Ten Directions God King The latest chapter, the 1667th Water Shrine site, floating astronomy
    The body rushed out, rolling a hurricane on the side of the body, mixed with the thick Golden Immortal gas, very horrible.

    Lin Tian opened his eyes and tried to sense his current strength. Both Physique, Divine Power and Divine Soul have become much stronger than before, and the Immortal Dao rule is even more powerful. Moreover, he tried to sense his indescribable way, although he still could not detect what it was, but he was able to sense that these roads became more powerful.


    He is talking to himself.

    Two Hailingzhu, he only refining one, and at this time, he closed his eyes again and began to refine the second one.

    For a time, the divine power on his body fluctuated again and again, and the spirit of the god climbed at an incredible speed.

    So, a dazzling, it is a full half-month time.

    Half a month later, the second Hailingzhu was refining and finished, and it was the peak of the Golden Immortal Intermediate Stage. It is possible to enter the Golden Immortal peak, Divine Power and Physique at any time, just before it reaches Golden Immortal. The Intermediate Stage is a lot stronger.

    After this, he was paused, running Sun Heart Sutra to consolidate the repair, and then immediately opened his eyes.

    "Kid, wake up?"

    Ling Yun’s voice rang out, and he woke up eight days ago, and he also reached the height of the Golden Immortal Intermediate Stage.

    Next, Ning Yueyue and Hai Jingyao have also ended their cultivation. Ning Yueyue and Hai Jingyao first reached the Golden Immortal with the help of the empty orchids, and then reached the Golden Immortal Intermediate Stage with the sea spirit beads.

    At this time, only White Tiger continued to cultivate, and was repaired at True Immortal peak, and the last empty orchid in refining was ready to break into the Golden Immortal. However, Hailingzhu has not been refining it. It is obviously ready to refine the last empty plant, and then reach the Golden Immortal Intermediate Stage with Hailingzhu.

    Lin Tian got up and stared at Ling Yun, Ning Yueyue and Hai Jingyao nodded, and the latter four worked together for White Tiger.


    The White Tiger is a demon, and Dao Power is also very rich.

    So, a dazzling, another month passed.

    One month later, on this day, White Tiger refining some of Tiantiandibao that Lin Tian had given before, refining four empty orchids and one sea spirit bead. At the Golden Immortal Intermediate Stage Level.


    It opened its eyes, and the external Immortal-level monster Qi swelled and couldn't help but make a loud tiger.

    Lin Tian raised his hand and gave it a slap directly: "What is it?"

    The Tiger Tiger of White Tiger was interrupted and then changed to laugh: "Golden Immortal Intermediate Stage, Grandpa Tiger, I am happy!"Said, it looked at Lin Tian, ​​he said: "Following your kid is simply too refreshing, repairing is too fast, so Grandpa Tiger is so happy! I didn't say anything, Grandpa Tiger, I decided, I will follow your kid from now on! ”

    In the first few hundred years, it was repaired from the Nirvana to the Void Emperor peak. Now, after meeting Lin Tian again, in just a few months, it has reached the Golden Immortal Intermediate Stage from the Void Emperor peak. The speed of climbing makes it very exciting.

    Lin Tian tilted it and said nothing.

    "Lin Tian, ​​thank you!"

    Ning Yueyue is happy.

    In such a short period of time, she reached the Golden Immortal Intermediate Stage from the True Immortal peak and was very happy at this time.

    All of this is the relationship between Lin Tian and her Ling Ling.

    Thank you!

    Hai Jingyao also thanked him.

    The empty orchids and the sea spirit beads, which are all treasures in the treasures, the value is amazing, but Lin Tian did not care to give her, although she knows that this is mainly because of the relationship of Ning Yueyue, but it still has to Thank you to Lin Tian.

    Lin Tian licked Ning Yueyue's small head and smiled and said: "I don't want to be polite with me."He said, he looked at Hai Jingyao again: "You are the same, you are welcome."

    "It's still a thank you."Hai Jingyao said seriously, then he was a little embarrassed and a little embarrassed; "In fact, I can only verbally thank you, it is a bit shallow."

    She thanked her in a row, and she was thinking about it. The man in front of him was too easygoing and too atmospheric.

    "I don't want to thank you, thank you. Helping the beauty is the responsibility and obligation of my cultivator."

    The White Tiger is on the head.

    Lin Tian squinted in the past and wanted to kick the scorpion tiger.

    "Okay, let's get out of here."

    He said.

    The banned large array and the isolated large array engraved in this place were taken away by him. He called Ning Yueyue and others to leave.

    In a blink of an eye, the pedestrians are far away.

    "Speaking, Mu Zhanyan and Jia Zizheng, the dog's day, they are like us. They seem to have been involved in the devil's whale before, but we don't see them inside, they are somewhere inside the mucus. And other forces have wiped out the melt?"

    Ling Yun said.

    Lin Tian shook his head: "It shouldn't."

