Doomsday Begins with a Nightmare

Vol 2 Chapter 1000: coachman

The ghost figure returned to Lin Mo's shadow from all around, and also brought back some information.

It's safe around.

No Japanese soldiers were found.

"Then let's begin."

Lin Mo had already dressed up at this time.

In fact, they also thought about using a paper figure instead, but it is very easy to see the problem. Once the gang is worn, all the previous efforts will be in vain.

The top obsession is not easy to be fooled by the lake.

This is the same as whether the props are well done or the special effects are realistic or not when filming a movie.

The reason why big investment movies look good is because the special effects are well done.

The Wumao special effect can see the flaws at a glance, and even fools know it is fake.

And this time, what Lin Mo wants to play is a real knife and a real gun, a real sense of punching to the flesh. If he says killing, it is real killing, and there is no falsehood at all.

Only true. No flaws will be seen.

Brother checked Lin Mo's undead curse and nodded.

They studied some details again and determined that there were no flaws, and then they were ready to officially start.

Mom came over to hug Lin Mo and said that she was a little distressed.

It can be seen that my mother is sincere.

She all cried.

Thinking about it too, my son has to die for a while because of this, and it must be uncomfortable for a mother.

Lin Mo just comforted him, saying, Mom, this is not the first time I have died. Besides, if we want to get out of here, we must do this, or 302 will be found by Japanese soldiers sooner or later. Rewind time will be restarted again.

They will lose more memory.

Come again, I guess my brother and I can't remember each other or you. Even if you tell me all these things, I won't believe it.

That's what matters most.

So this time, it can only succeed, not fail.

After comforting his mother, Lin Mo brewed his emotions and said something to start.

Immediately, several paper figurines rushed over in the clothes of the detective team, dragged Lin Mo to the inner room, and then began to beat him in front of 302.

It's called a blood call.

Absolute punch to the meat.

302 was obviously a little overwhelmed by the sudden scene, but he didn't say anything and watched this scene.

Beaten badly. This person was already covered in blood, and he couldn't see his appearance. Then Lin Yuan's character came on stage. He also wore a hat and covered his face, so he couldn't see his appearance clearly.

The interrogation process was negotiated by Lin Mo and Lin Yuan.

The purpose is to clearly explain the identity, name, position and hidden mission of the role played by Lin Mo from the words of the interrogation.

To put it simply, the role played by Lin Mo is called 'Yu An'. The content of the interrogation is to ask who the online is and if there are any other accomplices.

Lin Mo naturally said nothing.

This kind of time doesn't need any acting skills. Silence is the best acting skills.

He thought about swearing, and then read out some beliefs and slogans, but the traces of acting like that were too obvious. He could get some people, but he definitely couldn't get 302.

After discussions with my mother and my brother, the final decision was to treat with silence.

Sometimes silence is more moving.

Therefore, during the entire interrogation process, the elder brother Lin Yuan was performing his acting skills, and Lin Mo was actually sitting on a chair to rest. …. .


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