Chapter 1722

  Sang Yu was dragged upstairs by Bo Jingxing step by step, just felt like a heart was about to jump out.

   As for my sister-in-law, she also joined the company today, and even took a morning shift, and only found out that she overheard someone discussing things on the Internet.

   With such a big thing happening, she had to go and see how she was doing anyway.

   But he never thought that Bo Jingxing would take Wanwan to the company to find her. After hanging up the phone, she immediately went downstairs and came here directly.

  The Bo family has been unhappy all the time because of the eldest brother. I don't know what he is thinking now.

  I haven’t seen him lately, and it was only after seeing the news on the Internet that I found out that he also went to the international summit…

   While thinking so, she heard the sound of the door opening, and then she was dragged into the room.

   He never seemed to know what Lianxiangxiyu was, and his strength matched his strong body perfectly.

  The door was shut by him forcefully, she stood in the doorway, the room with only two people left her inexplicably nervous.

   "You... When did you return to Pingcheng?"

   "Last night, I was too tired, so I just found a place to rest."

   Bo Jingxing answered her, as if to explain that he didn't go home last night.

  Sangyu nodded, "I saw on the Internet that you are also at the international summit..."

   Before she could finish speaking, her whole body was suddenly pushed against the door by another force.

The    exclamation didn't even have time to speak, and Bo Jingxing's breath was suppressed.

   His breath made Sang Yu's scalp tingle.

  Because of the powerful force he had imprisoned her, she couldn't move at all.

   She was thrown directly onto the bed.

  Sangyu stood up in a panic, and put his palm on his shoulder.

   "Don't...I haven't washed up yet..."

"……do not care!"

   Bo Jingxing cursed, leaned over again, and pressed her neck.

  God knows how hard it is for him to be so busy these days.

   When I think of her face, her soft body, her warm and light fragrance, and her entanglement and touch, it makes her even more uncomfortable.

   It is rare to have such a good opportunity this time, and he must make up for the previous one.

  Sang Yu blushed at his words, but he couldn't help his domineering. -

Shen Fanxing brought Xu Qingzhi a set of pajamas. He originally planned to take it to take a shower in the evening, but in the evening, seeing the pajamas of the two of them, he insisted on pajamas. When Xu Qingzhi and Shen Fanxing were not paying attention, they ran out of the room. .

   But she ran out of the room, but she didn't know which room Sang Yu lived in. She ran to the innermost room, raised her hand and patted the door hard,

The door opened not long after, Bo Jingchuan thought it was Shen Fanxing who came back, but the door opened, but there was no one in front of him.

   "Big brother, I'm here."

   A childish voice made Bo Jingchuan lower his head. When he saw the little guy under his feet, he frowned slightly and his voice was cold.

"what are you doing?"

   was a little scared of him lately, but he still hugged his leg and looked up at him with his small head raised, his **** eyes shining brightly.

   "Big brother, looking for Xiaoyu every night, and wearing beautiful pajamas every night..."

  Bo Jingchuan raised his eyebrows and kept looking down at Wanwan.

  This little one...

   I don't know if his daughter will do the same...

   pursed his lips, he suppressed the thoughts in his heart, looked at her for a while, and suddenly bent over and hugged her.

  's face was still expressionless, and the powerful aura was too shocking. Although Wan Wan hugged his shoulders obediently, her body was a little stiff.

"Big brother……"

  Bo Jingchuan raised his eyebrows, "I'll take you to your mother...sister..."

  Wanwan nodded happily, "En, go find Xiaoyu...Xiaoyu will definitely prepare beautiful pajamas for Wanwan..."

   Bo Jingxing had just unbuttoned Sang Yu's jeans at this time, and his face was a little blue.

   "Are you really a woman? Will you die if you wear a skirt?"

  Sangyu bit her lip shyly, "It's cold."

   Bo Jingxing snorted impatiently, "Those women on the street..."

  Sang Yu lifted his eyes to look at him, and Bo Jingxing also paused, "...Are those women making sticks? Why are they wearing skirts and showing off in such cold weather?!"

  Sangyu didn't know whether to be happy or angry.

   Holding up Sang Yu's body, he just took off his jeans and threw them aside. He was about to eat the meat he was thinking about, but at this moment the door rang.

   The two of them had a meal, and Sang Yu quickly pulled the quilt and buried herself in it.

