Chapter 1723

   Here, Sang Yu is giving Bo Jingxing a hot treatment, while Bo Jingchuan is sitting on the bed and reading emails after washing up alone.

   In comparison, it really looks a bit bleak.

   And Shen Fanxing and Xu Qingzhi took Wanwan to take a bath and lay on the bed, playing with Wanwan and chatting with them.

   "Actually, what Bo Jingxing said is right. It's not easy to be a mother. We really need to learn more about how to be a good mother."

  Xu Qingzhi said, slender and white fingers rubbed lightly on Wanwan's tender little face, and there was softness in his eyes.

  Shen Fanxing nodded lightly, "Yes, indeed."

   "So..." Xu Qingzhi sighed and turned to look at Shen Fanxing, "All our thoughts should be on our children now, whether it is now or in the future, other things are not important."

  Shen Fanxing kept her eyes on Wanwan, she said with a smile, "I see, you don't need to nag me with Bo Jingxing."

Xu Qingzhi glanced at her, and said angrily: "You know how worrying you are recently. You are now a pregnant woman, or the future mother of two children, not the person I used to have enough to feed the whole family! Be careful, okay?"

  Shen Fanxing was helpless, "Fine! Never again."

  Xu Qingzhi glanced at her, "You are a person who needs to be observed in all directions."

   "What about you?" Shen Fanxing suddenly said and shifted the topic to Xu Qingzhi, "Don't forget that you are also pregnant now, and you are still running to the company every day..."

  Xu Qingzhi's hand that was rubbing Wanwan's face gradually stopped, adjusted his posture, looked at the hanging ornaments on the opposite wall, and said lightly:

   "It's better to go to the company than to stay at home alone. There are many people in the company, and once you get busy, you don't think there is anything?"

   She is alone at home, and even if she is fine, she will be held back.

   Shen Fanxing's heart sank, "...You didn't have a good talk with Li Mo?"

Xu Qingzhi shook his head and chuckled, "What are you talking about? The marriage is over, and he agreed to have a child. Maybe he thought, what a concession he made? What else should I ask him to do? ...and it can't be too far-fetched."

   "What kind of stubbornness is this?" Shen Fanxing frowned, and the changing face made Wan Wan in the middle show a little timidity.

"You don't have a child if you want to have it. If you don't have him in trouble, can you have a present? Since you decided to compromise and be responsible at the beginning, you should be responsible to the end! You are pregnant now, and he is the father of the child. What does he think? Have you ever thought about how to deal with this child in the future?"

  Xu Qingzhi's eyes shrank slightly, and a touch of pain flashed away.

"...Forget it, that's what he will do in the future. Now I just want to give birth to the child without any distractions. If I force him to stay by my side, maybe the child will not be born, and I will have to be tortured to death by his temper. Well, I can put all my thoughts on the child, and now I start to learn how to be a good mother, and when the child is born, I will try to be a good mother. After a long time, maybe... everything will be looked down upon."

  Shen Fanxing was silent for a while, she lifted her eyes and looked at her lightly, although she was restrained, there was still a touch of pity and sadness in her eyes.

   "Qingzhi... I regret now that I agreed to let you marry Li Mo."

Xu Qingzhi shrugged his brows pretending to be relaxed, "I don't regret it. Fanxing, how could a woman not meet a few scumbags in her life, and there were times when she was blinded by love, and now I've got all of them. Li Mo scum, but I I was overwhelmed by love, and the string in my head couldn't be twisted for a while. But I also know very well that once I miss life, I really miss it. He is my youthful obsession, or maybe my ex Half a lifetime of obsession, so I don't regret it, at least I have it."

   "What about you later?"

   "In the future? Maybe I will change my mind in the future? If not, I will live with you."

  Shen Fanxing twitched his lips, "Okay, let's go together."

   Xu Qingzhi smiled, "It is estimated that your husband will find someone to assassinate me."

   Shen Fanxing hooked his lips, "He won't."

   But she doesn't know if there will be any other actions.

"Look at your bright face when you mention him." Xu Qingzhi teased her, "but I'm very glad that you are very happy now. I said, you are so good, you deserve a better person, Bo Jingchuan is a complete The ideal man."

