Doomed To Be A King

Chapter 182: Return home

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Liu Siyuan is also a man of ambition and ambition. Su Yu is naturally impossible to keep, and he decisively strangles him in the cradle.

Before I was not strong enough, I had the fetter of Dawang Mountain. Of course, I didn’t dare to be too crazy. Even if I dealt with other families, I used commercial warfare to achieve my goals. But now, I still have some self-protection strength. Acting high-profile.

Since he is a great king and has strength, it would be too ridiculous if he still fears his head!

Walking out of the passage, Su Yu looked at another passage underground, pondered for a moment, and walked straight in.

This road is shorter than the other one. It only took ten or ten minutes to reach the end. Inside is a room of about forty square meters. Just after I walked in, Su Yu couldn't help but took a breath of cold air, his eyes let out In the light, he could not help but twitch the corner of his mouth, showing a huge smile.

The room was extremely bright, but there was no fire candle. It was the light from all kinds of treasures. The white light, golden light, and silver light shook Su Yu's heart beating, night pearl, gold, spirit stone!

For the spirit stone alone, Su Yu conservatively estimates that there are 3,000 top-grade spirit stones! This is a total of 30 million gold coins, enough to buy 300 scratches!

In addition to spirit stones, the treasures inside are worth at least 2,000 top-grade spirit stones.

This is going to be sent...

Su Yu rubbed his face hard with his hands, trying to calm down his agitated heart.

No wonder those people like robbery, it is really easy to make a fortune, as long as you make a big vote, you have no worries for a lifetime.

Without hesitating to put all the treasures into the system space, Su Yu's eyes fell on another thing in the room-psychedelic flowers!

In the room, the treasure occupies only one-third of the space, and the other places are all filled with psychedelic flowers. Like a hill, Rao is Su Yu and can't help but take a breath.

The Liu family alone has planted so many psychedelic flowers, so will there be more in other places, and how many psychedelic flowers will kill many people!

Brows could not help but wrinkle, this thing seems to have the chance to be managed by the King, if the Wuzhou mainland is finished, it would be meaningless to occupy a hill as a holy place.

The appearance of the psychedelic flower looks the same as the ordinary flower. There is no spiritual fluctuation on it, and it is not even an elixir. The rhizome is slender, the petals are extremely small, and the color is delicate and easy to identify.

If you don't think about it, Soul Flame is swept away directly. These psychedelic flowers have evaporated from the world since then. It is also a disaster to keep these flowers, and they burned a hundred.

Since the Liu family came out, the sky was already bright, and the slaves of the Liu family had begun to work hard. They did not realize that the Liu family was finished.

The head of the Liu family is dead. Su Yu will not be embarrassed for others. His body flashed, and no one was alarmed, so he appeared on the street without hesitation. He walked straight to Dawang Mountain.

Returning to Dawang Mountain, the sun has risen to high altitude, almost like 8 or 9 o'clock. Dawang Mountain's disciples have a clear division of labor, plowing the fields, chopping firewood, sowing seeds, and a poetic farming picture.

"King, early!"

Seeing that Su Yu's servants came back from the outside, although Da Wangshan's disciples were curious in their hearts, they also knew that they shouldn't talk about anything. They all happily greeted Su Yu.

Su Yu nodded to everyone, yawned, and went straight into the villa, lying straight on the bed of Han Yu, did not sleep all night, plus a battle, Su Yu naturally needed a good rest.

This sleep was extremely reliable, and it was already afternoon when I woke up.

"Great king, great news!" Bai Xiaolong saw Su Yu walked out of the villa, and immediately greeted him, his face flushed with excitement, "Liu's house is over! I don't know who killed all the elders above Liu's family last night." , Now the Liu family is completely over!"

Su Yu nodded, not surprised.

Seeing Su Yu reacting like this, the disciples looked at each other, and finally Naran Ruoshui came out and asked softly, "Daily, last night... wouldn't it did it?"

This is indeed a coincidence. Su Yu left Dawang Mountain last night and the Liu family was destroyed.

Obviously, all the disciples had thought about this problem before, and everyone looked at Su Yu with all their eyes.

Looking across everyone's face, Su Yu smiled, and Yun Danfeng said lightly: "Well, I was a bit insomnia last night, and I wiped out Liu's family."


Everyone took a breath of cold air and stared at Su Yu in dumbfounded.

A little insomnia? smoothly?

King, do you want to be so good!

"Oh! That's right!" Su Yu took out all the treasures searched by the Liu family. "These are the things found from the Liu family. Xiaolong, you and Ruoshui went to sell these things and replaced them with top-grade spirit stones."

"Ah! Oh..." Bai Xiaolong hadn't been in a divine state yet, and he responded casually.

"King, it is said that there is an underground chamber in the Liu's house. There are dozens of dead bodies in it, each of which is at least a warrior of the martial arts level, and there are three warriors at the peak of the martial king, all of whom are killed by you... ?" Han Dapeng swallowed and shrank his head.

When these powerful men were discovered, the entire Dongzhou County was sensational, and even the county government was dispatched, and the scene was immediately blocked. So many powerful people are hidden in Dongzhou County, enough to make anyone tremble.

If these people go out, it is enough to sweep everything in Dongzhou County! Many families feel horrified and frightened.

"Liu Jia's ambition is not small, want to disturb Dongzhou County, and engage in things under the eyes of the big king, the big king will naturally shoot." Su Yu waved his hand casually, as if to say a trivial thing, directly shift the topic. : "About Dongzhou How much do you know?"

Worthy of being king, unfathomable, really unfathomable...

Everyone looked at each other, and couldn't help but have a deeper awe of Su Yu.

Lin Tian took a deep breath, depressed the shock in his heart, pondered for a moment, and said: "The Dongzhou Empire covers most of Dongzhou's cities. The capital is called the imperial capital, and it is located in the most center of Dongzhou. The martial arts are vertical and horizontal, and the strong are countless."

He is a second-grade alchemist, knowing a lot of things, slowly frowning, seeming to be thinking.

"Say what you have said, and listen to King Ben." Su Yu couldn't help but see Lin Tian stopped talking.

"King, I helped a person from the imperial capital refining the pill. He said that there was a rumor all over the imperial capital." Lin Tianyi's words suddenly attracted everyone's attention, and Su Yu's eyes were also fixed, this rumor It should be the key!

Lin Tianyi's voice lowered involuntarily, slowly said: "Yun Emperor's gas has been exhausted, and he will die within three years!" (Zhan Geshan is the king..8888962)--(Zhan Geshan is the king)

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