Don’t Make Trouble, Mr. Bo!

Chapter 1784: I'm afraid no one loves him like I do

   Chapter 1784 I'm afraid no one loves him like I do

   "Marriage management? Stop kidding, did Li Mo give her a chance to run a business? Li Mo didn't look down on her when he was in school, but he was still a man of means, so he could even calculate that Li Mo was pregnant with his child..."

"But the wicked have their own grind. Everyone knows that Mo Xiaona, the person Li Mo loves, is pregnant with a child? Li Mo still looks down on her? Isn't she very smart and arrogant? What do you think now? The child is in the upper position, the goal has been achieved, but what about now? She can ask for trouble on her own, and she has to implicate the child in her womb... A child who is destined to not be loved by a father, tsk tsk, what a pity..."

   " said that...hey? Why hasn't Mo Xiaona come yet?"

   "What? Mo Xiaona is coming?"

   "She's in Rongcheng. She just came back not long ago, and she stayed in the hospital for a few days because of a car accident? She still lives in the same hospital as Li Mo, on Li Mo's birthday, how could she not come?"

   "It's also... I guess it hasn't arrived yet." 閺�

   As for Mo Xiaona, she was ready to go out, but just after walking out of the rented apartment, she was stopped by a strange man.

   "Excuse me, are you Mo Xiaona, Miss Mo?"

   She was really frightened and looked at him defensively.

   "You... who are you?"

   "It seems so." The man nodded towards her extra gentleman, "Please come with me."

  Mo Xiaona took a few steps back, "Who are you and why should I go with you?"

  The man is in a suit and leather shoes, he is not very old, he doesn't look like a bad person, and his attitude towards her doesn't seem to be malicious, but no matter what, she can't just walk with a stranger casually.

   The young man looked surprised, "Aren't you going to attend President Li's birthday party?"

  Mo Xiaona was stunned, "You are..."

  The man said to himself: "Didn't you get the news?"


   "I was ordered to bring you a dress, and I was ordered to take you to the styling room to dress up."

   Mo Xiaona paused for a few seconds, her eyes suddenly brightened, "Did you arrange it by Li Mo?"

  The man was stunned for a moment, but didn't say anything, just smiled lightly, turned sideways to make way for Mo Xiaona, "Miss Mo, please get in the car first."

  Mo Xiaona smiled, took off her guard, and walked towards the car.

   Except for Li Mo, she could not think of anyone who could do this. �

   At the venue of Li Mo's birthday banquet, several women were still discussing.

   "To say that Xu Qingzhi's psychological endurance is strong enough. If it were me, and my husband was cold and violent when I was pregnant with a child, I wouldn't want to get a divorce."

"They didn't deal with Li Mo at school, but everyone could see that she was deliberately trying to show her presence in front of Li Mo. But Li Mo later had a girlfriend. Now that I think about it, she has always wanted to be secretive. Seduce Li Mo by rubbing, and want to be a junior."

   "Isn't that right now? You've succeeded in the upper ranks, and people are now recognized as Mrs. Li..."

   "Hey, go grab someone and ask, who cares about her so-called Mrs. Li? Who doesn't know that her Mrs. Li is a well-known joke?"

   "If it were me, I would definitely kill the child without hesitation and walk away! I can't afford to lose face!"


   In the dark corridor, Li Mo's body was tense, and his face was terrifying before.

   He stepped forward, his tall and straight body gradually melted from the dim corridor into the bright lights of the banquet hall.

   A few women next to him saw him, stood up immediately, and walked over with a smile.

   "Li Mo, you finally came out, happy birthday!"

"happy Birthday……"


   Several smiling women froze instantly, and the stiff smiles on the faces with delicate makeup were particularly ugly.

   "Li Mo, you... what did you say?"

   "Yes, have you forgotten us, we are classmates, and we are good friends with Xiaona..."

  Li Mo squinted and suddenly took a few steps towards them, and instantly slammed down with a bloodthirsty aura.

   "Xu Qingzhi is my wife, how is she, it's not your turn to point fingers and make irresponsible remarks! I'll say it one more time, get out of here immediately!!"

   With a stern roar, several women shrank their necks in fright, and the whole body was shivering.

   Everyone in the banquet hall looked towards here, and saw Li Mo with a gloomy face. Although he was curious, he did not dare to surround him.

