Chapter 1720

   Bo Jingchuan's face was indescribably ugly, Shen Fanxing helplessly patted his shoulder and comforted him silently.

"I disagree."

  Shen Fanxing frowned, then held the medicine bottle in his hand and stood up slowly, "I don't care if you agree or not, anyway, I don't agree with you."

  Bo Jingchuan: "..."

   It's really good reincarnation, is this woman now starting to "revenge" him a little bit?

   Watching Shen Fanxing's back gradually leave, he still didn't get up to argue with her.

   He knew that her mood now looked good, but, compared to now, she was so angry and excited, and her mood changed too fast.

   She was clearly forcing herself to change her mood.

   was frightened by Tang Jian's words, so now I don't dare to let myself worry about anything anymore.

   But this kind of emotion controlled by one's own consciousness, is it really good?

   However, at this sensitive time, he couldn't directly expose her.

   His eyes darkened slightly, and after staying on the sofa for a long time, he approached the kitchen. After a few minutes, he went upstairs with a glass of hot milk.

   Shen Fanxing had simply taken a shower, and after coming out, Bo Jingchuan handed her the milk in his hand.

   His face stinks.

   Shen Fanxing's face didn't actually look very happy, but seeing Bo Jingchuan's ugly face, she couldn't help but laugh.

   took the milk and looked at him through the glass as he drank it.

   I know this man too well. On the surface, he looks cold and abstinent, but after being with him, he realizes how naive she was before.

   His stinky face now... How deep is his obsession with this kind of thing?

   At the summit at night, he didn't seem to see such an ugly expression on his face.

  Thinking about his obsession with this matter, he couldn't help but think of the words he had secretly found Chu's house, got into her room and said decisively that she would die to show him if she didn't do it.


   Halfway through the milk, Shen Fanxing suddenly couldn't help laughing, and Bai Huahua's milk sprayed the entire glass.

   Not even half of her face was spared.

  Bo Jingchuan looked at her, raised his eyebrows unexpectedly, took out a piece of paper and handed it to her, went up and patted her back, indifferent voice with a little doubt.

   "Did you not think of something good just now?"

  Shen Fanxing shook his head while wiping his face, "No, no, no..."

  Bo Jingchuan obviously didn't believe her.

   "I just choked."

   "Humph." Bo Jingchuan snorted coldly.

  Shen Fanxing didn't speak any more, trying to pass the topic in silence.

   cleaned everything up before she went to bed.

  Bo Jingchuan was only wearing a shirt at the moment, and the temperature of the room was just right. Seeing that she was lying down obediently, he leaned over and sat beside her.

  Shen Fanxing looked at him and blinked, "Aren't you taking a bath?"

   Bo Jingchuan glanced at her, then suddenly leaned over and pressed down on her.

   Shen Fanxing's intuition flashed before his eyes, and something just flashed in his heart.

  Shen Fanxing looked at him puzzled, but Bo Jingchuan pressed her forehead and rubbed it a few times, his low voice with a hint of grievance.

   "Can we negotiate again, for example, it can be determined according to the situation when the time comes?"

  Shen Fanxing's eyes moved, and he reacted to his words for a long time before he couldn't help pulling his lips, "No, Tang Jian said that I need to focus on raising the baby now, and I can't let the babies have any accidents..."

The force on   's forehead suddenly became heavier, "Hearthearted woman, you dangle in front of my eyes every day, how did you let me live these few months? Huh?"

  Shen Fanxing looked at him reluctantly, "For our babies, I have wronged you."

   Bo Jingchuan's hopeful face fell down again, and then he straightened up.

   Bo Jingchuan reached out and stroked her cheek, "Go to bed, it's too late."

  The expression on Shen Fanxing's face gradually relaxed, "Do you want to accompany me?"

   Bo Jingchuan pursed his lips, "Go to sleep."

  Shen Fanxing was filled with emotion.

   The time is indeed late. Today is really a tossing night. After the international summit, I flew back from another city immediately. I lost my temper at the airport again, and my energy was exhausted.

   Now lying on the bed, she really couldn't hold it.

   Fortunately, Bo Jingchuan can now accompany her by her side.

