Jiang Yunhan nodded: “It’s a mixed bag, I’m not sure about their intentions…”

“Speaking of which, their joining made me happy for a while. It would be great if they really joined…”

Chen Xiao waved his hand indifferently: “Time bombs can’t be left, don’t worry, I’ll take care of it.”

“Since they came for me, I’ll just wait for them.”

This is absolute strength, which brings absolute confidence.

If the enemy comes, the general will fight, and if the water comes, the earth will cover it. Since the end of the world, Chen Xiao is really not afraid of any conspiracy.

I’m just afraid that they don’t dare to come.

But since these people have the courage to join the base, they must have some purpose that must be achieved.

I returned to the base in a high-profile manner during the day, and they must have received this news…

After eating hot pot.

Chen Xiao said goodbye to the brothers.

He walked into Jianghe Building with the beauties.

Seventh floor.

Chen Xiao arranged a room for A Yao close to Tang Shirou.

A Yao is different from the coldness of the bee girl.

With A Yao’s personality, she should be able to get along well with Tang Shirou and Jiang Chuxue very quickly.

Even if they really encounter danger, they should be much safer with A Yao leading them.

After arranging the room.

Chen Xiao first came to Jiang Chuxue’s room.

The room key has been placed in the mountain and river map, and he easily opened the door and went in.

A beautiful figure jumped directly onto Chen Xiao’s waist.

Jiang Chuxue was actually wearing a white lace.

Slender white thighs, looming enchanting figure.

She hugged Chen Xiao tightly and shouted happily: “Brother Chen Xiao, I didn’t expect you to come to me first!”

Hearing this, Chen Xiao showed a gentle smile on his face and joked: “You want to eat mutton skewers, and I see that you are dressed like this, you don’t look unexpected.”

Jiang Chuxue pretended to be dissatisfied and snorted, with a hint of coquetry and blame: “Then you don’t know to come back, Sister Tang and I miss you so much.”

As soon as the voice fell, Jiang Chuxue took the initiative to put her forehead against Chen Xiao’s forehead.

Her big eyes flickered, and her longing for Chen Xiao seemed to flow out.

Chen Xiao couldn’t help but raise a doting smile at the corner of his mouth: “I’ll take you on a trip in two days to make up for you.”

Jiang Chuxue said: “Travel? Can you travel in the end of the world?”

Chen Xiao smiled faintly: “Of course, taking you to watch the Jidao election in Cangzhou, it must be very interesting.”

Jiang Chuxue smiled.

She kissed Chen Xiao.

Chen Xiao took the initiative and lifted her body a few centimeters higher against the door.


Jiang Chuxue leaned against the door with her back, making a muffled sound.

She was so scared that she shushed.

She didn’t want Sister Tang and the new sister to notice her here.

Chen Xiao smiled and said, “Why, can you keep silent for a while?”

Jiang Chuxue raised her head: “Why not?”

Chen Xiao laughed: “So confident? Don’t beg for mercy later…”

Jiang Chuxue blushed and didn’t dare to continue to be stubborn: “I was wrong, Brother Chen Xiao, can you let me go if I beg for mercy now?”

Chen Xiao snorted and his hands began to get dishonest.

He turned around and threw Jiang Chuxue on the bed.

“It’s too late, you have to be confident all the time…”

Late at night.

Jianghe Granary.

Three black shadows moved very fast.

They hid in the night, as if they were in silence.

Soon, they arrived at the Jianghe Building.

“Huang Yiyi, why do we have to come to find that crazy ghost butcher in the dark?”

A young man with a crew cut and wearing a jacket was puzzled.

Next to him was a woman in a black dress with intricate and elegant floral embroidery.

She sneered: “Xu Zijun, do you think it’s appropriate for us to go to him openly during the day when there are too many people around?”

On the other side, a man in a black robe also echoed: “Since the mad ghost is a ghost, it is natural to choose to communicate with him at night.”

Xu Zijun was speechless: “Wang Shuo, Wang Shuo, I think you are crazy. Everyone knows that guy kills people. Who can we complain to if he really kills us in the dark?”

Wang Shuo sneered: “Do you think everyone is as timid as you? Yiyi, activate your talent. Those patrolling awakeners are coming back.”

Huang Yiyi was a little surprised: “Activate your talent? What are you going to do?”

Wang Shuo was disappointed: “Of course, I charmed him and got words from him! With his strength, he must know a lot of doomsday secrets!”

Huang Yiyi was a little worried: “What if it fails? The mad ghost butcher is a person of one side after all. I feel it will be difficult to do it.”

Wang Shuo was helpless: “Try it first. If it fails, we will move out of the organization. And weHe didn’t intend to kill anyone, so he wouldn’t mind. ”

Huang Yiyi gritted her teeth. The captain of this operation was Wang Shuo.

She could only obey.

Huang Yiyi sighed, clasped her hands together and closed her eyes.

Just on her forehead, circles of faint halos suddenly appeared, slowly rippling like ripples on the surface of a lake.

This magical halo only flickered faintly at first, but continued to expand in an instant.

As it expands, the brightness of the halo gradually becomes softer, eventually forming a broad and elegant halo.

It actually directly enveloped the entire Jianghe Building.

Silent and silent.

Almost instantly, Chen Xiao, who was lying on the bed, woke up instantly.

“finally come.”

[Dragon Breath] is activated directly.

The next moment he suddenly disappeared from the bed.

There was no change in the room, only Jiang Chuxue was sleeping soundly, accompanied by slight breathing.

“how much longer?”

Wang Shuo urged anxiously.

Huang Yiyi was also a little confused by the urging: “Stop urging me, you also know my talent, it takes time!”

As a monkfish awakener and dual talent awakener, Huang Yiyi not only possesses SSS-level reconnaissance talents.

It also possesses the A-level [Light Charm] with extremely strong tactical effect!

As long as you stay within the halo of her talent for five minutes, you will be restricted by the rules of charm, lose your consciousness, and become a walking zombie charmed by her.

As long as she doesn’t wake up in pain, you can let her ask questions.


A crisis is coming!

Arrive suddenly!

“What’s wrong, he’s been discovered! He’s here!”

“Be careful, he is ridiculously strong!”

Huang Yiyi screamed in surprise, her eyes widening.

“Mad, I told him to talk to him properly, you must seek death!”

Xu Zijun awakened all the magic power in his body and prepared for it.

He cursed Wang Shuo ten thousand times in his heart.

Wang Shuo frowned.

Was it discovered?

It’s so late, this crazy ghost can’t even sleep?

He looked at Huang Yiyi: “Incredibly strong? Is he really…”


Wang Shuo hasn’t finished speaking yet.

The next moment, his expression suddenly changed, and he flew up immediately.

He was strangled by a big hand turned into water!

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