Chapter 1725

   There is really no room for negotiation.

  The old man came back the next day, and the reporters surrounded him at the airport.

   The divorce of two elderly people has obviously overshadowed the gossip at the international summit.

   Mr. Bo kept his face calm and didn't say a word. He stopped and went all the way out of the airport and went straight to Mrs. Bo's villa.

  The atmosphere in the living room was low pressure until the old man came in.

   The two were silent for a long time, but Mr. Bo spoke first.

   "What the **** do you mean?"

  The old lady Bo pursed her lips, "You didn't understand the news, did you?"

   "Wei Li!" Mr. Bo shouted angrily, "Do you know how tormented and embarrassed I am right now, do you want to get involved at this time?!"

The old lady Bo sneered, "I'm very glad that I didn't have a heart attack from you for so many years. But you won't have the opportunity and position to yell at me in the future! I know you are suffering, I have known you all my life, but Have you ever thought about how hard it is for the people you are with?"

   The old man's expression froze.

"Just blindly making others think about you? You are the most tired, the most tormented, and the most innocent in the world. The fault is all other people. Everyone has to revolve around you. Anyone who has their own ideas and opinions is disobedient. you.

  Bo Kaifeng, you patted your own chest and thought about the past few decades. Have you ever thought about others? Have you ever really listened to other people's opinions?

  Have you really empathized with others and considered others? What happened in the past, when you were lying in bed alone in the dead of night, did you ever reflect on yourself?

  I don’t think so, because anyone who has thought about it a little will not allow themselves to live their own way until now.

  Everyone has their own life, and you only have your own life. Why do you have to control the lives of others? What kind of pleasure does it give you when one person has so many lives?

   It was because I was too young to see you clearly, I blindly believed in love, as long as I felt that everything was beautiful, I could go on with you.

   But I am not a fool after all. After I have children and grandsons, I realize that my blindness is simply too selfish. Things have come to the present step by step, and there is no lack of my blind trust and connivance in you, so that they are now implicated.

  I have been convincing myself that I will never regret it, but Bo Qifeng, you finally made me unable to deceive myself, and now you have denied me the past sixty years of your life..."

The old lady Bo paused, her face that was always kind or indifferent, was full of bitter sadness at this time, her whole body was trembling imperceptibly, and she slowly closed her eyes, her face covered with traces of time, His eyes were visibly red.

   Mr. Bo's cold eyes flashed when he saw her like this, his lips opened and closed, but he couldn't say a word when he looked at her.

   "Bo Kaifeng, some people don't have 60 years in their lives..."

  The old lady slowly opened her eyes, her eyes were full of red bloodshots.

   "I've been tied to you all my life, and what did you give me in the end?

  My life has been ruined by you...

  I don't want to be with you anymore, so in the few years I have left, I must cut me off from this wrong life with you. Let's go here, Bo Qifeng, please come to the end, let it go once, and it will fulfill me. "

  Bo Qifeng looked at her quietly, for too long before he stood up slowly, trembling and staggering in his movements.

"I disagree……"

  The old lady Bo lifted her eyes to look at him who had stood up, her eyes were cold and bitter.

   "After all this, you still selfishly refuse to let me go, don't you? Shame? But you can't leave, your face has already been thrown out."

  Bo Kaifeng shook his head, "No...No, you don't know..."

   He turned around slowly, and staggered towards the door, with panic in his movements.

   "Old man..." Lai Rong, who was beside him, saw that there was no result of today's events, and was at a loss at all. Looking at the old man, he just shouted softly.

   Mr. Bo didn't stop at all.

   She stood between the living room and the door, in a dilemma, at a loss.

  The old lady Bo sat quietly on the sofa, her expression has returned to calm and indifferent.

   As if his energy was exhausted, he sat there with only exhaustion all over his body.

   "Old Madam..." Lai Rong hesitated for a while, but still said, "I think the old man still cares about you... You see, even now, he has not let go of you to separate..."

