


Under the control of Chen Xiao, the power of the big hand of water was frightening.

The nine-foot seal tightly held down Wang Shuo’s power, leaving him without the slightest ability to resist.

“Let go of me…”

“I’m dying…”

Wang Shuo spoke with difficulty, his face turning red from holding back.

My feet kept kicking and beating, but to no avail.

It was as if his SSS-level talent had never appeared before.

Completely cut off contact with him!

“Damn it! Wang Shuo, why are you flying!”

“This…what is this?”

“How can water move?”

Xu Zijun’s face turned pale and he kept backing away.

But under his feet, water stains were rushing crazily.

It was like a strange shadow in the dark night, spreading towards him.

Huang Yiyi gritted her teeth: “Damn it, you shouldn’t have listened to Wang Shuo…”

Obviously, this weird water stain…

From the true master of the river triangle.

Crazy ghosts massacre!

That scary guy!

“I hate backstabbing the most.”

“But you actually dare to join the Jiangbei base with second thoughts.”

“Then just go die.”

The cold voice came, making the three of them feel like they had fallen into an ice cellar.

The next moment, a dark figure appeared.

Chen Xiao walked in the air, his hands behind his back, like a demon in the dark night.

The cold eyes made people dare not look directly.

“Crazy Ghost Rentu, we don’t know which room you are in, so we can only call you out like this…”

Huang Yiyi still wanted to explain, but she was extremely frightened.

The three of them are all SSS-level talent awakeners, and they are a force that cannot be ignored wherever they are placed.

I thought that even if I lost, I could still compete with one or two.

Never imagined!

As soon as they met, Wang Shuo, the first combatant, was directly controlled and seemed to have no ability to fight back.

You know, the man opposite hasn’t really taken action yet.

How could he be stronger than rumored? !

“Call me out?”

Chen Xiao sneered and then disappeared instantly.

next moment!

A big hand pinched Huang Yiyi’s neck fiercely and slowly lifted her up.

The power was so great that Huang Yiyi had a sore throat and was about to die.

“Looks like you’re ready to die.”

Hearing this, Huang Yiyi was horrified. She felt that the power in her body could not be mobilized at all.

As if dead.

At this time, she can only be at the mercy of others!

Crazy Ghost Rentu is not on the same level as any awakened person she has ever met!

“Crazy Ghost Rentu, we really don’t have any harm, we just want to talk to you.”

Xu Zijun, the only person still standing on the ground, spoke nervously.

Chen Xiao snorted coldly and threw Huang Yiyi to the ground.

Then he scattered the big hand of water, and Wang Shuo fell directly to the ground, breathing heavily.

But Chen Xiao didn’t let him go, instead locking him to the ground with puddles of water.

He is the strongest among the three, and Chen Xiao is playing it safe.

“Talk? What to talk about? I’ll give you a minute. If you can’t explain clearly, you can die now.”

Hearing this, Xu Zijun swallowed.

He quickly said: “We are from the Tianming Group in the Demon City. We just want to get to know you. We really don’t have any intention of being an enemy of you…”

Chen Xiao sneered: “Why do you know me?”

Xu Zijun said helplessly: “Our boss has something very important to ask you to cooperate with.”

Chen Xiao raised his eyebrows: “Do you know the level of something that can make me tempted?”

This is not a bragging cup.

Currently, the only treasures that can make Chen Xiao’s heart beat are free-level opportunities.

[Bloody Hourglass] and [Pig Head Dagger] are things that Chen Xiao doesn’t like at all.

Xu Zijun nodded, quickly took out a satellite phone from Wang Shuo and dialed a number.

You know, ordinary satellite phones can no longer be used since the end of the world. Only the military region has developed some special phones.

Could it be that the Tianming Group in the Magic City is involved with the military region?

After receiving Xu Zijun’s call, a beeping sound came from inside.

Soon, a lazy male voice came from the phone, accompanied by noise.

“How was the conversation, Wang Shuo.”

“It’s a bad conversation. He’s going to die.”