  If he leaves, then the emotions she is completely irritated tonight, and what Tang Jian said, both are tormenting for her.

   And now, apart from being moved and relieved, she has no room to think about anything else.

   She slowly closed her eyes, her face was like the big warm palm of a man, she was very reassured.

   Waited until Shen Fanxing's breathing gradually became even, and then Bo Jingchuan leaned over and took a sip on her lips.

   The voice was soft and low, "The tormenting goblin."

  Bo Jingchuan looked at her unconscious but cute appearance, with a faint smile on his face.

   vaguely, seems to be able to guess what she looked like when she was a child, she must be very cute.

   Gently put her exposed hand into the quilt, then stood up and walked into the bathroom. -

   The next day, Shen Fanxing slept until he woke up naturally, and the Internet had long since turned into a pot of porridge.

   What happened yesterday was a surprise to those on the Internet, the impact was too great, and they needed time to digest it properly.

At the international summit, Bo Jingchuan turned from a little white face to the founder of the "Ming" group, Bo Jingchuan's words and deeds at the summit, Mr. Bo's mood at the moment, and Shen Fanxing beating up those cyberbullyers on the spot at the airport, and even to the victim now , and the current movements of those cyber-violence perpetrators who were arrested yesterday...

   All things come together, and those people just don't know what to say.

   A few topics are busy and dizzy.

   After a night's rest, Shen Fanxing's mood improved and he put on more.

   She doesn't change her face when she sees the messy remarks on the Internet.

  After eating breakfast, he went to the hospital with a calm expression.

  Bo Jingchuan observed her for a long time and decided to take her there in person after confirming that she was indeed all right.

  The hospital has long been crowded with reporters, just wanting to know the current situation of the victim.

   Seeing Shen Fanxing and the others coming, they hurriedly surrounded them.

   "Mr. Shen..."

   "General Manager Thin..."

   However, all their questions were not answered word by word.

   The two of them walked into the hospital under the **** of bodyguards with a blank expression on their faces.

   "Did you show your affection today?" I woke up at about four or five in the morning this morning, and was later transferred out of the intensive care unit.

  Tang Jian put on a protective suit for Shen Fanxing, and after she was fully armed, Shen Fanxing walked into the ward.

   "Did you show your love today?" As soon as she saw Shen Fanxing and Bo Jingchuan, she blinked quickly, struggling to sit up from the hospital bed, but Shen Fanxing took the lead and gently pressed her shoulders.

   "Lie down well."

  Her voice was very soft, but there was something that could not be rejected.

   "Did you show your love today?" Sure enough, he didn't move any more, but lay there, his eyes fixed on Shen Fanxing.

   His face was still hard to hide his paleness, some dry lips opened and closed, and he trembled for a long time. Before he could say anything, tears started to flow down the corners of his eyes.

  Shen Fanxing pursed his lips, stood up straight, looked down at the girl lying on the bed who seemed to have just grown up or not at all, and said softly:

"I'm sorry for the current situation because of our reasons. Thank you very much for your support and trust in us. Thank you very much. We have never met before, and I am very moved to get this absolute trust from you. However, you don't Do you think it's worth it to take your life out easily, compare yourself with them, and lose your life?"

  The girl lay on the bed and shook her head, but the tears seemed to flow even more fiercely.

Shen Fanxing looked at her quietly, "No one in this world is as important as yourself, you know? We are all worthy of our entire lives to experience the most beautiful encounters and lives. Please remember that the only task in your life, It’s about living your ideal self.”

  These are things she didn't know before.

   At that time, she never thought of living for herself, but just blindly guarded what she thought she had gotten by giving her self-righteousness.

   And what made her truly understand the meaning of life was not the man beside her who quietly accompanied her.

   She wants to stand side by side with him, she wants to be the best woman, so she has been working hard for that goal.

  Happiness is not kept, but obtained by hard work.

The    girl nodded, tears streaming down her face, her lips trembling for a long time before she finally spoke slowly.

   "I know... if my sister had met you earlier, she wouldn't have left me earlier..."

  Shen Fanxing saw her crying sadly, her throat was astringent, and her eyes gradually turned red.

