Chapter 1721

  Shen Fanxing slowly straightened up, looked at him and murmured, "They better be as smart as you."

Bo Jingchuan stroked her hair and nodded lightly, "Well, I'll listen to you. There are many things you can think about that will make you happy, such as... I am the richest. In the future, our babies will only live in the best environment. Grow up and grow into the most perfect look. Huh?"

  Thinking of the carefree life of the babies in the future, Shen Fanxing's starry eyes gradually have bright lights lit up.

   The babies in the future will definitely be the happiest, she will love them very much, love them very much.

   She wants to watch them be born, watch them grow up little by little, and give them the last gene, the best life, and the best and best love.

   Nothing is more important than babies.

   It can be seen that Shen Fanxing's mood at this time has really changed back.

   Bo Jingchuan kissed the tip of her nose, reassured, but still a little tasteful.

   In the end, it was the two little rascals who played the biggest role.

   Lou Ruoyi and the others rushed out not long ago. They didn't see them when they returned to the hotel last night. Later, they learned that they had returned to Pingcheng overnight. After seeing the overwhelming news on the Internet, they rushed back in a hurry.

  Bo Jingchuan had just comforted Shen Fanxing when Lou Ruoyi's figure rushed in.


   As soon as Bo Jingchuan stood up, he was pushed aside by Lou Ruoyi.

   Lou Ruoyi hugged Shen Fanxing and looked up and down, left and right, before touching her stomach and looking at her worriedly.

"Are you OK?"

  Shen Fanxing calmed down, and a warm feeling gradually poured in, "It's okay."

Lou Ruoyi's eyes gradually turned red, "Don't be stubborn with me, I don't care how strong you used to be and how tolerant you were, but now you are a porcelain doll, you know? You are pregnant now and your mood is unstable, it's too easy It's okay to talk about it. Do you know how many pregnant women are suffering from depression during pregnancy? The most important thing for you now is to take care of yourself, you stupid child! If you have any accident, I will How should I explain it to your mother? Of course, my grandson is also very important!"

   Daughter-in-law is important, so is grandson.

   She wants to be treated equally.

   Lou Ruoyi was crying, Shen Fanxing hugged her and patted her on the back gently, with a soft soothing tone, "I'm fine, I will definitely take care of the baby in the future..."

Lou Ruoyi's crying continued, and she continued to accuse: "Do you know how worried I have been these days? Can you really rest in peace in the future? You worry-free daughter-in-law! I'm going to be mad at you. Whoa whoa whoa whoa..."

   That cry was really heartbroken, as if she had just suffered a lot of grievances.

  Shen Fanxing comforted her again and again, "I'm sorry, it's my fault, I'll never do it again, I'm sorry..."

  Bo Jingchuan: "..." Who is this pregnant woman?

   The woman he just comforted, now turns around to comfort others?

   Lou Ruoyi was almost comforted by Shen Fanxing in the end, lying in her arms and sobbing, she didn't know how aggrieved.

   Outside the villa, Bo Sichen rarely handed Bo Jingchuan a cigarette. The father and son stood there upright and silent for a long time before Bo Jingchuan's voice rang out coldly.

   "Take care of your wife, who is pregnant?"

Bo Sichen took a breath of cigarette indifferently, "please take care of your wife too, don't make my wife sad and angry. If it wasn't for her being your wife, you thought I would forgive her easily. ?"

   The temperature on Bo Jingchuan's face dropped significantly, "If you have the ability to settle your father, who do you think caused this situation now?"

   Bo Sichen gently pulled his lips, "You are not small, do you think you can deal with your father?"

   Bo Jingchuan sneered, took a breath of cigarette, turned to look at him, "Try?"

  The cigarette **** in Bo Sichen's hand was extinguished, and he flicked it into the trash can next to him, put his hands in his pockets, and turned to look at Bo Jingchuan.

   "Let's go."

  Bo Jingchuan also extinguished the cigarette and threw it into the trash can, "Go."

   The two men looked at each other for a few seconds, and just turned around to discuss in the backyard, when they heard Lou Ruoyi's nasal voice at the door.

   "Husband, Fanxing is hungry and wants to eat the big chicken you made..."

   Bo Sichen paused and turned to look at Lou Ruoyi.

   Lou Ruoyi's pair of Yanjing was still red, she grinned when she saw him looking over, "I recommended it to Fanxing, and I also praised your cooking skills, Fanxing admires you very much..."

   Seeing that Bo Sichen was unmoved, Lou Ruoyi pursed her lips and said, "Actually, I want to eat too."

