Don’t Make Trouble, Mr. Bo!

Chapter 1782: after all……

   Chapter 1782 After all...


  Li Mo was speechless!

  The hot search has been bought, and now I will say it to remind her that it is actually his birthday?


   Such a stupid thing, how could he do it!

   There was silence in the ward.

  Xu Qingzhi was sitting on the sofa, holding his mobile phone, staring at the screen not knowing what he was doing.

   only occasionally wears out a few men's voices.

  He thought she was watching TV.

   After a long time, he took out a bank card from under the pillow and threw it directly in front of Xu Qingzhi.

  Xu Qingzhi picked it up and looked at it, "What is this?"

  Li Mo glanced at her, "Don't know any bank cards?"

  Xu Qingzhi pursed his lips, "I mean what are you doing with my bank card?"

   "What else can a bank card do other than spend money? Don't you keep asking such an idiot question?"

   "You think I'm short of money?" Xu Qingzhi smiled lightly, not paying attention to this card at all.

   She is really not short of money.

   From childhood to adulthood, although that family didn't give her too much emotionally, there were no material restrictions on her life.

   In order to cultivate her into a real daughter of gold, and then sell her for a good price, they calculated this account very thoroughly.

   And she never rebelled against them for the lack of affection.

   They wanted to raise her to be a big lady, and she was happy to.

  Have appearance, figure, self-cultivation, knowledge, temperament, knowledge...

   This is also her selfishness, what she wants, what she expects.

  Be a delicate and perfect woman, only in this way can she appear in front of the person she likes with confidence at any time.

   will make it easier for the other party to fall in love with you.

   will allow yourself to become your true self.

   She wanted very clearly, so she accepted the "cultivation" of her by the Xu family.

   They have their purpose, and she has her own.

   is just to get what they need, and to coincide with each other.

   It is precisely because this has been going so smoothly for so many years that she has never been in financial trouble since she was a child.

   And her company, now thanks to Fanxing's help, is now very smooth.

   So, she has everything now, especially money.

  Li Mo's teeth hurt at Xu Qingzhi's words.

   For the first time, I felt that it was so **** hard to get a woman.

   "You are not short of money! But you are short of me as a husband! Give you money!"

  Xu Qingzhi raised his eyebrows and said nothing.

  Li Mo saw this and said again: "Take it. If you want to buy something in the future, just use this card to swipe. The password is..."

"I do not want!"

   Xu Qingzhi interrupted him suddenly, and threw the card on the hospital bed with some disgust.

  Li Mo was about to explode with anger, "You..."

"Looking at the whole of China, how many people still use bank cards when they go out? Smart code scanning is common now, and even face recognition has come out. Bank cards... When you take them out, people think you are a bum! I don't want it! If you If you really want to spend money for me, just transfer money directly to my mobile phone."

  Li Mo's face was tense and tense, his lips pursed and pursed, and the blue veins on his forehead jumped and jumped!

  This...the, dead, of, female, person,,,,,

   "If you have money to spend, why don't you care? Others want them and they don't have it yet!"

"Originally, I don't lack money to spend. If I want it, I naturally have to follow the trend. I am a serious Chinese. When I go out to spend, it will give the Chinese people a face... You don't know how much foreign friends adore us... I Let alone disgrace the country.”

   "Where is the shame on the bank card?! Who dares to laugh at you if you tell the money in it?! The password is..."

   "President Li!" Xu Qingzhi raised his voice again: "If you really want to play the stalk of a domineering president, please don't stay in the past, the president must also keep pace with the times, and there are probably few women who like the bossy president.

   The little girls today are all idealistic romantics. It’s good to have money, and the president is also good, but the president of the bun, it’s too easy to make people back off. "

   The ward was quiet for a while, so that within a few seconds, Xu Qingzhi could clearly hear the squeaking sound of teeth grinding in the room.

   She twitched her lips, "Why did you suddenly remember to give me money?"

   The grinding of teeth came to an abrupt end.

  Li Mo did not speak with a cold face.

  Xu Qingzhi pursed his lips, "Since I've finished eating, I'll go back. There will be a nurse to take care of you at night."

   As she said that, she was about to leave. Li Mo, who had been cold-faced, suddenly raised her head and glared at her, "Do you dare to step out of this room and try?"

   Xu Qingzhi went around the end of the bed, walked to him, and looked up at him.

   "The overbearing president is not so cruel and unreasonable as you are."

   "Be nice and I can still be unreasonable with you?"

   "Why did I offend you when I went home to rest?"

  Li Mo was silent for a while, "I'm bored by myself, you have to accompany me!"

