Ten Directions God King The latest chapter, the first thousand six hundred and forty-eight chapters of the thunder storm, floating astronomy
    Listening to the words of White Tiger and Ling Yun, Water Shrine's dozens of women were red-faced and angry, and they all clenched their fists.

    "Sexual thief!"

    A dozen women roared.

    Ling Yun proudly smiled: "Yes, the thief is me, I am a thief!"

    Lin Tian saw the appearance of this product "not to be ashamed of being proud", it is really very embarrassing to look down, too shameful.

    "You are leaving quickly! Otherwise, don't blame us for being unkind! ”

    Water Shrine A dozen women screamed.

    Hey, you floating shred! How many of your chicks really want to be overbearing? Really use this as your site for Water Shrine? ”

    White Tiger is not good.

    Ling Yun stepped forward and said: "I don't even talk about the tiger brother, you and I are half of them."

    "Yes, half of one person, brothers and sisters talk to them about wonderful tigers!"

    White Tiger's path.

    With this in mind, it has a bright eye and looks at a dozen Water Shrine women.

    Bad Ass

    Facing his arrogant eyes, there was a feminine anger, and he directly slammed his sword and slammed it.

    For a time, Golden Immortal breathped and was very strong.

    White Tiger raised his hand as a paw, knocking back the long sword that the woman had brought, and said: "Fortunately, Grandpa Tiger, I also entered the realm of Golden Immortal, and changed to the sword some time ago, it really fell. mold."Said, it proudly hooked the claws to the woman holding the sword, and said: "Chick, continue, let Grandpa Tiger love you."

    The woman's face with a sword is redder, and she is not angry: "Korean Tiger!"

    With a bang, the woman's sword, the Sword Qi exudes, is obviously more fierce than before, it is amazing.

    "Not bad, a bit level."White Tiger is intertwined with demon: "You are so angry that the action of slashing the sword is actually quite cute. Grandpa Tiger is excited by you."

    "Tiger brother, obscenity! The last sentence is too good! ”

    Ling Yun blinks.

    "That is, who do you think Grandpa Tiger is? At first, Grandpa Tiger invited at least thousands of beautiful women to visit the world and communicate with beautiful women. Grandpa Tiger is quite experienced. ”

    White Tiger is proud of it.

    Ning Yueyue and Hai Jingyao, listening to this, shrank their necks and watched White Tiger's eyes suddenly become weird.

    Lin Tian really stunned, this shameless guy was originally forced to invite one young woman to talk about it, and finally was captured by Mount Longhu First Generation, and then returned to Mount Longhu, and then because of some things directly to Seal millennium. Today, this guy is still very eager to show off these black history to show off.

    "What?" Have traveled the world with at least thousands of beautiful people? ! ”Ling Yun looked amazed, then showed an envious expression, and finally became admire: "Too strong tiger brother! It is a model of my generation! ”

    The conversation between one person and one tiger made the young woman with the sword attacking White Tiger more red and angry.

    Asshole! Bad Ass

    She glared at White Tiger and she was even more embarrassed.

    At the same time, the other dozens of Water Shrine women were also extremely angry, and this time they shot together.

    "Repression of this slut! Pulled out its tiger skin! ”

    One of them, a dozen women simultaneously rushed out.

    "Hey, the handsome tiger is so popular, come on, come all, Grandpa Tiger, I have all collected it, and I will talk to you about the ideal of the tiger!"

    White Tiger laughs.

    "Tiger brother, say half of one person!"

    Ling Yun said, rushed over and worked together.

    Lin Tian looked at this tiger, these two guys are too arrogant and shameless.

    In front, the rumble of the divine ability is boiling, Water Shrine is a place full of thirteen women, besieged between White Tiger and Ling Yun, but in the situation, it is completely White Tiger and Ling Yun.

    Because, these 13 women are all in golden Immortal Initial Stage, even though the ancient scripture in this sea environment can play a very good power, can be repaired compared to Ling Yun and white Tiger But is to a small step, this before the power gap, but very large, and, Ling Yun and white Tiger itself is not ordinary people, now although in the Golden Immortal intermediate Stage realm, but is enough and golden Immortal The strong in the peak.

    In this way, the 13 people of Water Shrine are naturally not opponents at all, and they are too much.

    "This leg, hey, really white! Really long! ”

    "The one over there, a thin waist and a grip, I like it! Look over there, the pretty hips, hey, the feel must be very good! Also, the one over there, the crisp chest, full and round, feels better! ”

    "Small slutty thief, good vision!"


    "Don't be proud, the road ahead of my generation has always been very rough, and I need to continue to specialize in research and excellence."

    "The tiger brother said it is reasonable!"

    White Tiger and Ling Yun are both hands-on and rogue.

    Lin Tian feels that her face has been thrown away by these two guys.

    Water Shrine's dozens of women are even more shy and angry, and they are even more aggressive. They can't wait to immediately break White Tiger and Ling Yun into meat.

    However, although they are more aggressive, they are still not opponents of White Tiger and Ling Yun, and they can only curse one person and one tiger.