The old lady Bo stood up, her voice indifferent, "Who knows what he's thinking? Maybe he thinks that no one will be buried with him in a hundred years, and seeing the ancestors of the Bo family would feel ashamed. Anyway, there is no face for living. , he has to be respectable no matter what. Apart from these, I really don't understand why he insists on it. "

   Bo Qifeng, who had already reached the door, froze suddenly when he heard her words.

   Apart from these, she really couldn't understand why he insisted on not letting go?

   In her heart, is he so useless?

   He finally got in the car and went back to Bo's house. No matter what the reason she thought was, he would never leave after this marriage.

  Bo Jingchuan and Bo Sichen didn't seem to be affected by today's incident, and they didn't even have any extra expressions.

   In the evening, Shen Fanxing couldn't help but ask him, "Have you seen the news? Don't you have anything to say?"

   Bo Jingchuan finished washing up, and hugged her into the quilt, "What do you want to say? This is their own business. Does what I say work?"

  Shen Fanxing raised his eyebrows, "Just leave it alone?"

   Bo Jingchuan glanced at her lightly, "Do you still have the heart to worry about others?"

  Shen Fanxing pursed her lips, "It's not anyone else..."

"No one of us can talk about this kind of thing. The contradictions between them have accumulated for decades, and they are older than you and me. If you don't know what's going on between them, don't blindly care about them. You are right or wrong. They know it for themselves, eh?"

  Shen Fanxing turned to look at him, a pair of stars with adoring smiles.

   "My child's father, you are amazing, what you said really makes sense."

   Bo Jingchuan's eyebrows moved, "I just found out now?"

   "Of course not! You've always been amazing, and today is my heartfelt sigh. Praise you!"

  Bo Jingchuan smiled and stared at her deeply, "So..."

  Shen Fanxing rolled her eyes, "So can I follow up tonight..."

"can not."

  Shen Fanxing: "...I haven't finished my words yet..."

   Bo Jingchuan snorted and hugged her tightly in his arms, "Do you still know how careful you are?"

  Shen Fanxing sighed, took out his mobile phone from the bed, and sent a message directly to Xu Qingzhi.

   "Failure. Good night."

   Xu Qingzhi: "The founder of Tangtang International First Group is really a sticky person!"

  Shen Fanxing silently stuffed the phone back into the quilt.

  Bo Jingchuan took out her phone in the next second, "In order to sleep with her, are you planning to trick me?"

   Shen Fanxing knew that he was wrong, and buried his head in his chest without saying a word.


  Bo Jingchuan was helpless, and kissed her on top of her hair, silently pampering her.

   Shen Fanxing, who was buried in his chest, slowly opened his eyes, blinked lightly, and put his arms around the man's waist.

   This man's tolerance and indulgence to her have made her heart full of gratitude.

   The best man in the world is hers.

  The unbearable life at the beginning made her never think that she would have this feeling one day, and she felt that all the luck was gathered in the matter of meeting him.

   "Thank you for your firmness and perseverance, which made me the happiest woman in the world."

  Shen Fanxing's words came from his chest, Bo Jingchuan paused slightly, "Don't make me say so great, I want you selfishly and unilaterally."

  Shen Fanxing hooked his lips and rubbed against his chest, this domineering man.

   She couldn't even say a word of thanks. -

   Mr. Bo has never been out of the house. He doesn't want to face the reporters who are chasing him and beat him, and he doesn't want Wei Li to appear in front of him.

   He avoided all opportunities to meet Wei Li, and did not want to talk to her about anything.

  Bo Yuelin has been busy with things in the company recently.

   International summit because of the exposure of the founder of "Ming" group, the direct consequence is that most of the outside world put pressure on Bo's consortium.

The    project was repeatedly blocked, and there were constant problems, big and small, and it was even more obvious that the cooperative company was increasingly incompetent.

   If the news that was exposed because of Bo Jingchuan's identity in the past knew that his original sentence "full encirclement and suppression of Bo's consortium" was not just a talk, now he understands more exactly what "full encirclement and suppression" is.

