on his back, the elder brother was stunned, and hurriedly stepped forward to help.

"Brother, you have a lot of knowledge. Can you deal with the injuries on the veterans?"

Lin Mo asked.

Then call out a few paper figurines, and they will chase after a while. Let the paper figurines carry the veterans, and he and his brother are responsible for dealing with the enemy.

Lin Yuan glanced at it and frowned.

"The knife wound, the knife is very special, the murderous aura is too heavy, there is no other way, but it can only slowly dissipate on its own."


Now the paper man carried the veteran on his back, and a few people quickly chased after him.

The veteran pointed the way.

Extremely fast.

Brother didn't ask what was going on. He could basically guess the situation.

Something hit the cemetery, seriously wounding the veteran.

But the veterans are not vegetarian, and they must have left their means on the other side. Now all they have to do is to catch up with that thing, no matter what it is, just kill it.

very simple.

At this time, Lin Yuan took out a handful of feathers from his pocket and blew it against the wind.

The feathers screamed in all directions, and the wind ghosts rushed out, flying rapidly around, making shrill screams.

The next moment, these wind ghosts were divided into several waves, entangled in Lin Mo and the paper figurines, all of a sudden, the speed doubled.

It was definitely a rush.

It's like someone pushing you forward.

This trick is awesome.

Running fast all the way, jumping up and down, flying over the eaves and walls.

After an hour or so, he caught up.

There was a figure walking wobbly in front of him.

The other party was dragging a bunch of things in his hand.

If you look closely, it is a string of human heads tied with ropes.

It was like a ten-meter-long fishing net with dozens of human heads hanging on it.

The scene is horrific.

Needless to say, Lin Mo knew that the one who attacked the cemetery was the figure who was dragging his head forward.

The other party looked familiar.

This is not the way the Japanese soldiers used to dress.

At the first reaction, Lin Mo thought this guy was a monster who escaped from Liu Feng's memory retrospective.

But it doesn't feel like it.

Much more powerful than the monsters in Recall.

In particular, the knife in the opponent's hand was bled with blood.

I don't know how many people have been killed.


Lin Mo shouted loudly, then went up to draw a knife and cut.

It's called preemption.

Be able to do it first, absolutely not beep.

Just dress up at the other party, whether it is a native or an outsider, they will cut it off first.

Lin Mo may not have been so jealous before.

But after experiencing Liu Feng, that is, 302's memory retrospective incident, and listening to the veteran recount the past, he successfully awakened a certain hatred in Lin Mo's heart.

Hate this thing, have to vent.

Brother said that hatred is one of the sources of power, and Lin Mo agreed.

Just like now, seeing this waist knife cut out, it is indeed much more powerful than before.

As a result, this nightmare dressed as a Japanese is still a master, and he can't even get his head back.

The blade in Lin Mo's hand shook, and the huge force was passed over, and he almost let go.

Before he could react, the other party slashed again.

You must know that Lin Mo has fought and killed all the way in the past few years. He has very rich experience in actual combat. With these two counterattacks, Lin Mo knows why this monster can seriously injure veterans.

Really great.

"Kill all, kill all, kill all!"

At this time, the monster Japanese turned his head and shouted frantically.

is obsession.

But not pure obsession.

is malicious.

Pure malice.

This kind of monster Lin Mo has never seen before.

It gives the impression that this monster's obsession is to kill or destroy, so its strength is extremely terrifying.

Of course, in the firmness of obsession, it is not comparable to Liu Feng, but Liu Feng has no malicious intentions, but the maliciousness of this guy in front of him seems to be able to penetrate from every pore.

The old man also rushed over at this time.

No need to ask at all, just do it.

The Japanese sword in this Japanese man's hand is really powerful. After two or three fights like this, Lin Mo knew why the veteran was seriously injured.

So ferocious.

And this monster has a curse on it, similar to steel, and doesn't know pain.

Because if you chop on it, not only is it difficult to hurt the other party, but even if it is injured, the other party will not feel anything, and will not back down.

Fortunately, Lin Mo likes to fight in groups.

If you meet someone who is not very powerful, you will fight one-on-one; if you encounter someone who is powerful, you can only fight in groups.

"Let's go together!"

Xiaoyu, Sister Yue, Xi Wenjie, Doudou.

They were all called out by Lin Mo.

Even Lin Mo himself cast a spell to summon Zuo Bai.

After the Taoist priest Zuo Bai came, he said what was going on, why didn't you call me out for so long, did you forget me or something?

Lin Mo just said that this is all nonsense, so hurry up.

"Good guy, where did the evil spirit come from?"

Zuo Bai was also startled when he saw the Japanese man holding the Japanese sword. After all, the other party was a master of Taoism and had a lot of knowledge. At this moment, he said to let the others withdraw quickly.

"Evil evil is extremely difficult to kill. After a long time, all of your subordinates will have to be killed. Leave this to me."

After Zuo Bai finished speaking, he asked Lin Mo for control of his body.

The next moment, Zuo Bai controlled Lin Mo, bit his finger, and wrote a blood talisman on his palm.

Aiming at the Japanese over there is a shot from the air.

There were still words in his mouth.

It is said that the suffocating energy is like ice, the blood is like a net, the frozen net is frozen, and the three breaths are fixed!

In an instant, the Japanese over there was really startled and stopped.

