Doomed To Be A King

Chapter 183: Imperial secret

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The current surname of Dongzhou Empire is Yun, and Yundi will die within three years. This simply refers to today's Dongzhou Great Emperor!

Everyone's complexion has changed. One is the Lord of the Emperor. How high is that? It is in charge of hundreds of millions of creatures. How can such rumors come out.

Su Yu's eyes flashed rapidly, his face sinking, "Three years must die?"

"Brother Lin, it's just a rumor!" Han Dapeng said anxiously, his face full of disbelief. "The lord of Dongzhou, even if he is not a saint-level strongman, is at least from the holy realm, the emperor of Dongzhou The Lord is upright, how can he say he will die?"

From the sacred state, it is a level between Wuzun and Wusheng. The sacred level is not so easy to get on, so many people have drawn from the sacred state, which means the transition towards the sacred level.

Even if it is just from the Holy Land, the lifespan is extremely long. How can it be possible to die in just three years?

Lin Tian shook his head slightly, then said: "I thought it was a rumor at first, but the man said it was justified and had to believe it..."

"There are two sons and one daughter under Yundi's knees. The eldest son is so gorgeous that he has reached the level of King Wu before he was 30 years old, but he disappeared five years ago and disappeared. If not, it is estimated that it is expected now. Wuzong was shocked! And the second prince was born incomplete, not only unable to build martial arts, but also had a very poor constitution. Now the only thing left is the princess Yunxueer!"

Lin Tianyi said more and more vigorously, and the blazing gossip fire flashed in his eyes, as if he saw it with his own eyes, and continued: "When it comes to this Yun Xue'er, that is also quite remarkable. As a female actress, her qualifications Only a line worse than her elder brother, only 24 years old, already a warrior in the realm of the martial arts division, maybe he can reach the martial king before the age of 30!"

Everyone heard it, and didn’t even know it. Not long ago, the princess Yun also had dinner with them.

"You can reach King Wu before the age of thirty, so amazing..." Everyone couldn't help feeling.

They are all around 20 years old, but they are still wandering in the stage of samurai and samurai. It is good to reach the great martial artist at the age of 30. The king of war did not dare to think about it.

"Okay, don't be discouraged. One of them is a prince and one is a princess. The cultivation resources are naturally much stronger than you, and the talents are not necessarily better than you. As long as you work hard, you can do it." Su Yu couldn't help but relieved Now that you have joined Dawang Mountain, this King will make you weaker than others? It's a joke!

After listening to Su Yu's words, everyone couldn't help seeing their eyes, and their spirits were shocked.

Su Yu smiled, looked at Lin Tianyi and asked, "Since this is the case, what does this have to do with Emperor Yundi's three years of death?"

Lin Tianyi started to talk about it, he could not help touching his beard, the appearance of a worldly expert, smiled slightly, and continued: "The King does not know, this problem lies with the second prince!"

The second prince?

"The second prince's life is bitter and he can't practice anymore, but he is cursed, but he can't live to be twenty years old!" Lin Tianyi enjoyed everyone's shock and kept talking, "Yun Emperor has only one son left under his knee, naturally Trying to extend his life for him, in order to help the second prince break the curse, I don't know what method he used, actually let the second prince live beyond the age of twenty, but since then he has never appeared!"

Su Yu thought deeply and said: "So there are rumors that Yundi can't live for three years?"

"Yes! Less than a year before this rumor!" Lin Tianyi said.

One year!

Su Yu couldn't help but be surprised, and then asked: "How much do you know about Prince Cang Wolf?"

"The king of the blue wolf used to have great merits, so he was given the surname of the Eastern Zhou Empire, the prince of the blue wolf and his father. The name of the king of the blue wolf is very famous, and they are all known for virtue. And often do things that benefit the people, so remember the people's hearts." Nalan Ruoshui said, "Even in the emperor there is a recruitment hall, which is opened by the king of the blue wolf, and there are countless strange things under its banner."

Good means, this king of the wolf has already made it clear that he wants to take the emperor. Yun Emperor did not come out to manage it. Is it really like a rumor, destined to die?

The first prince disappeared and the second prince wasted firewood. In this way, the entire Dongzhou Empire currently has only one princess Yun as the threat to the king of the blue wolf, and the chick is also awesome. In this case, he dare to come out, this is not Looking for death?

No, this chick can't die!

The prince of the blue wolf made it clear that it is impossible to let go of the big king. If the Dongzhou Empire is really obtained by the king of the blue wolf, is there still a place for the big king? How does Dawang Mountain develop?

If you wait for Dawangshan to surpass the holy land, then Su Yu is naturally worthwhile, but now Dawangshan is still in the development stage and cannot be stiff.

As a five-good young man in a new era, Su Yu still understands the truth that the skin will not be attached to the hair, and he is leaning against the big tree to take advantage of the cold. This Dongzhou Empire cannot be destroyed! At least not let the blue wolf king get Dongzhou!

Luoyun Mountain, it seems that this king must go!

Su Yu quickly changed his mind, Su Yu instantly made up his mind, ready to go to Luoyun Mountain.


In the Wuzhou Continent, except for the human city, there is no human jurisdiction at all. It is extremely uneven. There are many Warcraft and robbers. The farther away from the human city, the more fierce the Warcraft will be, and the crisis will be greatly increased.

The imperial capital is located in the place with the strongest spiritual power in Dongzhou. Naturally, it is also the place where Warcraft gathers. The closer it is to the imperial capital, the denser the warcraft is, and the major county cities are arranged in a circular ring with the imperial capital as the center, and each city It is blocked by major mountains and is a place where accidents occur frequently.

The Luoyun Mountain Range is between dozens of cities, it is a must pass from Dongzhou County to the imperial capital. This mountain range is always cloudless and never rains, so it is called Luoyun Mountains.

After reviewing the information about Luoyun Mountain from the disciples' mouth, Su Yu slowly breathed out. Luoyun Mountain is in the northwest of Dawang Mountain. Even a warrior, it takes at least a month and a half to walk To arrive, if it is in danger or accident, it will only take longer.

How big is the continent, in the words of the previous life, Dongzhou County can only be regarded as a small village, the elixir and Warcraft collected here can only be regarded as the tip of the iceberg, there are too many differences, this time go to the cloud The mountains just happen to be collected along the way, allowing your strength to increase rapidly.

The next day, Su Yu got up early and explained a lot of matters with his disciples, and gave them to the Dawangshan disciples to learn the method. Then he went towards the Luoyun Mountains.

The strength of the disciple of Dawang Mountain is still too weak, and it seems to be a drag on the side. It is not as light as a person who puts on lightly.

This time I was really going out in the real sense, and I don’t know what I would encounter. Su Yu’s heart was a little anticipating... (Accounting as a mountain king....8888962)--(Accounting as a mountain king.)

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