   The security guard outside the door heard the movement and rushed over immediately.

   "What... what happened?"

   "Throw them out to me!" Li Mo looked coldly at the frightened women, his voice cold and angry.

   Several women reacted and were treated like this, how could they continue to stay here, with red eyes, covered their faces, and ran out crying.

  The security guards looked at each other and followed closely.

  The old lady and Qiao Zhilan were beside Li Mo, looking at Li Mo who was furious at the moment, the old lady snorted coldly.

"Originally, these things have settled down over time, but now you suddenly do this, pushing Qingzhi to the forefront again. Do you think their few words are all? Do you think they are the only ones who mock Qingzhi behind their backs? Now that the Internet is so chaotic, do you know that there are even more ugly words on it against Qingzhi?"

"If it wasn't for you being stupid, or for letting things keep evolving, how could such a thing happen? What right do you have to be angry? Li Mo, it's all because of you! Ask yourself, what the **** is going on with the child in your belly? Here? Do you even know why she is so proud of someone who uses her children to marry you by unscrupulous means?!"

   "Do you understand or don't understand? Why do you still do such a thing? How many hearts does she have to make you hurt like this again and again?"

   The old lady said excitedly, and the hand holding the crutch trembled violently.

   Li Mo's tense and stern face changed and changed, he knew what was going on outside when Xu Qingzhi married him.

   Use the child to marry him...

   But this marriage started because of the children, but it’s not wrong.

   He only blamed her on her own.

   I just didn’t expect that the impact would be so great.

  Not just those few women, others, even the entire network…

   "Cold violence..."

   "A child who is destined to not be loved by a father..."

   "Little three superiors..."

   "Who doesn't know that Mrs. Lai is a well-known joke?"

   "If it were me, I would definitely kill the child without hesitation and walk away..."

   The nerves in Li Mo's brain seemed to be suddenly broken, throbbing and swollen and painful.

   "If you continue to fool around like this, then you can just divorce Qingzhi! Let her go, let that child go, and don't harm her any more..."

   The old lady's voice was trembling and crying.

   Looking at Xu Qingzhi's forbearance all the way from marriage to now, the old lady saw it in her eyes, and she was anxious and afraid.

   Worryingly, Li Mo quickly opened his mind, truly realized his own feelings, and be kind to Qingzhi.

   was also afraid, afraid that one day he would be so desperate that he would give up Li Mo completely.

   "Grandma, I only married Li Mo because I love him, but the child is the only reason I can be close to him, so I probably know what I will face in the future.

   This is the only chance in my life. Nothing precious in the world is easy to get. I will try my best to make Li Mo fall in love with me. Whether it is harm or cost, I am willing to bear and pay. After all, you have to try it, what if you can? "

   "What if it's not possible?"

"Grandma, I really love him, and I can bear the regrettable result, but I'm afraid, no one will love Li Mo as much as I do. What if others treat Li Mo badly and take care of him badly? Woolen cloth?"

  Before getting married, she had a serious talk with Qingzhi, and these words were also what Qingzhi had said to her at the beginning.

   she asked her what if the ending wasn't what she wanted?

   She was still worried about Li Mo.

   Isn't this what love is?

   In her life, if she was dying, the only regret she cared about would be this.

   Worried that no one can take good care of her most beloved grandson...

   Such a girl, what kind of virtue and how can Li Mohe...

   In the end, he still hurts like this.

  Li Mo was silent for a long time before he raised his footsteps and walked towards the center of the banquet hall with a cold face.

   The hostility on his body was wanton, everyone wanted to get close, but they subconsciously avoided him.

  Qiao Zhilan saw this, afraid that he might cause something irreversible, so she followed quickly.

"where are you going!?"

  Li Mo just walked forward without speaking.

   Qiao Zhilan frowned, and took two quick steps forward to block his path, and everyone around looked at him suspiciously.

  Qiao Zhilan lowered her voice, "Li Mo, pay attention to the occasion, don't mess around, you have such a big fight at today's banquet, see how many people you have provoked?! Do you think there are not enough jokes?!"

  Li Mo glanced at her lightly, stretched out his hand and pushed her away, "I'll be back in a while."

  Qiao Zhilan turned around with the hem of her cheongsam, looking at Li Mo who had already walked away.

   "Li Mo!"

