“Do you want to listen to what you are saying when you step on the horse?”

“It’s the end of the world, are you still true?”

“What a shameless statement. There is no true original Kiri in the apocalypse. As far as I know, [Niu Ling] has very few talents. If you eat true original Kiri, I will take your surname!”

Everyone suspected Zhou Xun was crazy.

Isn’t this guy a low-key person?

Why did something go wrong when entering the National Games game?

This has all started to be nonsense!

Ayao was a little shaken and looked up at Chen Xiao: “Zhou Xun, if you lied to me…”

“Just give me back the biscuits you have in your pocket…”

Chen Xiao smiled and looked at everyone: “Since everyone is full, let me get started.”

With that said, Chen Xiao took out a large table from the Mountain and River Picture.

Big exaggeration.

From the top of one tree to another.


With a deep sound, the big table landed steadily, interrupting everyone’s ridicule.

They looked at the scene in front of them in shock.

The boss of Luotuo glared: “You… why do you carry such a big fucking table with you?”

In his understanding, spatial talent has strong limitations.

Not only is the flow of time unstable, but fresh meat and fruits cannot be stored.

Moreover, the space is often very small, and the camel’s own space is only three cubic meters.

It can be said that every inch of land is valuable!

How is it possible to put such a big table inside?

Isn’t this just a waste of space?

“You…are you also a space talent?”

“No, isn’t he an awakened spider? It seems that his talent is space recasting, right?”

“Could it be…that this kid has always been gifted?”

“It’s not impossible that he has certain attainments in the space field.”

“No wonder Chief An appreciates him, it turns out he has the ability to store space!”

Everyone was also confused and stopped thinking when they saw this big table.

Zhou Xun…actually has a second talent!

Ayao’s beautiful eyes flashed and she stared at Chen Xiao: “So you have this skill! Well done Zhou Xun!”

Chen Xiao smiled, and then took out a pan and bottles of seasonings…

Even a gas tank? !

Why is this getting more and more outrageous! !

This is not over yet, when Chen Xiao takes out a piece of filet mignon from the mountain and river map!

It’s still bloodshot and looks extremely fresh!

Everyone gasped!

Even Cao Linxuan changed from a leaning posture to sitting, staring at the steak!

The reason why Chen Xiao has such fresh steaks is naturally because of the mountain and river map.

Chen Xiao discovered very early that the mountain and river map has many wonderful uses, but he has not developed them himself.

For example, the reason why the current steak is fresh and tender is because time in the mountain and river map stands still!

It’s static!

What a cow looks like when you put it in is what it looks like when it comes out!

There is no change in form!

Chen Xiao even tried to put the watch in, but when he took it out…

There is no change in time either!

This gives Chen Xiao more ways to play with Mountain and River Pictures, such as carrying various delicacies with him.




When the steak is in the pan, it is steaming hot and fragrant.

Everyone swallowed their saliva in unison.

This smell is so tempting!

It’s too overwhelming!

Ayao also slowly stood up and put her hands on the table: “Zhou Xun, I’ll give you the biscuits…this steak?”

Chen Xiao chuckled: “Don’t worry, they are full, we can eat as much as we can.”

Ayao smiled happily and shook Chen Xiao’s arm: “Okay~”

“Mad, now I see…the beef jerky isn’t that fragrant anymore.”

“I should have known I wouldn’t be so full. I haven’t eaten steak since the end of the world.”

“What are you thinking about? You just mocked Zhou Xun. You don’t think you are full, so he will fry a steak for you, right?”

“Why not? We are all Chinese compatriots, participating together…”

“No, don’t think about it.”

A cold voice interrupted him.

Chen Xiao’s words made everyone unhappy.

If you don’t want to give it, I won’t give it to you. Isn’t it embarrassing to say so straightforwardly?

In the subsequent games, he offended everyone. I really don’t know how this kid is going to survive!

He wouldn’t think that just by hugging sister A Yao’s thigh, he would be fine, right?

Everyone has their own thoughts, but after all, it’s not necessary to eat when you’re full!

They restrained their physical desires and ignored Chen Xiao.

Only the occasional aroma made everyone salivate.

Even if you are full, it can still arouse the greed in your heart.

Until Chen Xiao fried two large steaks, one for each of him and A Yao.

Eat with relish.

Ayao gnawed on the steak and praised: “Zhou Xun, youWhat a genius! ”

Chen Xiao was puzzled: “Huh? Where do you start talking about this?”

Ayao nodded quietly and whispered: “You let them eat until they are full before frying the steak. This is the right decision. Otherwise, they will definitely have to take some away. These two steaks will not be enough!”

Chen Xiao smiled and said: “You misunderstood, I have a lot of steak, I just don’t want to share it.”

Everyone: “…”

Ayao didn’t expect Zhou Xun to speak so bluntly, and even though his voice was still contained, he spoke out in a bold manner.

Why does this kid always feel like he’s missing something?

“Captain Cao, this…”

“It goes without saying, go to sleep.”

On one side, Cao Linxuan seemed to be resting with his eyes closed, but in fact he was restless inside!

I tried my best not to smell the aroma, but it smelled so good!

One night.

Pass quietly.

After everyone got ready, they continued in the old direction of the forest.

In the morning, I finally got some insights.

“Damn it, look, everyone, there’s a flash of light on that side!”

“Why do they look like Chance! Captain Cao, are we going or not?”

“With our strength, we are not afraid of any conspiracy traps, so why not go!”

“But…what if it’s a trap set by the rules?”

Everyone saw a flash of daylight on the side of the forest.

It’s surprisingly bright.

Cao Linxuan motioned for everyone to stop and gritted his teeth as he looked at Bai Guang.

“Let’s go take a look.”

“With our strength, we should have the most advantage no matter what the situation is.”

Following Cao Linxuan, a blue electric light was left behind.

Yan Zhiyuan and Duan Nanyang followed closely behind.

Everyone looked at each other and quickly followed.

With the goal in hand, everyone moved faster and more relaxedly, with only Chen Xiao and A Yao taking their time behind the others.

Until the flash appears.

Only then did everyone notice what it was.

is a person…

A person who shines brightly!

Beside him, twelve people stood neatly!

“Maple Leaf Camp…”

“Next to the shining man, the one wearing the hat is Model!”

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