Zuo Bai was about to step forward, but Lin Yuan was even faster over there, already approaching him like an eagle grazing a rabbit, reaching out and grabbing at the Japanese man's heart.

It actually reached into it, stabbed and pulled, and pulled out a piece of black paper.

This time, the Japanese were like electrical appliances that had been unplugged, and completely stopped.


Zuo Bai looked at Lin Yuan and muttered.

Lin Yuan also looked at Zuo Bai who was controlling Lin Mo's body at the moment, and his eyes flashed with admiration.

Lin Mo yelled at this time, stop looking at each other, what's going on?

"Evil and ferocious, but in the final analysis, it is the way of Taoism. Some people learn it secretly and come up with such a thing, but this is unlocked with a locksmith. No matter how ever-changing, it is inseparable from its original origin. If I want to fix it, I can still Hold on."

There was pride in Zuo Bai's tone.

Lin Mo understood.

"Is this something someone created?"


"Brother, how do you know that this thing has paper in its body?"

Lin Mo asked.

Just now, he was asking and answering his own questions. It was like a madman. Fortunately, Lin Yuan understood and knew that there was something else in his brother's body.

Still a doorman.

"Mr. Chunfeng is a mid-level expert. When I followed him, I learned some things. I didn't see it at first, but it was useless. I couldn't control this thing, and I couldn't take it out. Thanks to this senior, why? call?"

"It's easy to say, Pindao Zuobai."

"Lin Yuan!"

The two of them still had a bit of a bad night to see each other.

One is a master of Taoism, a figure from hundreds of years ago; the other is an old brother who has been with Mr. Chunfeng for several years, an orthodox Taoist, and a little bit of left-hand sidemen.

The focus of the following discussion will focus on this Japanese evil spirit.

Zuo Bai said that this kind of monster was not produced normally, but was created artificially.

And it's from the gate.

He said a lot, but Lin Mo didn't quite understand it. My brother translated it, that is to say, nightmares existed a long time ago. Some people contacted them, and some people studied them.

That's what Daomen does.

And this kind of research is still passed down from generation to generation.

Just like what those labs are doing now.

Naturally, scientific exploration is like opening a blind box, no one knows what can be opened.

Some can benefit mankind, and some are disasters, plagues and fears.

Evil evil is a negative product of research.

"In the past, there were masters in Taoism, and they would make one specially to suppress the faction. Just like the current weapons of mass destruction, it can be used, but it can't be used without it. It is used to deter others, so there are many methods to suppress them. However, Because the evil spirits are too lethal and harmful, they are all strictly controlled, and it is impossible for the Dharma to be easily revealed."

After the old brother's explanation, Lin Mo understood.

The veteran was also called over and explained the same.

The old soldier sullenly asked if he knew who made this.

"There should be clues on this paper."

Lin Yuanyang raised the black paper in his hand, just glanced at it, and said it must be a Japanese.

"It's written on it?" Lin Mo was curious.


Let's see, my dear, this paper is written in Japanese.

Although I can't understand it, it is already obvious.

Coupled with the monster's clothing and the Japanese sword in his hand, it can basically be determined.

As for what was written on the paper, Lin Mo and the others soon figured it out.

is the command.

It is full of malicious remarks against Huaxia. Simply put, the meaning of this evil spirit is to kill.

Of course it's also targeted.

For example, the first attack by the other party was the cemetery where the veterans were, and because of this, they could discover this terrifying existence early, and Lin Mo and the others could snipe at the first time.

Otherwise, if it drags on for a long time, the number of heads in this monster's net pocket will not be dozens, but maybe tens of thousands.

Just thinking about that scene makes me dizzy.

The next step is to investigate With the General Administration, Lin Mo and the others do not need to do these things, but they are in a hurry, especially the veterans. They ask people from the Investigation Department of the General Administration every day, that is what they want urgently Know the specifics.

Because this matter is relatively big, the General Administration attaches great importance to it, and it took less than a day to investigate.

Meetings, announcements.

"Someone entered the cemetery in a way of worshipping the cemetery, and then released the evil spirits. The Japanese saber in the evil spirits' hands was a trophy in the cemetery memorial hall. Unexpectedly, someone was eyeing this fierce blade that was soaked in blood donation by our compatriots. continue to harm us."

The old soldier slapped the table and was very angry.

I asked if anyone had caught it.

The head office said they were caught.

"Can you let that guy run away? Hmph, it's a Japanese, he should have smuggled in, the interrogators have already obtained the guy's confession, he was sent by an extremist organization in the pheasant country, and the purpose is one, to cause harm and trouble, It's like setting fires everywhere."

Hearing this, everyone present couldn't help it.

Even the leaders of some general bureaus, who are calm on weekdays and have extremely high energy-raising skills, can't help but scold their mother at this moment.

"These guys won't die if they die."

"It is said that the pheasant country is already terrible, like a **** on earth. I didn't expect that they don't manage the internal situation, and they still have the time to harm us? It's just damn."

"This matter can't be ignored. If it wasn't for Expert Lin, they stopped the monster halfway and stopped the monster. It really caused the monster to mess around in the Qianlong safe area. We still don't know how many dead there will be."

"I suggest, revenge, blood for blood, tooth for tooth!"


"Then destroy that extremist organization, and let the other Japanese people in the pheasant country also have a long memory!"

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