   He grabbed Xu Qingzhi's arm and said viciously, "Don't forget, all my injuries are because of you!"

  Xu Qingzhi: "...Rogue!"   

  Xu Qingzhi didn't want to make trouble with him, so he stayed in the end, but went out to buy fruit on the way.

  Li Mo was worried that she would lie to him, so she took all her bag and mobile phone as "hostages", and only gave her a hundred yuan bill, so that she could simply buy the fruit for tonight.

   After that, I went to the bathroom to rinse my mouth.

  Xu Qingzhi followed and walked to the door of the bathroom, not knowing whether to laugh or cry.

   "President Li, if I am a little extravagant, do you think one hundred yuan is enough?"

"Apples, bananas, oranges, grapes, grapes, cherry tomatoes, these are all you've eaten recently. How expensive is it? One hundred yuan is enough! You don't need to give me the rest of the money. You should be generous to your wife. of."

   After saying that, he turned on the faucet and splashed a handful of water on his face.

  Xu Qingzhi stared at his back faintly, and said lightly: "

   You can give 10 million yuan to others by opening your mouth, but 100 yuan is generous to me? "

  Li Mo raised his head, turned off the faucet, and stared at her through the mirror: "What did you say?"

   Xu Qingzhi raised his eyebrows, "It's okay. I'm leaving."

  Li Mo was very satisfied with Xu Qingzhi's obedient submission.

   The two stopped fighting each other, he also sat on the sofa, picked up the tablet again, and continued to read the document.

   In the past few days, I have been tossing with Xu Qingzhi, and there are too many things that have not been dealt with.

   It was rare that she promised to stay obediently today. She breathed a sigh of relief. She looked at the bag and mobile phone next to her, and then thought about the mere 100 yuan in her hand, she couldn't escape.

  I feel much better, and I can finally handle files with peace of mind.

   The silence of just a few minutes was broken by a sudden knock on the door.

   Li Mo frowned, but agreed.


   lowered his head and continued to look at more than half of the documents he had already read, picked out a problem, marked it in red, and raised his head after saving it.

   When he saw the person standing opposite, he frowned.

  's voice also became hard and cold, "Something."

   "You've been in the hospital for so many days, I should come and see you."

  Mo Xiaona's voice sounded faintly, with a light smile on her face.

   The ill-fitting hospital gown made her body extraordinarily small and slender, and her face paled slightly.

   looks like a sick person.

   But her attitude seemed like nothing happened between her and Li Mo last night.

  Li Mo did not speak.

   "Li Mo, we don't have to do this. Aside from the previous relationship, we are at least classmates and friends. I admit that I didn't give up on you before, but everything is fine.

  You don't love me, I can't force you, everyone is young and frivolous, when they are young and not more important, they are ignorant about love. I don't know what to say. All these can be understood, such as you and me.

   But friendship is accumulated little by little, so many years... I don't want to lose you as a friend. So, you don't have to take care of anything to be on guard against me.

   After all, who are you and who am I? If I do something, I don't have any good fruit to eat, do I? "

  Li Mo's eyebrows were still knitted together.

   "So, what are you trying to say?"

  Mo Xiaona was silent for a few seconds, "I won't stay in China for the New Year."

  Li Mo put the tablet on his lap, squinting his eyes and looking at her silently.

   Mo Xiaona smiled bleakly, "You know, I don't have anyone in the country I can rely on. It's always too pitiful to celebrate the New Year alone."

  Li Mo pursed his lips, "Wherever you go is your freedom. Even if I am the leader of a country, I have no right to restrict your travel scope for no reason."

  Mo Xiaona said to herself:

   "So don't worry, I'll go. However, I saw a hot search today, shouldn't mind me attending your birthday party, right?"

"I only participated as a classmate and a friend. It's just to fulfill my selfishness. I think this is probably the last time I will celebrate your birthday. From now on, we will be separated from each other, and we will probably never see each other again in our lifetime. friend, can you?"

  Li Mo rubbed the edge of the flat plate in his hand, "You are here for this?"

  Mo Xiaona smiled lightly, "The main purpose. This question shouldn't be too much, right?"

"Mo Xiaona." Li Mo said lightly, "I told you very clearly last night...Xu Qingzhi is very concerned about your existence. In fact, our previous relationship does not make her feel at ease, although I understand my position very well. , I'm sure there will be no other development with you, but I can't do it knowingly... Maybe she won't misunderstand, but in the end I have a grudge, so I can't help but avoid it."

  Mo Xiaona twitched her lips, "After all, if I want to attend your birthday party, I must first get her permission, right?"

  Li Mo looked at her coldly, "I thought I was clear enough."

   All he answered was the sound of the door being slammed shut.

