Don’t Make Trouble, Mr. Bo!

Chapter 1783: It's snowing~

   Chapter 1783 It's snowing~

   Xu Qingzhi has been busy in the conference venue since the morning.

   Propaganda has been hitting.

   Various fashion media platforms, mobile advertising, various fashion plazas...

   In the end, I still spent money to buy a hot search with the word "recommended", and clicked it to see the advertising video shot by Chu Yi.

  Chu Yi's attention is naturally extraordinary.

   is just the online playback volume of advertisements, which reached more than one billion in just one day.

   has brought a series of hot searches directly from the position of the word "recommended" with a promotional effect.

  Similarly, hot search topics such as "Zhiqin's new product launch", "Chu Yi", "Star International Gold Award Design" and so on came out one after another.

   "Mr. Xu, our publicity responses were very enthusiastic!"

   "With the endorsement of Chu Yi, the huge fan base, and the influence of Mr. Shen International No. 1, there is no doubt that this time our new product has been a great success."

   "I believe that our brand will be known to the world before next year at the latest. We know that Qin has done it as an international brand in China!"

   Several people in the company surrounded Xu Qingzhi, very happy and proud.

   "Thanks to Mr. Shen, if it wasn't for her, we would know that Qin would not have the scale it is now even if it would take more than ten years."

  Shen Fanxing is simply the savior in their company.

  Thank goodness she is Mr. Xu's good friend, so she helps her unconditionally.

  Xu Qingzhi smiled, looked around the already arranged venue, turned to look at them, and took a glass of juice from the table next to him.

   "Because Fanxing is right, but you are just as important as her. Because of your wisdom and hard work, Zhiqin will take such a meaningful step.

  As the boss of Zhiqin, I thank you for your dedication to the company. Thank you for helping me to focus on my dream step by step. I believe that Zhiqin is also a platform that can realize your dreams.

   I hope we can still work together in the future, for dreams, for honor, and for ourselves. "

   Several people were excited by Xu Qingzhi's words, so they picked up their wine glasses and raised their glasses to celebrate.

   "Let's just wait for this celebration to end smoothly!"

  Xu Qingzhi smiled and glanced sideways at the person next to him, "What time is it?"

   "Two o'clock, there is still an hour, the reporters will enter."

  Xu Qingzhi nodded, "Check again to see if there are any other omissions."


  Everyone present performed their own duties and their own work, and they were all checked one by one.

   Now check it again, it won't take long at all.

   It didn't take long before everyone reunited.

   After confirming that everything was fine, he sat on a chair and rested.

   One mobile phone in every hand.

  Xu Qingzhi sat on a chair by the window, looking out at the sky through the blue floor-to-ceiling windows.

  The weather is not good.

   Gloomy and foggy.

   There are already aviation warning lights flashing on the top floors of the tall buildings in the distance.

   The juice in her hand has long been turned into a thermos cup, and now she is holding it in the palm of her hand, looking at a place in the distance indifferently, not knowing what she is thinking.

   The colleagues who are resting here are all whispering at the moment.

   Xu Qingzhi didn't care.

   So many days, planning, temporary re-decision, site layout, publicity and safety work in all aspects, every place has to be considered, and the workload is a lot.

   It's rare to find time to rest now, she's not so inhuman yet, and she has to squeeze them at this time.

   However, it didn't take long for two people to push and shove to her side.

   The voices of the two pushing each other interrupted Xu Qingzhi's nameless emotions.

   She turned her head and looked at them.

   smiled lightly, "Is something wrong?"

   The two looked at each other and saw that Xu Qingzhi was in a good mood, so they said:

"Mr. Xu, today is President Li's birthday. Now that the banquet has almost started, it's set in the Li family's own hotel. It's super luxurious. Whether it's the venue or the guests, many people have already started posting photos on the Internet! You! ...Aren't you going to participate?"

  Xu Qingzhi's eyes flashed slightly, "I can't get out of the press conference here."

   Several people felt a little regretful, "But as Mrs. Li, is it really good for you not to attend President Li's birthday party?"

Xu Qingzhi smiled lightly, "The most important thing about birthdays is to be happy, maybe there may be some other impure purposes in the middle, doesn't seem to make much sense whether I go or not... Besides, I really can't get away. "

   "You're Mrs. Lai, how can it be of little significance? If you don't go, others will be making irresponsible remarks."

