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“Just a request?”

The emperor Cangming frowned slightly.

merely a request, really not the result he wanted.

But looking at the races brought by Master Juechen, he also knew that if he refused, it was equivalent to letting Dharma Courtyard and Wujinshan join forces.

Although he has a great influence now.

It is not an ordinary difficulty to win both Endless Mountain and Dharma Courtyard.

“Dare to ask Master Juechen, what kind of request this emperor can make?” Emperor Cangming continued to ask.

“That’s naturally your own business, as long as you don’t take his life, do whatever you want.” Master Juechen said.

The faces of everyone in the endless mountain suddenly became hard to look.

According to Master Juechen.

Doesn’t it matter whether they win or lose, Qin Shaofeng will definitely have something wrong?

This is not the result they want!

“Since Master Juechen said so, the emperor has no opinion.” Great Emperor Cangming laughed.

He looked at Qin Shaofeng again.

He can be sure.

Just wait until he moves Qin Shaofeng, Wu Endless Mountain Jue is impossible to sit by and ignore.

even more how, he didn’t believe that he said that the people he brought with him were so bad.

His eyes slowly moved towards Qin Shaofeng and turned around.

But when he saw Qin Shaofeng’s face, he couldn’t help being taken aback.

Because Qin Shaofeng heard from Master Juechen, that no matter if Endless Mountain wins or loses, he is impossible and stable, but his face is still serene.


How is this possible?

Is there anything he can rely on?

The other side.

Xue Se asked again: “Uncle, what should we do next?”

“Since we are here to help, naturally we have to help.”

Blood Race the Great smiled faintly, and said: “Since the Master Juechen has already asked for it, then our Blood Race will take care of the First Stage, Blood Race!”

His arrangement made everyone’s eyes wide open.

No one can think of it.

The Great Emperor Blood Race came to help, but he did that, but sent a junior to join the battle.

Instructions, no matter how strong the cultivation base of Blood Serre is, it is nowhere near Peak!

“Cang Luojun, the emperor’s first battle nephew, Tianyue is Peak cultivation base.” The Emperor Blood Race said loudly.

His voice end here.

But those eyes full of bloodthirsty colors stared at Emperor Cangming’s face firmly.

“Then the Yunxian Palace take action in our first battle.” The Great Emperor Cangming directly passed the problem to Yunxian Palace.

The appointment of the Emperor Blood Race seems to have come to admit defeat.

But no matter how they send someone, they seem to offend one party.

The brows of Palace Lord of Yunxian Temple frowned.

“How did the emperor give us this first battle? How can we send people?” The Palace Lord of Yunxian Temple was full of sadness.

He can’t make up his mind.

But the handsome young man who always stood behind him had a vicious look in his eyes, saying: “Father, since we have been exposed, there is no need to wrestle with Yunxian Temple. Since Blood Race is here to die, then We can fulfill them.”

“Yunxing Elder, you can play this battle yourself.”

The Palace Lord of Yunxian Temple finally made a decision.

There is no requirement for the competition.

It’s not that there is any kind of cultivation base sent by Blood Race, they will also send out the same martial arts.

His decision like this cannot be said to be bully the weak.

Even if an outsider wants to say something, he can say that Blood Race deliberately wanted to ruin First Stage.

“First Stage ……”

“We Blood Race First Stage admit defeat.”

As soon as Master Juechen spoke, the voice of the Great Emperor Blood Race rang.

People present.

Whether it is the Cangming Palace or the Endless Mountain, the complexion becomes strange.

This Blood Race is really going to cheat Qin Shaofeng!

Qin Shaofeng, who is the subject, has a suspicion in his expression.

The word “friend” spoken by Emperor Blood Race himself.

He didn’t believe that Blood Race would specifically cheat himself after the emperor said that.

putting it that way ……

Blood Race the Great should have something to follow.

“If this is the case, then the second game begins.”

Jiechen master not at all paid attention to what Blood Race did, but shouted out loudly.

The Great Emperor Blood Race waited for this sentence and said directly: “Since our Blood Race dispatches people in the First Stage, is it your turn for the second stage? Cang Luo Jun?”

The voice of Emperor Blood Race remains the same.

I don’t know why.

When Emperor Cangming heard this, he always felt a chill in his back.

But as Emperor Cangming, how could he lose the face of Human Race?

“It seems that Blood Race is going to contract the first two games, and then our Cangming Palace people will play the second game. Kongcheng, you go.” Cangming said.

“Yes, the Great.”

Indestructible Demon Lord Situ Kongcheng cup one fist in the other hand, and moved towards the central area that was vacated by both parties and walked over.

At the same time shouted loudly: “I wonder if the Protector from Blood Race is here to enlighten me?”

He is just a servant of Emperor Cangming.

In his opinion, the ability of Blood Race to dispatch a Protector is already great.

After all, Blood Race can’t send junior to admit defeat twice, right?

“Our Blood Race participated in the second round is the Emperor!”

Blood Race the great emperor’s wings spread out and soared towards the front.

When this remark came out, it shocked all the people.

“Blood, the Emperor Blood Race will take action himself?”

“Is this wrong?”

“The emperor sent out only a servant. Does the emperor Blood Race think that a servant is qualified to fight him?”

“Blood Race the Great is going to lose all the face of Blood Race?”

“Dignified the Great is going to fight a servant?”

People coming from all parties talked.

Don’t say that they didn’t expect that even the Dragon Race patriarch, the endless sky of the dragon, and the endless mountain lord, are all stunned.

The endless chaos is silent for a while, cup one fist in the other hand said: “As expected of Blood Race, really… admire!”

“We’ll talk after the battle!”

Blood Race the Great simply does not give anyone a chance to speak.

The two wings flap slightly, and his silhouette seems to turn into a dark brown shadow.

It is different from the integration of Human Race into nothingness, but another way of expression.

There are very few people present who have actually seen Blood Race powerhouse take action.

But when the overwhelming majority were shocked, the immortal monarch Situ Kongcheng took a half step back subconsciously.

The shadow of the tree of life.

Blood Race the Great can make such a statement, and I believe he cannot match the tyrannical battle strength.

Although he also has the heart to fight, he still couldn’t help but raise his hand cup one fist in the other hand and said: “It is the fortune of Situ Kongcheng that the emperor personally gave the instruction.

When the immortal monarch learned that he was going to confront the enemy, Blood Race, he was already counseled.

He wanted to ask the Emperor Blood Race to hold back, but he gave the enemy an opportunity before the battle.

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