Ten Directions God King The latest chapter, the first thousand six hundred forty-nine chapters of the nine spirits, floating astronomy
    The silver Thunder lightning surges and is intertwined with the Quartet water source, making the powerful thunder force filled with it. Although it is not very violent, but the breath is very scary, it seems that everything can be suppressed between heaven and earth.




    In this place, at this bottom of the deep sea, among the dozens of Water Shrine, except for the old-fashioned Half-Step Profound Immortal, the young women of the other dozen ordinary Golden Immortal Initial Stages were all swept away. His face became pale and his breath became weak.


    A dozen young women looked at Lin Tian and shivered involuntarily.

    Such an attack is terrible, and, it seems, that is exactly what Lin Tian is free to do.

    Even the Water Shrine, the Half-Step Profound Immortal, is also a body tremble at this time, and his face is even a big change.

    Lin Tian did not say anything, greeted Ling Yun and others, and walked straight ahead.

    Stop right there Do not enter the area in front! ”

    The old man shouted, although he felt the power of Lin Tian, ​​far stronger than himself, but this time it was tough to stop.

    Lin Tian is too lazy to talk to the old man with nonsense, and a sturdy Thunder vigorously rushes out, rolling the sea of ​​ten seas, and instantly turns into a thunder wave on the old man, directly flying the old mantle out. How far is it?

    He didn't look at the old man who was flying, and with Ling Yun and others, he continued to walk toward the area ahead.

    "Can't let them go!"

    "Block them!"

    Stop right there

    A dozen Water Shrine female disciples shouted, watching Lin Tian feel scared and afraid, but still blocked.

    Lin Tian has no nonsense. Like the old man, he waved a large number of thunder waves and swept the dozens of Water Shrine young women directly. Although these people are very unreasonable, they are not very happy, but they are not too much. They have not thought about hurting their lives. Therefore, he has never hurt their lives.

    "Kid, your strength, now is absolutely invincible under Profound Immortal!"

    White Tiger's embarrassing road, at this time, Lin Tian showed a lot of strength, so it could not help but be surprised.


    Lin Tian Road.

    Today, his training is at the top of the Golden Immortal Intermediate Stage, and it is possible to step into the Golden Immortal peak at any time. Under these circumstances, under Profound Immortal, no one is normally his opponent.

    The Divine Sword in the Knowledge Sea is slightly dithered, and as soon as the Seven Color God Light sways in the Knowledge Sea, it can't help but confuse the eyes, and the pace is faster, greeting Ling Yun and others went not far away.

    They are in this deep sea, and Divine Power is naturally interwoven in vitro, completely separating the seawater around the perimeter.

    This place, this deep sea area is a bit dim, there are some ancient wreckage, and there are some small mountains, there are many exotic coral aquatic vines intertwined.

    Lin Tian followed the vibration of Divine Sword in the Knowledge Sea, and after a full half hour, there was a valley of a side depression in front of it. At the bottom of the valley, a group of fist-sized colorful lights quietly. Horizontal, intertwined with a colorful light, just like the condensation of heaven and earth.

    This colorful light source, the colorful light emitted by this time, only surrounds the surface of the light source, and does not spread out, so if you are not close, you will not find it.

    Lin Tian took Ling Yun and walked to this place. The group of people saw the light source and they were moving.

    "Colorful light! It is the same as the colorful light that has been rushed before, and the intertwined atmosphere is the same! ”

    "Is the kind of colorful light that this thing exudes?!"

    "Divine Object! It's interwoven divine ability, it seems…I don’t feel it at all! How thick is it? ! ”

    Ning Yueyue, Hai Jingyao and White Tiger are all shocked.

    Ling Yun blinked: "Sure enough, it is exactly the same as the Seven Color Light Source that I saw at Ten Directions Heaven Domain!"

    Lin Tian's eyes are naturally intertwined with lust, revealing the color of surprise.

    Sure enough, it is Sword Soul Fragment!


    Suddenly, the front-sized, fist-sized Sword Soul Fragment trembled as if it sensed the breath of the Seven Color Divine Sword in his Knowledge Sea, and immediately acted as a colorful light, instantly appearing in front of him. .

    As Sword Soul Fragment appeared in front of him, a strong swing from the Sword Soul Fragment, instantly lit up Ling Yu, White Tiger, Ning Yueyue and Hai Jingyao all over a hundred feet away.

    In such a scene, the time allowed Ning Yueyue and others to be overshadowed.

    "This this……"

    "That thing, actually…Will he appear on his side? Then we will shake us off? ! ”

    itHave your own consciousness? ! ”

    Hai Jingyao, White Tiger and Ning Yueyue were shocked.

