【fourth place】

[Free Country Camp: 2100 points]

【the fifth place】

[Battle Nation Camp: 2100 points]

【Sixth place】

[Black tribe camp: 1900 points]

【Tenth place】

[Sakura camp: 1800 points]

【11th place】

[Agan camp: 1700 points]

Until thirty-six camps were notified.

The sound just stopped.

These are the thirty-six regions participating in the National Games.

These areas range from large to small.

The largest one is the European Union, which includes participants from seven or eight countries.

The small one has the Agen camp, but in a small place, he is extremely lucky to have the opportunity of national destiny.

And at this time.

Everyone in the Chinese camp was a little excited.

Are we nearly 20,000 points? ! !

The second place only scored more than 3,000 points? ! !

What a gap! ! !

We are so awesome! ! !

“Captain Cao, it seems that our Chinese strength is very crushing!”

“That’s right, Captain Cao. I was worried about the powerful players in the Euro Alliance before, but now I see that they are all ants!”

“In the past few times, our seniors did not evolve enough, so the national games seemed difficult. In my opinion, China is already far ahead. After we win this time, everyone will be the wolf king!”

Everyone was enjoying themselves and had smiles on their faces.

Of course, many people came to compliment Cao Linxuan.

“Captain Cao, it seems that you have increased our points. You must have passed a lot of levels this time, right?”

“You’re so humble, Captain Cao. This is definitely not the fifth level. You have to go to the tenth level and try your best!”

“Okay, okay, Captain Cao is a low-key person at first glance.”

Cao Linxuan was praised for his rosy complexion, which was very helpful.

But there was also a hint of doubt in his heart.

Just reached the sixth level…

Do you really give such high points…

But when he thought of that strange thing with eyes all over his body, he got goosebumps all over his body.

It’s reasonable to give so many points!

“Brother Zhiyuan, what level did you reach in the end?”

There was only one person called that by Cao Linxuan, Yan Zhiyuan.

This is a man wearing a gray gown, who looks to be around thirty years old.

His face was sharp and angular, and his eyes were as deep as stars, resolute and steady.

It seemed like nothing could make him throb in the slightest.

And his identity is not ordinary!

Directly passed down through arms!

In the military region, the strength is recognized as strong!

He was personally appointed by Mr. Cao.

It was also to protect Cao Linxuan.


This short word made Cao Linxuan nod.

It seems that the two of them have reached the sixth level, and Duan Nanyang has reached the fifth level, so the sum of little makes up.

Let the Chinese camp become an existence with over 10,000 points!

After the episode that just arrived, Gu Liao no longer asked about Chen Xiao’s status.

Instead, he snorted coldly, feeling a little happy in his heart.

The stronger China is, the higher his probability of survival.

As long as you get out alive, you can awaken the second animal, and its status will be extremely high at the end of the day!

The second animal is right in front of you!


【National Games Game】

【Second level】

【Hexagonal Sky】

【About to start】

The moment everyone heard this voice, everyone shut up in unison.

Waiting quietly.


[We were assigned to a corner of the hexagonal sky]

[If you want to survive, you must kill all the other five corners]

【We have no choice】

[This is an octagonal cage]

【The final winner】

【only one】


【I want to live】

[Hexagonal Sky participating camps are as follows]

【Chinese camp】

【Tianzhu camp】

【Maple Leaf Camp】

【Black camp】

【Nanzhou camp】

【Agan camp】


[When there is only one camp in this game]

【Then the game is over】


【Games start】


With the buzzing in my ears.

The second level begins.

What everyone didn’t expect was that the rules of the game this time were different from the past.

It is told from the first person.

The voice in his ear also turned into a slightly nervous male voice.

That’s true.

The rules of the game are also very simple.

Kill every other camp you can see!

This level is divided into six areas.

The Chinese camp is in the same area as the camps just broadcast.

All in all, the elimination rate in this level is as high as 5/6!

The mortality rate will only be higher than this!

The real national game…

here we go!

“Only one side can surviveIf so, we’d better unite. ”

“The opponents this time are Tianzhu in third place and Maple Leaf in ninth place…the difficulty is not low.”

“Hmph, they should be the ones to worry about the most. Our Chinese camp is number one in fault lines!”

Everyone began to discuss the rules of this game.

I was a little panicked at first, but when I thought about China’s total points, I felt warm in my heart.

“Captain Cao, this level is a bit cruel.”

Beside Cao Linxuan, the sinister-looking man spoke.

Although he may seem like a small character, there is no simple person who can enter the national sports game.

This is also true, his name is Duan Nanyang.

They are the only three people who defeated four opponents in the previous level.

Cao Linxuan clenched his palms wearing silver mechanical gloves, a trace of cruelty flashed in his eyes.

“The number one in national fortune can only be China!”

“I am bound to get the second animal!”

“You don’t have time to worry about whether it’s cruel or not!”

Duan Nanyang chuckled: “Captain Cao is right, our Chinese strength must be overwhelming!”

While Duan Nanyang was talking, Chen Xiao frowned.

He noticed that this person was extremely powerful.

Under the investigation of [Dragon Breath].

This person’s energy flow is second only to Cao Linxuan!

Of course, the direct transmission through the arms has no relevant energy at all, just like the little monk.

But how could such a person…be so inferior to others?

Could it be that he is also Cao Baiqing’s man?

In order to protect Cao Linxuan, how many Cao family dogs were among these dozen people!

“Awesome Zhou Xun, this level is a team battle!”

Ayao patted Chen Xiao’s arm and laughed.

Chen Xiao smiled: “Why are you so happy? The team is not immortal…”

Ayao waved her hand: “nonono, with our points in the first level, it would be strange for someone to be dead!”

Chen Xiao was speechless.

Do these people value the points from the first level so much?

Don’t they have any idea of ​​their own strength?

Seeing that Chen Xiao was neither happy nor sad, A Yao thought he was nervous and comforted him: “Don’t be nervous Zhou Xun, with Thunder God General and Tongzhi Heiren here, there will be no problem in this level!”

Gu Liao also came over: “Sister Ayao is right. With our strength, this level is not difficult.”

Chen Xiao nodded, admitting this.

At the front, Cao Linxuan waved his hand: “Let’s go and kill!”

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