Don’t Make Trouble, Mr. Bo!

Chapter 1785: I've always been the one with bad thoughts

   Chapter 1785 The person who has bad thoughts has always been me

   "As for Mr. Li's birthday, there is no conflict with my press conference. Zhiqin's press conference can't be held for 24 hours. In fact, it will end soon, right?"

  The reporter immediately said, "What about Mr. Li's ex-girlfriend? She came back suddenly and lived in the same hospital again. Why did the two of them have an accident and be hospitalized at the same time?"

   "The ex-girlfriend just came back, and Mr. Li, who has always kept a low profile, suddenly had most of the birthday party. Is there really no ex-girlfriend factor in it?"

  Xu Qingzhi smiled lightly: "I just want to celebrate my birthday, how can there be so many reasons?"


"My husband and I have a very good relationship. I hope you don't think about it. My colleague just said is right. Today is Zhiqin's new product launch conference. Please be more professional and focus more on new products. Go. Thank you for your support."

  Since these issues are mentioned, then their focus will not be shifted to the company's new products.

   For them, gossip is far more traffic than the product.

   Handed the microphone to the host next to him, Xu Qingzhi turned around and walked into the backstage with a smile.

   waited until she stepped down, and the smile on her face fell.

   A colleague followed the backstage uneasy, and Xu Qingzhi was drinking from a thermos cup.

   "Mr. Xu, are you all right?"

  Xu Qingzhi put down the water glass and shook his head with a smile, "It's okay, it's inevitable."

   "...But are you and Mr. Li really okay?"

   It is not without basis that those reporters suddenly raised these questions.

   Zhiqin's new product launch conference and Mr. Li's birthday party, these are the two things that Rongcheng is most concerned about at present.

   These two couples who have always been low-key, but keep talking about each other, this time they bumped into each other in such a high-profile way, it's hard not to pay attention.

   Is she really okay with Li Mo?

do not know.

   She didn't know what was going on at Li Mo's birthday party.

   From the reporters' questions just now, it is obvious that Mo Xiaona should not have a banquet hall yet.

  If she showed up, the reaction of those reporters couldn't have been just like that.

   Now, what is this situation?

   If Mo Xiaona appears, it will be her real cusp.

   The gossip, sneering and even the unsightly remarks about her on the Internet used to be from the people around her. Now it will be magnified infinitely at Li Mo's birthday party because of the appearance of Mo Xiaona.

   had to let her face the things she never wanted to face and pretend she didn't care in front of so many people.

   A third party involved in the feelings of others.

   Take advantage of the scheming girl of the child's superior.

   An unscrupulous vicious woman... ‥�

  Standing outside the hotel, the sky was completely dark, and there were large snowflakes falling down.

   Many people walked by on the road, and it is not difficult to see their love for this heavy snow.

  Xu Qingzhi put his hands in the pockets of his down jacket, rubbing the velvet touch in his palms, looking not far away, his expression was indifferent and light.

  My thoughts seem to go back to today a few years ago, which was also such a snowy day.

   She worked the night shift for two months at a jewelry store just to buy the platinum bracelet in the store.


  The bracelet was the birthday present she planned to give to Li Mo.

  The birthday present for a man is a bracelet, which everyone would find ridiculous.

   How could a big man wear such cumbersome things, not to mention that these things are generally worn by women.

   If you want to send men's jewelry, watches are undoubtedly the best choice.


   In the eyes of others, it is really a show of brains.

   But she felt that Li Mo was suitable.

   His hands and fingers are long and slender, with well-defined joints. Of course, wearing a ring is very beautiful and feeling.

   But where did she have that position?

   Born with a pair of hands of a rich young master, healthy skin is white, fingers are slender, and wrists are also very beautiful, so they are suitable for anything.

   It is too common and expensive to send a watch. Even if you work part-time for a year, it is impossible to buy a watch that Li Mo really likes.

  Although her card is rich, she just wants to use the money she earned to give him gifts, because then, it has meaning and value.

  Li Mo is very beautiful wearing a bracelet.

   She didn't have to think about it.

  Although he will definitely be cold-spoken by him at that time, but he always treats her like that.

   After a long time, I got used to it.

   Although their way of getting along is not normal, it seems that they do not like each other, but in some things, they also coincide, and they can get along like "friends".

