Chapter 1724

"But I'm sorry for disappointing you. Since you don't take my words to heart, you should be able to do it this time, right? I hope you can see this news, come back as soon as possible, and clear the procedures for me. There is no room for negotiation. , I, Wei Li, don't want to have anything to do with you again in this life."

   Having said everything, there is absolutely no need for the reporters to ask questions.

  The reason for the divorce, the old lady Bo said everything.

   Thirty years ago, the seeds were planted, and he had to pass by, but he did not expect that thirty years later, this old man not only repeated his old tricks, but also intensified his efforts.


  Recently, the old man's behavior is now coming back. It's really a wave of strange operations.

  It is not that some people have not said about this old man. They are getting old and have lost their reputation and prestige for a lifetime.

   In the past, everyone knew that it was not a consortium of international well-known enterprises, with inestimable wealth and inestimable wealth.

   Some people also lamented how excellent and wise the helms of the Bo family have been, and led the Bo family all the way to the present.

Now, when it comes to the Bo family, although it is still an existence that no one else can afford, but it is no longer what it used to be. In addition to his current actions, if we say that among the historical leaders of the Bo family consortium, who is the most impressive? Poor, I am afraid that everyone will say without thinking that it is the old man.

   is really old and has no morals.

   Shen Fanxing felt a little complicated for a while when she saw this news.

  Grandma wants a divorce?

   This was something she never thought about.

   Even she once felt that because her grandmother married the old man, she still had a little reverence for the old man.

   Since grandma chose the old man, it means that the old man has merit, at least the attraction that made grandma choose to marry him willingly.

   She didn't recognize the old man himself, but didn't want to deny her grandma.

   From the beginning to the end, her mentality towards the old man has always been a matter of fact, and she has never thought about evaluating the old man in detail in the past.

   Just out of respect for grandma.

   Everyone has their own ideas and persistence, but they never thought that the difference between grandma and grandpa would be so big.

   actually got to this point.

  The old man has always been very respectful, but in his rare years, he...

   For more than 70 years, people who have been together for a lifetime have come to this point, more or less because of her reasons.

   How could her mood not be complicated?

   She looked up at Lou Ruoyi, "...Mom, grandma really..."

"Yes, the old man Ren has a big heart until now. If it was me, I would never have been with him for more than 30 years. Of course, if the old man gave up and I gave birth to Jingchuan, your grandma, she should I won't persist until now. And I was just like you now. I almost lost my child, and I was the victim, but I was still worried that the two of them really went to that irreversible step because of me, and I felt guilty. , said a few pertinent words, I don't know how useful my words are, but I advise you not to express any attitude towards this matter, the old lady is more transparent than any of us, some things do not need at all You or any of us decide for her."

   Shen Fanxing pursed her lips, but she recognized Lou Ruoyi's words.


   This is Grandma's own business, and none of them have the right to interfere in all decisions.

   After so many years, she thought, her affairs with the old man must be handled properly.

   No matter how it ends.

   There is really no room for me to intervene in this matter. -

Bo Qifeng was still in H City, and the matter of participating in the international summit was fully handed over to Bo Yuelin, while he locked himself in the hotel. He didn't take the phone call from Wei Li the night before yesterday, but he was afraid to go. face some things.

   After everything had fallen to the ground, he realized what he had done from start to finish.

   also suddenly reminded him of the reason why Wei Li almost divorced him thirty years ago.

  From the day he took over the Bo family, he felt that no one or anything was more important than the Bo family.

   Wei Li also seems to know him very well and has always recognized his decision.

   Including how to raise her sons, no matter how much she sees them suffer, she is distressed and silently supports him.

   She can help herself to pave the way for the children to go in the future, or she can endure and watch the children suffer some pressure that ordinary people can't bear.

   But he forgot that she was still alive.

   is a person with a bottom line.

   He only knew from Si Chen's relationship thirty years ago that her bottom line was the happiness of the children.

  Only this point, no one can touch it in vain.

