Follow the people from the Jiangnan Military Region and enter the gate.

Under the careful and thoughtful guidance of a dedicated person, everyone walked slowly along the wide and straight stone road.

There are towering ancient trees on both sides, with green leaves whistling, and the sun shines through the gaps in the branches and leaves, casting mottled light and shadow.

They soon came to a steel gate, which was open.

Stepping into the door, your eyes suddenly open up.

It is an open-air square.

Tables, chairs and benches are neatly arranged in the square.

Various porcelain plates are arranged in an orderly manner on the table, holding delicacies with all colors and flavors.

The fragrance is fragrant, rare in the last days!

This is the foundation of the Yakuza base!

At this time, about a hundred people had gathered in the courtyard, which was very lively.

Their identities are not simple either.

They are all in the Sanjiang Basin, and there are prominent figures in the six cities.

Chang Xiangyang attracted a lot of attention as soon as he showed up.

“Sir Chang! Long time no see!”

“The Jiangnan Military Region has also arrived. This Dujidao election is truly the number one event in Sanjiang!”

“That’s natural. This is the only business model for the Jida base, and the future is limitless!”

“Look at these people in the Jiangnan Military Region, they don’t look easy to mess with…”

Although those who came to talk were some local forces, the other four military regions remained unmoved.

But Chang Xiangyang still responded one by one, grinning from ear to ear.

It seems that everyone still recognizes the Jiangnan Military Region.

Surrounded by everyone, Chang Xiangyang led everyone to sit at an empty table near the front.

“Sir Chang, we arrived so late, but we can still get so close!”

“This is a military area, so everyone still needs to be a bit thin.”

“It’s the first time I’ve seen so many powerful people, so I’m a little excited.”

Everyone in the Jiangnan Military Region had just sat down and started talking with some pride.

Chang Xiangyang chuckled: “That’s natural, they still have to give me face.”

There is only one empty table left here next to the other four military regions.

It seems that those local forces are very sensible and know where to sit.

But everyone in the Jiangbei Military Region didn’t feel so good.

With the Jiangnan Military Region taking their seats.

The situation on the field has been very clear and obvious.

There are three forces in total.

The first type is local power.

They were invited by the Yakuza base to witness this event.

But their own strengths are uneven, and they are all placed in the back row.

The second type is military region forces.

Their strength is profound, their backgrounds are often closely connected to the power center, and they have powerful military resources.

Their every move touches the nerves of all parties, and their influence radiates to all levels of society.

In addition, many of them had noble status, so they were undoubtedly placed in the front row.


The third kind…

In the layout of the entire square, there is a more respected position.

That is the exclusive seat located in the heart of the square.

The layout here is more luxurious than other areas.

The dazzling array of delicacies is simply the highest courtesy in the apocalypse.

A set of luxurious and comfortable sofas with fine fabrics and soft touch.

Although the treatment here is far better than other areas, all the forces show a tacit understanding.

No one actively coveted it, and no one tried to cross the line.

Because everyone knows that this position belongs to that “madman”…

Whether he comes or not, this place must be reserved for him.

“Sir Zhao, why is the front row of the military area occupied…”

“This is simply not taking us seriously!”

“What a beast. Do local forces dare to sit on our heads and shit on us?”

“I really can’t bear it anymore. It’s okay to be disgusted by those people in Jiangnan. Why should I be a local power?”

Zhao Huan and others walked into the square and froze in embarrassment.

Because after taking a seat at the Jiangnan Military Region, the tables in the front row were all occupied.

Only a small table at the very back was left.

Surrounded by some little-known small forces.

How could the dignified Jiangbei Military Region be reduced to this?

If you really go and sit down, wouldn’t you be nagged for the rest of your life?

“Sir Chang, look, the people from Jiangbei can’t get off the stage again.”

“In the apocalypse, the weak will prevail against the strong. If they don’t have the strength, they won’t be able to protect Jiangbei.”

“That’s true. Why don’t we apply for joint guardianship and settle in Jiangbei?”

“Take your time, wait and see.”

Everyone in the Jiangnan Military Region looked at this scene with gloating joy.

I was expecting some conflict to occur.

After all, the only local force occupying the front row came from the outskirts of Cangzhou.

Day base!

This base has a close relationship with the organizers of the Yakuza.

Naturally, the strength cannot be overshadowed!

With JiangbeiHow to contend with those stinky fish and rotten shrimps?

They can only sit down at the back obediently…

Quietly waiting to be jointly guarded!

Not only the Jiangnan Military Region, but other military regions and forces are also paying attention.

Everyone is waiting with great interest for the next move of the Jiangbei Military Region.

Do they dare to fight with Cangzhou Bairi Base?

“Sir Gu, do you think the people in Jiangbei dare to say anything?”

“Haha, the current situation doesn’t matter anymore. Just because of their entanglement… the situation that the Jiangbei Military Region will be jointly guarded has been determined…”

“That’s true. If you are really powerful, why do you need to be so entangled?”

“The Jiangbei Military Region is really miserable. It is about to become the first one in the Sanjiang River Basin to be jointly guarded…”

Everyone in the Dachang Military Region started a heated discussion.

Since the Mad Ghost Tu plundered Dachang Xingyue Base, the first executive officer Li Xiang was also beheaded.

Dachang ushered in a period of free development.

Today, under the leadership of Gu Lingshi, it is flourishing and regaining control of the situation.

As a place that had been massacred by mad ghosts, everyone in Dachang knew how terrifying that man was.

So they understand the situation of Jiangbei Military Region.

But I just understand that joint protection is still necessary, after all, the final result will be beneficial to myself.

Zhao Huan walked to the front row with an unkind expression.

A total of six people from the base came during the day.

Everyone was immersed in their work and ignored Zhao Huan at all.

Zhao Huan said helplessly: “Who is the boss among you?”

After the words fell, a young man slowly stood up.

He was dressed casually in black and looked strong.

He said with a joking look on his face: “The base is in the daytime, the light is in the daytime.”

“What do you want to do? Don’t disturb me while I’m eating…”

Wang Yan spoke anxiously from behind: “Brother, we are from the Jiangbei Military Region. You are sitting in the wrong place. The front row is reserved for the military region.”

Even though the food on this table had been eaten to pieces, everyone in Jiangbei didn’t care.

I just pray that the people at Bairi Base will agree to change positions…

Even if they stop eating at all, they still need this face.

Bai Tianzhao laughed loudly: “Brother?”

“Who is your brother?”

“You said we were sitting in the wrong place?”

“Who stipulates that only military districts can sit in the front row?”

“Does the Yakuza base have regulations?”

“What, did you stipulate it?”

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