  There are organized gatherings for each other, and they all come to cheer for each other.

   Their relationship is always weird, but as long as there is a connection, anything is fine.

   Li Mo may laugh at her, or even give her a good face, but this does not deny that he will not wear it.

Two months of night shifts, plus sales commissions. Seeing that the money is still close, I missed two more days of class, and I went to work for two consecutive days. Bought that bracelet one day.

   However, on Li Mo's birthday, when she dressed up and went to his birthday party, they were not there.

   It was clearly that he personally told her the address of the party and asked her to celebrate his birthday, although his tone was still not very good at the beginning.

   As a result, in the end, only the waiter told her that the group had changed the meeting address in advance.

   She didn't think about it too much, she didn't want to think that all this was deliberately tricking her.

   She believed him, he should not be that kind of person.

   However, he didn't even answer her phone.

   several times in a row, but in the end it was Mo Xiaona who answered her call.

   "I'm sorry, because a new club has just opened recently, and Li Mo changed his mind and came here. Where are you now? It's getting late, have you come back? I'll give you the address."

   The sky has started to snow, getting bigger and bigger. She took a taxi to reach her goal.

   Called Li Mo again, but he never answered.

   She stood outside like that all night, and the heavy snow almost buried her into a snowman.

  The velvet box tightly held in his pocket also gradually became cold...

   That snowy night became a day that she could never forget in her whole life.

   That was also Li Mo's last birthday at school.

   When I go to school again, I have already taken annual leave.

   When school started again, Li Mo's attitude towards her ranged from tit-for-tat, cold words, to complete indifference.

   I don't have her in my eyes, and I never even said a word to her again.

   He didn't even give her the chance to get close to him.

   After that, graduate.

   They went their separate ways.

   And that birthday present, she has no chance to send it out again.

   A gust of cold wind suddenly blew over and got into the collar, causing her to shiver.

   Back to her senses, she blinked, lowered her head, and slowly took her hand out of her pocket.

   A purple long velvet box is lying on the palm, raise the other hand to open the box, the light in the hotel shines on the box, and there is a simple platinum bracelet lying quietly inside.

   A snowflake just swirled and slowly fell on it.

   Platinum jewelry just became popular in those few years. It was very beautiful in the past. Although it is not as good as before, it is not very outdated.

  Li Mo said he loved her.

   In the past, no matter what, she could turn the page.

  This year's birthday, this gift that has been prepared for many years, I don't know if it will be given out.

   Taking a deep breath, she buttoned the box and put it back in her pocket.

   Lift your feet and slowly walk down the steps towards the parking lot.

   As soon as I opened the door, a beam of light hit me.

   reached out and blocked it, followed by the sound of the door opening.

   "Miss Xu."

   A slender figure stood in front of her against the light.

   She frowned, lowered her arms and looked up at him.

"Who are you?"

   "Miss Xu, are you going to Mr. Li's birthday party?"

   Xu Qingzhi was naturally prepared, "What?"

   "Miss Xu, please come with me."

"who are you?"


  Zhiqin's new product launch is still going on. Although some company employees have been emphasizing new products, the focus of reporters and other guests is on Li Mo and Xu Qingzhi.

  Some people even speculated that this time Li Mo was against Xu Qingzhi just to give Xu Qingzhi a warning, so that she had better know each other and retreat in spite of difficulties.

   The ex-girlfriend is back, and she should also give way to a little bit of acquaintance.

  The venue was chaotic, and everyone had no scruples guessing how the two would end.

When   Li Mo arrived, it was the time when their discussion was in full swing.

   When they saw the male protagonist they were talking about suddenly appearing with a calm face, they all closed their mouths. It was rare to meet them, and they went up to compliment them, but they were shunned by the sullenness on their bodies.

   The staff members present were always in a bad mood. How could they be happy after listening to so many satires about their own President Xu.

  No one knows what Mr. Xu is like in the company.

  How many grievances Mr. Xu has suffered, and now he is being talked about, belittled, and gloated by so many people behind his back, all thanks to this man.

  Even if he is the person that Rongcheng cannot easily provoke, it cannot be denied that he is the culprit.

   "Where's Xu Qingzhi?" Li Mo stood directly in front of them and asked coldly.

   "I don't know, I'm probably tired, so I went home to rest."

