Chen Xiao waved his hand.

The mountain and river map suddenly burst into light.

A huge pterosaur that covered the sky and sun suddenly appeared, as if it had traveled from ancient mythology!

But such a powerful creature, instead of bringing fear to Ayao, seemed extremely docile at this moment.

Prone on the ground obediently.


Ayao’s mouth opened slightly, in disbelief.

“This is… a pterosaur?!”

“And why are you so docile!”

“You don’t know how to open Jurassic Park at home!”

Chen Xiao stepped forward, took A Yao’s hand and smiled: “Take you for a ride!”

The pterosaur’s back is very spacious, and two people can’t take up much space at all.

So it doesn’t feel crowded at all, but feels very comfortable.

Following the formation of his wings, Chen Xiao controlled the Sky King and headed towards Jiangbei at a very fast speed.

This is countless times faster than a car!

It’s simply a fully automated private jet!

If it were anyone else, they might be afraid of accidentally falling and dying.

But Chen Xiao, who had [Divine Wind], was very relaxed and allowed the howling wind to hit his face.

Ayao was so nervous that she hugged Chen Xiao tightly and closed her eyes for fear of falling.

This is countless times more exciting than those roller coasters in amusement parks!

Chen Xiao chuckled: “Ayao, when did you become so timid?”

“When we encountered Maple Leaf Country, you were the first to rush forward.”

Ayao punched Chen Xiao: “Can you please stop making fun of me all the time? I wasn’t anxious at the time!”

Chen Xiao burst out laughing.

Along the way.

The two chatted about some things.

Look down.

It is a hell on earth with corpses everywhere and rivers of blood flowing.

It’s devastated and a mess!

On the vast ground, there are various forces, large and small. They trade with each other, help each other, and also fight with each other.

In his previous life, he was struggling to survive, living a life that never stopped, facing death and fear at any time.

But now, he no longer has this intention.

The next day.


Chen Xiao had already withdrawn his pterosaur, hugged Ayao across his side, and landed quietly on the roof of Jianghe Building.

There was no movement at all.

But as soon as it landed.

Several powerful energies burst out instantly!

Surround the two of them!

“Your Excellency is not weak, but do you know where this place is?”

A girl wearing a red sweatshirt appeared at the bottom of the building.

She has regular features and a strong face.

The high ponytail has a sassy temperament similar to An Ning.

Her name is Chai Xiaoyu, she is the deputy captain of the seventh team of Jianghe Triangle, and she takes orders from Bee Girl.

Responsible for daily patrols near Jianghe Building.

This is a great job!

Everyone knows that the core figures of the River Triangle live here.

Many people related to Crazy Ghost Man Tu Boss live here!

But this also meant that she had no chance to make meritorious deeds.

Because usually few people dare to show up here.

Now she was finally caught!

This person was clearly seen by the reconnaissance awakeners in the team!

“How audacious. This Jianghe Building is heavily guarded. How did he get up there?”

“If this thing gets too big, everyone will be done with it! Who doesn’t know who lives here!”

“Captain Xiaoyu, this man is really looking for death, let me go meet him!”

Beside Chai Xiaoyu, there was a circle of people.

They were all furious, their eyes focused on the top of the building with indignation.

There was a tense and depressing atmosphere in the air.

It seemed as if Chen Xiao had made some huge mistake.

About to go on trial.

Some people even wanted to express themselves just now.

But he was stopped by Chai Xiaoyu.

The enemy’s trump card is not yet known, only further analysis by the reconnaissance awakener.

“Captain Xiaoyu, Jingying said the man above is…very strong!”

“What should we do now?”

Beside Chai Xiaoyu, someone reported softly.

“Very strong…how strong is this? Stronger than me?”

“Jingying said he is much better than you…”

“Then you didn’t tell me earlier!”

Chai Xiaoyu scolded in a low voice and said quickly: “Go and call Boss Bee Girl…oh no, just go and call Deputy Chief Jiang!”

When it comes to a core area like Jianghe Building, we cannot pay too much attention to it!

The man who was ordered ran outside in a panic.

Chen Xiao chuckled: “What do you mean by this?”

Chai Xiaoyu bit the bullet and said, “Do you know whose territory this is?”

Chen Xiao sat on the roof of the building, shoulder to shoulder with A Yao, with his feet dangling in the air.

He smiled: “Whose territory is this, and what does it have to do with me? If I want to run wild here, what will you do?”

Ayao turned sidewaysHead, whispered: “Isn’t this your territory?”

Chen Xiao signaled A Yao not to talk too much. He just wanted to see how strong these people were.

Under Jiang Yunhan’s leadership, has Jiangbei made any progress after so long?

“Captain Xiaoyu, this man is so arrogant! I think he is deliberately looking for trouble!”

“If he knew that this place belonged to the crazy ghost man Tu Boss, that would be trouble!”

“A person of this level…”

Chai Xiaoyu’s face looked a little ugly. She felt like she was being held here.

No matter what, she had to wait until Deputy Chief Jiang arrived!

She took a step forward, revealing a long seven-ring knife in her hand.

She trembled slightly with her movements, carrying a fierce and fierce aura.

“I’m kindly telling you that the place you are at is the residence of the crazy ghost Rentu.”

“If you don’t know him, I can tell you his story, and I’ll scare you to death if I tell you.”

At this point, the only way to be emboldened is to move the legend out of the base.

After all, who in Jiangbei doesn’t know the name of Mad Ghost Man Tu?

Whether you are a human or a ghost, you have to give three points of thin noodles.

What Chai Xiaoyu didn’t expect was that the blurry figure on the roof smiled gently.

“Then tell me his story.”


Chai Xiaoyu felt incredible. He really didn’t recognize Mad Ghost Ren Tu?

You know, the large number of powerful people who joined the Jiangbei Triangle are all aiming at the name of the crazy ghost and the massacre!

Ayao chuckled: “I think you just want to hear others praise you!”

Chen Xiao shrugged: “What? If you don’t praise me, why don’t I find someone to praise me?”

Ayao muttered: “It’s so shameless.”

Chai Xiaoyu couldn’t hear clearly what the two people above were saying.

She had some doubts as to whether these two people were from a remote village and had just entered the city.

“I tell you!”

“Crazy ghost Ren Tu is…”

Just when Chai Xiaoyu was about to brag about Chen Xiao’s achievements.

A familiar voice came.

“It goes without saying.”

“He knows better than you.”

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