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“It turned out to be the absolute master of Dharma Courtyard.”

When the Cangming Emperor saw the old monk headed, he also took the initiative to hand over, saying: “Dharma Courtyard has been away from the world for thousands of years. Why did the master of Juechen come here?”

“Naturally, it is to avoid a catastrophe that will harm the people of the world.”

As soon as Master Juechen spoke, Qin Shaofeng’s heart aroused a good feeling.

Not other.

In Qin Shaofeng’s mind, what the so-called master says is hard to understand.

Perhaps even some young novice monks who have just entered the temple will feel confused.

But the master of Juechen speaks a lot of vernacular.

In his opinion, this is a world wonder.

But he didn’t know.

The Dharma Courtyard got the monk as he thought.

Master Juechen does the same in normal times.

The present situation obviously cannot allow him to show his true qualities as a monk.

I can’t even say a word, so too many people will die today, so he has to choose this way.

“What the master said is serious.”

The Great Emperor Cangming smiled and said: “Qin Shaofeng colluded with the Blood Race and caused the Heaven’s Mystery Building to be almost destroyed for a woman. The Emperor just came to capture this traitor from the entire Human Race.”


Master Juechen suddenly sounded the Buddha’s name, and immediately began to recite a series of scriptures.

It seems that the words of Emperor Cangming are as if he hadn’t heard them.

Qin Shaofeng couldn’t help but grow his mouth in amazement.

Is this old monk here to do and so on?

Isn’t he afraid that his actions will cause Emperor Cangming to become angry?

“The Great Emperor Cangming is really courting death.”

The endless condensed voice came into my ears, just listen to her whispering: “Little Junior Brother, no matter how unacceptable the words of Juechen major event etc. make it difficult for you to accept, don’t show any disrespect to Juechen master .”

“Second Senior Sister, what’s the matter with that master of the dust?” Qin Shaofeng couldn’t help being curious.

side Long Tianyin father and son heard the words and listened curiously.

After all, for these indigenous races in the Cangming Realm, the Master’s approach is too weird.

“Jechen master was a character from five thousand years ago, and was also the successor of that generation of Void Emperor, but was usurped by his brother. Later, he was pursued and killed by the entire Void Realm. The result was Do you want to talk more about it?” endless Ning said.

She really doesn’t need to say more.

Qin Shaofeng is also good.

Long Tianyin, father and son, all trembled.

Only strength of oneself is the enemy of countless powerhouses in the entire imaginary world, but he has survived to this day, and the result is naturally his bloody hands.

As for the bloody figure in his hand.

Only the expressions of Wu Jin Ning and Great Emperor Cangming, they can already imagine.

Long Cangqiang couldn’t help thinking.

It’s no wonder that the endless mountain is so tyrannical, it also became the target of Cangming Emperor before Dharma Courtyard.

As long as the master of Juechen does not die.

I am afraid that Emperor Cangming has not the courage to do anything to Dharma Courtyard, right?

Master Juechen’s scripture sounded for a long while.

“Cang donor, this poor monk is here today to resolve this Human Race catastrophe, do you think something is wrong?” Master Juechen’s voice seemed to have lost its previous calm.

Although is the domineering Emperor Cangming, the moment he heard the words, his body trembled.

“Everything is up to the master making the decision.” The Great Emperor Cangming said.

“Since the two of you are already a feud, this poor monk will naturally not be a thankless peacemaker.”

“But your battles like this are hurtful, so it’s more appropriate to change the battle method.”

Master Juechen glanced over the people present, and continued: “The endless mountain side has a three-way influence, and your Cangming Palace has a six-way influence. It’s better to decide the victory by seven games.”

Qin Shaofeng couldn’t help being speechless again.

Why do you have three sides here, and if they have six sides, there must be seven battles?

Where did this theory of the Seven Wars come from?

“How is the Seven Wars?”

When Qin Shaofeng was muttering in his heart, he heard someone muttering from the Void Hall.


Master Juechen stopped speaking suddenly, and there was another Buddha’s name.

The sound of his Buddha’s horn makes Qin Shaofeng sound, as if it is uncomfortable to the bottom of my heart.

The Powerhouse of the Void Hall that just said that sentence even screamed suddenly, and fell straight down.

There is no life.

For Qin Shaofeng, people who don’t know the past of Master Juechen are all stunned at the same time.

The man just muttered suspiciously.

You’re not going to kill because of this, right?

This, this, this…

Is this a monk?

Besides, the eminent monk who can make Emperor Cangming treat him with respect?

Immediately, everyone reacted.

What kind of shit courtesy is the Great Emperor Cangming, it is clear that he was frightened by this terrifying Buddhist demon.

The Great Emperor Blood Race’s eyes widened suddenly, and the corners of his mouth kept shaking.

“Just a sentence, no need…”

The Great Emperor Blood Race was half talking before he suddenly closed his mouth.

Because he clearly saw that the eyes of the Master Juechen had turned to him.

Look at each other.

He can clearly feel the terrifying killing intent deep in Master Juechen’s eyes.

Just a stare at each other, he actually had a tingling sensation in his eyes.

Although is, he has always been arrogant, and he shut his mouth completely.

“This poor monk said it was seven innings.”

Master Juechen’s words were extremely overbearing, and he took the lead to look at Emperor Cangming: “Cang donor, send one person on your side, and the last one will be the cultivation base and the small donor of Qin donor rival for love.”

He didn’t wait for Emperor Cangming to nod his head, he already looked at Qin Shaofeng: “Endless donors, you three parties will send two people, and the last battle will be taken by the Qin donor.”

“Master Juechen, I don’t know how we will determine the outcome? Four wins in seven rounds or the last one?” Suddenly, endless chaos said.

Everyone was taken aback by his voice.

The master of the Taoist monk Juechen is not a good talker!

He wants to die?

But everyone also understands that Hentai Hunk is obviously using a more tactful way to complain about Qin Shaofeng.

“Naturally, four wins in seven games.”

Master Juechen did not get angry, saying: “Although some of Qin’s donors are strong, the gap in the cultivation base is too obvious. If the last game is finished, wouldn’t this poor monk be unfair?”

Everyone rolls one’s eyes for a while.

Do you always know that public is unfair?

We all thought that you always have to admit that you are right.

“Master Juechen, this emperor can promise you the old way of fighting, but I don’t know how the master prepares, how will we win, and how will Endless Mountain win?” Emperor Cangming asked.

“If your side wins, the donor Qin must let the donor send down, and the endless mountain must follow the order of the donor to a certain extent.”

Master Juechen turned his head back: “If the endless mountain wins, the donor should not care about any excuses to take action on the endless mountain. You can make a request to the donor Qin.”

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