“What’s wrong, Boss Su Jian?”

Xiao Guang was a little stunned.

He rarely saw this look on Su Jian’s face.

Su Jian shook her head: “Maybe it’s an illusion, I just felt pain.”

“It hurts…but you just sat here without doing anything? Is it the sequelae of the pig-headed bell?”

“Boss Su Jian, if you take a good rest, our Tianming Group should have nothing major to do these days.”

“You are the backbone of the Tianming Group, you must not tire yourself out!”

Many people spoke out.

They rarely see Su Jian showing this expression.

If everyone here was not safe, they would have thought there was something big wrong outside the window.

Su Jian narrowed her eyes.

The pain I just felt…

what is going on.

Could it be that he really suffered the backlash from the Pig Head Bell?

Already feel pain anytime and anywhere?

This is really bad news.

Su Jian was silent for a while, tapping her fingertips on the table, making a rhythmic sound.

A fierce look flashed in his eyes: “Jiangbei, I’m determined…”


The moment the words fell!

a bolt from the blue!

Since Su Jian’s death!

A terrifying crisis is coming!

That’s a silver bone knife!

Out of nowhere!

A flash of light!

In everyone’s shocked eyes.

The knife wielder was wearing a black cloak and appeared sideways in the air!

Right behind Su Jian, floating above his head, he looked like an apostle from hell, holding a sickle to take people’s lives!

die! die! die!

The killing intent is overwhelming!


Under one knife!

From the top floor, everything in the room is forcibly divided, like a torrent rushing into the city, destroying everything!

Accompanied by a deafening loud noise!

“Boom boom boom——”

The long table broke in response!

Sawdust flew.

A big hole was cut into the ground.

Mud rises.

The building is threatening to collapse.

Su Jian…

He was cut off from the Tianling Cap.

Blood plasma flew everywhere, it was extremely tragic!

He was cut into two pieces by the man in black in full view of everyone…

“An enemy attack! It’s an enemy attack! Why did you choose this moment!”

“Boss Su Jian! Mader! What on earth is going on! Why did he enter the Tianming Building? Why have I never seen it before!”

“Are those people with awakened perceptual talents just for nothing? Why don’t they sound the alarm when the enemies are in their faces?! A bunch of trash!”

“That’s not right, Lao Feng! Don’t you just have a talent for reconnaissance? Why don’t you say anything!”

“I…I didn’t realize that my SSS-level talent has failed…”

“What did you say? Your SSS-level talent has expired?! Mader, why don’t you be so exaggerated!”

“I chopped boss Su Jian to death with one knife… This guy is not an ordinary person. Is he a master from the military region? Damn it! This day has finally come!”

“Destiny Group! Prepare to fight! While Boss Su Jian is resurrected, control this intruder!”

Everyone in Tianming who witnessed the bloody scene with their own eyes showed their magical powers to avoid the sharp edge of the knife, but their faces were extremely ugly.

Being able to kill Su Jian with one sword means that this person is extremely powerful and has no fear.

Who is he?

Just after Su Jian died.

Chen Xiao quickly took out the mountain and river map and began to try to take away the unconscious Su Jian.

But don’t know why.

His body was passively resisting!

And this resistance is very strong!

It makes the mountains and rivers buzz, and even the spatial fluctuations have cracks.

At the moment, Su Jian’s body can only be given up temporarily, because violence will only accelerate his evolution.

Every time he tries, he must kill him with one hit and reduce his pain.

so now.

Dealing with the trash fish is the right thing to do.

Chen Xiao took a step forward and glanced coldly at everyone on this floor.

Then suddenly disappeared.

In an instant!

Fear enveloped the entire flat!

“Who are you…”

“Dare to go against the Tianming Group!”

Among the people of Tianming Group.

A young man with a horrified expression asked tremblingly.

As an SSS-level awakener of the Tianming Group, this was the first time he felt this level of oppression!

just like…

It’s like being faced with the rules of the animal world, and you can’t even think of resisting.


Without warning.

Chen Xiao’s figure flashed behind him, the bone knife in his hand showing cold light.

A flash of bright red slipped quietly from the tip of the knife and flowed to the ground.

he died.

Behind him, a middle-aged man looked nervous and became nervous.

He secretly accumulated strength in his hand and flipped it, and a dangerous aura quietly filled the air.

In an instant, a gleamingThe golden poisonous needle suddenly erupted!

Go straight to Chen Xiao!

He is the awakened stingray!

Masters the frightening SSS-level skill talent [Poisonous Spike]!

Tiny poisonous needles are invincible!

The toxicity is fierce and hidden!

Kill invisible!

But at this time, Chen Xiao possesses the SSSS level reconnaissance talent [Deep Sea Glory lv2]!

Passive talents don’t need to be activated at all!



With a slight tremor in the air, Chen Xiao’s figure disappeared directly.

When he reappeared, he had already appeared behind the middle-aged man, holding the bone knife high.

“How can it be…”

The middle-aged man can’t believe it!

How did he notice it!

And this speed…


He is also dead.

“His grandma’s brother Song is also dead!”

“This is unscientific. Brother Song’s poisonous needle was admitted by Boss Su Jian himself. How could it be like this!”

“There’s something wrong with this guy. His purpose is too strong. He just wants to kill people!”

“It’s the enemy! It must be the enemy!”

“Don’t care who he is, run away!”

Seeing each other face to face, everyone was even more frightened.

Xiao Guang was the only one who recognized Chen Xiao’s identity, and he was extremely shocked.

Pig head bell…

Didn’t you stop him?

That terrifying man who killed Su Jian three times…oh no, four times in a row!

Someone saw something was wrong with Xiao Guang’s expression.

“Murderer, do you know this person?”

His words attracted everyone’s attention.

Xiao Guang’s lips trembled: “We know…”

“Not only do I know him, but you should also be familiar with him because we have been discussing him.”

“He is a crazy ghost and a massacrer when he steps on a horse…”

As soon as these words came out.

The eyes of the whole audience were dull.

News of death.

Direct news of death.

“Murder, stop joking, isn’t Crazy Ghost Rentu in Cangzhou?”

“Yeah, this joke is not funny. Can you change it to another one…”

“Shouldn’t he be dead?”

Everyone’s questions made Xiao Guang break out in cold sweat and he kept retreating.

Everyone originally planned to struggle, but when they saw Xiao Guang’s appearance, they realized that the ruthless man might really be a crazy ghost and Rentu, and all of a sudden they lost all will to fight.

The crowd retreated violently backwards.

But this is the twenty-third floor!

The windows were shattered to pieces due to the explosion just now, and high-altitude winds rushed into the room.

It made everyone shiver.

Not because of the wind chill.

But because of cold heart…

There was no one with awakened flying talent among them, so they could only stare.

The door was occupied by a crazy ghost and Tu.

Behind you is the sky far away.

Being held here, everyone’s mentality exploded.

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