   No matter how strict or difficult the family training is, she can accept it. The child is a member of the Bo family, but to her, it is just her child.

   These are the words she said to herself back then. The confrontation between the two was probably the most tense and angriest in her life.

   He compromised, probably because her attitude shocked him.

   However, this time, he felt that things were different. On the one hand, it was a matter of fact, and on the other hand, he had compromised once in the past, and this time, he should no longer be the one who made concessions.

   What's more, he is not only for the Bo family, but also for the good of Jingchuan.

   In the end, I didn’t expect that things would come to this point.


  In his rare years, he could not afford to lose this person when he was about to die.

   Therefore, he has been hiding in H City until now, for fear that she will really mention this matter when he goes back.

   He also understood her temperament. For so many years, she moved out of HK by herself and was alone in the country. There was already a problem with the way the two of them got along.

   Now that he has chased from HK to Pingcheng, he always expects that one day she will be able to figure it out and return to that home again.


   closed his eyes, now, what happened in the past made him feel tired.

  I was silent for a long time by myself, but the door of the room was suddenly opened at this time.

  Bo Yuelin walked in with an ugly face, looked at Mr. Bo, and said, "Father..."

   Mr. Bo's brows were tight, "In such a panic, what happened?"

   Bo Yuelin looked serious, "It's my mother, she held a press conference in Pingcheng and has sued you... to the court."

   Mr. Bo's face suddenly sank, "Press conference?"

   "Yeah." Bo Yuelin handed the phone to the old man while responding.

   After watching the video of the press conference, the old man's hand trembled while holding the phone, and his face was contorted together.

   "She actually... actually..."

  Bo Yuelin pinched his swollen eyebrows, "This matter has a great impact on the Bo family, as well as the rest of the Bo family... Dad, do you want to go back to see my mother now..."

   Mr. Bo's face was extremely gloomy, but he sat there without saying a word.

  Bo Yuelin said again: "If you don't show up, mother's anger will be hard to dissipate. If it drags on for a long time, maybe there is really no room for recovery..."

   "Okay, enough! You leave me alone!"

   The old man suddenly let out a low roar, his deep voice was full of anger and heaviness.

   Even though Bo Yuelin pursed his lips, his already ugly face became even more indescribable at this time.

   He walked out with a sullen face, leaving the old man alone in the room.

   Standing outside the door, he suddenly sneered.

  I think all the things up to my mother are so ridiculous.

  Father is a joke now, and he is even more so.

  Things that have been painstakingly obtained, but the results are dismissed by others.

   He worked hard in exchange for it, but now it is a promise but still not respected.

   If the elder brother was standing here today, would my father speak to him in that tone?

Will not.

   Even if the eldest brother disobeyed him, he would not treat him like this.

   What is wrong with him?

  He was careful everywhere, he had to take him into consideration in everything, and as a result, up to now, he has not received any trust and respect from him.

   He has come all the way to the present, what is he obsessed with?

   Maybe no matter how good he did, he would never see it.

   Mr. Bo sat alone in the room, overlooking the busy traffic outside the window, with a stern face and clenched brows.

   The temperature outside is not too high, but the sun is full, and through the thick tempered glass, only the temperature shines on him.

   However, his hands on his knees were trembling uncontrollably, as if he didn't notice it, his eyes were still out of the window.

   If you don’t go back now, is there no room for recovery?

   So he can go back now, is that okay?

   Just saw this news, he is angry, extremely angry.

   In his life, he was able to hand over the Bo clan consortium in a safe and undamaged manner, without any merit, he was considered to have no merit or fault, at least he did not destroy the Bo clan.

  Jin Ge fought for half his life, but in the end he lost all the dignity he had accumulated in his life.

The most satisfied son, the most satisfied grandson, disobeyed him one after another, and in the end, even his wife never understood him, and even in the end, it was even worse. When he was about to die, he made such a big joke. .

   After living his whole life, he actually wants a divorce?

   That's ridiculous...

  Everyone must disobey themselves, and no one wants to make him feel better...