"But then again, he really refreshes the three views of others again and again. The self-proclaimed little white-faced man has transformed himself into the founder of the world's No. 1 company... tsk tsk, but from this aspect, you have the world's most beautiful man. Good man, Fanxing!"

   The smile on Shen Fanxing's lips deepened, "I was also taken aback at the time."

   "So, it's really happy to be your friend, and I'll be a friend of the super rich man in the future. Remember to take me through the back door when necessary."

"no problem."

   Lying between the two of them every night, his little head looked left at Xu Qingzhi and then at Shen Fanxing, very busy.

   only heard them talking, she didn't understand and couldn't talk, so she could only have fun. Seeing the slightly bulging belly of both of them, she curiously put it on Shen Fanxing's belly.

   Shen Fanxing's attention was attracted to her, and she looked down at her.

   "Sister-in-law, Xingxing said you have two cute babies in your belly. When can they come out to play with Wanwan?"

  Shen Fanxing looked at Wanwan's cautious appearance, smiled, stroked her little head, and said gently, "You can wait for six months."

   nodded lately, "Then you must be careful not to hurt the babies."

  Shen Fanxing couldn't help laughing, "Okay."

   Wanwan turned to look at Xu Qingzhi again, "Where's Aunt Qingzhi, when will the baby come out?"

   "Just like your sister-in-law."

   Wanwan clapped her hands happily, "I will be their big sister by then, and I will definitely protect them."

  Xu Qingzhi touched her face, "Wan Wan is awesome."


  I lay down obediently again every night, and after talking to Shen Fanxing and Xu Qingzhi for a long time, I gradually fell asleep.

   At half past nine, Xu Qingzhi and Shen Fanxing were still chatting hotly, but at this moment there was a knock on the door of the room.

  The conversation between the two came to an abrupt end, Xu Qingzhi raised his eyebrows, "Your family Mr. Bo can't hold back his loneliness. A big man is really sticky!"

  Shen Fanxing blushed slightly, glanced at her, and sat up gently from the bed, "You also hurry to sleep, be careful at night, don't let Wanwan touch you."

   "It's alright, let's go quickly, I'm really worried that your Mr. Bo will kill me one day."

  Shen Fanxing got out of bed, said good night, and then walked out of the room.

   As soon as he opened the door, a burst of resentment rushed towards his face, Bo Jingchuan's handsome face was gloomy at the moment, that was as much resentment as he wanted.

   "I've finished processing all recent emails."


   Before the door was completely closed, Xu Qingzhi in the room couldn't help laughing when he heard Bo Jingchuan's cold words.

   This accusation is simple!

   Just because Fanxing has been with her for a long time, does he have to do this?

   is not your ordinary clingy.

  Xu Qingzhi's voice made Bo Jingchuan's face darken a few times. Shen Fanxing hurriedly closed the door, leaned into his arms, held his arm, and said softly, "I'm sleepy."

  Bo Jingchuan glanced down at her, "You're sleepy when you see me?"

  Shen Fanxing grinned, "It's getting late."

  Bo Jingchuan took her back and walked back, still resentful, "You know that too."

   "Not next time."

  Bo Jingchuan didn't speak, what else could he say?

   She just wanted to go to heaven, and he couldn't say anything.

   But it's lucky to be able to hug her to sleep at night.

   Xu Qing knew that woman was really unpleasant.

   Good night's sleep.

Because after she beat up a few people at the airport that time, after Bo Jingchuan's tough and domineering methods, she should have scared everyone on the Internet. The hot search is still there, but her speech is still much better, and occasionally a few people die. If the **** does not change, the ID is directly blocked by the official website. Because it is real-name authentication, as long as an account is blocked, the person no longer has the right to apply for an account.

   Despite several complaints, no response was received.

  Although it was very disfavored by the official, and even caused some unnecessary trouble, the official dared not offend Shen Fanxing and Bo Jingchuan more than the accusations and dissatisfaction of those people.

   Now seeing hot searches about them on the Internet, they are all scared.

With such a large amount of traffic, they almost used the manpower of the entire company to conduct strict audits. Once bad remarks appeared, they were more nervous than anyone else.

  The Internet is still harmonious and beautiful. Many people expressed support for Shen Fanxing's emphasis on mediating violence on the Internet, and even praised her behavior.