   Li Mo frowned and stared at the door for two or three seconds, then lowered his eyes and opened the tablet. �

   When Xu Qingzhi came back with a fruit bag, he saw Mo Xiaona at the door of Li Mo's ward.

   And Mo Xiaona seemed to see her too, and walked towards her from a distance.

   "Qingzhi, let's talk."

  Mo Xiaona said with a smile, looking at Xu Qingzhi's stomach.

   Although wearing a loose down jacket, the stomach can still be vaguely seen.

"what's the topic?"

  Xu Qingzhi turned his body slightly and looked at her indifferently with his light eyes.

   looked away from her stomach, Mo Xiaona raised her eyes and said with a smile:

"January 22 is Li Mo's birthday. Since it is in time, I plan to leave Rongcheng after his birthday, and say hello to you in advance, lest I go to the banquet at that time and cause you unnecessary trouble. misunderstanding."

  Xu Qingzhi remained calm and pursed his lips, "Did Li Mo agree?"

  Mo Xiaona shrugged, "If he doesn't agree, I probably won't need to say hello to you in advance. After all...I've never been absent from his birthday before, I'm probably used to it, so now I may feel nothing wrong..."

   "Since he agreed, I don't think I have the position to refuse. After all, this is his own birthday, and whoever invites or wishes to celebrate his birthday, he will be happy."

   Mo Xiaona chuckled, "I just said hello to you."

   Xu Qingzhi smiled lightly.

  Yanzi, she said that she did not seek her opinion, and it didn’t matter whether she refused or not.

"up to you."

   "Just don't mind."

   "You are, just don't mind."

  Xu Qingzhi smiled in a sloppy manner, although his tone was indifferent, he was calm and generous.

   That is a kind of upbringing, nobility and gentleness exuding from the bones, not arrogant or impetuous.

   All of this comes from the environment she lived in since she was a child and the self-cultivation that penetrated into her bones.

   That is not for everyone.

   Mo Xiaona's fingers tightened, and since then, she seemed to be more petty.

   She could only respond with a stiff smile.

   Xu Qingzhi continued: "Is there anything else to talk about?"

  Mo Xiaona shook her head.

   "Then you take good care of yourself."

   After Xu Qingzhi finished speaking, he walked over to the ward over her. �

   Back in the ward, Xu Qingzhi went straight to the bathroom to wash the fruit.

   Li Mo, who was ignored, put down his tablet and chased after him.

   had nothing to say, "How much money is left?"

   "Two dollars for five!"

  Li Mo frowned in disgust, "Are you going to bring back two dollars and five?"

   Xu Qingzhi did not speak.

   "What did you buy?"


   "Leave your sister!"

  The water tap was turned off, and Xu Qingzhi turned to look at him with two pears in his hand!

  Li Mo: "..."

   Walking out of the bathroom, Li Mo was still nagging behind her, "Eating fruit while surfing the Internet, there are a lot of celebrity gossips on the Internet recently!"

  Xu Qingzhi bypassed her and sat on the sofa, "I'm not interested in celebrity gossip."

   "You can also search for a movie."

"I do not want to see."

   "Aren't you bored?"

  Xu Qingzhi took a bite of the pear, glanced at him impatiently, took out his mobile phone, and directly clicked on a game.

  Li Mo leaned over, stared at her screen for two seconds, and his face instantly sank.

"what game is this?"

   "Cultivation Game... Love Cultivation Game."

   "Love..." Li Mo's eyebrows darkened, "Are you in love with four men at once?!"

   "I didn't experience the feeling of being in love when I was young. Four men, four feelings, the experience is good, and I can see what kind of man is suitable for me!"

  Li Mo immediately took her mobile phone, and without a word, turned off the game and uninstalled it.


   "Open your eyes to see the man who suits you best, here."

  Li Mo pointed to himself.

   Xu Qingzhi sneered, "The most suitable woman for you is not here."

  Li Mo: "It's okay, I'm selfless and great, I can sacrifice myself to accommodate you."

   "That's really wronging you."

   "No grievances, I am easily satisfied. You can relax on the Internet for a while, and I will be very happy."

   "I'm very relaxed now. The radiation on the Internet is also harmful to my eyes. That's good."

  Li Mo: "..." �

  Li Mo tried every means to make Xu Qingzhi know his birthday, and the hot search kept hanging, but Xu Qingzhi didn't respond at all.

   three days later.

  Li Mo was discharged from the hospital.

  Chu was also discharged from the hospital.

   On the same day, Zhiqin's new product launch conference began.

  Li Mo’s birthday banquet invited all parties.

  【Oh Huo~】

   (end of this chapter)

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