Doomsday Begins with a Nightmare

Vol 2 Chapter 1001: Heroic Spirit

Things around you are changing rapidly.

However, there was no visual shady, and there was no feeling of being bumped by anything. This time, everything was smooth.

After the change, the original cellar became a somewhat eerie basement.

In the hidden corner, there seems to be a ghost shaking.

Colin Mo is in a good mood.

He even said hello to the ghost before quickly climbing the ladder out.

Outside is a gloomy nightmare world, in a certain residential area, but this is not a safe area, so there is no one around.

The environment has changed, and the memory recall has been lifted.

At this moment, Lin Mo's head buzzed.

It was as if something had been forcibly shoved in.

is memory.

Memories that disappeared before.

I feel a little dizzy, but don't mention it, the memory is very good, it's like in a stuffy and dark room, suddenly opened a few windows, you can see the scenery outside the window, fresh air also comes in, the whole person has a wide vision, God Refreshing.

Lin Mo recalled everything.

He immediately went to find the cardboard box.

See if mom is in there.

A man or a fish.

The cardboard box was opened, and my mother came out and asked if it was successful?

Seeing this, Lin Mo breathed a sigh of relief.

Not far away, darkness drifted over.

Lin Mo looked at it and greeted him.

In the darkness, a female puppet held a bronze mirror, walked slowly, glanced at Lin Mo, and handed the bronze mirror to Lin Mo without saying a word. She turned into a little doll and got into Lin Mo's pocket.

It's Sister Yue, and Xi Wenjun is in the bronze mirror.

It seems that they were deprived of their memories before, and they fought hard, but fortunately, no one suffered too much in the end.

After the memory was restored, it was reconciled again.

Yes, everything is back to normal.

"Where's my brother?"

Lin Mo heard footsteps, and the old brother over there ran over with a few paper figurines. The two brothers looked at each other, then looked at their mother, and then laughed.


"It did succeed."

"It's not in vain for our play."

Lin Mo nodded.

At this time, he remembered the last look of 302.

It was a kind of sadness, a hope for a better future. Although he couldn't experience it, he seemed to be able to see the upcoming victory.

That's steadfastness and faith in pure faith.

He seemed to be saying, go, and I will be with you to witness our victory.

"That top obsession seems to have disappeared."

The old man felt it.

There is no smell of obsession around.

It can be said that this time they have done extremely successfully, and they have achieved this obsession, and let the other party completely let go of their doubts and vigilance.

It's really not easy.

At this time, Lin Mo suddenly asked, "Who of you know the name of 302?"

The old brother and the mother were stunned and shook their heads.

they do not know.

Because 302 never mentioned it, and even this top obsession said very little from beginning to end.

Although they have been in contact for so long, they really know very little about this obsession.

Brother obviously understood Lin Mo's current mood. He came over and patted Lin Mo's shoulder, saying that we were actually helping him by doing this.

"Obstinence is also a kind of torture for him. He needs to get rid of it. Obsession is like a shackle. After so long, it's time to rest, so you did nothing wrong."

"I know." Lin Mo obviously didn't regret it.

However, he felt a little stuck in his heart.

A person, in the most youthful years, chooses to honor the country with his body, and maybe no one even remembers him, incognito and unknown, but what he does is earth-shattering.

It's fine if he doesn't meet him. Since he met him, Lin Mo thinks he should do something.

If nothing else, if there is no 302, it is impossible for my mother to become a humanoid in this way.

From this point of view, all the members of the Lin family owe them a favor.

"He should have sacrificed, and he didn't pass out the list, so he formed his obsession."

Lin Mo slapped his thigh at this time and said, build a monument for him.

"I agree!"

"Should be."

Both the older brother and the mother nodded.

Obviously, it was also touched by the pure faith and persistence in 302.

"If you can build a monument, you have to know what it's called." The old man said.

"Let me inquire, I know his code name, Fishbone, maybe I can find out some information about 302."

Lin Mo first took his mother and brother to the nearest safe area. After settling in, he woke up and made a call to the General Administration.

In terms of intelligence network, the General Administration is definitely the most powerful.

Lin Mo asked an acquaintance from the intelligence department to inquire about this, and asked if he could find a person with the code name 'fishbone' from some files.

The other party also agreed.

After all, this is Lin Mo begging him to do things, and the favor of a special expert cannot be obtained by anyone who wants to.

Gotta grab it.

"A maximum of two days, I will definitely reply to you."

This is a promise made by the other party.

In fact, Lin Mo didn't want to wait that long, but he also knew that the information from a hundred years ago could not be easily found by opening his mouth.

Just sorting out the search takes a lot of time.

What's more, not necessarily.

Lin Mo planned to take his mother and brother back to the Migratory Bird City first. Dad guessed that he was in a hurry. If he could go back earlier, he would be able to feel at ease earlier.

Lin Mo was not worried at all about his father cleaning up himself and his elder brother.

When he saw the younger version of his mother, it was too late for him to praise him.

This time, it was a real family reunion.

On the way, Lin Mo asked his mother if the pool in the yard should be levelled. Mom said no, she misses the pool a lot, keep it, and you can swim.

After really returning to the Green Garden Community, the father saw the younger version of the mother, rubbed his eyes and pinched his legs, and the expression was rich in more than a dozen expression packs.

After the excitement and excitement reaches the extreme, it will appear relatively calm.

It can only be seen from some details that Dad's excitement.

For example, he didn't know what to say for a long time, or, for example, the trembling hand and the leg that didn't know which leg to take.

"It's worth it!"

Lin Mo and his brother bumped fists.

