Wang Yan was speechless.

Because there is really no express provision…

But this should be an unspoken rule!

As long as this guy is not blind, he can see the distribution.

These people at Bairi Base clearly want to embarrass Jiangbei.

Zhao Huan stopped in front of Wang Yan and said in a calm tone: “We are willing to have dinner and communicate with you. What do you think?”

At this point, as long as you can sit in the front row, you can still save some face.

Zhao Huan called after him: “Come on, come on, take out my fine daughter Hong, I want to have a nice drink with my brothers from Bairi Base!”

Then the man brought a jar of fine wine to the table.

As soon as the jar mouth was opened, a strong aroma of wine wafted out.

Bai Rizhao naturally knew that this was good wine, so he smiled and reached out to pat the jar.

“Keep the wine and I will record your love.”

“As for people… let’s go to that table, there’s no room here.”

The seat Bai Rizhao was talking about was the small table at the door.

It’s somewhat insulting.

Zhao Huan looked uneasy: “Are you going too far?”

This is completely disrespectful of the Jiangbei Military Region…

Before Bai Rizhao could speak, a young man stood up behind him.

This person has yellow hair, but his figure is extremely explosive.

The strong muscles are looming under the clothes, and you can feel the power radiating from the inside out without showing them off.

The most important thing is that there is a murderous intention in this man’s eyebrows.

He should have killed many people after the end…

He didn’t say a word, but he put a lot of pressure on everyone in Jiangbei.

Zhao Huan discovered that he had made the power exchange meeting for the Yakuza election too simple.

I thought everyone would still be polite on the surface.

Now it seems that the consequence of being weak is having no dignity.

As of now, only Wang Hao can fight against them.

But Wang Hao looked at Hu Dayi who had broken his arm and retreated in his heart.

He doesn’t want to be disabled for the rest of his life.

With his SS-level talent, he should have a better future.

Wang Yan saw Wang Hao’s expression and said helplessly in a low voice: “You only need to pass two tricks. We will find a reason to return to Jiangbei. We should not participate in this Yida election…”

Wang Hao gritted his teeth and struggled for a while before moving forward.

“Jiangbei Military Region, Wang Hao, come here to ask for advice!”

“Stop talking nonsense, I, Zhang Yue! Are you ready to die?”

In an instant, the situation was tense!

From sitting in this position at day base, this scene was destined to happen.

They want to use the Jiangbei Military Region to establish a stick, so they are naturally unafraid.

Wang Hao snorted coldly: “Seeking death!”


Wang Hao was also angered, his speed was extremely fast!

The fist as big as a sandbag was thrown towards Zhang Yue!

“It has to be Wang Hao…”

“This kid’s strength has improved a lot. It seems that his talent development has also improved.”

“It was the best decision not to let him go!”

“As long as he persists a little longer, we can take the opportunity to leave and save our face…”

His action allowed everyone in the Jiangbei Military Region to find some comfort.

There are still good seeds in our military region.

But the next moment, something happened that shocked them.

Zhang Yue’s palms were upward.

Under his skin, the dark, ink-like black water began to slowly emerge, squirming like a living thing, making people shudder.

The most peculiar thing is that this strange black water does not stay on the surface, but quickly condenses, twists and deforms!

Turn into a baseball bat!

The head is as thick as a bowl and the handle is as thin as a finger!

There is a dark luster flowing on it!

Then wave it hard!

In Wang Hao’s widened pupils, he could only see the terrifying sight of a baseball bat speeding towards him!

His body instinctively wanted to react, but this blow…both in speed and strength, was far beyond his expectations.


The dull sound of broken bones exploded in the air!

Wang Hao’s shoulder suffered a heavy blow instantly, and a burst of blood mist flew out.

Severe pain swept through his body like a tide.

Wang Hao, disabled!

“Wang Hao! How is it possible?!”

“That man is really a beast, he is so harsh!”

“Zhang Yue…I remembered, he is a famous strong man in Bairi Base for a long time!”

“We are being plotted!”

Everyone in the Jiangbei Military Region finally realized that things were going too far.

I was targeted from the moment I walked in.

It’s hard not to suspect that this was a premeditated plan.

It seems that today’s meal is a Hongmen Banquet in itself!

“Are these the people sent by the Jiangbei Military Region?”

“I can’t even catch a stick…what a shame!”

“But the day base is reallyYes, Zhang Yue was photographed here!”

“Ranked seventh on the Sanjiang Combat Power List!”

“An existence that Cangzhou Jidao Base has tried to win over many times!”

People from other forces were also discussing.

Since Bairi Base did not give Jiangbei face, Jiangbei would not be able to return if Zhang Yue was there!

Just as everyone was watching the show.

Something out of the blue happened.

The people in Bairi Base were a mixed bunch, and they were obviously not as martial as the people in Jiangnan Military Region.

Zhang Yue actually rushed over at a very fast speed!

He wanted to kill them all?!

Not even the disabled could be spared?

Wang Hao was from the military region!

Even if Jiangbei Military Region was in decline, it was still a regular army!

What a guts!

“Wang Yan, save people! ”

Zhao Huan saw Zhang Yue’s intention and ran towards Wang Hao!

Although he was the first executive officer in Jiangbei, he was not ranked in terms of strength!

The endless black water from Zhang Yue’s palm was like the tentacles of the god of death!

And that strange baseball bat was like the sickle of the god of death!

Wang Yan and the others reacted a step slower and could only see Zhang Yue raising the stick!

Wang Hao was completely unable to fight again and felt sad.

He was going to die.

At this moment, time seemed to be stretched, and every second was filled with endless torment.

Everyone in Jiangbei could only stare in amazement.

It was too late!

Jiang After all, there is no fast awakener in the Northern Military Region!


The next moment!

A loud explosion suddenly exploded, like thunder from the ground!

Zhang Yue was kicked away by someone!

The table where the Bairi base was located was smashed!

He slid along the ground for several meters, in a mess!

Wood chips flew, fragments splashed, and the scene was extremely chaotic!

When the figure appeared, everyone was even more shocked.

Because this person was not a well-known figure.

But a girl with an excellent figure and a pretty face!

Zhang Yue… was kicked away by a girl? !

What kind of plot development is this? !

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