  Xu Qingzhi let out a sigh of relief, with a helpless smile on his face, "Okay, let them have fun first, let's do our own thing first."

  Xu Qingzhi obviously didn't want to stay on this topic anymore, the two of them could hear it, so they could only leave with regret.

  Other people have been watching here, Xu Qingzhi's attitude is very clear, although as a wife, it is not normal not to go to her husband's birthday party, but...

   These two couples are in Rongcheng, so abnormal is the most normal thing.

   "Wow, it's snowing!"

   After a few minutes, someone suddenly shouted in surprise, and everyone gathered by the window.

   Xu Qingzhi came back from the bathroom and saw a group of people lying on the floor bed, their voices full of excitement.

   "This year's snow is more than in previous years, it just fell after a long time."

   "This time it seems to be bigger than the first snow, and it's so beautiful."

   "Ah, I seem to be playing outside, it's been a long time since I had a good time in the snow!"

   "Southern Baby said I've never seen such heavy snow."

  Xu Qingzhi raised his eyes slightly, and sure enough, from the top of the floor-to-ceiling window, he saw the gray sky outside with white snowflakes falling.


   Her eyes froze, and her lips pursed at some point.

   Sure enough, it snowed again.

   At three o'clock, reporters began to enter the venue one after another, and several celebrities from the fashion industry also came to join in.

   is only on the invitation list, and there are still many people who did not show up.

   And Xu Qingzhi also got the exact news at the right time. Those people were all at Li Mo's birthday party.

  Although Zhiqin has a bright future, it is a new company that has just started.

   Compared with the Lai Group, there is no comparison at all.

   After all, at any time, the strong are respected.

   In Rongcheng, no one wants to have a relationship with the Li family.

  Reporters are fine to say that the specialties are different, not to mention that a magazine cannot have only one reporter.

   They can come to Zhiqin's new product launch conference, or they can send people to Li Mo's birthday party to brush their faces.

  Knowing that there would be such a result.

   The press conference adopts the live broadcast mode, which is directly synchronized to the network.

  Xu Qingzhi, as the main person in charge of the company, came to the stage to give a detailed introduction to new products, technologies, spices, and the ideas and meanings he wanted to convey.

   She had light makeup on her face and was wearing a tank top dress.

   Inside is a white modal bottoming long skirt, outside a light yellow wool loose sweater,

  The outfit is simple, loose and fashionable, elegant and chic, but also extra soft in temperament.

   Everyone knows that she is now a four-month-pregnant pregnant woman, and her belly is covered by a loose wool sweater outside, but she can still see that it is a kind of tenderness and quietness from a soon-to-be mother.

   Apart from these, Xu Qingzhi at this moment is more of a successful person in the upper position.

   She speaks professional vocabulary, but she can make everyone understand and look forward to it.

   The shutter sound was constantly fluctuating, but Xu Qingzhi was still calm. �

  Li Mo's birthday banquet venue, Feng Geng arranged the best banquet venue in the entire Rongcheng, and made the best venue layout.

   It is splendid, with staggered splendor, brocade and jade clothes, and the shed is full of guests.

   Absolutely luxurious gathering of high society.

   Men and women, personable, elegant and decent.

   But in this good atmosphere and very lively venue, the real owner has not shown up.

   Feng Geng was standing outside the door at the moment, his expression tangled and helpless.

   "Mr. Li, the guests are almost all here.'s really time to go out."


   After a long time, an angry voice came from the door of the room: "...Get out!"

  Feng Geng shrank his neck and did not dare to speak, but he could vaguely hear other sounds in the room.

   Curious for a moment, he took two steps forward, put his ear to the door, and listened carefully.

   It was a very small voice that seemed to be the voice of his wife.


   glanced at the time.

   Mrs. is not holding a conference now?

   It should be impossible to be with Mr. Li.

   That voice just now...

   After a pause, he took out his mobile phone, clicked on a certain social software, searched, and found that there was a live webcast of Zhiqin's press conference.

  Click to enter, it is Xu Qingzhi who is promoting new products on stage.

The tone and speed of    were obviously the same as what he had just heard.

   reached out and scratched his eyebrows.

   His facial features were all wrinkled together.

   You spend a lot of time throwing a birthday party for yourself, but you end up hiding in your room, holding your phone and watching others play on stage through a small screen?