Going out this time was very dangerous, and I was almost turned into an idiot with no memory. Judging by how happy Dad is now, all the dangers in the past are worth it.

The next day after returning home, Lin Mo received a call from the General Administration.

It's just that the person who called was not the acquaintance of the previous intelligence department, but a veteran of one of the special experts.

He and Lin Mo are also old friends. After all, they have done missions and cooperated together.

Relationship is also good.

But this 'veteran' is not the kind of person who is good at talking. He rarely contacts on weekdays. When the other party suddenly called, Lin Mo felt that something must be wrong.

The other party does have something wrong.

"Where are the fishbone?"

That's what the veteran said on the phone when he called.

Obviously, the other party came for 302.

Thinking of the veteran's background, Lin Mo had some guesses in his heart, so he told the story of his contact with 302 this time.

During the whole process, Lin Mo was talking and the veteran was listening.

At the end, Lin Mo said that he jumped into the cellar.

There was silence on the other end of the phone.

Lin Mo once wondered if the veteran had hung up the phone, otherwise, there would be no movement at all.

"Hey, are you still listening?"

Lin Mo asked.

There was a sigh on the other end of the phone.

"His name is Liu Feng, he started work in 19XX and was assigned by his superiors to break into the enemy's interior, codenamed fishbone. This codename was obtained by himself. He also eats fish, knowing that the fishbone will be very uncomfortable when stuck in his throat, like a stick in his throat. This. He said that he wanted to become a fishbone stuck in the throat of the enemy, and he wanted to make the enemy feel pain. He passed a lot of important information, and later in an operation, he was unfortunately detected by the enemy and died heroically. "

The veteran's voice was low and light, but when he heard it in his ears, his scalp was numb.

Lin Mo also used a special method to fight side by side with the opponent for a period of time. He could imagine the situation at that time.

There are enemies all around, and they are facing threats to their lives at any time, but what the other party thinks is still to pass on the information.

To this end, at the expense of life.

Listening to the veteran's tone, it seems that he not only knows the situation of the fishbone, but that understanding seems to be talking about someone he knows.

Lin Mo asked if you knew each other.

"I'm his superior!"

In just six words, Lin Mo suddenly realized.

No wonder I asked people from the Intelligence Department to investigate, and in the end it was the veteran who called back.

Because, found his former subordinate.

Veterans are of course concerned.

"There is no need to erect a monument. His monument is already there. It is in the XX Cemetery. If you have time, let's take a look."

Lin Mo said yes.

The veteran is still the same veteran, not good at talking.

He was silent for a while, as if he didn't know what to say, or was about to say goodbye.

Just when Lin Mo was about to say something, a thank you came from the other end of the phone.

"Lin Mo, thank you!"

Lin Mo could actually understand the meaning.

The veteran is thanking Fishbone for helping Fishbone get what he wanted.

Otherwise, being entangled with obsessions all the time is an extremely painful torture.

It belongs to helping people get out of the sea of ​​misery and put it in the past, that is a great merit.

After speaking, the veteran hung up the phone.

Lin Mo didn't expect that the veteran would actually get to know that top obsession. If he had known, he should have taken the veteran there, so that he wouldn't have to spend so much trouble.

I guess it can be done in minutes.

But how did you know this at the time.

After enjoying the happy life of a family of four at home for two days, Lin Mo knew that he should be busy too.

Earlier, he promised the veteran to visit the XX Cemetery in Qianlong City, and Lin Mo planned to go there first.

Forget it, but wish.

When they were about to go out, my mother was nagging for a while. I was careful, but I also had to worry about it, because Lin Yuan also wanted to go with Lin Mo, so the two brothers were told by their mother for a long time before they let go.

For a while, both of them were dizzy.

This time to Qianlong City again, Lin Mo's mood is relaxed.

He feels very happy now, the old brother has been found, and the mother has changed back. There is hope for the future.

After landing, Lin Mo contacted the veteran.

Veterans are dream demons and can only exist in the nightmare world, so this time I have to go to the XX cemetery when I am in a dream.

When the appointed time came, Lin Mo fell into a dream and went to the door with his brother to wait.

The XX Cemetery in the real world is very quiet, and this place in the nightmare world is even more so.

But oddly enough, there's no eerie feeling anywhere else here, no sense of someone spying on you in the shadows, or some evil monster trying to do something against you.

Although it is a cemetery, there is a sense of security.

Moreover, it is said that this is not an isolated case, but a general phenomenon across the country.

As an expert of the General Administration, Lin Mo has heard of some cases in various places.

When the nightmare came in full swing, there was chaos all over the place. Even though a lot of preparations had been made, there were still various situations.

At that time, many people hid in XX cemeteries around the world.

Surprisingly, no Dream Demon dared to approach these places.

It's like a forbidden place for those evil monsters.

Some people say that there are heroic spirits sheltering there, so the dream demons dare not approach.

Some people even saw the heroic spirit in the cemetery, holding a big sword, forcing back the scene of approaching the dream demon.

Of course, it's hard to judge whether this is true or not. Anyway, there have been a lot of rumors for a while.

In the past, no one cared about the houses around the But after this happened, the prices of those houses immediately went up.

The General Administration has studied Heroic Spirits.

There are also special research reports.

Strictly speaking, heroic spirits are also a kind of dream demons, but they have no resentment or malice. They are a bit like obsessions, but they are not as dangerous as obsessions.

Most heroic spirits can only stay in the cemetery, and some can move around.

such as veterans.

Originally, Lin Mo thought he was the first to come, but when he arrived, he found out that the veteran had already arrived.

"It's so early, when did you come?" Lin Mo said hello.

"I live here," said the veteran honestly.

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