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“Endless! Concentrate!”

Another clear burst of shouting sounded.

A little bit of white radiance flashed out from all the people who had been affected by cholera.

The take action is fast.

It’s just that those people’s minds have just been affected, and their cholera art has been dispelled.

Qin Shaofeng subconsciously looked in the direction where the babble sounded.

The person who takes action is not Second Senior Sister Hentai Ning, who is it?

Zhuge Lianxin’s cholera technique was interrupted by endless condensation.

Suddenly shouted angrily: “Cang Luo-kun, do you really think that only you, Old Dog, have such a cholera-like evildoer?”

“Concentrate! Meditation! Break!”

Wujining keeps flying one after another handprints with a pair of small hands.

Qin Shaofeng has never seen these handprints.

But when those handprints passed over a dozen in succession, he saw a little bit of faint white radiance from the endless condensed handprints.


The endless handprints finally ended.

When she rang out tender shout, the endless white light seemed to diffuse from her handprints, and it enveloped most people in the air.

next moment, one after another The sound of spurting blood sounded from the air.

Qin Shaofeng, who was always watching the battle, suddenly widened his eyes.

Is this the battle of the powerhouse in the void?

It’s obviously fighting, why can’t I understand it at all after reaching their level?

The sword seems to have become Heaven and Earth, and the martial skill seems to have become the void.

This is too weird, right?

While he was still thinking about it, he saw corpse after Rapid Speed ​​falling down like dumplings.

Some fall into meat paste directly on the endless mountains and rocks.

More directly moved towards the mountain.

He doesn’t need to think about what it will end up.

“This, what kind of martial skill is this, how do you feel more overbearing than Zhuge Lianxin’s cholera technique?” Long Cangqiong exclaimed again.

The former Dragon Race in Cangming Realm is also the existence of Ranked 3rd.

He has not really fought with Human Race Peak influence.

Simply can’t imagine that there are so many weird battle methods in Human Race.

The handprints just now are beyond the imagination of an ordinary person, right?

“It turned out that this was the method of Emperor Cangming. It turned out to be only this, hahaha…” The Emperor Blood Race who was still floating in midair laughed.

I have to admit that even the Emperor Blood Race was taken aback by the endless methods.

from start to finish.

Only two people have shot the endless mountain.

Whether it is the cultivation base that is no less than his own, or the handprints that endless ninth has just cast, he feels extremely dangerous.

He never thought that there are so many powerhouses hidden in Human Race.

This trip today is really not in vain!

Xue Se suddenly whispered in his ear: “Uncle, can we withdraw?”

“Did you forget what the emperor just said?”

The Great Emperor Blood Race smiled and said: “For whatever reason, since the Emperor said that Qin Shaofeng is a friend of our Blood Race, if we want Blood Race to help him, we must not break our promise.”

Suddenly the blood is startled.

Countless people who heard his words almost startled their jaws.

Everyone knows why Blood Race is here today.

Blood’s voice is small.

But the Emperor Blood Race didn’t cover up his voice, so that they were immediately thinking about what happened to Blood Race.

But no one could have imagined that the Emperor Blood Race cared so much about the promise of Blood Race.

No, that can no longer be called a promise.

Everyone can see it after all.

Blood Race This trip is just to add fire.

What the Emperor Blood Race said, no matter how you look at it, they are nothing more than arrogant words.

But Blood Race even needs to be true to such words.

It’s so… so speechless.

Blood Race promise, really scary!

“Then we take action?” Xue Se asked suspiciously.

“No hurry.”

Blood Race the Great shook his head and said: “We are just here to help, unless it is necessary, otherwise we don’t need Blood Race take action.”

Countless people were once again defeated.

Why does this sentence sound so shameless?

It is clear that I want to take advantage of the fishermen’s profit, but I can say just and honorable.

As if things should have been?

But after thinking about it, they are relieved.

The promise of Blood Race is too terrifying.

If even the Emperor Blood Race were to be completely influenced by his casual words, then Blood Race would not be worthy of its current status.

Emperor Blood Race obviously thought through everything before uttering every word?

People from all the influences are still thinking about the words of Emperor Blood Race.

The powerhouses of the endless mountain have already risen into the sky.

Long Cangqiang didn’t want it in his heart.

But things have reached this point, and he can no longer let him not want to participate in the war.

He also had to shout: “Dragon Race belongs, join the battle!”

Dragon Race powerhouse also lifted off.


As soon as the battle started, a Buddha horn sounded.

At the same time.

One after another gold The scriptures of the Buddha’s verses surround it.

The monk chanting the scriptures sounded.

Qin Shaofeng can hear those sounds clearly, but there is always a fuzzy feeling, as if simply can’t clearly understand any character.

It was a chaotic battlefield just now.

As soon as the sound of the Buddha’s horn sounded, the two sides of the battle stopped fighting.

In the sky.

The powerhouses brought by the Great Emperor Cangming unconsciously gave way.

A group of nineteen old monks in cassocks slowly passed by.

Just looking at the fluctuations in the cultivation base of the old monks, the powerhouses of Blood Race are panic again.

Nineteen people, all of them are Peak powerhouses in the void.

Especially the old monk in the front, the cultivation base aura on his body is probably not much better than that of the Emperor Blood Race.

At the same time that nineteen old monks passed through the crowd passage.

One after another Fengming’s voice has sounded.

After that, it was one after another and the sound resounded.

No matter what kind of voice, Qin Shaofeng and the Imperial Capital who wants to kill him are in ones heart trembled.

Because this group of old monks actually united dozens of races.

Sure enough.

Next, the tyrannical existence of one race after another appeared one after another.

The scene that shocked Qin Shaofeng and Emperor Cangming the most was after these races came one after another.

That is a White Tiger.

The size of the White Tiger at first glance seems to be the same as the ordinary White Tiger.

But the aura exuded from this White Tiger’s body makes people who feel it feel shocked.

Antiquity Ominous Beast White Tiger!

This word emerged in everyone’s mind.

The history of Cangming Realm is different from that of Void Realm.

The ancient beasts in the history of Cangming Realm, no matter which kind they are, are extremely terrifying existence.

This White Tiger in Ancient Era may not be at the top.

But now, it represents the ancient beast family.

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