Doomed To Be A King

Chapter 181: End

What was the light just now?

Liu Hong's heart was trembling violently, and he couldn't even see it clearly. One of them was killed directly by a spike, which was really terrifying.

"King Su, you..."

As soon as he wanted to speak, his hair immediately stood upright, his body numb, and his pores widened, and an extremely dangerous feeling immediately filled his body.

The pupils widened involuntarily, but the body wanted to escape but was too scared to move.


With a soft sound, beside him, another warrior's head was also skyrocketing, blood spewed on his face, but his heart was extremely fortunate, because-he still has a head.

Although it was only a moment of kung fu, his whole body was soaked with sweat, and the whole person was as if collapsed, slumped on the ground, his lips shuddered, and he looked at Su Yu in terrified fear, but he was speechless.

Only then did he see Su Yu holding a weird weapon in his hand, the middle of which was like a knife handle, but both sides were scimitars, like a large scimitar dart, with cold light flashing on it, killing two martial artists There was not even a trace of blood on the knife, it was dazzling.

"You... you... actually, Heaven-level weapon weapon..."

In a short sentence, I broke three times in the middle. During my speech, my teeth were trembling unceasingly. Heaven-level martial arts were extremely scarce and extremely difficult to practice. It would not necessarily be possible to cultivate them for decades. Su Yu not only had, but also It's so appalling to practice so fascinating!

This hidden weapon is really too fast, too fast, unless Wu Zong, it is estimated that no one can hide.

"Tianjie martial arts..." Su Yu whispered, he knew that the harvesting skills are the advancement of the seeding skills, it would be very powerful, but it was not so powerful.

He also has no reference in this alien world, so he can only estimate it with his own mind. The initial skills given by the system are generally spirit-level martial arts, and advanced skills have reached heaven-level. ?

And Su Yu once again experienced the metamorphosis of the system. If the previous skills can only be regarded as small, then the powerful skills in the future will still be learned by oneself, even the Holy Order martial arts are also waved, is it invincible? Too.

"Master Liu, can you tell me now, where is Prince Cang Wolf preparing to ambush Princess Yun?" Su Yu raised his eyebrows, and his eyes fell on Liu Hong.

Liu Hong shook his body, waking up like a dream, and his face was pale and bloodless. He actually knelt in front of Su Yu with a cry, and he fell deeply on the ground. "Sovereign King Su, my Liu family was forced to do nothing. If the coyote prince cooperated, please ask Su Dawang to open the net and take a path around my father and son..."

Su Yu frowned and sneered, "Here is the point, where are you going to ambush!"

"Ready to be, to..."

Between the words, his body suddenly lifted up, his eyes flashing sharply.

"Sky Demon Hand!"

Numerous dusts swayed from his hands, among which were hidden weapons.

I don't know what kind of material this dust is, but it's actually condensed and not scattered in the air, like thick fog, blocking people's sight.

With the sound of the broken weapon, Su Yu's body easily escaped on one side, and then Soul Blue Flame, like a fire snake, swept gently, and directly incinerated the unknown substance scattered in the air.

At this time, Liu Hong had already ran out of the door, and his whole body was filled with blood, actually burning his own Dantian, in order to maximize his speed. During the running, his body twisted around from time to time. , Leaving a residual image in an attempt to avoid Su Yu's hidden weapon.

"Su Yu! I remember you! When Prince Wolf is in charge of Dongzhou, you must be the first to die!" While running, Liu Hong didn't forget to put ruthless words on his face, with excitement on his face With a smile, he didn't believe that Su Yu's hidden weapon could reach so far, and even if he could fly so far, at such a long distance, he still had enough space and time to avoid it.

He didn't even expect to be able to beat Su Yu, even his own son. Now he only wants to escape, and the hidden weapon just delays time for himself.

If you go slowly, you will lose your life here.

While running, he also paid attention to the movement behind him. Su Yu's flying knife really made him tremble.

At this moment, a sound of breaking wind came from behind him, he was all on one side, and then he did not care about his image, and a donkey rolled on the spot, embarrassed.


Flying knife crossed the side of him with light, cold and windy, stabbing his cheeks!

After a short palpitations, there was great excitement, turned around and looked at Su Yu, "Hahaha, Su Yu, the hidden weapon flew so far, do you think I won't hide? We will have another day to meet again, to that At that time, I..."

Halfway through what he said, his voice became stuck in his throat and could no longer be heard. He only felt that the sky was turning, the scenery in front of him kept changing, and finally he saw a headless body...

Since his death, his face still maintained a very proud look, staring at the eyes, his mouth wide open, and speaking like a mouth.

It’s really naive, but Ben’s flying knife will turn with a tracker...

Su Yu flicked his lips, the speed of the harvesting knife did not decrease, and flew directly back to his hands.

Looking at the three headless corpses, Su Yu's brow wrinkled involuntarily. This harvesting skill is very powerful, but it is too brutal and has great lethality. The harvest is actually the human head.

Putting the knife away, Su Yu raised his leg and walked towards Liu Siyuan, who was leaning on the chair, half dead.

"Cough, King Su, it's really a deep thought, so Wu Dao Xiu was willing to occupy a hill in Dongzhou County." Liu Siyuan's eyes were indifferent, but there was no trace of fear.

"Oh, tell me where Prince Wolf is going to ambush Princess Yun, and I will spare you."

"Hahaha, King Su, you and I all know that this kind of trick to deceive children should not be taken out." Liu Siyuan waved his hand and was powerless: "It's a pity that my secret tolerance skills are not as good as those of King Su and his skills are not as good people."

Su Yu's eyes flicked, but he looked at Liu Siyuan again. No wonder he hadn't noticed him before. Although he did nothing on the table, he was advancing and retreating. While gaining benefits, he didn't It's interesting to note that if it wasn't for the Shadow Rat's confession, I guess I still can't think of Liu Jia Liu I don't know how long they have endured, and actually trained so many dead people.

It's a pity that when they met the big king, they not only estimated the wrong strength of the big king, they should not provoke the big king...

"Oh, you are wrong, this King may wish to tell you something." Su Yu smiled slightly, and then said: "I am not forbearing. Four months ago, I was just an ordinary person with no power to restrain... …"

"What? Cough, why is this..."

Su Yu's words greatly changed Liu Siyuan's face, and he was surprised, but before he finished speaking, he was swallowed by the soul Qingyan and disappeared from the world...

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