   "Yes, Mr. Li, do you think that the warning from the air is useless, so you came directly to the scene to force people to come?"

   This yin and yang tone made Li Mo's face darker, "What do you mean?"

The man snorted, "The press conference went well, just because of your birthday party, the reporter's questions were all about your marital status with President Xu, and your ex-girlfriend Bai Yueguang, most of the people present, But they are all guessing when you will get divorced!"

"Mr. Li's methods are really unmatched, but fortunately you didn't bring your Bai Yueguang with you this time, it can be regarded as a little face for our President Xu, if you really bring your ex-girlfriend Bai Yueguang with you. Come to force the palace, that is really scumbag!"

Next to   , someone tugged at the female colleague who was outraged.

"What are you talking about? It's amazing to be handsome and rich. Am I a woman too? Don't think I'm so popular, I like every woman. There are many better men in the world than him. I want to dislike him. A man in Zhongyong shows affection with other women, and is it useful to a man who is a widow in my own home? It’s better to buy some **** and fun stuff on a treasure, it’s more effective than him!”




  Li Mo's eyelids twitched, "..."

   Damn, are all women in this age so sturdy?

  Erotic-fun toys are more effective than him? !


   Everyone present could not help but sweat for this daring woman, and at the same time admire her courage.

   It's nothing more than sturdy words, the key is to tell President Li.

   is also powerful enough.

   Mr. Li is not as good as a certain treasure-fun toys?


   Far away in a luxury villa in a manor in Pingcheng, there was a low voice of laughter.

  Shen Fanxing has a bluetooth headset on her ear, her hands cover her mouth, and her starry eyes are smiling and very beautiful.

   Where did this treasure staff come from?

   is really rare.

   This kind of woman is probably rare now.

   A laugh drew the man next to him and hugged her directly.

   "What are you laughing at?"

  Shen Fanxing smiled and said, "Li Mo was trained by Qingzhi's colleagues."

   Bo Jingchuan hooked his lips, "What's the training?"

   "She said that for Qingzhi, Li Mo is not as good as the **** toys on a certain treasure... But thinking about it carefully, it seems to be true. After more than two months of marriage, haven't they been widowed all the time?"

   Bo Jingchuan carried her into the bedroom, and when he heard her words, his dark eyes narrowed slightly.

   "Don't say you seem to have used those things."

  Shen Fanxing blushed, "Of course I haven't used it."

   "It sounds like you know it well."

   "Learning is boundless..." These seem to be self-taught without a teacher.

  Bo Jingchuan raised his eyebrows, "Have you studied?"


   "When the time comes, you can consider using it for me to see."

  Bo Jingchuan interrupted her in a hurry, causing her face to heat up.


   "I can only treat you seriously, please adapt more in the future."

  Bo Jingchuan kissed the corner of her lips, "Sit down, I'll go get you hot milk."

  Shen Fanxing nodded, leaned on the bed, and continued to pick up the phone. �

  Zhiqin's new product launch site, the atmosphere was a little awkward for a while.

The people around    didn't dare to laugh if they wanted to. The other colleagues held back the female colleague for a long time before pulling the female colleague to the back.

   "That... don't mind Mr. Li. I saw her when Mr. Xu was backstage. She was probably going to your birthday party. After all, it's your birthday, so why wouldn't she be there?"

  Li Mo's eyes instantly fell on him, "Are you sure?"

The    colleague nodded, "Yeah, if she wasn't going to your birthday party, she wouldn't have left early, right?"

   Someone behind him echoed, "I should have gone to participate. I saw a gift box on her backstage before, it should be a birthday present for you..."

  Li Mo's condensed brows and eyes seemed to be a dazzling light suddenly hit by someone.

  In an instant, it went from the top of the dark clouds to the bright sunshine.

   The man's voice has not completely fallen, and the Li Mo people have already walked a long way.

   When he reached the door of the banquet hall, he suddenly stopped, turned around and walked in front of a certain reporter, took the microphone and said:

   "Since I decided to get married, I had no plans to divorce. In this life, I have only one wife, Li Mo, and that is Xu Qingzhi, and only she is qualified, no one else!"

   The whole banquet hall became lively in an instant.

   "Also, the woman I like... The woman I love has always been the only one Xu Qingzhi!"

   (end of this chapter)

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