   Throwing such a bunch of people out without paying attention?

  I really don't understand what the two are fighting about.

  If you want to see the wife, then go to the scene to watch it openly, maybe it will add a wave of popularity to the wife's press conference.

  It's better now, not to mention diverting the attention of the wife's company, and still doing this kind of "stealing chicken and dog" thing.

   Really satisfied. �

  Li Mo held the phone in his hand and stared at Xu Qingzhi on the screen.

  I haven't seen her wearing makeup recently, she has a plain face all day, and she looks so pretty.

  No, it's tight.

   Now look at her light makeup...

   Did she forget that she was pregnant now, and what did she want to do in such a bewitching way? !

The    hot search hung for five days, but she didn't notice it at all, and didn't mention anything about his birthday.

   He even suspected him, she actually knew it, but she was just playing him on purpose!

   That's why he deliberately set the press conference on his birthday.

   After Xu Qingzhi finished speaking, Chu Yi appeared.

   Those crazy shutter sounds can be heard across the screen.

The    flash was also blinking.

  Xu Qingzhi, who rarely faced these things, was not used to it, so he raised his hand slightly to block it.

  Chu Yi stepped forward, stretched out his hand and pulled her behind him, while he took two steps forward, blocking Xu Qingzhi with his body, his face stern.

   didn't say anything, but the reporters instantly understood.

  The flash is off and the shutter sound is much less.

   Not long after Xu Qingzhi stood up from behind him, he raised his head and nodded at him with a bright smile.

  Li Mo's face darkened instantly.

  How do you think that Chu Yi's face is too bad.

   The knock on the door sounded again, followed by Feng Geng's voice.

   "Mr. Li, the madam and the old lady are here."

  Li Mo turned off his phone and opened the door with a livid face.

   Qiao Zhilan and old lady Li stood at the door, the old lady looked very bad.

   "Suddenly want to hold a birthday party, and throw the guests out when you start it? Is this like a joke?! You are so amazing, because no one dares to provoke in Rongcheng, you can offend anyone casually, right?!"

   A person can drown a person with one mouthful of saliva. No matter how high the position is, one must be measured in what they do.

   Leaving such a bunch of people outside, did he ever think that this would be unacceptable in terms of morals and etiquette?

  Li Mo didn't speak, he was in a very bad mood at first, and now he was reprimanded by the old lady again, and his face at this time couldn't bear to look directly at him.

"Are you saying that you are deliberately going against Qingzhi? In previous years, when you celebrated your birthday, you felt as uncomfortable as having lice. This year, you suddenly made your birthday so big. Do you know how much impact it will have on Qingzhi's press conference today? "

   "Also, are you not being laughed at or what? Do you know what you're saying outside?!"

   "No one dares to provoke you, and your face is thick and not itchy, so have you considered clear knowledge?! Damn brat, your brain was eaten by a dog! How can you be such a hard-hearted person!"

   The crutches in the old lady's hand were raised, and she wanted to hit someone, but was stopped by Qiao Zhilan beside her.

   "Mom, forget it for now, Li Mo will have to go out to meet people later, so going out with an injury will not affect it well."

  The old lady's chest heaved up and down with anger, the corners of her mouth trembled, and her eyes were a little red.

   "I thought he was enlightened now! I didn't think he was a fool, so he'll just do it. When his wife and children are separated, I think he should cry or laugh!"

  Li Mo frowned, "What nonsense are you talking about!"

   "Go out and see for yourself!"

   Old lady Li shouted angrily, without giving Li Mo any face.

   Li Mo's brows filled with black air, and strode out.

The    Ballroom now has various areas surrounded by resting places for guests.

  Li Mo just walked to the junction of the corridor leading to the banquet hall when he heard a burst of laughter.

   "After all, she is the eldest lady of the Xu family. She is not more dignified than anyone else? She was so arrogant and arrogant when she was in school. Now her marriage is in a mess. If her career doesn't improve a little, what face will she have to live in this world?"

   "Marriage management? Stop kidding, did Li Mo give her a chance to run a business? Li Mo didn't look down on her when he was in school, but he was still a man of means, so he could even calculate that Li Mo was pregnant with his child..."

  【To be honest, I’ve been stuck on writing for a day~~Also, it’s snowing here~~Ohhh~~]

   (end of this chapter)

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