   He closed his eyes deeply. He seemed to be very calm, but his whole body was still shaking. �

   Lou Ruoyi and his party still went to the old lady's residence. After all, such a big thing happened, they couldn't turn a deaf ear.

   When the old lady saw them, her reaction was calm, and she even greeted Xu Qingzhi happily.

   Lou Ruoyi bought some fruit when he came, and before getting into the kitchen to prepare the fruit plate, he glanced at Butler Rong.

  Lairong came to the kitchen later, Lou Ruoyi kept moving in her hands, peeling the fruit, and said, "I think the old lady is in good shape now, but she feels something is not right."

   Lai Rong washed his hands and came to help. Hearing this, he sighed.

   "No matter what your will is, it's still one thing in the end. Two people have come all the way to the present. After decades, how could they have no feeling at all?"

Lou Ruoyi put the peeled fruit aside and pursed her lips a little, "Aunt Lai, if you were me, or Fanxing, what role do you think we should play now? Both persuasion and persuasion are not persuasive. Should we do the same?"

   Lai Rong paused for a while, then finally sighed and shook her head, "The old lady is determined this time. Since it was her decision, generally speaking, there is almost no room for recovery."

   Lou Ruoyi nodded thoughtfully, but there was a gloom between his eyebrows that could not be dispersed.

   Arranged the fruit bowl and went out. Xu Qingzhi and Shen Fanxing were chatting with the old lady. The atmosphere was good, but the content had nothing to do with today's press conference.

   is not mentioned.

"Whoops, I'm just waiting for my two great great-grandchildren to be born, I really want to live for a few more decades, so I can watch my two great babies grow up and fall in love , get married, and give me some great-great-grandchildren."

  Fanxing smiled lightly, "Yes, I have to trouble you to take care of them in the future."

  The old lady smiled happily, "Of course! My great-grandson, who will I look after?"

   Putting the fruit plate on the coffee table, Xu Qingzhi stepped forward and took an apple and handed it to the old lady, "Grandma... No, it should be my son's future in-law grandma, you eat first."

   "Whoops, just want me to give my precious great-granddaughter to your house with an apple?"

   "If you don't eat it, it belongs to my family. If you don't eat it, you won't eat it for nothing."

  The old lady put the fruit in her mouth and snorted, "You are the most clever."

   "Hey... For the sake of my son's future happiness, see how worried I am as a mother?"

   "It's just your mouth."

  Shen Fanxing leaned over and took a grape to eat,

   Several people had lunch together, and they didn't mention this matter until they left at the end.

  In the car, the atmosphere was a little dignified after changing the joyful and easy way in front of the old lady.

   "Looking at Grandma Bo's appearance, it seems that there is really nothing wrong." Xu Qingzhi said that perhaps, she can understand the old lady's current mood, which should be almost the same as hers.

   All her hopes are now on her great-grandchildren, just like her, as long as the child is born, nothing is more important than the child.

  Man, she has owned it, and life continues to move forward. The child is the deepest bond.

   Lou Ruoyi looked out the car window and sighed deeply.

   "For her, I personally cut off this decades-long companionship. Her heart is not as free and easy as the surface."

   Shen Fanxing did not speak.

   Lou Ruoyi paused and turned to look at her, "Don't you have any opinion on this?"

  Shen Fanxing twitched his lips, "My opinion shouldn't be that important anymore."

   Lou Ruoyi raised her eyebrows, "Everyone said to persuade and not to leave, you don't seem to care about this matter today or even in the future."

"Since grandma has made a decision, she shouldn't be easily influenced by a few words from us. She is the one who has lived with the old man for a lifetime. If she couldn't bear it, she would definitely not make such a choice today. Besides, in this matter, she He didn't leave any way out for himself, including the old man."

   Making the divorce public and putting it in front of everyone is a determined result.

   The rest is to see her and the old man, whose attitude is stronger.

   But with the old man's macho temperament, for the sake of face, he should...will agree in a fit of anger.

   (end of this chapter)

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