  Bo Jingxing watched the warm and soft beauty in his arms slip away, his lungs exploded!

   "Fuck! Who!"

   Knock on the door at this time!

   Don't you know that the door of a lonely man and a widow is knocked carefully?

   Something will happen, don’t you know? !

   "Open the door."

   Bo Jingchuan's indifferent voice came in through the door, Bo Jingxing raised his head and closed his eyes.

   "Damn, it's definitely intentional revenge on me!"

   "Go, go, go, it's late! Open the door~~"

   Wanwan's voice sounded, Sang Yu sat up from the bed, picked up her clothes from the ground, and hurriedly put them on her body.

  Bo Jing walked to the door, opened the door, and saw Bo Jingchuan standing at the door holding Wan Wan, his face was stinky, and his voice was even more unpleasant.


  Bo Jingchuan glanced at him lightly, the belt on his waist had long since disappeared, two buttons of his shirt were torn open, and he raised his hand to rest on the door frame, the wrinkled shirt even more messy.

   I tried my best to spend the night and couldn't wait to take the woman away. Now it's this virtue again, obviously... I couldn't enjoy it...

   twitched his lips, rarely in a good mood, he shoved the girl in his arms into Bo Jingxing's arms.

   "She said she wanted to sleep in pajamas, and asked Sang Yu to find pajamas for her."

  The corner of Bo Jingxing's mouth twitched, "How can there be her pajamas here?"

  Bo Jingchuan raised his eyebrows, "You ask me?"

  Bo Jingxing gritted his teeth, "I asked myself."

   "Put on her pajamas and remember to send her to Xu Qingzhi, otherwise they can't find her in a while, and they may knock on the door one by one to find someone, don't let them worry too much."

   Wanwan's chubby little arms hugged Bo Jingxing's neck and looked at him with wide eyes with an innocent look on his face.

   She put her hand on the leaking skin on Bo Jingxing's neck and patted it lightly, "Xingxing, aren't you cold?"

   Bo Jingxing pursed his lips, turned directly into the room,

   Bo Jingchuan twitched his lips, finally feeling a little more balanced in his heart.

   Time to let him know what it's like to be interrupted in the middle of something good.

   When Bo Jingxing carried Wanwan in, Sang Yu had already put on her clothes again, and her face was a little flustered.

   Seeing that it was only Bo Jingxing who came in late with her arms in her arms, she could not help but breathe a sigh of relief.

   Bo Jingxing said with a cold face, "She insists on sleeping in pajamas!"

   "Yes, Mom used to prepare it for Wanwan."

  Sangyu nodded, and hurriedly turned around to open the cabinet to rummage.

   Bo Jingxing sat on the bed with Ye Wanwan in his arms, bowing his head and hitting her head with a brain crash.

   "What do you wear when you're a big fart, you're only comfortable when you sleep naked, you know?"

  Wanwan held his head in dissatisfaction, "But Aunt Qingzhi and sister-in-law both have beautiful pajamas. Wanwan is a girl, so of course they have to be pretty."

  Sangyu had already found the pajamas at this time, and took Wanwan from Bo Jingxing's arms with a light and gentle smile on his face.

   "Well, every night is always pretty. Look, this is the fluffy pink kitten pajamas that grandma prepared for you, isn't it pretty?"

   nodded lately, opened his hands and cooperated with Sang Yu to undress her.

   "Pretty, grandma has great eyesight..."

   The smile on Sangyu's lips became stronger.

  Bo Jingxing simply lay down on the bed, propped his head sideways and looked at the big and small in front of him.

  Sangyu's movements of changing clothes for Wanwan are natural and skilled, and her expression when facing Wanwan is always a calm and gentle look.

   Aside from the fact that she is unsmiling at work, dressed bluntly and uninteresting, it is not like this at home at all.

   The whole person is gentle and gentle, especially the feeling of holding in his arms is particularly obvious.

   There seems to be nothing unpleasant in this woman's movements, and even her every move is full of temptation.

After being ravaged just now, that lip is still glowing, and the shirt is already wrinkled, because the clothes that have been dressed in a hurry are not as meticulous and neat as usual, the buttons are all tied in the wrong place, and the neckline shows pure white skin , The delicate collarbone is in the dressing room for Wanwan, Zhang Zhanghe is attracting his attention.

The    Adam's apple rolled a few times involuntarily, and the fire that had just been suppressed began to rise again.

