
“Damn it, why is she a pretty girl?”

“Are all girls so violent nowadays?!”

“The speed and power just now were simply outrageous!”

“That’s Zhang Yue! Why haven’t I heard about any heroic girls in the Sanjiang River Valley?”

This girl is naturally Ayao.

SSS level speed talent [Moon Hidden Rabbit Chi]!

SS level strength talent [Big Fish]!

Two great talents!

When this stunning figure appeared, heated discussions broke out in the audience.

Beautiful girl!

The powerful awakener!

Defeat Zhang Yue!

There is always a sense of unreality in the listing of these words!

Zhao Huan and Wang Yan quickly helped Wang Hao up.

Seeing Ayao kicking Zhang Yue away, he finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Their confidence is back!

This is the second executive officer of their Jiangbei Military Region!

She comes to the rescue!

Even if the crazy ghosts can’t be slaughtered, it’s enough if A Yao comes!

Next to Bairi Base is the location of the Jiangnan Military Region.

They all looked at each other, a little confused.

“What’s going on? Why does this girl want to help those people in Jiangbei?”

“I’m a little confused about the situation…”

“Sir Chang, do you know this girl?”

Chang Xiangyang’s eyes were bright and he was inevitably shocked.

“Sister Ayao?”

He has been to the Beijing Military Region and met many outstanding people, and this Ayao is the most dazzling one among them!

The Beijing Military Region ranks first in speed!

This name made this girl very popular in the military area!

In the Dachang Military Region on one side, Master Gu Ling raised his eyebrows and asked, “Sir Chang, do you know him?”

Chang Xiangyang nodded: “Deputy captain of the pioneer team of the Beijing Military Region, Ayao…”

This sentence was not carried behind the backs of everyone present, many of them heard it.

“People from the Beijing Military Region?”

“Why did people from the Beijing Military Region show up at the Yakuza election?!”

“Some dog must have taken advantage of the mouse!”

“Even the Beijing Military Region has no reason to interfere in our Sanjiang River Basin!”

After hearing many doubts, Zhao Huan took a step forward.

Standing in front of Ayao: “She is no longer the vice-captain of the land reclamation team.”

“She is the second executive officer of our Jiangbei Military Region, Chief Ayao!”

As soon as Zhao Huan finished speaking, the noise started again.

“What the hell, people from the pioneer team of the Capital Military Region?”

“I’ve heard about this team. It’s said that they are all top talents from China…”

“But why do the people from the pioneer team want to go to the Jiangbei Military Region?”

“That’s right! Wouldn’t it be nice to come to our Daping Military Region!”

During the commotion, everyone in the base looked ugly during the day.

Zhang Yue was defeated, and Bairi Base was also defeated!

Bai Rizhao looked to the side in the direction of the military region and cast a meaningful look.

The location of Cangzhou Military Region.

A middle-aged man sighed: “Well, what can you save by coming here?”

He stood up slowly and walked toward the center with extraordinary grace.

This person wears a pair of gold-rimmed glasses and his hair is neatly styled back.

“Ayao.” He said as he walked, his voice low and magnetic.

“I’m not questioning your ability, I just want to tell you that some things cannot be undone by humans.”

Ayao raised her little head and hummed: “Lou Jianjun, you are indeed here too.”

“I hear you mean to embarrass our Jiangbei Military Region. Are you the mastermind?”

Ayao was not surprised at all when she saw this person.

He was once a member of the Beijing Military Region, but was later ostracized because he offended others.

Now it seems that he is doing well in the Cangzhou Military Region.

Already a leader.

Lou Jianjun shook his head: “Ayao, I know your speed is unparalleled. But with the combination of our major military regions, you can’t protect the Jiangbei Military Region…”

With that said, Lou Jianjun handed a form to Zhao Huan.

The above is the plan for joint guardianship.

Once you sign, the consequences will be disastrous!

Just as Zhao Huan was about to retort, he saw two young men standing behind Lou Jianjun.

It’s a pair of twins!

They were wearing jackets made of hard fabrics and had sharp eyebrows and starry eyes, making them look very hard to mess with.

“Who are these two people?”

“They are actually twins. Do they have any abilities that are different from ordinary people?”

