A large force of thirteen people headed towards the forest under the leadership of Cao Linxuan.

This is the only way.

On this road, there are only endless, towering trees and weeds growing wantonly.

They intertwined into a green maze, blocking out the sky and making it difficult to navigate.

Everyone ran wildly in one direction, with a speed comparable to that of an S-class speed awakener.

But no one is left behind.

This is the comprehensive strength of the Chinese camp, it is indeed very strong!

Chen Xiao noticed that everyone around him had different ways of traveling.

It should be closely related to natural ability.

Among them, Ayao is the one who runs the most easily.

She didn’t seem to exert any effort at all, she just jumped up and down to catch up with everyone.

Even under the dragon’s breath, he didn’t have the violent flow of energy, which was completely different from others.

Chen Xiao was amazed.

“Nanyang, please synchronize the information with everyone.”

Cao Linxuan ran quickly while making arrangements.

Duan Nanyang nodded and spoke while running:

“I know the Tianzhu camp better because I just came back from a mission there.”

“Their leader is the successor of Agni, named Gubuta, and his strength is the highest in Tianzhu.”

“By the way, Agni’s existence is unusual in Tianzhu. You can think of it as the God of Fire.”

“I am not conducting an on-site inspection of the Maple Leaf camp. I don’t know much about it, but the leader should be Model, and his talent is related to kangaroos.”

“The other camps shouldn’t pose any threat to us, it’s okay if we don’t understand them.”

Duan Nanyang chuckled, and suddenly thought of something: “By the way, Yosi from the Agen camp needs to pay attention. His ability is very abnormal. I heard that he can recover from injuries very quickly, only taking one second! The last animal eaten is unknown. ”

Cao Linxuan then spoke: “Cheer up, the real game begins!”

Ayao curled her lips and quietly approached Chen Xiao: “Zhou Xun, let me tell you, when we encounter the enemy, we will stay behind.”

Chen Xiao didn’t expect this little girl to have such a cautious side, so she smiled.

“Why, didn’t you just comfort me not to be nervous? Why are you so scared?”

Ayao made a face at Chen Xiao: “Are you a fool? The strength of Tianzhu and Fengye…is indeed not as good as that of Huaxia?”

“But it’s Cao Linxuan and Yan Zhiyuan who are inferior, not the two of us!”

“In a moment you will stand the light in front of us, and I will hold your arm.”

“If you can’t guard against Ming Deng, I will take you away!”

“Double insurance, won’t we both be able to survive?”

Chen Xiao felt it made sense and nodded: “Deal.”

Ayao smiled, showing a row of small white teeth: “Happy cooperation.”

In the corner where no one was paying attention, Gu Liao had a ruthless look in his eyes.

He was jealous.

If it were Cao Linxuan, he could still understand and be forced to accept it.

But why does Zhou Xun have him?

Just because he and sister Ayao were born in a small place?

Time passes minute by minute.

A whole day has passed since the second level started.

Everyone was full of fighting spirit from the very beginning.

Rest in place now.

The forest realm of the Hexagonal Sky is too big.

Everyone ran around for a whole day without seeing anyone.

It seemed like they were the only ones in this forest.


The bright, water-like moonlight pours down, and the moonlight shines mottledly on the dense grass through the small gaps between the leaves.

In the completely silent atmosphere, everyone sat together.

Each other’s heartbeats and breathing could be heard clearly.

“Camel, give me food.”

“Enough during the game!”

Cao Linxuan was a little tired and leaned against the tree with his eyes closed.

He ordered to organize on the spot because it was too dark and he was afraid of danger.

Camel took out some beef jerky, biscuits, cans, snacks and some bottled water from [Camel Space] and distributed them.

These are easy foods to preserve.

But everyone ate with gusto, after all, they were hungry all day.

Only Chen Xiao refused.

Ayao was a little surprised: “Zhou Xun, if you don’t eat, how will you have the strength to continue running tomorrow? Listen to me and eat quickly.”

Chen Xiao smiled lightly: “If you are not used to beef jerky, you should listen to me and eat it later.”

With that said, Chen Xiao snatched away Ayao’s biscuits and beef jerky and stuffed them into his pockets.

Ayao didn’t know what this meant. She wanted to snatch it back but found that Zhou Xun was extremely powerful!

“What do you mean!”

She puffed up her cheeks and widened her eyes as she questioned Chen Xiao.

He looked like “If you don’t give me a perfect explanation, I won’t be able to eat as much juice as you want.”

Chen Xiao had no choice but to grab Ayao’s arm, pull her closer, and lay next to her ear.

“I’ll give you something delicious to eat later.””?”

Ayao looked distrustful.

“Can it be better than beef jerky?”



“Wait until they’re full.”


Ayao pouted her mouth and squinted her eyes, looking up and down at Chen Xiao.

He doesn’t have a backpack on him either?

Could it be that Zhou Xun’s spatial talent has mutated?

Can you store delicious food? !

Considering that they have known each other for so many years, Ayao also leaned next to Chen Xiao obediently.

Holding a branch in his hand, he slapped the ground.

Gu Liao looked at the two people on the other side and was furious.

“Hmph, if you don’t eat food, I’ll see how you’ll be strong tomorrow!”

“I’m going to eat you hard when I step on my horse!”

He angrily swallowed seven or eight biscuits in one gulp, and ordered a dozen more pieces of beef jerky.

Everyone is starving.

Especially this beef jerky is a unique secret recipe specially found by the Cao family. It is very delicious.

One piece after another, everyone enjoyed it.

They were also happy to see Chen Xiao and the two not eating, and it would be good to have less resources.

“Alas, Sister Ayao has gone astray.”

Duan Nanyang stuffed a big mouthful of beef jerky and snacks and walked to Cao Linxuan’s side.

Cao Linxuan shook his head: “Let her go. After the national games… there is no telling whether there is someone like Zhou Xun.”

He never regarded Zhou Xun as an opponent.

Ayao is just a little girl he likes at the moment.

After playing, give it to whomever you love.

It’s just that I haven’t written a word yet. I originally planned to cultivate feelings in the national games.

However, the progress was hindered by Zhou Xun’s stumbling block.

“Ouch, it’s killing me.”

“These canned tomatoes are so delicious!”

“The most delicious thing is beef jerky. It’s so delicious that I lost a few pounds!”

“Hahaha, thanks to Captain Cao and Brother Luotuo!”

Half an hour later, everyone was full of food and drinks, patting their bellies in admiration.

Cao Linxuan chuckled: “Only when you are full can you have the strength to go on the road. What do you think of Zhou Xun?”

His eyes looked at Chen Xiao.

Everyone’s eyes are focused.

This man… never once took food from the camel!

Chen Xiao smiled lightly: “Eating these junk foods is not good for your health and you won’t be full.”

Hearing this, everyone was a little angry.

We ate it for a long time and you said it was junk food?

What are you doing with this noble thing? !

“Who said you can’t eat enough? I’m full!”

“My stomach is about to burst. Are you still full?”

“He actually said beef jerky is junk food. What a joke. I take it you haven’t eaten a few pieces of beef in your last days, right?”

“Hmph, you are so brave to question the national food that Captain Cao personally selected!”

Everyone was talking against Chen Xiao, and several people even showed their bellies to Chen Xiao.

Chen Xiao shook his head: “Beef jerky is not nutritious and tastes bad. I usually only eat real raw cuts.”


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