The two sides exploded with great power!

A strong wind swept through!

The ground is shaking slightly!

On Tianming Street.

Emergency evacuation of personnel.

The gods fight and the people suffer.

The movements of these two people have caused many surrounding buildings to collapse.

Like after an earthquake.

The core personnel in the Tianming Building were lying on the windows one by one, watching the battle nervously.

“If Boss Su Jian loses, the consequences will be disastrous… That man in black can tear us apart alive!”

“This is the first time I have seen Boss Su Jian activate the power of God. The disciple of God is really terrifying, much stronger than the murderer!”

“Calm down, Boss Su Jian can’t lose. He is truly immortal.”

“It’s just that his opponent was a little too fierce. This is the first time he’s killed…”

Everyone had mixed feelings.

They are the core members of the Tianming Group, so they naturally unite with Su Jian.

They all looked forward to Chen Xiao’s sudden death.

On Tianming Street at this time.

The battle has heated up.

The barb spikes in Su Jian’s hand drew streaks of cold light in mid-air. Each thrust was precise and cruel, hitting Chen Xiao’s vitals.

“I can die countless times!”

“But you’re crazy!”

Chen Xiao snorted coldly:

“I won’t die…”

As the wind of the fist roared, the details avoided the barbs and struck Su Jian’s chest with fierce force.

Huge force penetrates the body.

Gravel shot from behind.


Next punch!

Kill Su Jian!

Su Jian’s body was torn apart by the punch and turned into minced flesh.

But his resurrection of the rules is still in effect, and his power is constantly leaping.

I saw the flesh foam flying everywhere, and it started to intertwin and fuse in an instant, repaired extremely quickly, and turned into a human form again!

Mountain and river map…



Still can’t take it in!


Another punch!

Limbs flew apart and the body exploded!

Mountain and river map!

Keep collecting!



This time, Su Jian’s resistance seemed a little weaker.

I don’t know if it was an illusion, but at least it gave Chen Xiao hope to kill Su Jian completely.


The third death.

Su Jian’s consciousness recovered very quickly.


He instantly avoided Chen Xiao.

At this time, his speed had surpassed A Yao’s, reaching a terrifying level.

“Crazy ghost and massacre!”

“I admit that you are ridiculously strong!”

“But so what?”

“You can’t kill me…”

“How about we stop there?”

Su Jian’s face regained some composure, but the corners of her mouth were still rising uncontrollably.

Chen Xiao ignored it.

Just take one step and explode with one punch!



Su Jian dies again!

Mountain and river map!





But this time, Chen Xiao can be sure that Su Jian is not without weaknesses.

His body can be taken away by Shanhe Tu, but there should be some kind of opportunity in him.

A chance to protect him.


The next second!

Su Jian’s counterattack is here!

Fourth death!

Give him endless power!


Chen Xiao took the punch forcefully, and even he flew back more than ten meters under the force.

Keep your body steady under the divine wind.

It is enough to see that Su Jian at this time…has reached a very terrifying level of transformation.

If you continue to kill…

Will Su Jian turn into a pig head?

A horrifying thought came to mind.

Chen Xiao shook his head. At this point, taking Su Jian into the Mountain and River Map was the only way.

Chen Xiao dodged and appeared behind Su Jian, and he wanted to continue killing!

Kill him until he is convinced!


But this time, Su Jian’s reaction speed was obviously faster than the third death.

Only an afterimage was left behind, and the whole person flew out violently, carrying a breath that reached the sky!

“Boom boom boom——”


at this time.

One side of Tianming Street.

Two senior executives, Pei Tianyuan and Li Taisheng, led a group of people to stand on a low villa.

Looking at the main battlefield from a distance.

For Chen Xiao during the battle, many familiar faces came over.

“Chief Pei, this scene… is not easy to deal with. The two of them are too fierce.”

The one who spoke was a scar-faced man in black clothes, with fighting intent in his eyes.

He is the god of hatchets.

Beside him, Pei Tianyuan looked calm: “Send people to evacuate the civilians in the Demon City. If they continue to fight like this, the entire Demon City will be buried with them.”

There was more than emotion in his heart.

Su JianThe fighting power with Chen Xiao was really unbelievable, causing the earth to tremble continuously, the movement was too big!

behind him.

Wolf King Chen Mo was also there, and he was a little wary: “To be honest, when I first met Chen Xiao, his strength was far less terrifying than it is now.”

The Hatchet God General nodded: “Wolf King, let alone you, even I feel it. Every time I see this kid, he evolves rapidly, as if he is on drugs.”

Next to the hatchet god general was a young man with sword-browed eyebrows and starry eyes.

He snorted coldly: “No matter how strong the two of them are, aren’t they going to fight to the death? In the end, only one will survive.”

Li Taisheng sighed: “Dingping, trouble comes from your mouth. Have you forgotten that day…”

An Dingping quickly interrupted: “Okay, uncle, I understand, can you please stop mentioning that matter in the future…”

Chen Mo ignored this matter.

He turned around and looked at Pei Tianyuan with narrowed eyes: “Sir Pei, if necessary, which way should we turn? Don’t tell us that you asked us to come here to watch a show.”

Pei Tianyuan smiled lightly: “Chen Mo, you still understand me…”

His eyes gradually became cold and stern: “If it really comes to the final moment…”

“Remember…help Chen Xiao!”

The Hatchet Divine General and Wolf King Chen Mo seemed to have been prepared for this and were not surprised at all.

Only An Dingping was unhappy: “Isn’t it good for our military region to just watch the show?”

Li Taisheng said seriously: “Chen Xiao saved the second executive officer of the Beijing Military Region and also saved the heads of various forces who participated in the Cangzhou Ji Dao election. This is a great achievement! Isn’t this enough?”

An Dingping snorted coldly: “If it’s because of this…then something is wrong.”

Li Taisheng and Pei Tianyuan did not answer, because this was indeed not the main reason.

Both of them knew it.

There are three real reasons.

First, although both Su Jian and Chen Xiao have cooperated with the military region many times, Chen Xiao has a closer relationship with the military region.

Second, Chen Xiao and An Ning have an ambiguous relationship, which everyone has discovered a long time ago.

Third, Chen Xiao is extremely cautious and rarely does anything he is unsure of. This time he dares to come to the Magic City to cause trouble, so he must have something to rely on!


The prerequisite for helping Chen Xiao is that he has a certain victory in this battle, otherwise there will be a million people who will not take action.

Pei Tianyuan tilted his head slightly: “General Chuanshan, this mission is very difficult. I will trouble you later.”

Behind everyone.

is a young man.

He was wearing a pair of jeans and looked at the shocking scene in front of him with a calm expression.

The whole person exudes a calm aura.

His identity is not ordinary either.

It is China’s third divine general who has taken over Cao Linxuan’s position and is known for his defense!

The mountain-piercing general, Tang Huang!

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