    Ling Yun was also surprised, but the degree of surprise was far less intense than that of Ning Yueyue, Hai Jingyao and White Tiger, because it is very clear that this seven-color light source is related to Lin Tian and it is normal to take the initiative to approach Lin Tian. At this time, what he was really surprised is that the breath of the colorful light source in this place is much more powerful than the colorful light source he saw at Ten Directions Heaven Domain. The person cannot be in the same language at all.


    In front, Sword Soul Fragment exudes seven colors of light, rotating like a child around Lin Tian.

    Immediately, the next moment, the fist-sized Sword Soul Fragment dithered and straightened into a glimmer of light into Lin Tian.

    PurchaseGoing in yourself? ! ”

    Outside the Baizhang, White Tiger blinked.

    In front, as Sword Soul Fragment enters Lin Tian's body, there is a large seven-color divine light intertwined. The whole place is illuminated by a seven-color, and there is a very strong scent of Spirit Qi and the breath of the road.

    Lin Tian quietly stood in the original place, the idea was immersed in the Knowledge Sea, Sword Soul Fragment went straight to the Divine Sword at the bottom of his Knowledge Sea, spinning around the Seven Colors Divine Sword, and then screaming Did not enter the sword body.

    Suddenly, Seven Colors Divine Sword was shocked, and the mysterious lines on the sword body immediately shattered.

    At the same time, the large seven-color light swayed from Divine Sword, from his Knowledge Sea to the corners of his body.

    Lin Tian knows that these colorful lights have an amazing divine and Dao Power, and they immediately run Sun Heart Sutra, which quickly refines these seven colored divine lights.

    Suddenly, the smell of his body began to grow at a very fast speed, and the spirit of the gods climbed.

    Running Sun Heart Sutra refining and other seven-color light, he felt the indescribable way in the body, feeling the Thunder Immortal Dao, while tempering himself with Divine Power with Golden Immortal gas, and also tempering his current Mortal Body .

    In this way, time flies by, dazzling, and half a month has passed.


    On this day, an amazing divine spell emerged from his body and he stepped directly into the Golden Immortal peak from the Golden Immortal Intermediate Stage.

    At this moment, he opened his eyes and naturally felt that his cultivation had broken through at this time.

    "Golden Immortal peak."

    He whispered, his fists clenched, Physique became stronger, pure Physique, even if he met the peak-level Profound Immortal, he was not afraid. At the same time, Divine Power, Divine Soul and the Law are many times stronger than before.

    He took a deep breath and scanned Divine Consciousness Sea with Divine Sense. The Sword Soul Fragment was completely integrated into Divine Sword. The word mark of Divine Sword showed more and the atmosphere became more obvious than before. A lot stronger.

    Immediately, the next moment, he no longer glanced at Divine Sword in the Knowledge Sea, looking at Ling Yun and others, stepping over the past.

    "I am going, kid, what is your relationship with the colorful light source?!"

    White Tiger asked in a blink of an eye.

    Lin Tian took them all the way to find this place, looking for the group of colorful light sources, obviously a position that can only sense the colorful light source. Then, the colorful light source was actively approaching Lin Tian, ​​shaking it away from other people, and integrating it into Lin Tian, ​​making Lin Tian's cultivation a big increase. This is related to Lin Tian. .

    "what relationship? In general, you just understand what it is to be my thing. ”

    Lin Tian Road.

    He did not say more at this point, greeting a group of people to the rise of the sea.

    "After leaving the sea, we left the sea."

    Nowadays, Sword Soul Fragment, which is located in the innocent waters of this area, has been found. He naturally has no reason to stay in this sea area. He is ready to open the space portal with faith and go to Immortal Territory to find Little Taichu.


    Suddenly, a huge roar sounded. In this place, the entire seabed began to shake vigorously.

    Around, the water source rolled, as if rolling a hurricane, making Lin Tian and others difficult to go above sea level.

    "What happened?"

    Everyone is moving.




    The crisp sound rang, looking down, the position of the former Sword Soul Fragment, where the bottom of the sea began to crack, and there was a crack, like a spider web that swayed around, and then there was a violent The breath of the pole is transmitted through this crack, and the ten seas are trembled and breathless.

    In the next moment, the crack broke open, and a large stone emerged from it. There were nine stone holes on it, and a glare was interwoven.


    The amazing light overflowed from the nine stone holes, completely enveloping the big stone, and then, the next moment, these rich rays disappeared, the former big stone disappeared, replaced by a stone man, which was intertwined on the stone body. The dense singular divine mark is hard to see, but it can sense their extraordinary, intrinsic Divine Power.

    Seeing this scene, Lin Tian, ​​even if it is moving, has a touch of fineness in his eyes, his face is shocked: "This is…"

    "Nine-hole different stone, after being unearthed, it evolved into a human form. Is this the case, is it…Jiuyi Holy Spirit? ! ”

    Hai Jingyao was shocked and couldn't help but tremble.

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