As soon as Chen Xiao finished speaking, there was silence on that side for a few seconds.

Seemingly accepting this information, the other side continued: “Crazy ghost Rentu, I didn’t expect our first conversation to be so careless.”

“As the two heroes in the apocalypse, we should talk about life and the apocalypse face to face.”

“We are the kings in the end of the world…”

Chen Xiao didn’t want to hear the person on the other side continue talking, so he interrupted: “Who are you riding on?”

There was some surprise on the phone: “You don’t know who I am? Didn’t they tell you?”Chen Xiao said expressionlessly: “They only said that you are the boss of Tianming Group.”

The person on the phone was even more surprised: “You don’t know me?”

Chen Xiao asked back: “Should I know him?”

The other side was silent for a few seconds, and then continued: “My name is Su Jian.”

Chen Xiao said oh, only to be replaced by a longer silence.

“It seems you really don’t know me…”

“I’m very disappointed…”

Chen Xiao interrupted: “It doesn’t matter who you are, it’s important whether you save these three people.”

Su Jian: “What do you mean? Are you going to kill them?”

Chen Xiao sneered: “Haha, you don’t think I dare not, do you?”

Su Jian: “What do you want?”

Chen Xiao said calmly: “Three people, then three opportunities.”

Su Jian: “?”

Su Jian: “This is absolutely impossible…”


With Wang Shuo’s wailing.

Chen Xiao continued to talk to the phone: “Now we only need two opportunities.”

Su Jian was a little angry: “Crazy ghost Ren Tu, this is the first time that I, Su Jian, have been blackmailed…”

Chen Xiao didn’t want to talk nonsense and interrupted directly: “Send them to Jiangbei within three days as an apology to me. Otherwise, I will not only kill them both, but I will also visit the Magic City.”


After speaking, Chen Xiao crushed the phone.

Debris scattered all over the ground.

Xu Zijun lowered his head and looked at the fragments, not daring to look directly at Chen Xiao.

Huang Yiyi glanced at Wang Shuo, who was lying in a pool of blood and split into two.

The fear in my heart reached its peak.

She knew Wang Shuo’s strength very well.

SSS level strength talent!

It’s definitely not that simple to die!

Magic City.

Destiny Building.

A young man standing in front of the floor-to-ceiling window heard the “beep beep” coming from the phone.

He gritted his teeth, his eyes showing coldness.

Su Jian picked up the phone and spoke slowly: “Aguang, I was threatened.”

Behind him, a person was sleeping on the spacious sofa.

This man was wearing a suit and leather tie, with a four-cornered hat covering his face. He seemed to be sleeping soundly.

Su Jian sighed: “Oh, I really shouldn’t have sent Huang Yiyi there…”

The man in a suit on the sofa suddenly said: “When you let her go, you should have thought that crazy ghost Ren Tu is not that easy to charm.”

Su Jian lit a cigarette: “Two opportunities are really expensive.”

The man in the suit sneered: “You’re not going to give in, are you? Giving away two opportunities?”

Su Jian snorted: “He thinks of beauty, but I have no time to care about him now.”

“But…since Mad Ghost Rentu refuses to cooperate, it will be up to our destiny to complete the matter.”

“When the strength increases, no matter how strong Mad Ghost Rentu is, he will not be my opponent.”

The man in the suit was a little surprised: “Why, that guy issued a mission again?”

Su Jian snorted coldly: “Why else would I want to cooperate with that lunatic? I just didn’t expect that he would dare to blackmail me!”

The man in the suit was curious: “Is this mission difficult?”

Su Jian was a little unhappy: “It’s difficult, but this is the last time.”

“After completing this mission, I will draw a clear line with that guy.”

After all, that guy is a god…

If you do things for God, you will naturally gain unlimited benefits.

But seeking skin from a tiger is not a long-term thing after all.

Washing hands in a golden basin is the right way.

As for the end?

With his current strength, it’s like a game.

He is fearless.

Because he believes that he is the son of destiny!

Otherwise, why would that god only look for himself and not others?

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