“What do you mean, Sir Lou, don’t be too pretentious. What are the backgrounds of these two people behind you?”

“Looking at how confident you are, these two must be very powerful, right?”

People around them asked, and the appearance of these two people did not mean they were from the Sanjiang River Basin.

Almost all the masters in the Sanjiang River Basin are included in the Sanjiang combat power list.

Have you never seen these two people? !

Especially this kind of twins, if they were really strong men in the Sanjiang River Valley, they would have become famous long ago.

Lou Jianjun chuckled: “You should have heard of them, but you don’t know what they are.”Just appearance. ”

“They are Yufu and Yulu from the Demon City.”

“They are also what people often call the Fulu Brothers!”

As soon as these words came out, the whole audience was shocked!

Because these two people are simply amazing!

“Brothers Fulu?! How did they get to the point where the Yakuza election came!”

“Sir Lou, have you conquered these two? Are you going to be so exaggerated!”

“It is rumored that these two people, one is in charge of speed and the other is in charge of strength. They work together very well. Together, they will not lose to the divine generals!”

“I never expected to see these two people today!”

Compared to everyone is excited.

The faces of everyone in Jiangbei were ashen.

The Fulu brothers actually supported the Cangzhou Military Region? !

Zhao Huan held the “Joint Guardian” signature sheet in his hand with a cold look.

“Sure enough, everything today was premeditated! We are all people from the Huaxia Military Region and the Sanjiang River Basin. Why bother forcing each other?”

Chang Xiangyang also walked over and snorted: “Aren’t we doing this just for China?”

Li Yuangang, who was following him, was also eager to try and stared at the scene.

Division Gu Ling of the Dachang Military Region also echoed: “With the current strength of the Jiangbei Military Region, no one can protect it.”

“In my opinion, once the fourth-level new humans break out, you won’t even know how you died!”

Behind Master Gu Ling, a middle-aged man also stood out with cold eyes.

At this moment, Jiangbei Military Region is encountering…

It’s the three major military regions that are making things difficult!

Wang Yan looked ugly: “Sir Zhao, they are determined to kill us!”

“I feel like it’s all Chang Xiangyang’s fault. This guy really deserves to die!”

Zhao Huan ignored Wang Yan’s words and just silently clenched his fists: “Do you really want to kill everyone?”

Lou Jianjun smiled faintly: “Kill them all? Is your Jiangbei Military Region worthy of this?”

“I can destroy your Jiangbei Military Region with just a move of my fingers!”

“I only give you three seconds. If you don’t sign, will it be considered that you refuse to cooperate?”

“Both Fulu, you can prepare to take action. No matter who blocks it, we will follow the rules.”

“Kill without mercy!”

Zhao Huan couldn’t believe that these people were really so cruel!

Actually turned against him directly!

For the sake of Jiangbei’s infiltration and Jiangbei’s resources, he would not hesitate to do such a thing!

Seeing that Zhao Huan had no intention of signing.

Lou Jianjun sighed: “I gave you a chance…”

“Since Jiangbei doesn’t want it, let’s break up the team.”




Less than five seconds!

Everyone in Jiangbei Military Region…


The Fulu brothers from the Cangzhou Military Region, Li Yuangang from the Jiangnan Military Region, and the mysterious figure from the Dachang Military Region.

Four people firmly occupy the four corners.

Don’t give anyone a chance to escape!

Even Ayao clearly felt the pressure!

These people are a bit strong!

It’s obviously a power exchange meeting.

At this time, it has turned into a crusade meeting in the Jiangbei Military Region!

Zhao Huan saw that the scene was completely out of control.

He pressed the pen reluctantly.

Smiling bitterly: “I…”

The words are not finished yet.

Ayao suddenly walked up to Zhao Huan and snatched the signature pen from his hand.

Then he spread his hands helplessly.

“Okay, you’re right, I can’t handle it…”

“I thought that as the second executive officer, I could handle such a small matter…”

Incomprehensible words.

Everyone present was stunned.

Who is right?

Who is this girl talking to?

next moment.

A chilling sense of crisis ran through the square.

It came very suddenly!

Make everyone’s hair stand on end!

A cold voice sounded.

“Who gave you the courage?”

“Dare you tell Jiangbei to disperse?”

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