   In the past, the "Ming" group's attacks on the Bo family were purely petty.

   And now, without any effort, the Bo family is forced into a dead end little by little.

   Because there is no need for the "Ming" group to do it themselves, there are too many companies that want to please them to put pressure on Bo.

   Dripping water and stone wear, this little attack seems to be innocuous, but when combined, its power should not be underestimated.

  But if you die, you can die happily, but every day, a little thing, every day, tortures people's hearts, and there is no peace at all.

   He reported to the old man almost every day about things in the company, but the old man, who always cared about the Bo family, seemed to be completely unconcerned about it now.

   I just sit there every day, not saying a word, not knowing what to think.

   "Father, the company's situation is not very optimistic recently..."

   "You are now the person in charge of the company. You have the final say on how the company operates. You don't need to report everything to me. If I am gone one day, will the company have to bury me with me?"

   He reported the situation in the company to the old man as usual, but the old man who had not responded for many days finally responded.

   Just this response surprised Bo Yuelin.

  In the past, the old man who always put the Bo family's consortium first in everything, now has a feeling of letting go completely.

   In just a few days, he has changed so much.

  Mother seemed to really provoked him this time. �

  Bo Kaifeng's escape did not stop the matter temporarily. The court subpoena a week later forced him to face this matter that he had avoided for too long.

   In the end, he went to the old lady in person.

   The two of them were still sitting in the same positions they were a few days ago.

   In just a few days, Bo Kaifeng seems to be getting older again, with obvious haggardness on his face, he seems to have lost some weight, and his cheekbones are slightly convex, which is more obvious than before.

  The old lady Bo glanced at him, pursed her lips, picked up the water glass, took a sip of water with her eyebrows closed, and stopped looking at him.

   The time in the living room seemed to have passed for a long time, and the old lady seemed to have no intention of taking the initiative to speak.

   Bo Qifeng looked at the old lady with gray hair across from him, his voice with the usual heavy tone.

   "You said there was no room for negotiation, but what if I had to negotiate? Wei Li, from the moment I married you, I never thought that I would divorce you."

  The old lady smiled indifferently, "So this is why you have been doing your own thing for so many years. Is there any reason for you to be fearless? I am sure I will not leave you? I can only fight with you to the end in this life?"

"What do you have to discuss with me? Now the whole society is watching the joke between the two of us. Whether we leave or don't leave, it's a shameful thing. You can't save your image. I am by your side reminding you of such a shameful thing today, it is better to let me go and save you from disgusting you from time to time when I appear in front of you."

Mr. Bo pursed his lips, "Why do you use these words to irritate me? I don't know better than you what the situation is now, and it's also shameful, but I choose not to divorce. Besides, this is not something you can decide unilaterally. things..."

"One-sided? Oh, you can also say things that cannot be solved unilaterally? You ask yourself, what qualifications do you have to say these words to convince me? Bo Kaifeng, your current attitude, every word you say every time Every word is hitting you in the face, don't you feel pain?"

"I'm not qualified, but what do you think I'm qualified to say now? Too many things have happened recently, and I know what my reputation is now. Your current attitude seems to feel that this situation is something I like and see. Same.

  Weili, you can't deny that everything I did in the past was from a good starting point. For Bo's sake, for Jingchuan, why don't you understand? "

  The old lady slowly raised her eyes to look at him, and smiled helplessly and sarcastically.

   "Understood? You dare to say that in the end, things are not based on your will?"

   Mr. Bo's lips moved, but he didn't speak for a while.

   "How many years have you lived? Haven't lived enough? So that you have to let your children and grandchildren live according to your arrangement?"

  The old lady stood up and said coldly:

"I don't want to hear your so-called reasons and difficulties, I don't want to understand, and I don't understand! You have too many reasons, we don't live in all directions without you, and we are far-sighted. I, Wei Li, are not worthy of you! So no need Come to be with me, an ignorant and selfish person! You can't change my decision even if you say something wrong today. Get out of here!"

   (end of this chapter)

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