    At this time, the rumbling, a forced atmosphere was drawn from a distance, and an old man stepped forward.


    Shouted by the Water Shrine woman, she was happy.

    Elder They want to break into the front! Not willing to go! ”

    "Elders, these two are the scourge of thieves, suppressing them!"

    ‘Yes! Suppressed them! ”

    A line of women pointing at White Tiger and Ling Yun was very angry.

    The battle stopped at this time, and Ling Yun and White Tiger looked at the old man who was coming, and they couldn’t help but move.

    "Half-Step Profound Immortal !"

    One person and one tiger can't help but squint.

    The old man came, holding a cane, indifferently glanced at Lin Tian and his party: "Leave here!"

    She originally explored the main hall of the Water Shrine site in the area not far away. It was sensed that there was a divine competency fluctuation, and it seemed that the discipline of her own lineage was guarding the person, so I arrived here at this time.

    With this in mind, she especially looked at White Tiger and Ling Yun in a coldly, cold voice: "Get it right away!"

    Oops! You are a stinky old woman, what are you arrogant! ”

    "That is, the old woman flashed aside, face wrinkled, looking at the eyes! Let your Lineage's young discipline come! ”

    White Tiger and Ling Yun are not opponents of this old man, but they are not ruthless at all.

    The old man’s eyes were cold, and the crutches in his hand shook in the sea. Immediately, a light pattern emerged from Ling Yun and White Tiger, mixed with the atmosphere of Half-Step Profound Immortal, which could shake everything. Broken off.

    Fuck that, man. You are a dead old woman, it’s ugly, it’s so fierce! ”

    "There must have been no men, and they are fierce and ugly. Who can see it?"

    White Tiger and Ling Yun are poisonous in their mouths, cursing while fling back.

    The old man’s eyes are colder, and the crutches in his hand are swaying a divine light, which is stronger and faster than before. In the blink of an eye, it is forced to reach one person and one tiger.


    The sound of the sword rang, Lin Tian started at this time, and took out a golden sword light, which came instantly and collided with the divine light that the old man swayed.

    With a bang, the two sides touched, the divine light of the old man’s sacrifice collapsed, and the golden sword light of Lin Tian also spread.

    "I am going, kid, can! Half-Step Profound Immortal kills the light, raises your hand and crushes it! Sure enough! ”

    Ling Yun's way.

    Water Shrine The dozens of women were moved and shocked by the sword that Lin Tian took out.

    At the same time, the old-fashioned Half-Step Profound Immortal is also moving, the pupils are slightly coagulated, and naturally feel the power of Lin Tian.

    "You guys, you are good."

    The old man sighed.

    Lin Tian walked a few steps forward and said: "There is not much to say, let us go, this place does not belong to you Water Shrine, you can find your things in this area, but there is no right to block it from entering, there is also me in front. The important thing to look for."

    "When we leave this area, it doesn't matter if you turn it over, but now, you are not allowed to get close!" Leave home immediately! ”

    The old man is cold and cold, and like the dozens of young women before, the attitude is very cold and unreasonable.

    "Yes, then there is no way, all of you will be slammed down and then passed, so that's fine?"

    Lin Tian Road.

    "Will me wait for all?" Young people, the tone is not small! ”The old voice is cold, the Half-Step Profound Immortal level divine ability surges, the Water Shrine Ancient Scripture runs, and the waters of this place are so raging, there is a very awkward breath, and the water here seems to have turned Part of her: "My Lineage cultivating the water god, at the bottom of this water-filled sea, with this water god, the old body is enough to exert the infinite approach to Profound Immortal's combat power, you think you are blocked!"

    As she fell, the rumble of the sea, the surrounding sea water shook even more, giving birth to each and everyone huge water tornado, very embarrassing.

    Fuck that, man. This dead old woman is a little fierce! ”

    In response to these fluctuations, Ling Yun and White Tiger could not help but stunned. Ning Yueyue and Hai Jingyao could not help but be eclipsed.

    "It's really amazing, but, unfortunately, my technique can exert a good power in the sea, and it just happens to restrain you."

    Lin Tian's expression was calm, and the Five Thunder Shake Heaven Secret Art was displayed. The large silver lightnings were intertwined, causing the surrounding waters to tremble.


    The old man’s face changed.

    Lin Tian didn't say anything more, and the Five Thunder Shake Heaven Secret Art worked faster and exudes a more powerful Leiwei in an instant.

    The water is electrically conductive. In this innocent sea, he uses the Five Thunder Shake Heaven Secret Art, which means that the water source within the square is fully charged. Any tiny corner becomes his attack area at this time. Moreover, the water source with lightning is no longer an ordinary water source. The water god of Water Shrine Lineage is directly suppressed. Because it is necessary to use water gods to illuminate the water source with lightning, it is undoubtedly much more difficult than normal. .

    "It's all gone."

    Lin Tian is indifferent.

    As the words fell, a loud bang, a large piece of silver lightning centered on him, turned into a thunder storm and rolled toward the old man and the dozen young women.

    PS: The second night is around 21 o'clock.

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