   Maybe because of pregnancy, emotions are too easily affected.

   "My sister just couldn't stand what those people said about her on the Internet and did stupid things."

   Shen Fanxing frowned immediately.

The girl stretched out her hand and wiped away the tears on her face, "She is a well-known anchor, and as soon as she became famous, some people started to mock her appearance, and there were men who made fun of her, I could see her I care about those remarks, seeing that she can support herself with an objective income, but she is becoming more and more unhappy. At first, she vented with us, but one day she suddenly ended without warning. Her own life, her notepad, is all about her doubts about the world and her own doubts about herself... I hate her for being so despised by herself, but more of it is grief and unwillingness.

  My sister was forced to death by cyber violence, but she died just like that. Those people didn't pay any price, they still hid behind the screen and did whatever they wanted, and continued to hurt others. I'm not reconciled, my sister can't die in vain, and they shouldn't just press you to the ground without evidence. I know that your attention is high, so... if my life can attract the attention of the public and even punish those who commit cyber violence, or improve the law in this area, then my sister will not die so suffocating Qu, I can be considered dead. "

  Shen Fanxing closed his eyes deeply. In the end, he was still a victim of cyber violence.

"But it's alright now, I read the news, and finally some people are paying attention to the problems in this area, and those who speak rudely to you will also be punished, and in the future, other people's online behavior will be curbed. All this is worth it."

   Shen Fanxing's face didn't look much better, Bo Jingchuan seemed to sense something was wrong with her, and stepped forward and pulled her to his side.

   She didn't speak, but Shen Fanxing's eyes flashed and she closed her eyes.

"does it worth?"

   Shen Fanxing asked in a light and airy rhetoric, heavy and cold.

   The smile on the girl's face slowly froze, and she looked at Shen Fanxing for a long time before saying, "I will never do such a thing again."

  Shen Fanxing opened her eyes and glanced at her, the girl's expression was full of fear.

  Bo Jingchuan took her out of the ward directly, and brought her back to Shengjing Manor all the way.

   It was quiet and peaceful along the way. Shen Fanxing took out a thermos cup to drink water, even turned on his mobile phone and downloaded an elimination game at will, and even turned on the music in the car.

   But, everything is too deliberate.

   She looked casually happy, but Bo Jingchuan's face became more and more ugly.

   When he arrived at the manor, Bo Jingchuan got off the car, directly carried Shen Fanxing out of the car, and strode into the villa.

  Shen Fanxing was startled by his actions at first, but then he still went.

   She was finally put on the sofa, Bo Jingchuan took off her hat and scarf, squatted in front of her, and looked at her seriously.

   "Fanxing, do you know your current situation is very bad?"

   Shen Fanxing's puzzled look gradually became a little stiff, Bo Jingchuan stroked her long hair and continued:

   "Do you know that today's situation has nothing to do with you? You don't have to worry, let alone blame yourself. I will handle what you want to do, or do you never believe that I will handle everything well?"

  Shen Fanxing shook his head gently, "I didn't..."

   "Then what do you care about now?"

   Shen Fanxing pursed his lips and slowly put his head on Bo Jingchuan's shoulder.

"I don't know, I didn't care about some of the remarks I saw before, but now, I can't say what I feel, the remarks that I didn't care about very much in the past, and now I feel unbearable when I think about it... I even It will be thought that in the future, you, me, dad, mom, and our baby may encounter such unbridled verbal attacks, and they will even be like that child's sister, self-doubt, and even feel that the whole world is full of them. I don't want them to encounter this, in case they can't bear the pressure..."

"You think too much." He kissed the top of her hair, "No one will come to that point, we all love you, how could we be willing to leave you behind? Our babies are the best, they There's no chance for those people to criticize at all, is there?"

  Shen Fanxing nodded lightly, even though he said that, he only heard it in his ears.

   "So now you are stabilizing your emotions, let them grow up healthily, and give birth to a pair of beautiful, handsome and smart babies like you. In the future, they will only gain endless praise and envy."

  Shen Fanxing slowly straightened up, looked at him and murmured, "They better be as smart as you."

   (end of this chapter)

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