"All right."

  Sang Yu's attention was all on Wan Wan's body, and she didn't notice Bo Jingxing's changes at all. Looking at Wan Wan who turned pink in her pajamas, Sang Yu smiled very happily.

"it's beautiful."

  I hurriedly jumped out of bed every night, stood in front of the stereo mirror in the room, twisted my body and looked at it, looking very happy.

  Bo Jingxing raised his eyebrows, suddenly jumped up from the bed, and picked up Wanwan, "Let's go, I'll take you to find your sister-in-law and Aunt Qingzhi."

   "Don't talk, don't talk... the pajamas aren't pretty anymore..."

   Wanwan said in a huff, her little body struggling with dissatisfaction.

   "There's a lot to do."

   Tucao, still holding Wan Wan's little **** and walking towards the door.

   Bo Jingxing saw how rude the child was, Sang Yu had long been used to it.

The reason why    is silent now is because she has told him several times about this matter, but he has not seen him change.

   He should be measured.

   As soon as Bo Jingxing took Wanwan out of the door, he saw Xu Qingzhi and Shen Fanxing in the corridor, and the nervous expression on his face instantly relaxed when he saw him come out with Wanwan in his arms.

  Bo Jingxing put Wanwan on the ground and saw two women running over anxiously.

   "Both of you can't watch a child together. If it is born, are you sure you can watch the child? It's better to hire a sister-in-law a few months in advance to help watch it all the time, otherwise the child may be lost."

   Xu Qingzhi and Shen Fanxing were speechless by Bo Jingxing.

   Indeed, he was still in the room just now, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

  This is at home, if outside...

  I can't imagine it.

Bo Jingxing folded his arms and looked at them, "They are all about to be mothers, let's have some snacks. It's strange that you still have other things in mind, thinking that being a mother is really easy? You have too much knowledge, do you know? How many more are there? Months, study hard, you guys!"

  Xu Qingzhi's mouth tightened, and he gave him a stern look, "Nagging with an old lady, it's not over? If you want to be dissatisfied, you will become an old mother, right? Sang Yu, Sang Yu!"

   She suddenly shouted loudly, and Sang Yu heard the sound and ran out.

   "What's the matter? Sister Qingzhi?"

  Xu Qingzhi raised his chin towards Bo Jingxing, "How can this guy be dissatisfied like an old mother, you need to treat him quickly!"

  Sang Yu was caught off guard by Xu Qingzhi's direct attack, and glanced at Bo Jingxing, her face immediately turned red.

  Shen Fanxing also frowned helplessly beside him.

   Desire dissatisfaction?

  Treat him?

   What has Qingzhi experienced, and now he has become so... grounded.

   Seeing that Sang Yu was shy and didn't know what to do, she reached out and pulled Xu Qingzhi over, "Okay, hurry back to the room, wash and rest."

   Wanwan looked up at Bo Jingxing, her face a little tangled, "Xingxing, are you sick? Otherwise...stay and take care of you..."

  Bo Jingxing immediately took Sang Yu's hand and dragged her into the room.

   "No, just go and sleep with them, it's enough for your sister to take care of me alone!"

   closed the door as if a wolf was chasing him, and Bo Jingxing breathed a sigh of relief.

   Wanwan is a ticking time bomb.

   A set of "illegal operations" came unexpectedly!

   Sang Yu, who was opposite, saw Bo Jingxing's nervous look and couldn't help but laugh.

   Bo Jingxing always looked like he was not afraid of the sky and earth in front of her, he was very domineering and strong, but he never expected that he would be frightened like this by a word from Wanwan.

   Her laughter inevitably caused Bo Jingxing's dissatisfaction, a big hand suddenly clasped her waist and pulled her into his arms.

   He approached her, his warm and domineering breath suppressed, "Laughing fart!"

  Sang Yu's face turned slightly red, "...Laugh at you."

   Bo Jingxing paused slightly, "You are too bold, how dare you scold me?"

  Sang Yu glanced at him with a smile, "It's you..."

   Before she finished speaking, she was suddenly picked up and thrown onto the bed a few seconds later.

   "I didn't give you a smile for nothing. You have to pay me double tonight."

  Sang Yu's eyes flashed, watching the man press down.

   is not a fool. From the beginning tonight, she knew that she could not escape.

   (end of this chapter)

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