  Li Mo did not respond to her, and walked out through the path that people let out.

   In the huge banquet hall, there was silence for more than ten seconds.

After   , there was a low-pitched noise.

"what happened?"

"what happened?"

   "Looks like he's very angry."

"do not know."

  The old lady walked slowly from behind, looked at Qiao Zhilan's worried look, and said in a deep voice:

"Let him go. I'll see what kind of stupid things he can do. If he still can't recognize himself, and he doesn't know how to save and save, that's his life! If that's the case, then Qingzhi can be considered free. …”

   Qiao Zhilan's brows were drawn together, her face melancholy.


  The old lady just buried her head and sighed helplessly, shook her head and left.

   Qiao Zhilan pursed her lips.


What is    called liberation?

   Qingzhi loves Li Mo so much, is it really liberating to give up him?

  If people can't be with the people they love in this life, what's the point?

   But Li Mo...

   is really too ill-considered.

   "Mrs. Li..."

  The surrounding people gradually gathered around, with a search.

   Qiao Zhilan could only put away the expression on her face and greeted her with a smile.

   "I'm sorry, something unpleasant just happened, please forgive me for the inconvenience."

   "It doesn't matter to us, it's just that today's protagonist is in a bad mood, isn't it a little bad?"

   "It's fine, just solve it." Qiao Zhilan smiled lightly, as if what happened just now was really just a trivial matter, nothing more than an episode.

  Since Qiao Zhilan didn't say anything, it's hard for them to keep asking.

  Qiao Zhilan was present, and after telling Li Mo to come back soon, the scene in the banquet hall gradually calmed down.

  Feng Geng saw Li Mo leave, he followed him quickly, and he didn't catch up with Li Mo until he reached the elevator hall.

   When I left the hotel, I found that it was snowing heavily outside.

   There was already a layer of snow on the car.

   The snow is very heavy, which is rarely seen in recent years.

  Li Mo was only wearing a neat suit and no jacket.

   In this cold and deep winter with heavy snow, Feng Geng said quickly, "Mr. Li, where are you going?"

  Li Mo looked at the already darkened sky, and the splendid hotel lights illuminated the snow in the sky into crystal white.

   "Mr. Li?"

  Li Mo returned to his senses, with snow falling in his dark eyes, and stepped down the steps.

   "Go to my Mrs. Lai."

  Feng Geng paused for a moment, and immediately followed. �

   The content that Xu Qingzhi wanted to talk about at the press conference has been completed, and the performance is normal, even worthy of praise.

   In the next question-and-answer session, apart from the first few that were related to the new products at the press conference, almost the fourth and fifth questions started, and the questions came to Li Mo's birthday party.

   "Mr. Xu, today coincides with Mr. Li's birthday. May I ask you to set the press conference today. Is there any relationship between the two?"

   "Mr. Li suddenly held a big birthday party this year, which had a direct conflict with the launch of Zhiqin's new products. Is there anything else involved? For example, the relationship between you and Mr. Li,"

   "I heard that Mr. Li was admitted to the hospital for the second time not long ago. Can you tell me why?"

"And I also heard that Mr. Li's only ex-girlfriend also lived in the same hospital... You and Mr. Li have been keeping a low profile for the past few months, but this time, they are suddenly **** for tat. I wonder if this has anything to do with that ex-girlfriend. ?"

Colleagues in the company didn't look very good. They stood in the audience and frowned: "Dear reporters, this is the company's new product launch site, please mention more about the company, especially this new product. ."

   However, the reporters didn't pay much attention to it, and they kept talking about Li Mo's birthday party and Mo Xiaona.

  Xu Qingzhi stood on the stage, holding the microphone in his hand, the smile on his face never changed from beginning to end.

   listened calmly to the reporters' increasingly undisguised questions.

After a long time, he held the microphone and said lightly, "The reason why I chose today is just because it was the best day of the year, not only the weekend, but also the Laba Festival, which is very meaningful in China. Before the Chinese New Year, there is nothing better than this. It's a day, isn't it?

  The reason why we dare to release new products before the Chinese New Year is to solve the confusion of the majority of compatriots who do not know what gifts to give during the Chinese New Year, but also have face and grades. Send it to mother, aunt, sister, wife, girlfriend, best friend... Zhiqin's new products are definitely the best choice. "

   (end of this chapter)

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