“I’m so overwhelmed. There are so many awakened people, but they don’t even have the talent to fly?”

“What should we do this time? We can’t wait to die. The God of Death is obviously here to destroy the whole family, and he won’t hold back at all!”

“What should we do now?”

“No matter what, you’ll die anyway, why not give it a try! I’ll go first!”

The man took one step and was about to jump off the building.

Everyone was so frightened that they stopped him quickly.

“You’re committing suicide by riding a horse and giving it a try?”

“Twenty-third floor! Jump down and be shattered to pieces! You kid are crazy!”

“If you have this consciousness, then join us in fighting against the crazy ghosts and human beings!”

See this.

Chen Xiao’s face showed a cold expression.

“Why don’t you dare to jump? Do you want me to help you?”

He raised the bone knife diagonally.

A fierce ominousness enveloped everyone, like a volcano erupting at any time.


next moment!

Chen Xiao disappeared from the spot!

“What’s going on? Where are the others?”

“Everyone, be careful…”

“No, he ran out of the window!”

Everyone’s eyes gathered.

Chen Xiao has already stood in the void.

The bone knife held diagonally shone with a cold light.


Chen Xiao slashed with his sword.

The fierce energy suddenly filled up.

Nothing seems to happen.

It seems like a storm is coming.

I saw him putting away his bone knife, taking a step forward slowly, and his figure was already standing leisurely on the street where Tianming Building was located.

Tianming Street at this time.

It is a kind of wealth that is not apocalyptic.

Many awakened people were walking around Chen Xiao.

But it was like not seeing him.

Chen Xiao took out his lighter and lit a cigarette.

Looking up to the top of the building.

Just in time!

In the void on the top of the building, boundless light suddenly erupted, with overwhelming force!



In an instant.

In a deafening roar.

Twenty-three floors!

Being forcibly stripped from the building!

Falling down!

On the floor, everyone was shocked!

“Holy shit, shit, shit!”

“What the hell is this? He chopped off the building? Isn’t this Kunlun swordsmanship!”

“Why did Li Taixuan’s famous sword spirit be learned by him, a sword wielder!”

“Grandma, it’s too late, our floor is going to fall!”

“Damn it! Boss Su Jian offended this ghost, but he is not afraid of death…”

Everyone leaned on all sides, trying to keep their bodies steady, but the fear in their hearts had reached its peak.

Many people even began to resent Su Jian.

If Su Jian hadn’t made enemies everywhere and the Tianming Group had developed steadily, they would have lived a long time.

But now, we have to face a god!

The height of twenty-three stories.

No flying talent.

They are dead.


Chen Xiao watched with cold eyes, he wanted to destroy everything in the Tianming Group in the Demon City!

Just now.

He used his unique sword energy.

Cave Sword Qi.

Although this move is in a similar form to the sword energy.

But in fact, Chen Xiao’s cave sword energy is actually blade cutting, not other powers.

All he needed was a stroke of the bone knife.

Teleport the blade of the bone knife to the target cave, and keep teleporting, and teleporting.

This can create a terrifying enough sword energy.

This is Chen Xiao’s only large-scale long-range attack method at this stage.

It’s not like the Water Euphorbia, which takes advantage of both the accuracy of the reconnaissance talent and the boost of the strength talent.

Cave Sword Qi has relatively simple requirements for itself. As long as it has enough strength, it can throw out powerful sword Qi.

This is much more powerful than the directly inherited Void Sword Wave, but it’s a pity…

This move wastes a lot of energy.

Chen Xiao was just trying this time.

More energy-saving methods must be developed in the future, otherwise it will not be a long-term solution.

“Boom boom boom——”

Smoke and dust were everywhere.

The twenty-third floor hit the ground.

Blood flows from the cracks.

“This, this, this… an enemy attack! It’s an enemy attack!”

“The Destiny Building was attacked! We are provoking someone!”

“Which force is it?! Could it be that the people in the capital can’t sit still?”

“Quickly go to the 23rd floor to find Boss Su Jian! Only if he takes action can he scare Xiao Xiao!”

“Wait… don’t go there yet! This building…”

“That’s the twenty-third floor!!!”


It frightened countless awakened people on Tianming Street and fled frantically.

This is the first time since the end of the world that the Demon City Tianming Group has been attacked!

Chen Xiao stood quietly with his hands behind his back.

So high.

Not surprisingly.

Those people on the roof should die.


Su Jian is an exception.

This guy is still in the ruins, and his energy is expanding more and more…

as expected.

just a few seconds later.

The tiles were flying.

Crazy laughter came out.



“Crazy ghosts massacre…”

“You’re actually still alive?”

Su Jian’s brand new white clothes were soaked in blood again.

He stood precariously on the wreckage of the twenty-third floor, showing a smile.

“Did you see that guy?”

Chen Xiao shook his head lightly: “Unfortunately, that guy didn’t show up. Even if he did, I would kill him.”

Su Jian laughed.

He bared his teeth that were covered in blood: “You underestimate those guys…”

“No matter who encounters those guys, there is only a dead end!”

“This game has been unfair from the beginning. They have endless talents! They are the gods of the animal world!”

“And you are just an ordinary person!”

Chen Xiao took this opportunity to speak: “They have endless talents? How do you know?”

Su Jian smiled disdainfully, and with a wave of her hand, black energy flashed across her wrist, directly blocking Chen Xiao’s [Charming Light].

“Such a lowly talent…”

“Are you worthy enough to be close to me?”

Chen Xiao didn’t care at all.

He was just trying to activate this talent. Su Jian was not an ordinary awakened person, so it was difficult for this S-level skill to target him.

Su Jian smiled coldly: “Crazy Ghost Rentu, you don’t need to trick me. This is not a secret. It doesn’t hurt to tell you.”

“Knowing the future of this world in advance, only the end… is also a kind of despair!”

“After all, the talents of those guys are a collection of their kind of animal talents!”

“you guess…”

“How many people are eating pork in the whole of China? How many are there in the world?”

“Guess again, how scary that pig-headed guy is… Hahahaha!”

“Congratulations, you guessed it correctly.”

“He…has no solution!”


As he spoke, he took out the bamboo slips from his chest.

Ten fingers crushed together.

Ten pieces of broken armor.


He went straight to Chen Xiao!

There is only madness and distortion on his face!

“Fight God!”

“Dead end!”

In Su Jian’s hand, a barbed spike appeared and waved towards Chen Xiao.

Chen Xiao snorted coldly.

Nine-foot seal!


The pressure of giant teeth!


The next moment!

He also flew out!

Go to meet Su Jian!

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