  Nowadays, social morality is kidnapped, and double standards are particularly serious.

  Some people have criticized Shen Fanxing for his attitude towards the elderly before, and it is this time to rectify cyber violence so seriously, and she has used cyber violence to rectify some people before.

   and never thought about why she would do this, or only targeting those people, or, she was also one of the people who suffered from cyber violence.

   But later someone pointed out that it made the entire network look like a quiet time for a while.

   Just when everything seemed to come to an end and everyone was quietly waiting for the follow-up, a message on the Internet once again made the atmosphere that gradually quieted rise instantly.

   Shen Fanxing went downstairs after a full sleep, but found that the expressions of the people sitting in the living room were a bit wrong.

   She wondered, "Did something happen?"

  Xu Qingzhi glanced at her with a strange expression, and instantly returned to normal, "Are you awake?"

   Lou Ruoyi greeted the servant, "Go and prepare breakfast."

   Everyone looked normal, as if everything just happened was her illusion.

   Early in the morning, what happened?

   After eating breakfast out of curiosity, she returned to the living room. Sang Yu left first because she was going to the company, and Bo Jingxing rarely sent her off.

   Lou Ruoyi let Wanwan stay behind.

   Shen Fanxing took out his mobile phone and didn't know what to do, but Xu Qingzhi said first: "Fanxing, let's play games."

  Shen Fanxing glanced at her, nodded, and downloaded the game that Xu Qingzhi wanted to play in the app store.

   For a long time, even though there were nights in the living room, the atmosphere was still lifeless.

   Finally couldn't help it, she opened the mouth and said, "What happened?"

  Xu Qing knew helplessness, glanced at Lou Ruoyi, and still said:

   "...It's Grandma Bo..."

   Shen Fanxing's expression froze, "What happened to her?"

  Xu Qingzhi took a deep breath, "Grandma Bo held a press conference early this morning and released the indictment against Grandpa Bo for divorce..."

   Shen Fanxing opened his mouth, a little surprised.

   Lou Ruoyi looked solemn and did not speak.

   She finally turned on her phone and opened a website at will. The hot search was undoubtedly the news of Mrs. Bo's press conference.

  The press conference is directly at the door of the Bo's consortium,

   In the picture, there are the figures of Mrs. Bo and Butler Lai Rong.

"I told Bo Kaifeng about this matter, and I gave him a day to come back to solve this matter. Obviously, he didn't take my words to heart. Both of us have reached the age of 10, and it's true that we have come this far. It's a laugh-out-loud thing. But I don't think he's a bad joke!

  I know all of you are wondering why I decided to divorce him, and yes, his recent behavior can no longer be tolerated. In fact, thirty years ago, he forcibly interfered with my eldest son's feelings for the sake of the Bo family, and the incident that once caused me to lose my grandson has planted a mine in my heart.

He said that he was one-of-a-kind and made me deeply understand that there may not be any real feelings between us. Although I am so old now, I was a woman who was full of fantasies and expectations about life back then. I thought I was I was married to love at the beginning, but thirty years ago I probably understood that maybe it was just my wishful thinking. This man named Bo Qifeng seemed to me that he never had the most affection between a man and a woman.

   But since I have been married to him for decades, and even have a grandson, he stopped insisting on his position in the middle, so I had to live with it.

   As a result, he did not expect that, after 30 years, he would still not change his mind and intervene in his grandson's feelings again.

   Despise that, despise this, for the sake of a Bo family, he even made his grandson out of the family, and even satirized him in front of the whole world on international occasions.

   He said that he would not really drive my grandson out of the Bo family. He wanted face and the Bo family to be spotless, but what he did was simply ridiculous.

  Since he is not ashamed, he probably won't have more of this today.

   The bottom line was repeatedly trampled by him, and I couldn't bear it anymore. It's not that the opportunity has not been given, it's probably that he is still proud and thinks that I should ask him in this matter..."

  The old lady paused, stared directly into the camera, and said indifferently:

   "But I'm sorry to disappoint you. Since you don't take my words to heart, you should be able to do it this time, right? I hope you can see this news, come back as soon as possible, and clear the procedures for me.

   There is no room for negotiation, I, Wei Li, never want to have anything to do with you again in this life. "

   (end of this chapter)

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