Bo Sichen Junyi's face twitched a few times, and finally turned around and walked towards the house, Lou Ruoyi immediately followed behind him with a smile, "Husband, your cooking is delicious, Mapo tofu , fish head with double peppers, and yam, super sweet and delicious..."

"Oh, I see."

   "My husband is so nice, I thank you for our daughter-in-law."

   "Stop using her as a pretense."

   "Hey hey hey..."

  Bo Jingchuan: "..."

   Still use him to settle it?

   Something that a woman can do with just a few words.

   is really no challenge at all.

   Just wanted to go into the house to accompany Fanxing, thinking that he had just smoked a cigarette and pursed his lips, but he still didn't go in.

  Standing at the entrance outside the door, waiting for the smell of smoke to dissipate.

   A few minutes later, a blue car slowly drove into the gate, and finally stopped at the gate.

  Bo Jingchuan narrowed his eyes, opened the car door, and watched a slender figure get out of the car.

   "Huh? You know I want it, so are you here to meet me in advance?"

   Bo Jingchuan frowned, "What are you doing here?"

  Xu Qingzhi stepped up the steps, "Of course I came to see my family's Fanxing, Chairman Bo. Do you know what the consequences will be if you let a pregnant woman get into such a big fire?"

   Xu Qingzhi said, he passed by Bo Jingchuan and walked directly into the living room.


   "Clear knowledge?"

  Two excited voices sounded one after another, Bo Jingchuan frowned, his face was not good-looking, but he still did not go in.

   stood outside for more than ten minutes, another car came to the door, got off the car and found that Bo Jingxing got off the car late in his arms, followed by Sang Yu.

  Bo Jingxing: "Yo, brother, you know we're coming! You shouldn't stand here to greet us, I'm flattered!"

   Wanwan: "Big brother~~ Sister-in-law's baby is very healthy, right?"

  Sangyu: "Hello, brother, is she okay, sister-in-law?"

  Bo Jingchuan: "..."

   Several people entered the room, and the sound of the stars in the room rang out again.

   "Sangyu? Late night?!"

"sister in law."

   "Big sister-in-law~~ hug~~"

   "Sister-in-law, I'm still a big living person!" Bo Jingxing, who was ignored, protested.

  Bo Jingchuan: "..."

  Although a few people are not pleasing to him, but now it's good for Fanxing to be happy, his current mood is not important.

   However, in fact, he is not the only one who thinks so, almost everyone thinks so, his emotions are really not that important.

   A room with a chat is an afternoon.

   At dinner, Xu Qingzhi simply sat next to Shen Fanxing and took his place the whole time. Several women and a child sat together, chatting and laughing, and there was no room for the two men present to speak.

  With Wanwan, the atmosphere of the whole villa has never been cold.

   Lou Ruoyi naturally likes it tightly, no matter how you look at it, she finds it cute. Sometimes she even comes up with some golden sentences every night, which even makes people in the living room laugh.

   Xu Qingzhi and Shen Fanxing naturally not to mention, the two pregnant women saw Wan Wan so cute, and as two expectant mothers, they were overflowing with maternal love.

   Looking at Wan Wan, I was happy and imagined whether my baby would be so cute in the future.

   The noise continued for a long time at night, and finally everyone decided... to stay.

  Bo Jingchuan: "..."

   Xu Qingzhi: "I sleep with Fanxing at night!"

   Bo Jingchuan's face was gloomy and water dripped, "Go back to your guest room!"

  Xu Qingzhi's facial features were all wrinkled, "Why are you so fierce? Anyway, Fanxing is in a special period now, you can't do anything, let me know what's wrong?"

   Bo Jingchuan's expression was completely indifference, Shen Fanxing looked at him apologetically, "...Why don't you just be yourself tonight..."

   Before he could finish speaking, Bo Jingchuan's eyes stabbed at her.

   a "you try again" posture.

  Shen Fanxing shrank his neck timidly, with a particularly aggrieved expression.

   Lou Ruoyi frowned immediately when she saw it, "What are you doing?! You dare to murder my daughter-in-law?! Do you know that she is pregnant now? If you get it, you will be free, right? Scumbag!"

  The corners of Bo Jingchuan's mouth twitched, causing Shen Fanxing to stand up and comfort him.

   "Mom...don't say that, Ah Chuan is very good, he is not..."

   Lou Ruoyi doesn't care about this, "I don't care, you are a murderous woman, or your wife, or your pregnant wife! It's not a scumbag, tell me something!"

   Bo Jingchuan's face was indescribably ugly.

  Shen Fanxing patted Bo Jingchuan's chest, "Don't be angry, I think you are very good, very good..."