    Mu Zhanyan and Jia Zizheng if they die in the whale, he is naturally very happy, but subconsciously he felt that it was unlikely, because after the confrontation with the two, he really perceived the two people's unusual, and, those two people behind the very strong family support, itself is immortal Territory hundred immortal List of Super strong, he does not think that the two people will die in the body of the demon Whale, is involved in the body of the demon Whale, there will be a way to leave safely.

    "Although Grandpa Tiger also hopes that the two kings and eight lambs will die, but this time the idea is the same as Lin Boy, the two should not be so easy to die."

    White Tiger Road.

    Before Lin Tian took advantage of the power of the extremely cold and cold veins to fight Mu Zhanyan and Jia Zizheng, it did not participate, but by watching, but also saw that the two are not simple, like Lin Tian, ​​I feel that the two are not It will be so easy to die.

    "So it sounds a little disappointing."Ling Yun said, then fangs: "However, it is a good thing, in the future, let us kill them!" Especially the Jia Zizheng, this dog's day, want to kill him! ”

    When Lin Tian and Mu Zhanyan played against each other, the inexplicable intrusion of Jia Zizheng and the killing of Lin Tian made him very unhappy.

    Lin Tian said: "For the time being, no matter what, first…"

    Suddenly, his expression was slightly moved, and his head turned to a position not far from the bottom of the deep sea.

    "What's the kid?"

    White Tiger asked.

    "Go, come."

    Lin Tian Road.

    Said, he went straight to that position.

    Just now, Divine Sword in his Knowledge Sea trembled, and there were seven colored radiances pointing straight out, just like when he was on the island of Hai Jingyao, apparently sensing Sword Soul Fragment. Where.

    "It appeared here after being swallowed by the magic whale. I don't want to, the Sword Soul Fragment happens to be in this area."

    He has some accidents.

    Following the position of Sword Soul Fragment, which was sensed by Seven Color Divine Sword in the Knowledge Sea, he was very fast, and in a twinkling of an eye, it was far away from Ling Yun and others.

    Stop right there

    Just then, a drink is heard.

    There are more than a dozen figures in front of them, all of them are young women, and all of them are very good.

    “The main hall of my former Water Shrine site may be in this area, and no one can be near now! You are leaving quickly! ”

    One of them is humane.

    Lin Tian stopped, these ten women are Water Shrine people? Looking for the main hall of the former Water Shrine site?

    He had listened to Ning Yueyue before, and the former site of Water Shrine was in this sea. Now, Water Shrine is looking for the reincarnation of the god of water in order to find the reincarnation of the god of water. Was washed by the waves to the main hall of the former Water Shrine where I didn't know where it was. The main hall of the old site is now here?

    He thought so, and then shook his head, the old main hall of Water Shrine was not here, and had nothing to do with him.

    "I have a very important thing to do beforehand, rest assured that it will not interfere with your search for the old main hall of Water Shrine."

    He said.



    More than a dozen women shook their heads, and their attitude was very cold. They did not agree with Lin Tian and others.

    For those who are looking for the main hall of the Water Shrine site, they have not concealed it. Because these things have already been known to countless people in this sea area, it is no secret, and there is no deliberate concealment.

    Lin Tian immediately squinted: "I said, I have something important to do beforehand, and will not interfere with your search for the main hall of the Water Shrine site. Furthermore, here is the chaotic waters. Don't say that the main hall of your Water Shrine site is only likely to be rushed here by the waves. Is it true that it is still there, even if the main hall of the Water Shrine site is really here? This place is not the boundary of your Water Shrine. You have no right to stop us. ”

    Listening to Lin Tian, ​​a dozen women are unmoved, and their attitude is still very cold: "No matter what you say is useless! No, just <swear> no…


    "After we have searched this area, what do you love to do in this area is with you, but now, no!"

    Come on!

    A dozen women, as if they were squatting, used this place as the Water Shrine field.

    "Hey, you guys, don't be too proud!" Believe it or not, Grandpa Tiger has cracked down on you in minutes, then pulled it into the corner of the corner and talked to you about the ideal of the tiger! ”White Tiger molars, some uncomfortable, glanced at a group of women with a sly look, swept from a group of women's faces to the neck, then scanned the chest, and then scanned the jade foot all the way, and then commented: "Yes, very good."

    "Tiger brother, confidant! Really hands-on suppression, remember to give me half, I talked to them about their ideals! ”

    Ling Yun is on the sidelines, like the White Tiger, squinting across the Water Shrine from a dozen young women.

    "Reassured, proper! Who is the one who is not an outsider! ”

    White Tiger patted the tiger's chest.

    Lin Tian: "…"

    He was very dissatisfied with the attitude of a dozen women, but listening to the dialogue between the two goods, but immediately speechless.

    Ning Yueyue and Hai Jingyao left the White Tiger and Ling Yun involuntarily.

    Opposite, Water Shrine's dozens of young women are each and everyone's blush, listening to White Tiger's "Talking about Tigers' Ideals" and Ling Yun's "Talking about Life Ideals", and seeing the kind of tigers and one person who are willing to look at them. Rogue eyes, each and everyone can not guess this "talking about the ideals of life" and "talking about life ideals" is something sloppy?

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