
Chai Xiaoyu turned around and saw Jiang Yunhan’s face.

There were actually many people following Jiang Yunhan.

Jiang Chuxue, Tang Shirou, Dashan, Little Monk…

These people are core characters that are rarely seen in ordinary times!

Chai Xiaoyu quickly took a step back: “Hello, Deputy Chief Jiang!”

Not only Chai Xiaoyu, but everyone was also confused.

Is the one above so difficult?

Do you need so many experts to take action?

Jiang Yunhan sighed and looked helplessly towards the roof: “You guys still know how to come back? Is this your base…or mine?”

Originally, he was in the living room of the building and called Chu Xue and others to discuss the triangle strategy, but was reported as an invasion?

When I came out and saw it, I was speechless. Is this what they call an invasion?

They were invaded by the boss of the base, right…

One sentence made everyone’s eyes almost fall out.

What does this mean?

His base?

Then he is…

Chai Xiaoyu turned around sharply and stared at the figure on top of the building.

He is Chen Xiao!

Crazy ghosts massacre!

The most outrageous thing is…

He was actually making fun of himself!

Do you want to praise him yourself? !

How shameless!

Are all the big guys so perverted?

Chen Xiao laughed: “Dr. Jiang, you came two minutes late, so I could listen to what I was saying!”

With that said, Chen Xiao picked up A Yao, and the divine wind came down in bursts.

His magical methods made everyone under the building excited.

This is…their boss who stays outside every day?

He’s so handsome, isn’t he?

Jiang Chuxue, on the other hand, looked at Tang Shirou and tugged on her sleeves, laughing softly:

“Sister Tang, you are really good at predicting things…”

“I really took another one home.”

Tang Shirou smiled slightly: “He’s so sick, there’s nothing we can do about it…”

Chen Xiao put Ayao on the ground.

Before I could speak.

Ayao was the first to speak: “Wow! There are so many beauties! Brother Chen Xiao!”

Ayao didn’t expect that there were so many beauties in Jiangbei, and she saw them all as soon as she glanced at them.

Especially the two beauties Tang Shirou and Jiang Chuxue are indeed eye-catching.

They wore similar floral dresses, with light skirts that swayed slightly in the wind.

The long hair like a waterfall, black and bright, swaying gently behind her like flowing clouds.

In the apocalypse, these sisters are simply the ultimate dream of every man.

Jiang Chuxue trotted up to Chen Xiao: “Brother Chen Xiao, long time no see. Do you miss me?”

Chen Xiao smiled lightly: “Of course.”

Tang Shirou also walked over and said gently, “Brother Xiao, don’t forget what you promised me.”

Chen Xiao recalled that he seemed to have promised Tang Shirou to stay in Jiangbei longer this time.

If you think about it carefully, you really don’t have much going on recently.

The next blood moon is in a month, so there’s still time.

The only thing I’m anxious to do recently is…

There was only the matter of sending Ayao to the Jiangbei Military Region and what he had promised Liu Ruyan.

Speaking of which, the election at the Yakuza Base was indeed a prosperous time.

Taking a few girls to the theater is also a good way to travel.

“No surprise, I can stay for a while this time.”

“You’d better stay a little longer.”

Chen Xiao hasn’t finished speaking yet.

Jiang Yunhan said angrily: “Do you know how many people want to join Jiangbei Base recently?”

“Do you know who they joined the base for?”

Chen Xiao thought thoughtfully: “Do they like hot pot?”

Jiang Yunhan: “…”

Chen Xiao laughed loudly and patted Jiang Yunhan on the shoulder: “You’re kidding, Dr. Jiang, of course I know.”

“I dare to hand over such a large base to you, doesn’t that mean I trust you?”

Jiang Yunhan shook off Chen Xiao’s hand and sighed: “When you come back this time, you’d better take care of those thorns.”

Chen Xiao looked around: “thorn head? Let’s take a walk. Let’s have a hot pot meal first. Tell me what’s going on?”

He greeted everyone and walked towards the living room.

Tang Shirou looked at A Yao, stretched out her hand and said, “Hello sister, my name is Tang Shirou.”

Ayao was quick-thinking and had already guessed the roles of these two beauties.

In the apocalypse, it would be strange for a person like Brother Chen Xiao to have so few women around him!

She also stretched out her hand: “My name is Ayao! Hello, two beautiful sisters!”

Jiang Chuxue came over and smiled: “Sister Ayao, my name is Jiang Chuxue. Should I say it or not, I really envy you.”

Ayao was stunned: “Envy me?”

Jiang Chuxue pointed at A Yao’s background and smiled.

Ayao’s face turned red: “Oh, there are so many people…”

As everyone took their seats.

Chen Xiao briefly introduced A Yao to everyone.

Deputy captain of the pioneer organization of the Beijing Military Region.The second animal awakener.

SSS level speed talent owner.

When this multiple identity was exposed, everyone’s exclamations became louder and louder than ever before.

“Dr. Jiang, now you can tell me about the head pricking.”

Chen Xiao ate the mutton and drank a small Coke.

Jiang Yunhan said helplessly: “You may not believe it, joining the people in the Jiangbei Triangle during this time.”

“There are three SSS-level…”

“And it comes from the front and the back.”

Ayao exclaimed: “Three?”

You know, the significance of three SSS levels is extraordinary!

Before this, only Feng Nu and Jiang Yunhan were at this level in the entire Jiangbei.

This shows that if Jiangbei accepts them, it will transform into a truly first-class force.

No longer relying on Chen Xiao alone to support his reputation.

Chen Xiao was also shocked. The number exceeded his imagination.

But if you think about it carefully, it’s unlikely.

SSS-level talent awakeners can almost be leaders of many small forces.

Even if you really want to defect, it’s impossible for the three of you to go together…

Chen Xiao asked weakly: “Is there a woman?”

Jiang Yunhan was stunned: “There is one, why do you ask this?”

Chen Xiao coughed dryly: “It’s okay, just ask.”

“You mean, these three people are the thorns?”

“That’s right, just listen to me.”

Jiang Yunhan spoke slowly: “The distribution of talents among these three people is extremely reasonable.”

“They are strength, reconnaissance, and magic power!”

“One of them even has the ability to kill people according to the rules, but this is not true because this is the feedback from the person I placed.”

“So… I suspect that their motives for joining Jiangbei are impure.”

Chen Xiao frowned. It was almost as he suspected. What he worried about happened.

A major variable in the increase in numbers is lack of loyalty.

Chen Xiao said lightly: “Just because their talent distribution is too reasonable? Isn’t this a bit arbitrary?”

Based on Chen Xiao’s understanding of Jiang Yunhan, this person is cautious and rational, and does not seem to be someone who makes casual judgments.

Tang Shirou answered: “Brother Xiao, according to my observation, they often ask people about your whereabouts and information.”

The young monk also interjected: “They even asked me, they want to know where you have been.”

Jiang Yunhan analyzed: “It would be understandable if it was just ordinary worship, but since they joined Jiangbei Base, they have almost never asked for any benefits from me. I feel that there is something abnormal about these SSS-level people.”

Chen Xiao was thoughtful: “You mean, they joined the Jiangbei Triangle because of me?”

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