   "Fanxing, don't get used to him, men can't get used to it, do you know? The more you get used to them, you will go to heaven! Today you sleep with Qingzhi, if you can't, I will sleep with you too!"

   Bo Sichen, who had not spoken at this time, slowly put the water cup in his hand on the coffee table, stood up, and directly carried Lou Ruoyi away.

   "Oh, what are you doing? I'm teaching that stinky boy a lesson! No, let me down, I'm going to sleep with Fanxing Qingzhi and the others tonight!"

   "What are you making fun of? You are in the middle, how are the two sisters talking?"


  Bo Jingchuan once again felt that his father was a cunning old fox!

   "I have to sleep with my sister-in-law and Aunt Qingzhi every night...Xiaoyu will be fine too!"

  Bo Jingxing sat idle on the sofa, raised his eyebrows slightly as he looked at Wan Wan, who was jumping and jumping in high spirits.

   "The bed is too small to fit so many people."

   Wan Wan pouted in dissatisfaction, Bo Jingchuan hooked his lips, and said: "Wan Wan is still young, so I can barely squeeze with them, but your little fish can't sleep with you..."

   Hearing the words, the smile on Sang Yu's face who had been sitting beside her gradually became a little stiff, and her body was slightly tense.

  Wanwan looked confused, stood there thinking for a long time, and finally opened her mouth.

   "Then Xiaoyu, you can sleep with Daxingxing, and tonight with Aunt Qingzhi and sister-in-law."

  Sangyu didn't expect this little guy Wanwan to change his mind so quickly, the little unconscionable,

   "Wanwan...Aunt Qingzhi and sister-in-law can't live with children now. They are pregnant with a baby now, and you might hurt them when you sleep."

   Bo Jingxing interjected, "Sleep well at night."

   Wan Wan nodded again and again, "En, Wan Wan is very good."

  Sangyu: "...No, late night."

   Wanwan's face changed immediately, looking like she was about to cry.

  Xu Qingzhi was right next to Wanwan, where she saw that she was sad, so she hurriedly hugged Wanwan into his arms.

   "Okay, don't cry every night, just sleep with Aunt Qingzhi at night."

   Wanwan looked at Sangyu pitifully, with tears in her eyes, Sangyu really felt that this was inappropriate, but Bo Jingxing next to him nodded.

   "Since Aunt Qingzhi has spoken, then you should sleep with her."

   Wanwan immediately clapped his hands happily, Xu Qingzhi glanced at Bo Jingxing and pouted, it was really Sima Zhao's heart.

   But he still said to Sang Yu; "Don't worry, nothing will happen, just let me be an intern mother first."

   is all for this, if Sang Yu insists on rejecting, the atmosphere will be a little embarrassing.

   In the end, he could only nod his head lightly, looking at Wan Wan and saying, "You have to be obedient, if not, I will pick you up immediately."

   Wanwan nodded heavily, holding onto Qingzhi's neck and didn't let go.

  Bo Jingxing gently pulled his lips beside him, put the phone back in his hand, and stood up from the sofa, "It's getting late, go back to the room to wash and sleep."

  Sang Yu, who was still sitting on the sofa, was suddenly grabbed by the wrist in the next second, and then the whole person was pulled up.

  Shen Fanxing turned to look at her, Sang Yu ran into Shen Fanxing's gaze for a while, her face suddenly turned red, she didn't know what to say, she quickly lowered her head.

   Watching them leave, Shen Fanxing hooked her lips lightly, she was really curious about the way the two of them got along.

  Bo Jingxing was only in front of Sangyu, could he look like a normal person.

   But also, Sang Yu's temperament really needs a stronger man.

   "Fanxing, let's go, let's go to the room to play." Xu Qingzhi pulled Wanwan to stand up.

  Bo Jingchuan immediately hugged her tightly, preventing her from moving.

  Shen Fanxing was silent for a while, then looked up at him and said tentatively:

   "Otherwise, I'll go talk to Qingzhi for a while, and I'll go back to the house later."


   "I want to talk to Qingzhi."

   Bo Jingchuan's brows were aching, Shen Fanxing looked up at his face full of pitiful begging, there was no way, in the end he had to compromise first.

   "Just a moment, I'll wait for you."

  Shen Fanxing nodded, "Okay."-

  Sang Yu was dragged upstairs by Bo Jingxing step by step, just felt like a heart was about to jump out.

   [There are too many characters, a large collection, and a wave of sweet daily endings. I just asked about the unfilled hole in the group. Apart from the deputy CP, are there any characters or stories on the main line that have not been written yet? Let’s gather together and say that my senile amnesia depends on you little geniuses. Do you really not vote monthly? A decent duck~~]

   (end of this chapter)

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